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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. 1st 7 points given up off offensive rebounds. I may have to stop watching.
  2. People really aren't understanding the cap position next year for the Hawks. Assuming all options are accepted and all free agents are renounced and not counting the rookie cap holds, we would have almost 80 million. Keeping the rookie cap holds its 69 million. For the love of all that is holy, You can absorb a player like Drummond at $25 million and the real cap hit is only $22 million because you lose the cap hit from the lower rookie contract. You still get a top 3 draft pick and still have $47 million to spend in free agency. A bit of that goes to keep Jeff and you can still sign a max player to go with Drummond and company. That lower 1st has zero real value to us. What we sign in free agency will play in front of it....with a first and 2+ free agents...that #18 ish pick isn't seeing the floor.
  3. They are holding Len to package with Turner as I understand it. They aren't interested in flipping Len to a contender without a ransom. Len is valued around the league for teams with great 3 and D.
  4. I heard the same and the sticking point was the filler and a chance to talk to Jones. As I understood it, they wanted to include enough salary to take us right up to the Cap and limit us in other trades. They wanted to include the bench garbage and we wanted Morris or Sekou. We pulled because they didn't want to budge.
  5. We completely gave up driving the lane and wouldn't double Rose...every time we did Drummond got the flush or offensive rebound and put back
  6. For all of those crapping on giving up a mid first rounder for Drummond...I really hope you watched the game last night.
  7. Let's try to address the post please and not the poster.
  8. Those 1st quarter rebounds, 2nd chance points stats drive me insane.
  9. It matters more with a player like Drummond. I was mostly listing it for informational purposes based on the ask. We obviously aren't resigning Jeffy for more than he currently makes.
  10. One big part of the value in the Drummond trade was the ability to compete for him once he enters free agency. This is why you sometimes see stars resign with their current team late in the signing period. So if the Hawks were to resign a player like Teague for 8 mil per, but wait while he feels out his value, our cap hit is 28 mil while we wait, holding up other deals.
  11. Think about this though. Until we resign him or he signs elsewhere, his cap hold will be $28,500,000. We will be waiting on him. This was part of the hurry in trying to work out the Drummond deal early. His caphold would have been north of $40 million. So they tried to get the trade in before 6 months before the deadline. Once that passed, it became harder to justify.
  12. Agreed. Most of the rules relate to teams over the cap or the LT threshold. However, there is this o e consideration as it applies to Teague. " extension. If a team acquires a player in a trade, then for a period of six months following the date of the trade, the team is prohibited from signing the player to a contract extension for a longer period, higher amount, or higher annual increases than would have been permitted for an extension-and-trade." I had to look that one up to get the right wording. So basically, any new contract Teafue might get after July 1 would have to wait till after July 16 if more than he gets now. Because he is a free agent and will certainly test his value, his cap hold will be huge next year until signed. This may hurt our negotiation ability once the signing period begins.
  13. Second thought, the pick will have a cap hit of 5 to 8 million per season and would be a huge trade asset for a player to come in and fill our cap space. Never one to trade away picks but if ever there was a year picks could net you a star...it is a year where you will have 60 million cap space.
  14. It is where he belongs
  15. I never held Jeff's shortcomings against him. He was always a good Hawk, a good teammate and a great representative of the city. People have always expected too much of him. He's was a solid starter and will be a very good addition to our bench. Welcome home Jet.
  16. to the "Can he bottle this" question. He is going to remain inconsistent for quite a while but we will start seeing more and more of this, which will only take the pressure off Hunter, Heurter, Collins.
  17. One of the things I talked about this year was Cam missing summer league. He missed a lot of prep time. The off-season is when most of these guys get with personal coaches and work with them on things like shooting mechanics, feel, offensive sets, timing. I fully expect that if Cam gets a healthy off-season under his belt that he comes in next season looking like a top 5 pick.
  18. I'm betting the longer arms post HS, the growing threw off his mechanics. If he "had" them, getting them back is much easier. I'm betting the longer arms post HS, the growing threw off his mechanics. If he "had" them, getting them back is much easier.
