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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. He went 25/10 over the last 2 months of the season. He's gonna get the max man...either from us or someone. He also shot almost 50% from 3 those last 18 games. He had 1.6 blocks per game for the season.
  2. He went 25/10 over the last 2 months of the season. He's gonna get the max man...either from us or someone.
  3. 2021 Collins is up for an extension and if he anywhere close to a season like he played down the stretch this year it will be for the max. The following year we will have to extend Trae so they need to spend it this year (IMHO).
  4. Well to be fair....we can and will absorb a big contract but we don't have to give away 6 to do that. We can just buy BPA and keep 6. Even if we spent 20 mil on a player and he isn't quite as good as Wiggins. Player x + 6 is better than just Wiggins at the same salary.
  5. We aren't giving up #6 to take on salary unless its a more complete player than Wiggins. If we had something in the teens, I think we'd do it. 6 is too valuable.
  6. Well to be fair, pretty much everyone "isn't interested right now" because nobody knows their cap parameters and what their rosters will be next year. Talk will pick up and offers will loosen around Nov 4th (two weeks before the draft).
  7. No...though there is interest from Washington to move up for Onyeka Okongwu. Which is why its funny his mock has them taking him at 9. They believe they'd have to move up to 6 or 7 to get him.
  8. Commissioning the system tomorrow. Test run today...Chinese batteries work great. Not particularly hot out, 11:30 in the morning, panels were producing 8 kwh (AC) which is pretty much max for an 11.88kw (DC). System at max capacity are usually between 75 and 80% efficient so the best I could hope for is 8.5 to 9.5 kw in an hour. inspector out tomorrow and as long as we pass...I'll be online.
  9. This was widely discussed here in this forum. You can rehash those arguments over there, like AH said.
  10. Early on it was stated he showed symptoms on Wednesday.
  11. Very true. However the fatality rate was overblown because in many cases Covid just accelerated already terminal conditions or was a contributing but not sole factor. Still, the real problem is the overwhelming of health systems. A case can be made that the actions taken slowed the virus and allowed health systems to keep pace. But a similar case can be made that the frenzy surrounding the virus led to many people overwhelming the testing system who didn't need tests. See KB's posts.
  12. There is also plenty of evidence now that there has been a wealth of false positives as I suggested early on. The early kits were broad based tests, not specific for Covid-19. Just one article on the subject. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(20)30453-7/fulltext Fact remains that we don't know what we don't know and stating we know (either side) is just patently false in most cases.
  13. Day 3 after testing positive.
  14. He isn't the first doctor I've heard talk this way. If you go way, way back to when this all started, I made a statement which shocked a few on this board, took a bit of flak. I said the first thing we are going to have to do is come to grips with the fact that people are going to die. We need to accept that. Meaning that the best way to approach this has always been from a risk management perspective. KB's analysis is about the fearmongering that has gone along with this. Some people are using it for political gain (both sides). Radar going off was a really good way to bring attention to the fact that its business as usually and then a flood of information once it fits a narrative. Doctors are finding it a big hinderance. Take for example the 200,000 deaths number. See this chart from the CDC. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm Week ending date in which the death occurred All Deaths involving COVID-19 (U07.1)1 Deaths from All Causes Percent of Expected Deaths2 Deaths involving Pneumonia, with or without COVID-19, excluding Influenza deaths (J12.0–J18.9)3 Deaths involving COVID-19 and Pneumonia, excluding Influenza (U07.1 and J12.0–J18.9)3 All Deaths involving Influenza, with or without COVID-19 or Pneumonia (J09–J11), includes COVID-19 or Pneumonia4 Deaths involving Pneumonia, Influenza, or COVID-19 (U07.1 or J09–J18.9)5 Total Deaths 195,312 2,105,460 112 199,387 88,320 6,710 312,089 You can see that the total deaths during this time were 2.1 million. Death in which Covid was a factor, 195,312. the percent of expected deaths shows the increase over last year. If we take total deaths divide by 1.12 you would get what they expected to have 1,879,875. Subtract that from the 2.1 million number and you get 225,585. What this means. We should have seen an increase of 225,000 deaths this year from Covid as its the only other factor and we were close with 195,000. Now go down the chart a bit you can see the covid deaths that included another pneumonia were 88,000. Meaning that whether or not Covid was the cause is unknown as there were 2 illnesses at play and another 6700 included influenza. It would be easy to digest that for a number of the 225000 increased deaths, that Covid play a role in speeding up an eventuality. IE covid + cancer, covid + hiv, covid +copd are all bad combinations. Patient X would have died eventually but Covid sped up that choice. Meaning that at some point post vaccinations we would see a drop in the expected death numbers. Morbid conversation...absolutely but a necessary one to push through fearmongering and using Covid for personal political gain. The real number of people killed by Covid alone is much lower than the current 200,000 figure and the real question we should have been asking from the beginning is what is the acceptable amount of risk we are willing to assume as a society and individual. If people stopped warehousing, shipping, etc we would have run out of food in weeks, especially in the inner cities. As we saw with toilet paper, the oversupply is really only a fraction of what we have available. The political types playing with this from the beginning really screwed this whole mess up. Politics should have never entered this arena. From the very first weeks when we were shutting down flights from overseas and it was used to call the president a racist to the flame fanning of "china virus". All of it was done to score points and hurt the early messaging, of which should have been....this thing kills...the best thing we can do is minimize that. Lets work together to minimize it and to help those that suffer.
