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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. SMH - come on man...just because you love that Kool-aid, you don't have to try and get the whole board hooked on it.
  2. BUT BUT BUT....Bembry and Reddish can play the point (I kid, I kid).
  3. In training camp, once we see what we have.
  4. All that matters right now....we're at 2 slots open now and about 6.8 million to spend plus exceptions. Cam vs Hunter isn't even really a debate for 2 more years....knock it off already.
  5. Shows just how strongly I felt about the stink of him.
  6. Turner - surrounded by shooters. Less of a need to shoot 3's for him here. We have that already. He has a pulse and handles....He's an upgrade over Adams. Crabbe - I'm torn, I really am. I just don't have a good or bad feeling about Crabbe. He doesn't make me feel at all. He's like Saltine crackers. Yah, I'll eat em and put some cheese whiz on em and they're okay but I'm not getting off the couch for it. But then again, Bazemore was less attractive than my dogs anus the second half of the year. Parsons - This is a huge, major upgrade or a wash.....hear me out. Plumlee was going to get less than 50 minutes this year (barring an injury to Len in which case we're hosed), Hill was going to get less than 50 minutes this year. The 2 combined were going to get less than 1.3 minutes per game total. So if Parsons gets 15 minutes per game and plays even 75% as well as his best years....It would have gaining a star impact. Very good Parsons is far better than Vince Carter was last year. Average Parsons is just as good. Worst case scenario, Parsons' knees invert 10 minutes into the season and the net loss is zero because Parsons has zero impact and so would Hill/Plumlee. But wait, there's more. It cleared a roster spot. The "Parson's" deal isn't done until we offer that 15th contract of which the spot was secured in this trade. The trade (in essence) was Hill/Plumlee for Parsons and whoever we sign (trade for) next. Basically a huge win if just the next signing works out. Parker - to me this is the feast or famine player. If he stays healthy and if he's just the offensive player he was with very average rebounding....he's a steal at 6 to 7 million and effectively taking Justin Anderson's slot now, who we paid $2.5 million last year to play less than 500 minutes and score 178 total points. If he scores 13+ ppg, playing 75+ games and shooting his normal 48+% FG%, its a freaking coup. If he fails to play in 40 games, then the salary is high enough its a total bust. Last thought. We paid $28 million last year for 2 players who never suited up (Carmelo and Crawford). So 1 point of production for any of these players, 1 assist or 1 blocked shot/steal/rebound and its an instant upgrade. Parker (imho) is actually playing on a small part Carmelo's salary. Crabbe is playing on the rest plus Crawford's. Its a what do we have to lose thing.
  7. Truly if you think of the average NBA 2nd round rookie. They spend 1-4 years in college not allowed to make any personal money. Nearly no part time job money, heads stuck in books as much as possible to qualify, in the gym every hour required and head home to see family whenever possible. They usually come in broke and leave in debt despite the scholarship. Although $800k sounds like a lot, here are a list of things he has to do with that money. 1) Repay anyone who supported them ....these deals exist with family, under the table from undesirables, etc. 2) Move a much larger percentage into a retirement plan than you and I would in order to secure life after the NBA (many wash out within 3 years). 3) They need to account for security. Unfortunately, they need to take precautions as they are targets the second they are drafted. They need a gated community, secured apartment, etc. They usually need someone to shop for them as it isn't safe or smart to go to the Kroger or go hiking on the Silver Comet. They need safe places to work out, sleep, eat, etc. All that costs more money. 4) With no credit established, they need to rent an apartment or buy a house. Meaning bigger down payments than someone with a 2 year job and other considerations. Typically its an apartment at first because they can't be troubled to cut grass, cook, paint. 5) Furniture, furnishings, tv, etc. 6) Transportation. No...Bruno is not taking MARTA to the Farm....it is not happening. Now he doesn't "need" a BMW i8 but a new car without credit established he'll need to pay cash or a huge down payment. Also, single man insurance and fuel...all things he has no experience in most cases paying for. 7) Taking care of momma or the baby momma or just a girl. They all have one or both or all 3. In many cases, all of their first paychecks are gone before game one and they live on per diem. Basically everything you and I took 5 or 6 years acquiring after high school, he needs in 3 months. This is a truly classy move by the Hawks.
