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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Quote: I think its time Stern smiled on Atl and worked his magic on the lottery for the Hawks. It all the talk is true re how the lottery is fixed ... . . . . ???? he needs to pull one our of his arse for us. Please not this year.
  2. Quote: too bad stinger isn't around or you could drink for every "AH HA HA HA HA" I was thinking the exact same thing! Another one for the out-of-towners...every time they show the 'NBA Cares' commercial (on the NBA Package) with the Rob Thomas song you take a drink. You'll be dead by halftime.
  3. Drink every time Smitty goes 'Wooo!'. 5 second drink for every Michigan or MSU reference.
  4. The sports are different. The NBA draft is all about potential. The NFL draft is all about instant contributions and quantity of picks. Different monsters altogether.
  5. Quote: obligations. Would you be interested in making him an offer? He seems frail. Although I don't think any team should have any player from Cinci U. Just my .02.
  6. Taken from Kevin Cott's blog... Quote: Blueprint for the Hawks As someone who has: (a) never been inside an NBA locker room, (b) lacks a sophisticated understanding of the salary cap and © once called DerMarr Johnson “the steal of the 2000 draft,” I can think of no one more qualified to set the Hawks’ off-season agenda than myself. I accept. · The Draft – there are two acceptable picks here: LaMarcus Aldridge or Marcus Williams. Period. And the jury’s still out on Aldridge – he needs to wow Hawks brass in an individual workout and convince them that he can be an above-average center (not a 4) in The League for the next 10-15 years. As for Williams, he’s the only PG in the draft worth taking (except for maybe Foye) – we don’t need an athletic, converted point like Rondo or Gibson; we need a savvy, true point like Williams. Take Aldridge high, trade down for Williams, or trade the pick altogether. If Billy Knight drafts anyone that even RESEMBLES a 2 through 4, I will personally fight him to the death. · Sign and trade Al Harrington – I like Harrington, but he’s the odd man out in the Joe/Josh Smith/Marvin wing rotation. Trade him for a big man or PG. · Free Agency – sign a big man or PG. Point being, this Hawks team is much closer than most think. You realize they were the only team in the NBA last year competing without either a legitimate starting 1 or 5? Turns out that it’s difficult to win with no PG and a big man rotation that prominently features Esteban Batista and the high-flying John Edwards. Forget about the Chris Paul debacle – what’s done is done. What matters is that the Hawks have a young, burgeoning superstar in Joe Johnson, an otherworldly talent in Josh Smith, a promising prospect in Marvin Williams, a bargain big man in Zaza Pachulia and capable role players in Josh Childress and Salim Stoudamire. Add just a serviceable starting PG and center next year, and you’ve got a team that can compete in the East. It’s pretty straightforward, and the Hawks have the means to fill those needs – a lottery pick, legitimate trade bait and cap space. Now it’s up to Knight and Co. to earn their keep and get it done. I agree with him 100%. Discuss.
  7. Quote: That would be a dream come true for us. I guess Portland could use Morrison. Aldridge certainly will help the Hawks. Am I the only one here who thinks Aldridge isn't that good? I just don't see it.
  8. Quote: Quote: Not real sure why people here love him so much. But today showed why he is never in the playoffs. He cant lead and is lazy. I was happy when we got him...then more happy to see him go. Yeah it was all Shareef's fault. The rest of the Kings had nothing to do with this loss, it was simply Shareef's inability to "lead". One game in a best of seven playoff series really shows a player's laziness. I mean why don't Kenyon Martin and Carmelo Anthony just go home? The Wizards should simply just give up. Never once did I say it was Shareef's fault, but you can see with the way he carries himself on the floor why he never got the starting job back. He's just not that aggresive, and he is slow. The guy would rather take 20-footers than play inside. I just won't forget the lackluster effort he gave while he was in Atlanta. Some people still like and defend him, but I was so happy to see him go. I am sure he is a great guy and all, but I got sick of watching him dog it.
  9. Not real sure why people here love him so much. But today showed why he is never in the playoffs. He cant lead and is lazy. I was happy when we got him...then more happy to see him go.
  10. Quote: Pittsnogle. He may be a bit of a softy but having him come off the bench at the Pf position would be excellent. He has good hands, is a true 3-point shooter and regardless of not being a true inside presence, get's his blocked shots. and because he's played center in college, can play that in rotation for us if needed. Gotta disagree. I saw Pittsnogle in person when they played at Pitt this year. Aaron Gray dominated that game (Pissnolgle fouled out with 0 points). Kevin doesn't run, hustle, or play ANY defense. All he does is try to shoot 3s. He's like a glorified intra-mural player. At one point I openly questioned if he was hungover or just had the flu or something. We don't need another Blair Rasmussen if we are trying to emphasize defense. I would like Gansey over him anyday, but he'll be gone I suspect.
  11. Quote: one and only reason that i like SAc Go Reef!!! Yeah, congrats, Shareef. Only problem is that they had to remove SAR from the starting lineup in favor of Kenny Thomas to get better. He's cancerous.
