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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Quote: Quote: The one thing that will go him thrown out of the league is the attitude problem he is. It even drove out far talented players like JR Rider. He will need a far bigger rap sheet before you can mention his name in the same sentence with JR Rider. Not to mention Rider hung on for quite a while befire being exiled.
  2. Quote: Quote: Before being forced to sit out 20 games with a fractured second metacarpal in his right hand Quote: On 2/25 at Memphis, despite suffereing a fractured second metacarpal in the opening minutes of the game Sounds like a durable player to me... Billy Knight could assemble Dram Team 1 and you'd crap all over it.
  3. I like it. We couldn't land Cassell, but got our second man who is a ery capable point and is an immediate upgrade to Lue and Ivey (or Salim). I always thought Lue coming off the bench was better for him, and now Ivey doesn't have to start. While I agree that the price tag was a tad high, in this market, it looks like this may have been one of the cheaper deals. I am anxious to see what happens with Al Harrington at this point. Jason Kidd shoots 40% over his career and has been traded twice....once for Marbury. Did we get Jason Kidd...no. But we did get a huge upgrade and a player in his absolute prime that will make JJ, Smith, and Marvin better than we had. I love the move as it is indicative of our building a team rather than throwing every dime at one guy. I think the pieces are being put in place pretty well. Another thing...this also shows that the team is not handcuffed by the ownership mess...which is a HUGE positive if you can't muster any other good vibes from it.
  4. Duff_Man


    Quote: Quote: I think we will start hearing something real soon as AL situation plays out I hope the Hawks don't end up with any of the following: Bobby Jackson Speedy Claxton Mike James Or any of the other mediocre players that has been listed. I agree, but of the three I would like Claxton. Bobby Jackson can't stay healthy and James is a gunner, although he is a fiery competitor.
  5. Quote: RealGM says that Royal Ivey's contract option has been exercised and Donta's was declined. I figured it would be the other way around. Not surprising. Donta isn't good. Not sure why everyone loves him so much.
  6. Quote: If Shelden Williams is Carlos Boozer with better D and no monstrous contract then we need to go with him. You mean a guy who had one monster year then stabbd a blind man in the back for a huge contract and has since been injured? Sweet!
  7. I put a plastic coating on my screen for when I slit my wrists over the Shelden pick. I can't live in a world like that!
  8. Speaking of opinions, here's mine: there's a good possibility Ty Thomas will be there at 5. If the Hawks take Shelden over him, I will literally take a leak on my TV.
  9. Sorry, I just think he is not that good. Had he gone somewhere else a lot of us might not know who he is. Since he went to Duke, we all know him. It's not like Duke is putting out class after class of NBA players that make you salivate watching their games (Brand and...?) Plus...I can't root for a guy who looks like a mix between Ronnie DeVoe and the Master System from Tron.
  10. Belkin = Vince McMahon. This is a WWF(E) feud like I have never seen. I am almost disgusted with this whole thing and am wondering where we will all be in 5 years...I hope I am still a Hawks fan, but I just don't know.
  11. Rasho is 30, stinks, and peaked 4 years ago in MIN. He's soft as wet tissue. Because this is Colangelo, people will say this is a great/savvy move. I'll believe it when I see it. Although, he is a total upgrade from Rafael A...and that's sad for the BYU grad.
  12. Quote: Have you ever objected to one move BK made? Never heard you disagree with Lascar.. You like BK believe that: SGs= PGs. Sfs=PFs. and PFs = C. It's just ridiculous to hear you over and over again spout this out like it's fact... You have created your own world where ignorance rules. Have you ever moved out of your parents' basement and dabbled in a social life? I am waiting for the day you start a thread about the sun coming up.
  13. Quote: Quote: Quote: Yep and they'll draft two good players, get Al Harrington and get eliminated in the first round again. In other words you need a transcendant superstar to win in the NBA. And the Bulls don't have one, unless they trade for Garnett, which is the equivalent of us trading for A.I. in terms of impact and sacrifice. Who is the Pistons "transcendant superstar"? Or the Suns for that matter. I don't care if Nash is a 2-time MVP, he isn't "transcendant" or whatever buzzword is out there. Right now their stars are Raja Bell who was barely playing before Phoenix, and some French guy whose name I don't know that just burst on the scene this year from out of nowhere. I love how you dismiss the fact that Nash is a 2 time MVP. I am certainly not alone there. You really consider Nash "transcendant"?
  14. Quote: Yep and they'll draft two good players, get Al Harrington and get eliminated in the first round again. In other words you need a transcendant superstar to win in the NBA. And the Bulls don't have one, unless they trade for Garnett, which is the equivalent of us trading for A.I. in terms of impact and sacrifice. Who is the Pistons "transcendant superstar"? Or the Suns for that matter. I don't care if Nash is a 2-time MVP, he isn't "transcendant" or whatever buzzword is out there. Right now their stars are Raja Bell who was barely playing before Phoenix, and some French guy whose name I don't know that just burst on the scene this year from out of nowhere.
  15. Duff_Man

