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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. Gallo is a steady force on that second unit. We missed Gallo's size, offensive threat that night. If we had Gallo available, that game never goes to overtime.
  2. Steals on the night Kevin - 5 Hill - 3 Lou - 2 Osquared - 1 Bsquared - 1 8 players with 3 or more rebounds
  3. Giving some props here. I kept noticing the hoodie Trae is wearing on the sidelines. It's from a company called colorblindusa.com. never heard of them before, but a company that promotes inclusion through messaging on their clothes. It's a social message, but unlike some going on right now, it was respectful, on point and non confrontational in nature. It did It's job and got me to go look it up. Whoever is advising Trae these days (not just Ray), color Mr impressed. Classy, stealth way to make a statement.
  4. Are you saying you were "Soft" on "politics"?
  5. had to throw lethal a like...he doesn't have enough
  6. Dunn took Bruno's lunch money on that drive.
  7. Good article today from Ben Rohrbach, mostly accurate. https://sports.yahoo.com/looking-ahead-to-2021-nba-free-agency-when-it-starts-and-who-matters-175815597.html See below. So per the writer, Knicks (very possible destination here), OKC, SAS, Toronto, Charlotte, Miami. Of those, I could see JC going to SAS, NY, Miami...maybe OKC depending on what else they do....he has no desire to tank any more.
  8. If ever there was a game for your guy Bruno to get a little burn its tomorrow. Knicks would suit him well as a matchup off the bench. Get a little confidence/flow back.
  9. Dropping an Airplane reference 2 points. I'm not sure we can agree. We have 15 games left...if he goes 11-4 over the last 15....its a very hard case to ignore. 11-4 would leave us 42-30, Nate at 28 - 10. over a full year that would extrapolate to 53-19 or a full season 60 wins. In the vat of record its impressive but in the world of turn around, that's the argument. An argument is made its a 14-20 team and through hundreds of player games lost to injury he took the 4th seed, challenged for the 3. Took a losing team to beast. The longer this winning % goes on, the harder it is to ignore for the voters. I'm thinking though they don't want to send the message Nate great, LP sucks. Also, IMHO, there's a good chance LP gets a shot as a head coach again in college.
  10. Best w/l record in the league is Utah at .741. Nate's since taking over .739. next closest, phoenix at .719. Best in East, Philly at .684. the bought and paid for championship Nets, .667. Nets player games lost, 150, Philly 120, Utah 120, Phoenix 75. I can make the case. Hawks have lost 3x more player games to injury than Phoenix...greater % while Nate was coach than not. Hawks have lost 2x as many to injury as Utah...effectively same winning %. Nate's been next level. I will say, since Nate took over we've gotten shafted by calls less often as well. Could be he's more respected by the officials...could be the change in style of play or the way he engages the refs when they wet the bed.
  11. NBA politics won't allow him to win as that would be a slap in the face of a very popular LP.
  12. See above. Atlanta has had about 225 games lost to injury (4th most) with the 10th best record. Notice all of the top teams have lost significantly less player games due to injury. They are the only division leader with more than 100. Chew on this a while.
  13. Maybe but the conversation is about the totality of assets, not an individual one. Forest for the trees. It is a first until it doesn't convey.
  14. Well let me help you get down right orgasmic. The Hawks did this while retaining their own 1st round draft picks in all upcoming years. Own the rights to the Thunder's in 2022 (top 14 protected) and own an average of an extra 2nd round pick per year in the next 8 NBA drafts....the future is bright.
  15. There is a play in this video that actually highlights the slow response time of Bruno. Go to 1:10 mark. Hunter slows down the penetrator with a bump, giving Bruno enough time to make the block. We've been talking about Bruno's reaction time. At first glance this looks like a good block by Bruno but with scout's eyes realize that if the player isn't slowed by Hunter with the bump, sliding his feet to get in front for half a second, Bruno doesn't block this shot and is late to the play. He only saw it develop because of the extra time provided. Back to a team keeping a player who is salary advantageous. There is another benefit to Bruno on the roster. He is a legit big body and is a good practice player against the young'uns and Clint....just food for thought. He isn't causing drama or trauma so there is impetus to move him. Many of these "bum" moves are made because the player is also a malcontent.
  16. I have no problem sitting Solo as long as Cam is 100% healthy. He was playing through nagging injuries the last 10ish games.
  17. FYI at his salary (answering the questions to why he hasn't been waived) he is a perfect throw in to even out salaries. Lots of times players are kept for this very reason, so players can be moved later. Next year couple of years there are multiple draft picks incoming and being able to send out a 2 for 1 keeps you from making hard choices come cuts time.
  18. Correct Bruno Fernando $ 1,517,981 $ 1,782,621 Next year is guaranteed at the 1.78 figure.
  19. +4.04 on court, team is +1.99 with him off. Net +2.05.
  20. The following stats are the Hawk's players total + or - points while on the floor this year. I'll show by total and per 48. formula is On per 48 - off per 48 = team impact. Player On floor (per 48) Off floor (per 48) Net 48 impact Young +141 (+4.3) -46 (-2.78) +7.08 Capela +121 (+4.6) -24 (-.91) +5.51 Hunter +70 (+5.46) +27 (+2.11) +3.35 Collins +108 (+3.71) -11 (-.38) +4.09 Gallinari +109 (+6.05) -12 (-.67) +6.72 Bogdanovic +26 (+2) +71 (+5.45) -3.45 Huerter -17 (-.54) +114 (+3.62) -4.16 Hill -28 (-1.45) +125 (+6.5) -7.95 Reddish -49 (-3.19) +146 (+9.51) -12.7 FYI Rondo was a net impact was a -23.75 points per 48. I only have on court impact for Lou Will but its been +26.88 per 48 while on floor. A few notes...the numbers will be obviously skewed toward people who were on the floor with Young and Capela as opposed to those who were on the floor with Rondo and Hill/Fernando. BB/Huerter/Reddish/Hill spent time with Rondo on the floor....Collins/Capela/Young almost none. But you get the gist.
  21. Not saying anything but that lineup difference from best to worst shows how bad BB was to start the season (before Nate's adjustments that pushed he and Kevin to catch and shoot off of curls).
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