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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. Nathan Knight born September 20th 1997. Played 4 years at W&M, 125 games, 26.6 mpg or over 3000 minutes of floor time. Bruno Fernando born August 15, 1998. Played 2 years at Maryland, 64 games, 26..4 mpg or about 1500 minutes of floor time., 1 year with the Hawks @ 650 minutes of floor time. The assessments that Bruno could use the G-League aren't wrong. Although a rookie, Knight is 1 year older with a full year of basketball more since college and 900 more minutes played. Bruno started out playing in Angola and his early development compared to Knight is well...night and day. No that was very helpful....removes the false assumptions of contention.
  2. " One sad Atlanta note: Tony Snell’s streak of minutes played without attempting a free throw came to an end Saturday against the Kings at 471. That is a single-season NBA record." https://sports.yahoo.com/nba-power-rankings-brooklyn-moves-195910146.html
  3. Great question, glad you insinuated. Tearing apart next year's cap, I did some basic house cleaning. 1, renounced rights to Brandon Goodwin. 2. renounced rights to Solomon Hill Accepted all player/team options (Dunn, Reddish, Huerter, Young, Hunter). Signed Collins to the max. Signed 2021 draft pick (20th overall....I'm optimistic). Renounced the mid-level exception. This leaves 15 players under contract. As long as Snell is unsigned, and unrenounced, we are technically 16.6 million into the LT as his cap hold is 18.267 million. Being over the LT severely limits offseason signings.. Although technically 1.6 million under the LT, the cap hold impedes our ability to sign a quality free agent. If we keep the exception we can do so, but it puts us over the LT regardless and creates impediments. Trading Snell now for a player worth less clears up room. Packaging him with Bruno for a big clears up an emergency roster spot. Packaging him with Rondo creates more salary room next year. Signing Collins to 3 million less than the max creates more room. Playing under the LT creates options, just like playing under the cap creates more options.
  4. The game is too fast for him. That is pretty hard to fix. I've talked about this on draft night. The hardest transitions from college to the pros is usually for centers. In college you play zone and teams like Maryland that usually have shooters + real bigs play a lot of box and 1. A big like Bruno in college is used to being able to play back with feet in the lane and never venture past the free throw line. On the defensive end, he could play lazy, never body up and had to move little to challenge a shooter. Typical college plays do not see much screen setting pick n roll. College centers never have to make that choice better stopping penetration or choosing the roll. Bruno hasn't made the transition to man well. Get's caught outside the lane often, is late to body up his man and gives up weakside layups or offensive rebounds. He doesn't know when he can be in the lane and when to get out and it seems to be instincts, not fixable. It isn't mechanical. The game is just too fast for him. On offense it can be worse. He gets muscled out of position despite being the strongest cat on the floor most of the time. He's always late reacting to a shot going up and can never get in position for an offensive board. Its why you see him trying to tip so much. He not in position and being muscled off the block. Not because of mechanics, but because of reaction time. He is always a step slow to react.
  5. The only and real problem with maxing Collins is that PF is the easiest position in the NBA to fill. Good PF to average PF is a much smaller difference than good SG/SF to average. There are just more good PF's in this league than wings. In the current NBA model you have to invest in solid wing play both starting and off the bench.
  6. A word on Huerter as a teammate. In the Bulls' heyday, players marveled at the assignments Dennis Rodman would volunteer for. Rodman would stay after practice with players who wanted shooting reps...even free throws and volunteer to shag balls. Rodman would ask shooters to stay after just so he could practice rebounding. He obsessed over it, to the point they said he could call if a shot was going in the second it left a shooter's hand. Rodman worked on boxing out alone. He would watch film for tendencies on players and position himself to easier box that player out. He was a craft guy. The word on Huerter is he'll volunteer for things like feeding balls to shooters. Setting picks in practice or being the defender a pick is set on just so others can work on their craft. The whole time he's asking coaches what he can do better. He's like the backup combo wing version of Rodman. He does whatever he can for teammates and makes it work for him. The guys' love him. He is a glue guy with starter capable skills.
