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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. Quote: I hope you realize that Dakin's post is a year old. The Necromancer is at it again. Thanks for that. I nearly puked when I saw it. I am feeling better now.
  2. Quote: In the mean time, Donta is busting his butt and showing what I see as special potential, on both ends of the court. Wtf? He has? Everytime I think things can't get more asinine around here, they do.
  3. Quote: That's why I fear getting Tyrus. He's just like Swift. A guy coming in the league with good potential.. a good shot blocker but needing time to develop... And the clock is still ticking on that development. Swift stinks.
  4. Quote: Does anybody know for sure?? Watched it on the package. We lost.
  5. Quote: Quote: You know you are a Hawks fan when you are begging for NBDL players to contribute. I'm not begging but we need a big guy. It wouldn't hurt us to keep him in the roster till the end of the season. I know. I just get depressed talking about NBDL players we'd like to see rather than seeds in the playoffs.
  6. Quote: i understand KG is a top 3 NBA player. I have to call shenanigans on that one. He is not a top 3 player.
  7. Flip Murray or Chris Wilcox would be nice.
  8. Quote: Last year BK waited until the big names made their splash in FA and then quietly made his move for ZAZA . . . which turned out to be one of the best acquisitions for the money in the league. Who would fit that situation this year? Someone that would be a 'steal' and really meet our needs? Not the top flight FA, but rather someone not on the radar? What's your hunch? Anyone have a lit of pending FAs?
  9. You know you are a Hawks fan when you are begging for NBDL players to contribute.
  10. Quote: what former indiana hoosier, got consistently heckled by his own hometown crowd on a nightly basis more than any other hawk? What former Hawk holds the record for most point blank shots missed?
  11. I have come to realize that the title of the thread makes no difference...they all end up saying the same things after a few posts.
  12. Quote: We should have played Donta more I would rather play that guy who threw the soda at Artest.
  13. Quote: I love this picture: He is Stanley Roberts. He has the potential to eat his way out of the league in a hurry.
  14. Quote: There's very little that Marvin can do that we can't get from Donta... Actually, Donta plays better defense. Donta Smith? Reaching.
  15. Quote: lol J-stud ? Ugh...way too porno. JJ works.
  16. Quote: WOOOOOOOOOOOO HUGE WIN GO HAWKS!!! I COULDNT WATCH THE GAME BUT IS SAW GAMECAST JJ WITH A MONSTER GAME 40 PTS 11 ASSISTS 3 RBS! How about Zaza? MONSTER on the boards. Figures one of the best Hawks games of the year and it wasn't televised.
  17. Won't load for me at all. I even tried to stream it on nba.com to wath it and the game won't come in. Sucks.
  18. Duff_Man

    Marvin vs Al

    Quote: is he ready to have the role and put up the points that Al does now? No, not this year at least. But I do think he should get about 30mpg next year, in which he will come close to matching Al's numbers with better rebounding and defense. I hope you are right. Marvin needs a little more weight training and some drills to help him finish. He will be fine in time...we have to be patient.
  19. Quote: 1. They are not the worst team in the league. They lost to a 17 win teams backups. That makes them the worst team in the league. Go to a Pistons board. I'm not a bandwagon jumper. But it's jsut ashame that this team has got as low as it has the last 6 years. Dont you get tired of losing? This team goes out and says they want to win 30 games.. But yet they drop 3 str8 games to mediocre teams like the Bucks, Bulls, and the Knicks backups. That doesn't say great things for the future. The same mistakes keep being made. 1.Hiring bad coaches 2.Hiring bad GM's 3.Continue trying to make other teams back ups starters such as Al, ZaZa, Lue who are all 6th man worthy at best. The owners sure aren't the Maloofs and Cuban. They know how to make things happen. I know it's tough because of the small fanbase here... But it's frustrating that things seem to be going nowhere. Maybe I am too optimistic or just too old to get upset about the state of affairs... 1. We lost to another teams' backups? OK, Marbury and Francis are obviously not going to be the answer for that team, and they sat most of the second half, and with good reason...Marbury was not interested, and Francis just had his career ruined. Curry is a fat, lazy bastard who has barely any good skill whatsoever. Crawford was a starter, and Nate Robinson is just an And-1 reject circus freak. We lost the game without Chillz and Lue, who are both contributors. We got too thinned out by the end and we lost. We're still better in the standings and we play the same teams. 2. "Continue" to hire bad coaches? Had Lenny, got canned/left when the FO decided to bring in bad players. Hired Lon...bad move. College to NBA rarely works. Stotts came in, was not a terrible coach, just had a bad team. The team was supposed to lose and kept winning. Oops! No chance, and now he has been praised by some on the board as a good coach. Time will tell. Woody - came in and is doing the best he can, and is actually reaching the players. Smith has even said that he is listening..what? Give him another year. Last year was just a horrible situation. 2. "Hiring bad GMs" How many have we had in the past 10 years? Hardly a continuing series of events. 3. Having other teams backups as starters... Zaza is 22 and can become a starter in the league with some guidance. Al is at 18.8ppg and that is starter material. Lue is what he is, and is also not a starter on this team if you remember correctly. Am I tired of losing? I was tired of losing when I watched Big Dog, Reef, and Theo half-ass their way to 30 wins. Great. I would rather see this up and coming team win 25 than watch overpaid "stars" care their way into craptown. I grew up watching 50 win Hawks teams with Nique, Smith, Mookie, Deke, etc. Some down years aren't going to kill me. I have the Falcons for that cushion.
