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Posts posted by thecampster

  1. So I saw it. Everyone on the internet is dumping on it.  Nobody going to see it. 

    Let's take a second and remember, I'm the person who created the joke thread Chick Announcers and triggered every psycho on the board.


    I really enjoyed the movie. Kamala Khan is flipping hilarious. Is it an Avengers level movie? No!  But its a transitional film to introduce the West Coast Avengers and the Young Avengers.  Its not inherently pushing any political message or any weird narrative.  

    Lastly, if you can't get behind Goose the Flerken....what is wrong with you.  Goose is hilarious.  

    There's a great Bollywood dance scene/song in it out of nowhere.

    I really don't understand the hate. Its better than the slasher ripper films that always come out at Halloween or the next trashy rom com.  Do I believe the story...not really...but its not terrible and not worth bashing.  The problem (IMHO) is the MCU set the bar too high.

  2. 1 hour ago, Final_quest said:

    I'll say this for Tony's credit.  He gets sh*t done.  He has way more bravado than any other Hawks owner since Turner.  Not always the right move, but that is bound to happen when you are trigger happy.  

    He did get us further as a franchise than any other owner in a short amount of time.  Drunk on success they made some bad decisions making long term commitments to a roster that lacked actual star power that a true contender needs.  We've been in course correction mode ever since, and it's harder to do than people realize.  

    Consider the moves he actually made:

    1. Drafting Trae.  Could argue he should have taken Luka, but he got still got the best draft pick since Nique.  A true franchise player.

    2. Trade for Capela.  Got a top PnR threat for Trae and a true defensive anchor at the time.  

    3. Signed Bogi and Gallo in the same offseason.  The two biggest FAs we signed since Mutumbo.  Millsap was better, but he was unwanted by every other team in the league.  Tony got two high profile signings.  Something we had not done in decades.  

    4. Landed an allstar guard, DM, in his prime and then resigned him for a reasonable deal.  

    5. Brings in one of the most regarded head coaches in the league.


    I see the effort from Tony that previous owner's did not put in and the ability to make deals happen.  He cares, and I truly believe this past summer he traded Collins with the goal of landing a guy like Siakam which would have required GOING OVER THE LUXURY LINE.  It didn't work and they had to make the tough decision to fold and be patient. He wanted to continue his pattern of being aggressive and all of the media reports and insider details backed that up.  I honestly think it killed him to have to fold with nothing to show for their efforts last summer.  

    He's willing to spend but d*mn give him a little runway to be prudent and opportunistic.  After the ECF he fell for the hype and gave everyone a big contract.  He's showing some measure of restraint and the value of managing a cap.  I do think he's the kind of guy who will fire every bullet in his clip, and has a history of showing he will.  In any case over the past 5 years he's made more significant moves than the previous 20 years.   Almost built a contender in about a 3-4 year time period which is next to impossible.  

    I think people forget there are 29 other GMs/Owners out there all trying to do the same thing.  In a world where all things are equal, every team would win the chip once every 30 years.  But in a world where once in a generation players show up once in a generation, tv market and advertising deals affect player movement and different cities have different income thresholds to allow a larger risk appetite against the luxury tax, winning the chip requires monumental efforts of herculean proportion.

    If you looked at the average cost of real estate for metro areas of the top 30 teams and then correlated that to average season record, I think you'd be surprised.

    Start here:  https://www.sportico.com/feature/nba-team-values-ranking-list-1234697991/.  Shows how unique that Denver win was.

    • Like 2
  3. 12 hours ago, Diesel said:

    Coming up on the schedule, 

    Knicks, 76ers, Pacers,   I'm not looking over Miami either. 

    This season is different.   Different teams stepping up high.

    Houston is actually Good.  Udoka is still a smart coach.   Watch your wife... but he can coach young players. 

    I peeked at what Utah is doing.  Big Johnny is over there not having bad games. 

    This season is hard to call.   Giannis can put up 50 something and Milwaukee still loses.  The Pacers are a problem.  And then we have yet to figure it all out.. but it takes at least 20 games...


    This is why PPG/RPG is so misleading.


    10 game sample is close to enough. Yes, he's scored and rebounded but not in "a winning way". Plays impact much more than stats and advanced metrics start to prove that stuff out.

    Having Lauri taking away the best big defender every night is really helping him but his flaws are evident. Utah is not good defensively and scheme is part of it, but the Hawks = better defensively so far and the Jazz are worse....he's the main common denominator.


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  4. When Trae was drafted, I was one of only a couple on the board pining for him to be the pick. I am and have always been a Trae Stan.


    That said:

    1) A big part of Trae's game has always been having more energy than everyone else. That is going to change as he passes 25. He's going to need to evolve.

    2) A big part of Trae's game has always been having a better 1st step than everyone. That is going to change as he passes 25. He's going to need to evolve.

    3) In my career, I am very much a generalist. I am not "great" at 1 thing. It has served me well. Trae is also a generalist when it comes to shooting. His bag is very full. But he is not "great" at anything except the float game. He is an average 3 point shooter, a good but not great personal shot creator and he is streaky. Trae needs to pick something to be great at shooting wise and work on nothing but that. He needs a dagger shot and 30 foot 3's is not it.  He needs something that requires you can never leave him alone off ball. Think Korver curl off a screen top of the 3 pt line.  The guy was deadly there.  Trae needs a shot he doesn't miss. As he ages, he'll be less able to draw foul calls, less likely to take the pounding.

    4) The game is played on both ends. He is not the defender many of the other greats were.  He'll never be best on ball but he doesn't have to be. He needs to continue to improve off ball. Taking away passing lanes, dropping down to dig on bigs (FYI, this drives Embiid crazy) and helping on other's to cut off the strong hand dribbles (FYI, this drives Lebron crazy). 


    If his career ended today, he's a top 50 pg all time, maybe top 20.  If he doesn't continue to evolve on defense and doesn't evolve his offensive game for the long haul, he may end up a bench player by 30.

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  5. 47 minutes ago, Spud2nique said:

    Oh no sir! This belongs to the community! It’s a group decision baby! But since both you and @JayBirdHawk say Trae and JJ then that’s it! Majority wins since no bloody else said anything. Oh @thecampster, you wanna give the game ball 🏀 to ONE player every game based on +/-? That doesn’t tell the entire story of the game though, I dunno, I think it should be one, two, three… the team getting game balls 🏀 although to be fair to camp there is technically only really one game 🏀.. 🤔 


    @kg01 You know what went wrong 😑 here, I didn’t get your blessing for the thread like the others, I need your executive 👩‍💼 cut throat decision making. Like that one time before the podcast where I couldn’t decide between Burger King and Taco Bell and flipped like 4 bitc.. 180’s 😐 then you finally took the wheel 🛞 and we ended up at McDonald’s sharing nuggets! 😊 Remember that! 20 for $5.99 baby! 

    See the above answer: I was only interested in the snotball.

    • Haha 2
  6. 8 minutes ago, kg01 said:

    Make a decision, mayne!  This what you get for being all proactive and clever.  You think @lethalweapon3 had to ask AH whether or not to feature Moriah Mills in the Pelican'ts game thread?  Naw, he made the call himself.

    Also, if you're awarding a game ball to the too player, can you also award a gumball to the bottom player?  😄

    If you looked at the +/- per minute...there can be only 1.

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