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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. I don't fault anyone in this thread for not knowing every nuance of the CBA...I most certainly make mistakes all the time. Non-simultaneous trades are explained below and taken from the below site. For those interested in this kind of a thing, I highly recommend you bookmark a site like this. It will really help you separating crazy trade scenarios and help in understanding why some of us throw shade when you propose a trade of Jimmy Butler for Damian Jones + a 2nd. https://cbabreakdown.com/ Non-simultaneous trades — For trades of players that occur at different times, the Traded Player Exception permits a team to take back 100% of the outgoing player’s salary, plus $100,000. Using the non-simultaneous trade rule permits a trade to initially “start” by sending out a player and then be completed down the road in a separate trade (i.e., in October, Team A sends out a player but only receives a draft pick from Team B; then Team A completes the trade in January by taking a player back into this “trade credit” from Team C). Rule — A traded player may be replaced in a non-simultaneous transaction by one or more players acquired in a different trade whose salaries together do not exceed 100% of the traded player’s salary plus $100,000. Example — Make the same assumptions as the non-taxpaying scenario above. A team previously traded a $10 million player for a draft pick. As a result, the team now has a $10 million trade credit that it has up to one year to use. That team could trade a draft pick for a player or players making $10.1 million. ($10 million plus $100,000.)) Example — A number of trade credits were created, and later used, as a part of the New York Knicks trading Kristaps Porzingis to the Dallas Mavericks in February of 2019. Dallas, treating Wesley Matthews as a non-simultaneous trade for CBA purposes in the large Porzingis deal, sent Matthews ($18.6 million) to the Knicks. From Dallas’ perspective, they basically sent Matthews over for “nothing”. Dallas now held an $18.6 million trade credit that it could use for up to 1 year. A week later, in a separate trade, Dallas sent Harrison Barnes ($21.3 million) to the Sacramento Kings for Zach Randolph ($11.7 million) and Justin Jackson ($2.8 million). Randolph’s contract was absorbed into the existing Wesley Matthews trade credit. Jackson was dealt with separately. Like the initial trade of Wesley Matthews, Dallas also treated the Harrison Barnes trade as a new, non-simultaneous trade and created a $21.3 million trade credit for him as well. Finally, in July of 2019, Dallas absorbed Delon Wright ($9.2 million) into that $21.3 million trade credit in a separate trade with the Memphis Grizzlies. The is what is commonly referred to as "the Traded Player Exception" or TPE.
  2. Boston does it to avoid Luxury Taxes and use their exception later to acquire or clear up other exceptions. Atlanta does it..if and only if...they don't think they can get better in F/A and they think they can trade him 1 to 2 years later as an expiring.
  3. I was answering Jaybird and MrH's question posts. I was not and am not advocating any position. No need to blow a gasket or read anything into it. LOL you said if Balls fall....
  4. The reality is that if Hayward is extended by Boston and traded we would need Hayward to waive his trade kicker and we would have to accept 3 years of salary total at greater than $30 million per season. If we traded for Hayward but were allowed to negotiated we could knock another Million off of that max at 92% of his salary. Best thing is trade for him and try to sign him after the season when you can sign for anything. https://cbabreakdown.com/#/contract-types/
  5. See below: We will use Hayward as an example: Hayward has 1 year left on his contact if he opts in at $34,187,085. The rule is no more than 105% with 5% increases. He could be extended up to 2 more years (see part 2) at a max salary of $35,896,439.25 and $37,691,261.21. I believe the 5% less than rule also applies. If it does then the decrease max would be $32,477,730.75 year one and $30,853,844.21. First, lets look at Extension and trade. As I read the rules, if it is an extension its 8% max up or down (See part 3). If its an Extension and Trade its 5% maximum per year up and down. Extension information 1: "A team may extend and trade a player within these rules. An extension-and-trade is allowed if (i) the contract covers no more than 3 seasons (including any years remaining in the original contract), (ii) the salary in the first year of the extended term is no more than 105% of the salary in the last year of the original term, and (iii) the annual salary increases are no more than 5% of the salary in the first season covered by the extended term. EXTENSION-AND-TRADES To prevent teams from getting around these limitations, teams cannot trade any player that signs an extension covering more than 3 seasons, a higher salary, or with larger annual increases for the next 6 months. Similarly, if a team receives a player in a trade, then for the next 6 months following that trade the team cannot sign the player to an extension that would violate the limitations for an extension-and-trade transaction." Now lets look at all Extension rules. Extension information 2: "Extensions are amendments to a contract that add seasons to the contract’s existing term. Summarized below are some of the general rules around extensions, followed by a breakdown of four categories of extensions: (1) a “regular” extension of a rookie’s Rookie Scale Contract, (2) a Designated Rookie Scale Player Extension, (3) a “regular” extension of a veteran’s contract, and (4) a Designated Veteran Player Extension. General Rules — Contracts covering 1 or 2 seasons (including any option year) cannot be extended. Contracts covering 3 or 4 seasons (including any option year) may be extended on the second anniversary of being signed. Contracts covering 5 or 6 seasons (including any option year) may be extended on the third anniversary of being signed." Now lets look at Veteran specific extension rules: Extension information 3: "Extensions of Veteran Contracts — Regular Extensions — Unless a veteran’s contract is going to be extended during the last season of his contract, the extension can only be negotiated and entered into during the off-season (i.e., July 1 to the day before the regular season). A regular extension of a veteran’s contract may cover 5 years (including the years remaining on the original contract when the extension is signed). The player’s salary in the first year of the extension may be up to the greater of: (i) 120% of the player’s salary in the last year of the original contract, and (ii) 120% of the estimated average player salary in the year the extension is signed. Salary may increase (or decrease) in the extended term by up to 8% (instead of 5%) of the salary in the first year of the extension."
