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Posts posted by thecampster

  1. @KB21 

    Clint on offense. Post player with average conversion rate, no shot outside 5 feet. Sets picks, rolls to the basket comes out for handoffs to move the basketball at the top of the key. Clogs the lane, mishandles passes constantly. Weighs around 255 lbs. Superior offensive rebounder due to effort and living around the basket. Makes $24 mil/yr.

    Edey on offense. Post player with superior conversion rate. Good hands and ability to pass out of the post. Sets picks and rolls to the basket. Unknown shooting ability. Comes out for handoffs and is an able passer from the top. Capable hands, holds ball high. Average to good ability to see the floor. Weighs 300lbs. Superior offensive rebounder due to size, commitment to boxing out and living near the basket. Rookie contract will be around $5mil/yr for 4 years.


    Analysis - Edey should have a slightly better offensive impact than Capela almost immediately.


    Clint better the farther from the basket you get. Edey better guarding bigs in the post and altering shots by drivers/slashers who have beat their man. Clint better at guarding 3 point shooters and stopping guards on the switch. Edey (drop coverage) better at stopping the lob/slash/dish.

    Analysis: Both have flaws. Clint struggles against large bigs. Edey will struggle to stop good shooters who pull up or toss floaters.

    • Like 3
  2. 11 hours ago, Peoriabird said:

    also a Team defense rating of 116.9 vs 121.9 helps as well while the offensive rating doesn't suffer as much 117.5 vs 120

    Net rating with Young -2 vs +.6 without

    So no Bey in the lineup helps with that defensive rating. He was terrible at close outs.

  3. 12 hours ago, Hawkmoor said:

    His entire tournament has been like that.  The refs and media are ACTIVELY trying to make this guy be great. 😀  I mean he is hooking players like you said, jumping over folks backs for rebounds and setting moving screens and the whistle is silent.  You barely touch HIM and its free throws.   All this for a bench player in the NBA who might give you a few minutes.

    come on....you could quite literally call a foul against whomever is guarding Edey every trip down the floor...

    This thread needs some honesty. I'll start.


    Zach Edey has some built in limitations (mobility, outside shooting and that big man fear he's too big for his feet to the take the pounding).

    The game is called different against players like Edey who are hacked, undercut, held, hooked on almost every attempt.  When you are going to miss obvious calls that benefit a player, the whistle has to be loose going the other way as well. You can't call every time Edey breathes on someone if you are not going to call the 30 fouls against him that go uncalled every game.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, NBASupes said:

    22 and?

    That's not a knock believe or not, especially if you have high mental acuity. It means you understand what you are doing and can help a team immediately. I want 4 year players on my team especially if they know what they are doing. I've been saying for years, the Warriors biggest advantage was having 3 upperclassmen as their best players. Steph, Klay, and Green. 

    If you know as much about the modern NBA as you claim, you would know that this is a BBIQ era we are in. That's most important and the teams lacking in that department are the teams you see not winning shit. 

    You keep talking about Edey as if he was this 1st rounder in previous years when he wasn't. Even me, his biggest advocate wasn't pushing for him even once last year. He massively improved and added a modern NBA skill set, mastered it and that's why he's extremely high on my board and why he's a lottery pick to some GMs and hopefully ours when the time comes. 

    People forget he never played basketball until 9th grade when he hit 6'10" and couldn't play hockey anymore. He didn't even learn to guard till his junior year in high school. He's kind of amazing when viewed through that lens.

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  5. 1 minute ago, AHF said:

    That should be a really good game.  I’m excited to watch it and the variety and strength of opinions on this thread do make it more interesting still.  

    I don’t disagree that you take the most impactful player on the board unless they are almost certain to be there with your next pick.  That said, I would feel a lot better about taking Edey with the Sacramento pick if we are going to do it just because I feel like there will be some intriguing options at 10 that won’t be there under any circumstances closer to 20.  Edey seems like the hardest player to predict in terms of draft slot that I can remember in some time.

    We'll lets be fair here too, there is bound to be the potential to package a pick + piece to move up from 18(ish) or the potential to pick something up and move down from 10.

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