  20. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: I have Dish Network and doesn't carry the stations that the Hawks play on. So glad the truth is out. You don't watch the games. You are now null and void. And yes they do carry the games, but you have to pay to watch all NBA games. Watching ESPN does not make you a sports expert. Matter of fact, it probably lowers your sports IQ. Not on the regular package they don't. And they don't carry Sportsouth at all. You mean NBA League Pass? Who pays all that much money for a basketball game? Who spends this much time on a message board for games they don't even watch. To be honest, $150 for my favorite team to see 75 games a year is nothing. $2 per game? Not even a discussion. Hell, that is better than the NFL package by leaps and bounds. I mean, if you want to take the challenge and flex your vast knowledge of the game, come to the chat room and talk some basketball for the games. Not just rip the team on every chance you get. If not, just get the sand out of your vagina. I don't praise the worst team in the league... It's that simple. Nothing really matters until you start winning. Every team has guys taht can play some. It's about winning. 1. They are not the worst team in the league. 2. Then why hang out here. Go to a Pistons board.
  21. Quote: I don't think we would be much worse without him....and Kenny Smith knows nothing of how Al has played or the Hawks for that matter...he also said Al is a good defender. I do think we would. I bet we'd have 6 less wins right now. Our tam defense is weak. One guy will not change that right now. We need his O. Next year hopefully we won't have to say that, but for now, we really have to outscore teams to win.
  22. After seeing him tonight I can honestly say that he can handle way better than last year. His right is even good and if you watch closely, he dribbles with his right a lot now. Can he shake and bake like an And-1 clown? No, but he is getting better. Now...if only we could get him to not leave his feet and THEN decide what to do.
  23. Quote: I like ZZ but he is what he is and that is ok...we just need defensive bigs to make up for it...but Al can not start for us...he can't guard 3s or 4s and shoots too many jumps shots...hell lets give those jumps shots to Marvin Smoove and Chillz...we don't need a fake post player that plays no d really does pass well and forces shots....signing Al would be a disaster. I am not saying we want Al for next year. I am saying stop complaining about him this year. He is a major piece of the team. ven Kenny Smith loved the guy tonight. Al's D sucks, yes, but we could be really a lot worse without him.
  24. Quote: Quote: Quote: I have Dish Network and doesn't carry the stations that the Hawks play on. So glad the truth is out. You don't watch the games. You are now null and void. And yes they do carry the games, but you have to pay to watch all NBA games. Watching ESPN does not make you a sports expert. Matter of fact, it probably lowers your sports IQ. Not on the regular package they don't. And they don't carry Sportsouth at all. You mean NBA League Pass? Who pays all that much money for a basketball game? Who spends this much time on a message board for games they don't even watch. To be honest, $150 for my favorite team to see 75 games a year is nothing. $2 per game? Not even a discussion. Hell, that is better than the NFL package by leaps and bounds. I mean, if you want to take the challenge and flex your vast knowledge of the game, come to the chat room and talk some basketball for the games. Not just rip the team on every chance you get. If not, just get the sand out of your vagina.
  25. Quote: Even when Al does well offensively he still dosen't play defense and that's the botomline. So you would rather score 88 and lose than keep up offensively and have a chance to win? No matter who we had in thre in Al's spot, if we don't score, we are screwed.
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