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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. My days of greater than a 6 inch vertical jump are over. Now if you are looking for someone to dunk an Oreo, I'm your guy.
  2. Bud has been doing this all year. Millsap leads the team at 33:54 per game, Dennis at 31:00 per game. Dwight is at 29.27 and the rest of the team is sub 28 minutes / game. This is what has me most impressed with Dwight's contribution. He is averaging less than 30 minutes / game and getting it done stat wise. 14 points, 13.4 rebounds in less than 30 minutes and less than 9 shot attempts / game is doing work. http://www.82games.com/1617/16ATL15.HTM His per48 PER differential is a staggering +11.9. Compare that with Millsap's +5, Dennis' -1.2 and Korver -8. Dwight's impact, specifically against his Center opponent is staggering.
  3. So if I had to guess, we are going to package the future Minny/Cav picks for a 10-20 pick in the upcoming 2017 draft. That would give us 2 1st round picks this coming draft (3 picks total) to fill 3 of the missing 7 spots. One solid contract to fill the PF slot and we're golden.
  4. Mo Williams = trade filler for the deadline (as we need to add future salary) or an expiring after the season ends. Assuming Millsap opts out, this gives the Hawks 42 million going into the off-season with this current roster. Schröder/Delaney Bazemore/Hardaway/Bembry Prince/Dunleavy None Howard +42 million in cap space and 10 draft picks in the next 3 years. 2017 - 1 -1st round pick / 2 - 2nd round picks 2018 - 2 -1st round picks / 1 - 2nd round pick 2019 - 2 - 1st round picks / 2 - 2nd round picks
  5. Why Dunleavy is no Korver - better defense due to being taller. Slower release. Unlike Korver, Dunleavy has the size to play the 3. Because of this, Baze is back to be being a 2, his normal position. Dunleavy seemingly is a better fit. for 10-15 minutes a game if the rooks can't step up. This is a good blog from 2014. http://www.blogabull.com/2014/11/19/7246255/in-praise-of-mike-dunleavy-jr
  6. Love > Sap. Sorry, I love Sap but it isn't even close. Just this season and despite stat impact of Irving/James, Love is getting 4 more points, 2.7 more boards. Love has 2 - 26 point seasons and 4 - 12 rebound+ seasons. Love > Sap without the better contract. That said, Schröder is under contract for quite some time on a reasonable deal going forward and Rose is on the decline. Rose is also a free agent at season's end and all this does is clear up a great deal of cap space next year.
  7. http://www.espn.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=huajutw This however works. But it leaves Atlanta dangerously weak at the PG position and 2 roster spots short of 15, while increasing our cap amount about 5 million while lowering Cleveland's considerably. Looking at this logically, I really, really, really don't like losing Dennis. I am a huge fan of his potential. Dennis in 2 years will be stellar. Love + Rose +Dwight is very scary. We would own the boards, have multiple solid scorers and that extra draft pick. The trade machine also assumes +4 wins for the Hawks but less wins for both the Knicks and Cavs.
  8. Per espn trade machine, this works but only if Cleveland cuts 20 million in extra salary. this is nonsense
  9. Zach Lowe is an idiot. Tim Hardaway Jr. has a qualifying offer for $3.4 million next year. In today's NBA, that is barely more than a vet min and 1/8th of a max contract. For his production, Harday is making less than 1/5 of market demand. Hardaway is worth a mid-round first when you balance his contract with his production. Hardaway for a 2nd would bring pitchforks to Phillips for Bud's head.
  10. This is why I think this deal was to acquire the extra 1st rounder and cap space. I am thinking that there are going to be sellers on the market come the deadline and the Hawks will be able to use their expirings (or Millsap's salary) plus the 2 1st rounders we are owed to completely remake the roster. This trade brought Atlanta a very marketable asset in that late 1st round pick. Late 1st rounders are barely more than a vet minimum salary. In Today's NBA, that salary savings can be huge. There will be more than one team asking for that asset in trade at the deadline. With this deal, Atlanta is now owed 3 - 2nd rounders and 2 - 1st rounders in the next 3 drafts and only owe 1 - 2nd rounder to SA. We have assets, assets other teams need, while having a few developing young core players. Next year we currently only have 8 players under contract, including Sap's opt out $21 million for a total of $84 million committed and a cap of $102 million. This is why I am thinking they may make over the roster before next year. We currently have 6 expiring contracts totaling $21 million. $21 million in expirings + 5 extra draft picks = a whole lot of buying at the deadline. I think the KK deal in part is to create a few million more dollars in room to pick up other people's salary.
  11. I'm trying to wrap my head around people's reactions. Fact 1: There are 46 games left in the regular season now. Fact 2: Korver lost his starting role to Thabo Sefalosha. Fact 3: Korver is a free agent at season's end. So if I am understanding this correctly, we just traded 46 games of a backup 3 point specialist, for a 1st round pick in 2019 that could be anywhere from 16-30 (probably), while clearing up around 2 million in salary and creating more playing time for Bembry, Hardaway and Prince? Am I missing something? Isn't this kind of a steal? Cleveland is giving us $2 million in salary discount, a future 1st and more playing time for our rooks. This kind of looks to me like the kind of thievery you call the police over. Kyle is a nice guy and could possibly be back next year. But you gave up 46 games for quite a good bit of roster clarity.
  12. To support this, this year Atlanta is giving up 1.4 more point per game in transition than last year. At the same time, Atlanta's effective FG% is down 1% over last year.