  6. I'm not saying anything. He's put in the work. I'm not stealing any thunder.
  7. So how would you all feel if Supes was just stringing you guys along for fun? Just taking you for a
  8. If you paired Kat with Trae, others would line up to get in on that. Free agents would immediately want to be in that mix.
  9. Let me address your points in order. 1. We can move Capella but it has to be for equal value. If we assigned a value to Capella on a 1-100 scale, he is a 70 (ish). Damian Jones is an 18, Lebron/Giannis are 100's. In any trade of Capella, our guy for 2x35's doesn't = 70. 2 x50's = a 70 because in order to make a slot for both players, you push out a 30. A 70 has way more impact than a 50. It isn't 20 better, its a sign curve with impact. 2. If Capella is a 70, JC is a 90...not because he's that much better but because he's at least as valuable now and younger, salary controlled by being on his rookie contract. Collins is mostly untradeable because his is a value ratio, not just value...its production to salary. JC currently makes 1/3 of Capella and is at least as impactful. 3. We are developing the Tweeners. In order to take time away from our tweeners, the incoming Tweener has to be much better. Nobody is saying we wouldn't sit Hunter for Giannis. But we aren't stopping developing Hunter and Huerter for Tobias Harris or Taurean Prince, no matter who is better today. 4. Same thing...we want to see what Reddish brings at that position and he needs minutes. Bringing in Beal means moving Cam to the 3 and shipping out either Hunter or Huerter to make room. I'm not against that, I just want to not give up the farm to do it. 5. Trae is superstar now. He's a huge draw. Attendance was way up in road games last year, Trae was the reason...it certainly wasn't our record. He's our point guard. There really isn't anyone we're trading for that is better. We need to solidify the backup position. 6...yah I know you didn't have a 6. We really need to know what we have in Skal right now. He is our very possible surprise this year. We have tons of money right now...we need to be smart with it so we can resign our own guys in 2 years +
  10. Thanks buddy, Let me expound on the Supes thing. I don't think either of us really thinks we're insiders or anything. I have a few friends with connections. Most of my information is highly credible 3rd hand. I've used this example before but let me share it now. People in marketing firms are given information from time to time and ask to test sample that information. This happened before the Drummond trade last year. About 3 weeks before the trade happened, I got wind that Drummond was actively shopped to a few teams and there was enough interest that marketing groups did insertion tests to see how much buzz that player would receive in certain markets. Most NBA trades are made with 1 of 3 motives....to get better...to save money...to sell tickets. That's it...pretty much all NBA trades fall into those 3 categories when you get down to the nuts and bolts (first person to throw out an outlier gets punched in the testicles...I'm in no mood for that nonsense today). So going back to the Drummond trade, it was leaked well in advance so that teams could gauge potential fanbase interest. No one believed the Drummond trade was going to push them over the top. Drummond's salary required the acquiring team to give up enough that the acquisition was probably a net zero talent wise. So the acquisition was purely about marketing. This is why you saw tons of leaks on it. It's why I mentioned he was moving, we were in the mix but not a lock 3 weeks in advance. It was a purposeful leak to gain interest. Some of those are negative leaks...as in the case of Gordon Hayward this week. I was 2 days ahead of that and what Boston was about to do with their picks. This was another....does it move the needle with the fanbases type of leak. Many, many leaks are PR. These are almost always leaked to media surrogates. Remember back to when Josh Smith left the team. Bob Rathburn started complaining openly during broadcasts about Josh's shot selection. This was on purpose. It was to lessen the impact when they let him go. A great example of this was Josh Smith to Milwaukee that almost happened in his last season here. https://www.sbnation.com/nba/2013/2/21/4014574/josh-smith-nba-trade-deadline-hawks-bucks . The team felt it would have been a PR nightmare and backed out at the last minute. Lets get to the ones that aren't solely about tickets and merchandising. Prior to big trades, marketing firms, ad agencies and printing shops, jersey makers and a few select others are given courtesy information to get the ball rolling on PR. These usually give you a 1 to 2 day rumor notice. The bomb