  19. For the purposes of explaining what I mean about Cam's mechanics I'll use this video. I haven't even previewed it and I bet I can pull out what I need. Okay wow that was easy. First shot at 12 to 15 seconds...his elbows don't look bad here, he's even but they are a bit flayed out, the ball is to the right of his right eye, not in front of him and he releases the ball after reaching the apex of his jump as opposed to during the explosion, meaning he has to generate both the force and aim from his wrists and elbows which are already outside his body. Second shot to look at is at 20-22 second mark. Here the left elbow is slightly elevated, the left hand is high on the ball as he's cheating to get it mid body. This is all caused due to bringing his hands up late in the jump again. the ball is moves from just left of his bellybutton to right of his head on the way up as he shoots with his eyes, not mechanics. Its a flaw where he doesn't trust the body and release. Again, he shoots after the explosion is gone and he's hanging. 41 through 44 second mark he leads with his right foot on the jumper because his body isn't square to start. The ball goes in after a friendly bounce but the shot was very off and pushed as he rushed to beat the defender. Because the defender was on him he rushes it and pushes it because of bad habits bringing the ball up late so he pushes, not shoots...its a completely different release and he's lucky it goes in. 50 through 54...this one isn't too bad except he hangs in the air again. Here it helps him but its a sign of a very bad habit. But the body is at least square and the ball is brought straight up. 1:13 to 1:17...wow is he turned and leading with the right side of his body. But he releases through the explosion and despite not coming up square, he's shooting with his legs not hands and its the best shot so far. 1 minute 17 seconds of highlights and 5 different releases, feet placements and approaches. This is what he needs to fix first. It is already more consistent than in college but needs much work.
  20. If I can talk speak for Mac...I think he was alluding to his on ball defense. For a rookie, he is way ahead of the curve. Now unfortunately in the NBA, on ball defense is about 25% of the defensive game. Rotations, calling things out, recognition, switching, funneling, help are all parts of the team defense world. I would be lying if I told you he was a good NBA defender today. I brought this up months ago. The game is 100% different than in college and the bigger a player is, the harder adapting is. For big men, its a mess as they adapt to no zone play and have to keep stepping out of the lane and timing it. Every big man rookie gets caught stepping out of the lane right before the cut pretty much every game. If you see Len (not a rookie) play, his number 1 biggest deficiency on defense is the foot speed to cover the lane. If he steps out, he just isn't quick enough to get back. Every game you see Len late to give help on a driving guard. Watch, you'll see it. Back to Cam, he's adjusting. Occasionally you see Cam bring the help and catch up on the rotations. He isn't consistent yet, but 50% of rookies are downright terrible at it so that he's doing it at all is very promising. For a rookie, he's very good on ball, above average rotating and recognition. For a vet he's average and below average respectively. But the progression is already there and he'll get better year to year. Right now though, I want the shooting mechanics to keep improving. Every made shot is one less wrong rebound leading to a transition basket. The wide moving elbows when he squares up and the varying release points make me cringe. Literally makes me cringe.
  21. Let's go back a few months when I was accused of Cam hate for simply asking us to pump the brakes and stop elevating him to Jesus status. IMHO, no one on this roster is untouchable except Trae. If any other player is close to untouchable at this point it is Cam. Not because of what he is, but because of what I believe he will be. He is a rare two way player who I think will end up as both a point forward and 3 and D guy. He's a unicorn who just needs a shooting coach with patience. Again IMHO, although it will take a few years for him to really scratch his potential, I believe if anyone had a chance to be Steve Smith in his prime, its Cam...maybe better.
  22. Remember we have $4 million plus in room which is what they are after us using. So for example Drummond for Parsons straight up is pretty much the perfect trade saving Detroit 2 million in salary. However, you aren't getting that done without either our first (top 3 protected) or the Nets pick + a future pick. Now for the "Never Drummonders" (yes I'm' patenting that right now), let me take a second to explain how this affects us going forward financially. Let's assume we give up the Nets pick plus a future 1st top 14 protected. So the trade is: Drummond for Parsons + Nets 1st + top 14 protected future 1st. This year, no effect on our cap situation as we are under the cap. Next year we do the following Resign Drummond starting at $25 million per season to start (stay with me here). Resign Len at $10 million per season (suck it AHF). Resign Bembry at $6 million per season (look I'm making this up, anyone who complains about the signing amounts their opinion is null and void. Extend a contract at 1 million per year to Brandon Goodwin and in some world Parker accepts his option. Our roster stands at 12 as follows with $35.7 million left in cap space. Trae/Goodwin/Bembry Huerter/Reddish Hunter/1st round pick Collins/Parker Drummond/Len/Fernando That is a pretty good start and one that can pull another good signing. Or we trade the dead weight left this year and build that roster now to encourage Drummond to stay. Take your time and think about it....it isn't Drummond or bust. He is just one of a couple of pieces. Drummond, Len, Parker and Bembry later and we still have $35 million to spend.
  23. For those of you trying to come up with a deal, it needs to offer at least $600,000 cap relief to Detroit. It's 1/2 of the reason they are doing it...to get out of the LT payer situation. In a perfect situation, they would like a deal that saves them > $3,000,000 and I'm not getting into the specifics but specifically these are worth as much to Detroit right now as anything. A player they are planning to waive who will get signed elsewhere (see Crabbe) would be ideal to save them even more. More importantly, remember that since both rosters are at 15, we can't send more than we get without a simulaneous waive which would complicate their roster work.
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