  12. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: 35 7 and 9 is getting his ass handed to him?? Point is he and the other Hawk greats lost to for the most part a bunch of no namers. Stats mean nothing without wins. Everybody talks about the youth... Well, Orlando is streaking with youth, The Lakers don't have much winning experience outside of Kobe Bryant.. What about the Bucks? Chicago? These teams aren't great obviousally, but their battling for the playoffs while the Hawks are stat padding. Obviousally, Al Harrington is the most guilty one. The Hawks with JT, Dog, Shareef, Al, Walker and Jim Jackson have had a decent number of stat guys the last few years. So, until the Hawks do something meaningful, JJ and Smoove fit in the same line. Why do I feel this way? Well, every team in the league as some players that post good stats... So what matters is actually playing for something other than numbers. If these guys were giving the effort they wouldn't be giving up 102PPG on defense. Orlando is probably 3-4 years older than the Hawks. It's claer you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Atlanta is the youngest team in the NBA by a whole 2 years over Portland. How's their record? Yeah that's what I thought. Boris Diaw did not fit in ATL. He never would have. The reason he produces in Phoenix as well as no names like Raja Bell is because of that system. Joe Johnson was a part of that system but he has proven he can succeed outside of it in one of the most difficult situations in the league. Not bad for his first year here! All JJ has done is pad stats. He isn't proven anything more than the likes of Big Dog, Shareef or any of the other stat players the team has had. Boris Diaw couldn't find cause Woody can't coach. He's supposed to be a defensive coach... But yet his coaching isn't even good enough to keep the Hawks from being the second worst defensive team in the NBA... The only team being worse is Seattle. "Orlando is probably 3-4 years older than the Hawks. Nelson/Howard/Darko are how old? The only real vet Orlando has right now is Tony Battie... And he is by no means a difference maker. I don't think Grant Hill is playing right now. So... They have Bo Outlaw and Stacy Augmon, but those guys don't even play. Portland is the better team than the Hawks. They just play in a way tougher conference. "because of that system." That "system" is called coaching... Woodson wouldn't know anything about that. If you think JJ is stat padding, you really need to watch the games. That is the most asinine thing I have heard in a long time here...and that says a lot.
  13. Interesting after the way he was skewered on here after the Chicago game.
  14. Quote: I'm guessing it will be Miles/Theo for Marbury. That would take NY out of the Al chase. And that will make Jackie Butler ours for the taking. Somehow, i believe that we can get Jack or Blake for a 2nd. If Isaiah wants to get even worse, they will make that trade. That may actually kill Larry Brown on the spot.
  15. What I like about Smitty and Bob is the fact that they give a fair shake to all teams. Anyone who has the NBA Package can attest to the fact that a lot of the announcers are absolute homers and it is annoying. Smitty: "Woooooooohooooohoooooo". He needs to work on that.
  16. Dude...do we need one of these per day? Put them in one thread for christ's sake. And getting Livingston is out of the question, but would be an AWESOME move. But not for Marvin.
  17. Quote: If I understand you correctly, you want Al to leave, as do I (correct me if I'm wrong). So why is it a problem that a guy that we want gone is talking about leaving? That's what I don't get Especially at this point in the season. People arguing about Al's trade and Josh Smith's position...it's not like we are salvaging anything here. And let's not bash Al, because he is not trashing our team at all. He's a FA...he has every right to talk about places he might end up.
  18. Quote: Quote: AI is a gangsta. DISH THE DAMN PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When the evil is gone, the picture will also leave. Seriously...is it that bad of a pic? Geez. I love that shot. That photographer should get a Pulitzer or whatever they give out for pictures.
  19. I am shocked that I have yet to read he was cut today. One missed shot and we lost by almost 20. All his fault. Keep posting. I have a USB attachment on my computer that allows me to harness your hot air and fill balloons for children's parties. I have done 32 parties this week alone.
  20. Quote: This kid is a pure stud two double doubles in the past few game. More importantly they got the win oh I wish we had this guy. Not trying to start an agrument just saying wat could been. Thank god someone FINALLY said it. /sarcasm.
  21. Quote: Wolves tied it with two seconds left. Hawks inbouded the ball without a time out and hit Childress down the court for a layup at the buzzer. God dammit. Of all the nights to invite the new girl over for movie night.
  22. Quote: Late in 1st quarter, Josh Smith gets called for a phantom over the back on J. Collins (49% FT shooter)... What I think the ref saw was he was over the back, but it was his own player... ANYWAY... Go down to other end of the court to shoot 1-1... PA announcer says, "Collins to the line for the bonus...", which is correct... BUT, Jefferson (81% FT shooter) steps up and takes the free throws and makes both of them... As Jefferson steps up and takes the first free throw, PA announcer says "Correction, Jefferson to the free throw line...". NJ pulls a fast one and gets away with it... Good thing we didn't lose by 2 points or anything like that... Have to admit I missed that, but you make a great point.
  23. Quote: The best advice is go into the draft when your stock is high. Rookies are not really expected to contribute much in the NBA anymore, anyways. Unless your name is Marvin Williams.
  24. Quote: Quote: I pay for the NBA package to watch my beloved Hawks...every Sunday afternoon game is left off the slate. I freaking hate it. That is wrong. If you pay for the NBA package you should absolutely get every Hawks game, IMO. I agree. Being in PA, it is the only way I can see them though. Guess I have to take the good with the bad.
  25. I pay for the NBA package to watch my beloved Hawks...every Sunday afternoon game is left off the slate. I freaking hate it.
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