    790 the rag

    Quote: Quote: The guys on 790 are pretty good IMHO - how do you interview a train wreck like the Hawks...take off the rose colored glasses people. Not like a belligerent drunken conductor, I'd guess? Some people like the slam-your-town coverage that's popular up north, but I find it foolish and exasperating. Oddly enough, it tends to go hand-in-hand with outright ignorance. It's worse up here than you think, too. I can understand trying to get to the issues, but do it with some tact. They are your hometown team and should be treated with some respect.
  16. Quote: that's not to say he's not a good player with some years left in him. But I don't think he fits us here. The reason that there are rumors of him leaving Cleveland is because he's too damned slow and plodding for a young team that wants to get out and run more. I don't see that being any different for us. I think he would help us somewhat on interior D and interior scoring. But I think his lack of mobility would hold other guys back. Though being traded from the Cavs might be motivation enough for him to give us a little extra. At least in his first year. I agree with this 110%. He doesn't fit in Cleveland with all the kids, and he sure wouldn't fit here. Z with his huge contract and iffy brittle feet can go play elsewhere. We're trying to get younger and faster, not older and slower. People are blinded by their desire to grab any big man thinking you "must have" a true center. I think the way the NBA is going, you may not see one for a few years, especially with what Phoenix and Dallas are doing right now.
  17. Quote: Mainly getting them out of two bad contracts. Dally is a big who plays defense... Take it from someone close to Philly...Dally is softer than Kleenex and would be a downgrade from what Zaza does. That trade would kill the Hawks in more ways than one.
  18. If the Raps do that, they are just stupid. A young, solid player in Bosh, and the #1 pick for Steve Nash's contract, bad back, age, and lack of defense?
  19. Quote: I would be inclined to trade down and draft O'Bryant somewhere around the 10th pick in the draft. If the Hawks keep the 5th pick Roy is the obvious pick. I kinda like Marcus Williams, but I am also a big supporter of "best player available" in drafts.
  20. JJ for T-Mac? No way. T-Mac is not a leader and is lazy and plays very little defense, and that is only when he is inspired. KG is good, but at this point, I think he is a 2nd tier guy and almost will be like Karl malone soon...he will have to go somewhere else to latch onto a championship team in order to win. I don't think at this point he is as good as he was a few years ago. Plus, the league is going away from big men right now it seems. A lot more running and gunning.
  21. Quote: I just saw this video on a random website. It's a clip that some guys driving in downtown Atlanta took when they saw the Hawks mascot - Harry the Hawk - driving a motorcycle in the street and on the sidewalks. This is even more strange considering that several years ago I saw "Harry" and "SkyHawk" in full uniform riding around downtown streets on a golf cart. Very strange. Here's the link That was freaking hilarious.
  22. Quote: Who is your favorite head coach in college or N.B.A.?? There are a lot of good ones out there and also some great ones who have already retired. Being a U.T. fan, one of mine is Pat Summit. Since the Hawks season is over and it's not yet time for free agency or the draft, here's an idea who's time has come. So, who's your favorite ????? My answer to both: Pete Carrill
  23. Quote: Phoenix's Centers during Barkley days were, Mark West, Oliver Miller... and there was one other. They ran a three guard set with KJ... and 2 other fast three point shooters... I don't think they had Ceballos during the Barkley championship run. He was either in LAL or at lake Habesu... I just wanted to get that in.. he might have been a Sun... They sure did have Ceballos. He was out with an injury. They also had Richard Dumas
  24. Duff_Man


    Selfish? Check. Overrated? Check. Stupid? Check. Way overpaid? Check. He fits Isaiah's requirements. If the Knicks don't get him, I will be floored.
  25. Except that Skita has proven over and over (outside of one or two pre-season camp games) that he is not an NBA player. Edit: of course, if we DO pick him up and he sucks, we can just release or trade him and resurrect his career!
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