is dropped in the acquiring team's city, not the sending. This is because the leaks are accidental, not purposeful. Someone in the small circle of merchandising slips up and says something or has outlets (like Supes) to share that info to. Usually its not for profit but for prestige. In some cases, its an organizational guy trying to prove he's a bigshot in the know and telling his friends stuff. They'll log on to sites like this to bask in the glow that they are an insider. I wouldn't be surprised if Supes' contact(s) log in here to smile at their handy work. In other cases it is purposeful as the sending team tries to use fanbase enthusiasm to drum up interest and hold the player hostage for more assets or spin him to another team for more gain. When enough of these come to pass, you start to trust that source as someone who has a guy. The last trade type and the one you get the least advance knowledge of is the rebuilding trade because lets face it...nobody here did backflips when they heard we were acquiring Chandler Parsons. The only thing you talk up in those trades is the potential draft assets.
  11. Harris' deal is poison. I haven't heard anything about us taking that on.
  12. 2-3 days they'll pop once the secret squirrel gag order is lifted. There will be contracts in place, league business that will fill the news cycle.
  13. I'm thinking major new will break Friday or Monday. Did your guy talk about league moratorium on press? I can't get a handle on that. I thought we were getting stuff yesterday.
  14. Another addition to the mandatory reading section (I'm starting to think I need a permanent thread for that) is this article about the Chicago Bulls. For everyone who goes hog crazy during the draft and fall in love with players based on measurables or what school they come from, I present this article which highlights 4 deals and ruined what was once the best franchise in basketball. https://www.yahoo.com/news/2020-nba-draft-marks-first-103300175.html
  15. If he opts in, they can trade him but they'd need to attach an asset.
  16. and on queue...those nice folks up in Boston use their media puppets to get ahead of the coming Gordon Hayward fiasco I alluded to yesterday... https://www.yahoo.com/sports/nba-rumors-gordon-hayward-wants-164116288.html Nobody was talking about Hayward opting out. This was about getting Hayward to waive the trade kicker in order to negotiate with the new team.
  17. Rumor from Hoopshype "Caldwell-Pope’s most likely end game is a return to the Lakers, but one other option to think about is Atlanta. The Hawks have oodles of cap room and need 3-and-D wings desperately, and Caldwell-Pope is a Georgia native. 18 hours ago – via John Hollinger @ The Athletic Top Rumors, Free Agency, Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, Atlanta Hawks, Los Angeles Lakers "
  18. I'm under the impression he is waiting to see the direction to take before resigning. That based on what we do between now and draft night will determine what he does.
  19. If we can't get value we would draft at 6 or be out of the top 10. I don't see the Magic or Wizards as dance partners (could be wrong).
  20. I have a stomach like Santa....nobody is saying I'm the next Santa. He uses his body to create like Harden...that's the comparison. That is very different than "he's the next Harden". Also, Harden scored 9.9, 12.2 and 16.8 ppg his first 3 years in the league. He was 20 when he entered the league. This kid declared at 18.
  21. He's going to end up a 7 assist per game guy with good scoring (13-15 ppg). But that's 2-3 years from now at least.
  22. So it's all been set up right for 5 days now except they didn't set up the backup panel to be..well...backup (lost power Thursday). I've been creating between 51 and 64 kwh of power during that time (depending on cloud cover/temp). I've been using about 33kwh per day. So although making more than I use, since nothing is backed up, I'm not self consuming at night off the batteries. But I'm making more than I expected and am now using less than before since the power company put me on the new meter. Solar company is coming out Thursday to connect the backup panel properly (doesn't have connection to the PV loads panel) and we should be done. Estimates are now that I'll pretty much be using all my own power, using a bit from the grid and selling about 3x that amount to the grid. One final update with graphs in a few days.
  23. LOL Trae's mask makes it look like he's got a beard...I had to do a double take.
  24. Listen you whipper snapper...back in my day, the internet was books and message boards were guys on the playground playing marbles...damn kids and their new fangled.......
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