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/buddy-hield-luke-waltons-phone-calls-kings-trade-request-sixers-nba-003626814.html As the soap opera turns!!!
  16. I'll be interested to see what decorum people react with on this....but that's a discussion for a different part of the forum.
  17. Could all just be smoke screening on these guys as well. Talking them down hoping it'll help them fall to you but still.
  18. The truth hurts like a Falcon's fourth quarter.....
  19. Let me pick up on Cole Anthony a second. Usually when players go into the last weeks of the draft process, they are slotted in a 5ish pick range and most experts can nail it down to 2 or 3 spots. Anthony is an enigma right now. Lots of teams won't even tell you their feelings about him. Some think this means he could sneak into the lottery or even fall to the end of the 1st round. There is little buzz positive or negative and one of my guys said he thinks teams are playing possum hoping he drops to them but he's heard it may just be he was overhyped. He is by far the most confusing player on the board. We've settled in that we think he's gone in the teens.
  20. So I finally got the same info as you about them wiping Ball, Edwards, Wiseman from their boards as they expected them to be gone. However, the word is that even if Edwards fell to 6, they wouldn't take him as they don't see the fit. That if Ball fell to them at 6 they would take or trade (and to be clear, there is zero chance of this happening) and if Wiseman fell to them at 6 it would be because 1 or 3 of their board guys went ahead of him and they'd have a serious talk about him but even if all that happened they still would have to have a conversation about it because they question his motivation, motor and fit...I was shocked when I heard that. They also don't expect Cole Anthony to be available when they could get back into the first. They see him going 10-20.
  21. It's code for a "me first" shooter.
  22. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2910623-nba-draft-buzz-if-top-pick-isnt-traded-sources-expect-lamelo-ball-to-go-first One of the better rumor mill articles I've read lately. Confirms the Edwards is sliding I've heard, the Wiseman as low as 8 (they say 9) I've heard...Minny wants to trade out of 1 that we've been telling people for weeks. Overall good stuff with off the record quotes.
  23. Just from the short bit of video I watched on him, I say he's a guy you can take a risk on in the early second round.
  24. Strong for his size, plays under control. Shoots from way too low from 3. Needs serious work on his outside shot. Feet are good, arms, pacing is all wrong on the shot. Shoots like his arms are short. Plays under control, eyes up. Plays smart but is not explosive so is limited. takes good angles at the basket, bad angles on the perimeter. Is obviously open to coaching as many of the things he does are the result of coaching, not instinct. Gets caught playing too close the basket without the ball. I would call him a 25 to 35 player who needs a bit of development.
  25. The reason a lot of people are busts and other players fly under the radar is the zone in college basketball. The zone makes a lot of big men look way better than they are (they don't have to move their feet) and hides a lack of athleticism from SF/PF. College basketball is more about cerebral play and patience. Defense, (especially at the 3-5) is played very differently in college. Offensively, players can't showcase their 1v1 talent, the pick n roll or handling switches. Defensively, players don't have to be mindful of the lane, help defense or switching. It is a different game, requiring a different kind of athlete. I need to go back and watch his film. See what you see. I'll admit I'm not very familiar.
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