  7. Its a bit more complicated than you are suggesting and I'm only putting pieces together from what I've been told so this part isn't a know but a best informed understanding kind of a thing. stronger than a guess, weaker than knowing. There is a web of salaries around JC, Bogi, Snell that complicate the JC signing. Not because they don't want JC or won't give him the max but because they want to maintain future flexibility as it relates to the LT. Perfect world, they want to flirt with the LT but not pay it. This is one of the reasons they are disappointed (as am I) in Bruno. They paid him above his slot but aren't getting out of him what a vet minimum would bring. What they are trying to avoid is having to make decisions when Kev/Trae contracts come due. The organization is extremely pleased with Kevin and his progress. They believe he has room to grow. In the offseason he worked on his strength and it shows. They are hoping for similar strides the next 2 off seasons. Same song different wing. They have been talking to Cam about strength training and specifically the right strength training so he doesn't lose his hops/flexibility. The would like to see Cam add 10 to 15 good pounds. He doesn't have a bad work ethic but the difference between Cam and Hunter has been noticed. Cam has gotten to where he is on elite athleticism. I mentioned after LP's departure that 1 on 1 critiques got personal. LP said things to Cam he desperately needed to hear and he said them the absolute wrong way. Cam was not a fan. Cam is coming around but mid season is not the time to work on your body. Specifically, Cam has elite shoulders by birth but they would love to see him work on joint strength, forearms and calves. Cam's wrists/forearms looks like they belong on a different set of shoulders. If Cam does the work, he's elite.....he'll end up the best player on the Hawks but the word is he has to be externally motivated /constantly pushed. This is common for elite athletes (see Josh Smith), relying on their hops, instincts too long. Assuming Reddish does the work, Huerter keeps improving and Hunter and Trae are Hunter and Trae...these are 4 more players there that all deserve big paydays. The Hawks can't keep Bogi and pay all of them. As for this upcoming season, that means either Bogi or Snell have to go to play the LT game.
  8. Expect rumors to start flying on the Hawks very soon. Snell has gotten serious interest but there are salary match issues. Do not be surprised if he's moved in a 3 team deal. His value has risen to a low first plus filler. Lots of teams calling on Collins. Hawks are politely listening but are loathe to do anything with him in the middle of a playoff run. Teams are calling on Cam thinking we are now soft on him. Do not expect anything here but rumors will be rumors. Teams are calling on Huerter and offering real value, but he is playing his way into a permanent role on this club and is very popular in the locker room. He could be packaged if we get a deal that knocks our socks off. The Hawks are trying to package Bruno to anyone who will listen and no one is listening. He may be included in a deal to bring back a big to backup CC.....but he has no value around the league right now. He is the only player we are actively shopping. and the final big nugget. The team is not sure it made the right decision on BB and will listen to offers for him in the offseason. If they can move BB, they will use that money to keep Collins (unless we get an offer we can't refuse). The team (and others) still think he's worth the money but a very bad fit. Of everything I'm posting here, this is the one I was told that I believe the most. Do not be surprised if you start hearing about this in the news. Side note: If you heard the post game interview with Collins, he let slip his feelings about how the team is playing now. Collins is one of the ones that went to ownership about LP. They did not see eye to eye about his role, his offense. His spat with Trae was actually him talking to management about how LP was overusing Trae at the expense of others. They did not get into it personally. They remain friends off the court. Per 2 sources, Collins was the number one player who went to ownership about LP and it was a full 10 games+ before he was let go. Collins quote from question 4 post game with Kelly, "Not that I've learned anything but that I've proven myself right with my thoughts before the season. We should have been on this trajectory earlier, uhm, whatever positive momentum we have I want to continue that and I just want to see us continue to do well and win. You know when we win, it cures all, heals all!" He stopped himself. In public affairs, we used to be trained to follow up with the interviewee on uhms like that...it usually means they stopped themselves from saying more than intended and you would push them for more. As a public relations pro, you would train interview subjects to respond to signals and use an uhm to pause and change the direction of the quote. That is exactly what happened there. He almost let his real feelings slip on live tv. A Hawks friendly interviewer let him off the hook.
  9. The problem with Snell is his D. Huerter is a more frustrating 1v1 defender and disruptor of offensive flow. Huerter also has the ability to put the ball on the floor and create some for himself and others. Snell needs a matchup problem to create for himself. In the end, it will be something like this (all things being good). Trae/Dunn or Rondo Huerter/Cam or Bogdan Hunter/Snell Collins/Gallo CC/Knight or Bruno About to post in ask Supes...you might wanna check that out.
