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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. This is embarassing to say the least, but it is so cheesy and so good at the same time. It must be watched. (Starts at 18 seconds in for some reason).
  2. I am pretty pissed that this game is not on the NBA League Pass. I have only been able to see one Hawks game this year, and I was ready to get into a Saturday groove with this game. Looks like radio feeds and ESPN.com for me. $200 for NBALP my ass.
  3. Quote: sorry, the corndogs chose us; we didn't choose the corndogs I am in. Bought the corndogs this morning!
  4. A quote from the Sports Guy on his list of "Six Guys Who Look Significantly Worse Than They Did Last Year": Quote: 3. Boris Diaw Some actual quotes from Boris' training regimen this summer as his agent hammered out his long-term deal with the Suns: "I already had ice cream today, but screw it -- I could go for a chocolate shake if you're going to Baskin Robbins." ... "Damn, I keep forgetting to get my exercise bike fixed!" ... "Trust me, you have NOT lived until you've had these donuts." ... "Hey, if you see Steve Nash, could you not tell him that I threw up when we were playing three-on-three today?" ... "Also, when you go to our practice facility, can you tell our equipment manager that I'm a 38-waist now?"
  5. Quote: steve holman on the radio, "lebron walks off the court, lebron walks off the court with 8 seconds left! what a team mate that is, lebron walks off the court!" made me laugh big time. i just lost all respect for the guy. If they bury the story, Mos needs to go nuts. Lebron is a media darling...will be interesting.
  6. I am listening to Fox Sports Radio. I didn't see it on TV, but apparently Lebron left the court with 9 seconds to go. Just headed off the court into the locker room as we ran out the clock. Could hurt his image a bit for a while (I don't think it is a big deal, but you know what they did to Randy Moss when he did it). The Hawks: destroying other teams' chemistry with every W!
  7. Quote: Ok I did'nt say he was'nt. Calm your nerves No biggie. Just sayin'. I love Zaza.
  8. Quote: Quote: I thought Josh Smith played really well tonight, even though he didn't put up big numbers. The main thing I liked about the way he played was that he took it to the basket agressively instead of hanging around on the perimeter. When he went to the hoop he was either getting layups or getting fouled. And his ball handling isn't as big a weakness when he posts up, because he only needs to get an angle and take one or two dribbles. I think his early foul trouble cooled him off a bit, but overall this was an impressive performance and gives you at his potential at the power forward position. Great to hear that. (missed the game). Smoove did that in the last game too. All the stars are lining up. We're too quick and long for the eastern conference. Soon, they will try to draft like us. Wow...if that happens, this board may lose some people.
  9. Quote: Joe was huge Lue was huge Smoove has huge This team has improved tremendously since last season, We did not give up and as a result of playing hard we won. Um...Zaza? He was good tonight, too. Disturbing: Zaza is our leading FT% shooter this season...yikes!
  10. I have disagreed with most of your posts, but I think the "addition by subtraction" with AH is actually coming into fruition. Our D is really playing better without him in there. It has even made Zaza look better. Indy is 3-1 also...win/win so far.
  11. Quote: Well why did we have to play so lousy against Philly - suckering me into making a bunch of "negative Nancy" comments? This is a big win (IMO)....if we can stay around .500 we are OK and chemistry continues to develop. P.S. - Sorry about the "insane" post Diesel - obviously nobody is insane (well maybe I am a little bit ) Last year we were 0-3 at this point. I love it so far!
  12. Here's one move I saw that nobody is talking about...Chillz on Jameer. That wingspan helped keep JN in check IMO. Nice move by Woody.
  13. Duff_Man

    Interior D

    Someone mentioned Speedy playing the lanes...I am re-watching the game, and WOW. Maybe there is more to that signing than we thought? Plus, I say Shelden is annoying enough on the interior to make a difference. I like it so far...2-0 at home! Without Marvin!
  14. Duff_Man

    Interior D

    Howard only had 11/8. I am impressed. We played a great game today. Put the NBA on notice, we can win some games.
  15. Quote: You and Plastic Man should meet up in Quakerstown or something and watch the game. Spent some time up there a few years ago and I really like it. I'll be at the game today. Don't know where I'm sitting yet. Go Hawks! Quakerstown? We should pick a town with a functioning tv!
  16. Orlando is Dwight Howard and that's about it. I like our chances at home today.
  17. I am jealous. I will be watching on NBA League Pass while also watching Falcons/Lions on NFL Ticket. God bless satellite and god bless working for Comcast. I am thinking of trying to make it down for a 2-game stretch after the New Year...will want to imbibe some adult beverages with some fellow Squawkers.
  18. Quote: Quote: keeping teams at 88 points? Obviously you didn't watch the game closely. Iverson and the Sixers were all but toying with us after they went up by almost 20. Did you not see Iverson smiling and laughing as we brought the ball up in the 1st half. He was enjoying himself, almost hamming for the camera it seemed. Philly isn't a top team so when they beat you by 13, look at ease doing it, and you look at a loss as to how to make them take you seriously, not good. Quote: zaza had 15 points in the paint (hence offense) and we missed a boatload of drives in the lane but that's offense and has nothing to do with defense in the paint... ZaZa scored maybe two actual post baskets. 7 of his 15 pts were FTs. AT least two of the other 8 were off set shots near or just inside the key (range). ØNE was a hook putback off a rebound. I don't know what the other one was but it was late in the game when the game was decided. In fact, there wasn't a single set play where ZaZa scored in the post. Just one put back and two set shots from 12' or so. HELLO?!?!?!? THAT IS NOT POST OFFENSE! Neither are "drives" post offense! Indeed, our lack of it is why we shot so many perimeter shots (and missed more than usual) and why we missed so many drives. Nobody will ever respect our post offense and we will be forced to score in less efficient ways made increasingly less efficient because of our lack of a post offense. W Sene is at least bringing the post offense to Seattle in the...oh wait....
  19. Quote: I could definitely be happy if I saw less of Zaza. He is a BACKUP on most good teams, and that is what he needs to be here for us to have any success in the future... Wow...15pts, 12rebs, 2 blocks, and 7-8 from the line and he is a bench guy? What is Ben Wallace then?
  20. Is it really time to push the panic button? We outscored them over the last 3 quarters and held them to 88 total. Keep in mind this is now a new team...Speedy is back and playing, and Marvin is now out. Let's all relax. We play 82 games.
  21. Quote: Quote: Quote: what's funny to me is Seattle was ranked 20th. Danny Fortson is their only big and he's like 6'4". I don't understand - they have Wilcox, Sene, Petro, Collison, and Lewis. Why do you think Fortson is their only big? (and Fortson is 6'8"). They are the only team who's ownership situation is even worse than ours. At least our new owners aren't trying to move the team. i'll give you Wilcox. but even he is a mid-level NBA player. and if Fortson is 6'8" according to the nba he's closer to 6'5"1/2 in real life. I have stood next to him (he is from PA)...6'5" tops.
  22. Duff_Man


    OK...where is the online radio feed??
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