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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. Famous 30th pick -cough cough - Jimmy Butler
  2. There is some footage in here where you can safely say, "The Moobs force is strong with this one".
  3. #30 means he dropped from the teens because of concerns with his conditioning. He's always had weight issues and has fluctuated between 245 and 300lbs since his senior year of high school....If you think he's chubby now....look at his weight fluctuation throughout school in his highlight tape.
  4. and if I'm the Hawks coaching staff, I have already hired a nun nutritionist to smack Spellman's hand with a ruler ever time he does any of the following Reaches for seconds, Picks up the phone to order pizza, asks for more rolls, reaches for the pause button on the treadmill tries to open a refrigerator waves for a waitress starts up his XBox reaches for the remote
  5. Games played by Atlanta bigs (that mattered) last year. Dedmon - 62 Muscala - 53 Plumlee - 55 Ersan - 46 Collins - 74 Notice the trend. Every big last year missed time due to injury (or trade). Just having a healthy front court alone is enough to improved rebounding and defense. The simple act of swapping Len for Muscala's 4.3 rpg in 20 minutes should improve that stat all by itself. Both Len and Muscala played 20 mpg last year. Len - 8.5 ppg, 7.5 rpg, 56.6% FG% . 5.5 FGA/g Moose - 7.6 ppg, 4.3 rpg, 45.8% FG% 5.6 FGA/g The only area Moose > Len is 3 pt shooting. Even 3 point shooting, Moose took .1 more shots per game but scored .9 less points. Re-beating my dead horse, the easiest aspects of defense to clean up are fast break opportunities for the other team and 2nd chance opportunities given up by just shooting better and rebounding better. Both the higher rebounding rate and better shooting percentage will help in that category defensively. Same song different verse, despite what most fans' eye test shows, Marco Belinelli was a big net negative for the team last year (and metrics bear it out). His 41% overall shooting (37% on 3's, 45% on 2's) led to fast breaks. He played poor defense and rebounded at a paltry 1.9 rpg. The simple subtraction of Belinelli will be a net defensive positive for the Hawks. Marco's net numbers per 100 possessions showed the Hawks were 1.8 points better on offense without Marco on the floor and a whopping 4.9 points better on defense without Belinelli. Rotationally, Marco's minutes should be taken by Dorsey, Bembry or Huerter who are all better defenders and rebounders.
  6. Again, it isn't just back to back, just season fatigue.
  7. Main point of my post is we aren't the typical young team. We aren't all rotate, slash, iso-ball. We are very heavy in players who can penetrate, pass and shoot the 3. That leads to more rebounds but less turnovers.
  8. I have a buddy who obsessively watches betting lines and this has been one of common 3 AM conversations.
  9. Actually that's a real common thing and part of why the Hawks were able to to reel off 19 in a row during the 2014/15 season. Usually happens some time after the first month of the season. The older teams in the league have let down games, especially on the back side of back to backs or 3 games in 4 days kinds of things. https://www.docsports.com/2013/nba-handicapping-back-to-back-ats-records-579.html Although the article doesn't mention age as a factor, this one mentions it. https://www.thoughtco.com/back-to-back-325731 Not only is this true with back to backs but also counts in the months of January up until the all star break and the month of April. Historically, older teams play out of their minds to start the season through November, comeback to earth in January some, then put other teams away in late Feb/March.
  10. Tht' That's what I said....2nd 2 way player....only 2 allowed....so only signing now is the last roster slot. Not sure how you got confused?
  11. I don't know man. I've been looking at the roster and I know that after the first month of the season, older teams tend to slow down and have trouble with extremely fast, young teams. As of right now, the only players 30 years old on opening night will be Lin and Plumlee (both born in '88). Typically, young teams struggle due to turnovers (everyone on the team trying to drive/go one on one because that's how their games developed) and poor shooting percentages from outside. The difference in how this team was built over how other young teams were built is you have a plethora of young guys who are 1) willing defenders, 2) quality outside shooters 3) with the exception of Len all have good hands and 4) with the exception of Len and Dedmon are all capable of putting the ball on the floor to create for others. I know I am typically a Negative Nancy who only likes 1 or 2 players on a team at a time, but I don't have one solid complaint about any off-season addition to this team. We aren't going to the finals, but I think we may surprise people with our competitiveness and shooting. It's going to take us a month or two to gel but I'm thinking that when vet teams are lagging to get to the all-star break, we will be hitting our stride. I'm more than cautiously optimistic with the direction right now. If management wanted to WOW me right now, they'd flip Plumlee's deal and take on a longer but more productive asset and I'd be colored Hawk Red. Either way when $30 million in dead money comes of the cap next year with 3 possible 1st rounders coming our way and everyone a year of experience older, I could see very good things in 2019-20.