  8. So the story on Bruno Fernando's signing is the Hawks front loaded his contract. $1.4 million year 1 then the league minimum the next 2 years. The classy part. By front loading the contract, the Hawks are 1) saying we believe in you rook and 2) giving him the money to completely focus on basketball, afford trainers, etc A common but less understood thing in the NBA is the plight of 2nd round rookies having less money (albeit a huge salary) than the 3/4/5+ year players. They have to pay for everything up front, house, transportation, etc and paying for all that out of pocket is difficult. By front loading it, they release the stress on the rookie year one. These little things other players look at and will see the Hawks as classy. Its the sign of a forward thinking operation. The savvy part. By front loading they help themselves as well by keeping their salary lower in years 2 and 3, the Hawks create more salary space for future deals/trades/signings. This is a great deal all around.
  9. There's a story on the Athletic about it. They were not happy with his commitment to his diet, not to his work ethic.
  10. Fun fact....we now have the #2 pick from 2010, 2014. #4 from 2019 #5 from 2013, 2018 #10 from 2019 6 lottery selections now on the roster, throw in Collins and Huerter at 19 and you have 8 picks all top 19. If tanking works, we should be the poster child now.
  11. BaH!!!!!! Hunter is a 3...stop calling him a 4 because you want Reddish to start.
  12. but PER against does and Collins has a +9.6 PER against. Collins allowed a 15.7 PER against last year (while posting a 25.2) at the power forward. Parker allowed an 18.1 PER against last year while posting a 20.5 for Washington last year at the 4. Carter has a very small sample at the 4 last year but allowed a 17.1 PER against last year while posting a 5.2. So yah...Parker > Carter at the 4.
  13. I'm thinking Spellman is playing more 5 than 4 now as both Parsons and Parker more 4's than 3's at this point.
  14. So on that "past comments" thing. I am way more forgiving when a 21/22 year old says something stupid than when a 29 year old does.
  15. LOL proving everyone is amazing on their highlight reel.
  16. Simple I can't imagine a world where this is god awful. He doesn't shoot well from 3 (33.7% career) and still has flaws but he's nowhere near his best years and is already statistically better than most backups in the league. A 6 million dollar flyer is nothing in the NBA. If you want to count only his 25 games in Washington last year, it was 15/7 in 27. His PER from that time was +2.3. So the defense arguments don't fly either. Some people get really upset based on what they remember from his 1st or 2nd season in the league or that he's only played on bad teams or something else. Fact is he's not as good as Collins at the 4 but better than the mean. Some people want an entire team of Blake Griffins but don't realize that $6 million first year for a player who put up 15/7 in 27 minutes is called a coup.
  17. 15/6 49% FG% in 29 minutes is not a bust....geez
  18. OKC no longer needs to send out salary. Parker will be the backup PF. Parker is not a bust except that he was drafted #2 overall. He's a bust the same way Marvin was a bust. If Marvin had been drafted #15 overall he was a decent value. He was only a problem because of where we drafted him. Parker is an efficient NBA player who was +2.3 PER last year against his opponent and only 24 years old. This is a very good signing for $6 million / year for a rotation player.
  19. Yes but the curve is much smaller when you are born bigger. Bigger helps. If bigger stops 3 baskets per game, last year is a very different season.
  20. He is just so damn big though to have those handles, body control. It really is sad that injuries broke him. He's a good story. 2nd round pick works hard and is the second best player on a 54 win team. That part is very positive. Sad for him that he hit that wall due to injuries. He worked to get there.
  21. Not gonna lie, Chandler running the 2 man game at the top of 3 point arc on back to back plays is highly encouraging. If only Tony Stark could build him some bionic knees.
  22. This is a very good thought line you have going here. I think maybe the one aspect you aren't looking at is that we got taller/longer. We were a disaster defensively last year. Had we given up 5 less points a game we would have been .500. Len starting is a hair longer/taller than Dedmon....Hunter is slightly taller/longer than Prince...Cam is definitely taller/longer than Baze. Evan Turner is much bigger than Lin/Adams. Remember that Lin wasn't even on the roster for our best stretch of the season. Turner is replacing Adams for that stretch and regardless of your feelings on Turner, he is a mile better, bigger than Adams. Parsons and Crabbe are also bigger/longer than anyone else we had at those spots. One of the reasons veteran teams beat younger teams more often than not is physical size, weight and use of energy. We blew so much energy because we were small last year. We are so much bigger it will show on defense, even if our offense is a bit slower.
  23. You aren't 100% wrong, I was just big enough to fight my own battles.
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