  10. No, I got your gist....all good.
  11. F. PROTEST Protests are not permitted during the course of a game. In order to file a protest, the procedure, as set forth in the NBA constitution, is as follows: “In order to protest against or appeal from the result of a game, notice thereof must be given to the Commissioner within forty-eight (48) hours after the conclusion of said game, by e-mail or fax, stating therein the grounds for such protest. No protest may be filed in connection with any game played during the regular season after midnight of the day of the last game of the regular schedule. A protest in connection with a playoff game must be filed not later than midnight of the day of the game protested. A game may be protested only by a Governor, Alternate Governor or Head Coach. The right of protest shall inure not only to the immediately allegedly aggrieved contestants, but to any other member who can show an interest in the grounds of protest and the results that might be attained if the protest were allowed. Each e-mail or fax of protest shall be immediately confirmed by letter and no protest shall be valid unless the letter of confirmation is accompanied by a check in the sum of $10,000 payable to the Association. If the member filing the protest prevails, the $10,000 is to be refunded. If the member does not prevail, the $10,000 is to be forfeited and retained in the Association treasury. “Upon receipt of a protest, the Commissioner shall at once notify the member operating the opposing team in the game protested and require both of said members within five (5) days to file with him such evidence as he may desire bearing upon the issue. The Commissioner shall decide the question raised within five (5) days after receipt of such evidence.” Having a hard time finding the process if you think an official is misbehaving.
  12. The last 6 minutes of the game Trae got mugged at least 3 times. He had serious beef with the blond ref and it was warranted. I need to look into what teams can do to protest bad behavior by officials. I'll be back.
  13. I am so happy you aren't our GM....so happy.
  14. The problem isn't maxing Collins. The problem is what we do the next 2 offseasons with Trae, Kevin, Dre and Cam.
  15. Remember that this time last year, toilet paper = black market currency!
  16. Don't you just love this kid? Seriously, Knight's got a very silky game for a big. Seems to have very good awareness (and looking like Denzel's love child doesn't hurt).
  17. On O, Trae is playing top 1/3 of the 3 point line more and keeping the other 4 in front of him. He doesn't penetrate until he's able to see the position of the other 4.
  18. Cousins per 48 numbers were 23.5 points, 18.6 rebounds, 5.6 assists. Roughly that works out to 10 points, 7 rebounds 2 assists in 20 minutes per night. Those would be welcome averages at the 5 and or 4. I'd much rather have him at 2.5 mil for part of a season and free up the roster spot/salary next year.
  19. I've got no hate for Bruno, wish the man well. But if I were the GM, I'd be talking to the guy who delivers Frito's and seeing just how many bags of chips I could get. I just don't see his fit, effort. His reaction times on D kill us. He has no situational awareness and gets burned by the cutter on almost every play. Every team in the league knows it.
  20. Its something we've talked about in other forum posts but every part of our country is so different culturally, its like stepping into a different country. Chicagoans are naturally negative and combative, Bostonians are very combative and extremely arrogant with no grip on basic realities. West coast fans are completely naive in most things...very spoiled by years of Laker success. New Yorkers are very demanding, never satisfied, entitled. Of course I'm stereotyping and there is some in every bunch but this is the overall mentality. Boston fans drive me the most crazy of all. There has never been a proper foul called on a Celtic ever. There has never been bad behavior ever...everyone else are just losers......can't stand em.
  21. Information trickle. The Hawks have received inquiries about the availability of BB, Snell, Hill, Collins, Bruno, OO and Huerter. Nothing imminent, just feelers. As in the off-season, there is a lot of interest in Huerter around the league. He is the one plus value player on this list for us. No specific teams tied to any one player. Interest in Bruno is lukewarm at best and he'd likely be a throw in.
  22. A caveat here, if Dunn is healthy. I would seriously consider bringing in Cousins and moving Bruno for future considerations. I'm all done with Bruno. I don't think he's a permanent rotation guy on our squad.
  23. I recently streamed a British comedy, "The IT Crowd". Classic British humor. You might have to suspend a bit of belief but in general its a pretty funny watch.
  24. So just a note here....I've heard almost nothing and nothing I would consider viable. This may be why he hasn't revived it. Its like everyone went super tight lipped since the season started.
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