  12. That's the second 2 way contract so only 1 roster signing left.
  13. FYI over the cap with $30 million in dead salary. We've effectively playing with 70% of salary this year. We're*
  14. Also remember that whatever Melo signs for, that amount offsets Atlanta's cap hit for waiving Melo. So if Melo signs for the minimum ($2,393,887), that reduces our cap number that much. This is probably why Len is not officially signed yet, because Melo has to sign with Houston to create the space.
  15. I'll answer the question in earnest. First thing first, Houston is in taxpayer territory. So they qualify for the 5.3 million MLE not the 8.4 million. So signing Melo = $5.3 million cap/LT hit max. Trading Anderson = 27.9-20.4 million cap hit = 7.5 million cap hit. Trading out of Anderson Hurts the Rockets an extra 2.2 million in LT or about $7 million total. The benefit is they lose Melo's hit the next year as he's on a one year deal and Anderson is on a 2 year deal. So next year they'd save over $20 million in capspace. In the near term is shaves 7.5 off atlanta's cap this year and therefore puts them 6.8 million under the cap with Anderson on the roster and 1 empty roster slot. So this year (if we were trying to win) it could be a very good deal. The problem is Anderson is signed through next year at an additional 21.2 million cap hit next year. This would be disastrous for what we've set ourselves up for next year and if we wish to compete at all next year, we'd need to do a similar deal to move his salary. Considering Houston is going to be good for at least a few years and any 1st we'd get from them would be in the 20's, I can't see any incentive for us doing this. We've created a situation where we have approximately $54 million in free space next year, to waste 21 million on it for Ryan Anderson seems pointless.
  16. J R Smith only NBA player fined for untying another players shoe. https://www-cnbc-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2018/06/06/cleveland-cavaliers-j-r-smith-only-nba-player-to-pay-this-50k-fine.html?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE%3D#referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnbc.com%2F2018%2F06%2F06%2Fcleveland-cavaliers-j-r-smith-only-nba-player-to-pay-this-50k-fine.html
  17. Total Salary: $98,487,089 Alex Len $4,146,341 New Total: $102,633,430 Salary Cap: $101,869,000 Cap Room: -$764,430 (we are no officially over the cap barring an adjustment). Exceptions available (count against cap if used or kept unless renounced): Mid-level exception - $8,641,000 Bi-Annual Exception - $3,382,000 Luke Babbit TPE - $1,471382 Note: No word yet on if an exception was used in the Len signing or where the discrepancy is that allowed the salary over the cap. Will adjust exceptions or salary when its officially released.
  18. My oldest was 16 when he legitimately beat me for the first time in 21 (and it wasn't close). I wept a little.
  19. Well the greatest flaw in all of these models is injury. That IMHO is the greatest x-factor on any team. The problem with young teams is they are typically injury prone (especially young PG's until they learn its a different game). Injuries play the largest part in these things. Injuries not only get good players off the floor, they disrupt chemistry.
  20. Okay so 82games.com shows Len as a +1.1 player. The team was a modest +.8 on offense with him on the floor and +.3 better on defense as well (replaced by Chandler or Monroe).
  21. http://vorped.com/1-nba/2016-2017/player/1586/alex-len/shotchart/ Alex Len shot chart 16-17 season. This shows he has a nicer elbow jumper as well.
  22. I already posted a video of his outside shooting in practice. He can do it but Phoenix's system didn't all for it. Their 3 centers attempted a total of 3 three pointers last year, all by Len who made 1 of 3.
  23. The Goldstein model definitely has one flaw that has been proven time and again when it comes to young teams. It doesn't account for team speed. Too much youth isn't a good thing except when it comes to team speed and the Hawks will be busting with team speed. Also, youth usually means dumb passes and turnovers. The interesting thing with this rebuild is the focus on players with good handles who can pass. Typically, young players are all dive to the basket high flyers but this assembled group can all put the ball on the floor and is smarter with the basketball. I'm waiting on the last 2 signings to give my final prediction but I'm thinking we're gonna be close to that 35 win mark. I'm primarily focusing on the content of what we lost (see other posts) and what they were replaced with. Sadly, much of the success rides with Young and how quickly he adapts to the speed of the NBA game. The good news is there isn't much left in the way of dump contracts at the deadline (maybe Lin/Baze).
  24. Then Woj misspoke because it is very possible he told OKC he would waive the clause but "waiving" the clause is an official act in the NBA that happens as part of validating the trade.
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