  13. I waited a bit to respond to this. Spacing for 3 pointers is what's missing offensively. We're still shooting the 3 but our percentages have plummeted. Missed 3's = long rebounds which = fast break opportunities for your opponent. Our offense has become more guard ISO under Dennis, Korver has become 4 steps slower and they don't work the ball inside early often enough. Teams are lagging off post defense on us and closing out on the 3. We are rushing a lot of 3 point shots and our only real offense right now is on Paul ISO's and Dennis ISO's starting at the top of the key. Our current motion is only for show. Fixing our offensive set woe's will correct most of what is wrong with our defense.
  14. Lowry = 4th in scoring, 2nd in assists, 1st in FG%, team is 2nd in record. Remember that they no longer choose by position but choose guards/forwards/centers. Also, fan votes only count 50% of the vote this year. The media counts 25% and the NBA players vote this year which counts 25%. The players ahead of Dennis in this list are (and in no particular order) Beal, Wall, Lowry, Walker, Irving, Thomas, DeRozan. There are at least 7 players ahead of Dennis for the 2 Guard positions. Players with similar stats to Dennis and possibly more name recognition. Teague, Rose, Wade, Bradley, Batum, Dragic, Fournier, So Dennis is in a field where he is somewhere between 8th and 15th most qualified for one of 6 or 7 positions. View the ballot, arrangement and stats here https://vote.nba.com/index.html?iref=asv17_nbacom_HP_US&cid=asv17_nbacom_HP_US
  15. You have to give Supes credit. His hate is consistent, facts be damned. Seriously though, 1 game is not a career. So I decided to do a career comparison between Dwight and NBASupes For Dwight's career, it seems he has missed 4109 more shots than NBASupes and turned the ball over 2730 more times. This led me to believe that Supes might be on to something. However, further discovery revealed that Dwight had made 5746 more Field Goals and 4522 more Free Throws for a grand total of 16019 more NBA points than Supes. Additionally, he's grabbed 11488 more rebounds and blocked 1862 more shots. It seems Howard has considerably more playoff experience, having played in 89 playoff games. He has 1 more NBA Finals appearance and 2 more Conference finals appearances than Supes, along with one more Olympic Gold medal. But he might be right, Dwight might be overrated.
  16. They made an effort to get Dwight involved...for the season..8.8 FGA/Game. Tonight 10 in the first half...17 point lead. When you play inside out, you limit fast breaks, have a chance to set up the defense and create room for your shooters. It is basketball 101 and you saw what it did tonight. Because Dennis did his job in the first half, it opened up things for the shooters in the second half. But the excessive jump shooting in the second half is what let Toronto back in the game....inside out, ball movement. Quick passes into the post, quick early decisions, no ball pounding = success...pure and simple.
  17. The kid, 5 times a game at least, drives to the basket with his head down, finds himself among the trees and out of real estate and tries an emergency wrap around pass at the feet of a 7 footer. Dennis is playing like Allen Iverson right now and not Rondo. He is stuffing his own stat sheet at the expense of other players. There is no universe where Dennis should be taking more shots a game than Paul Millsap or nearly as many shots as Howard and Korver combined (Dennis = 355, Howard+Korver=376). A point guard needs to penetrate and at 10-12 feet from the basket know his options. In Dennis' head right now his options begin as: 1) quick underhand soft kiss of the glass, 2) giant killer off the glass 3) reverse of the glass, 4) drive through underneath and set it back up, 5) panic and find someone to bail me out. The kid is lightning quick and this works for him pretty often, but its terrible basketball. It puts everyone out of position to get back on defense, leads to easy breaks the other way and frustrates your teammates.
  18. There should be a Like +10 button. Did he honestly say, "who only sees the game one way"? SMH
  19. Please justify how 62.3% FG%, 13.8ppg, 12.5 rpg, 1.6 bpg in less than 29mpg is just a decent center. Also, please explain to me why the center shooting 62.3% is shooting 5.5 less shots per game than the point guard shooting 44%. Why is the point guard shooting more than the all-star, offensive power forward. Why when Dennis is driving to the basket is he thinking score first and pass only in an emergency. If I see him throw one more pass at Dwight's ankles after getting stuck driving in balls deep under the basket I'm gonna blow the roof off my house screaming. Even more so, explain how 4th in the league in FG% and 4th in the league in rebounding is just "decent". Your opinions are so hate-filled, lacking statistical back and unsubstantiated it's nauseating. The current Hawks failures fall squarely on the shoulders of Coach Bud. The Hawks have serious defensive issues related to Korver's foot speed, Bazemore's size and a lack of adjustments. This all began with giving up Demarre and continued this season by dropping Edy in lieu of Ryan Kelly. The refusal to allow the rooks to play and to play to their strengths. Great coaches adjust to what they have. Bud is coaching like a rookie this season and it shows. The team is giving up 4 more points per game over last season and 6.2 more points over the previous season. The team is showing significantly less dedication to defense in their style to play and minutes doled out. This is on Bud and your opinion that Dwight is a problem doesn't show up in the numbers. When Dwight Howard is grabbing 4.5 ORB per game but only getting 8.8 shots per game (1/2 coming on put backs) it shows no commitment to playing inside out. Jump shot misses lead to long rebounds and fast breaks for the opposing team. Bud needs to get control of this team and start running the offense through Paul and Dwight.
  20. John Stockton made a living in the pick n roll. With Dennis' speed, it should be easier than a Kardashian. Pick, push hard towards the rim, make a decision. Every time I see Dennis try to get fancy with the hard push right, pull up jumper inside the 3 point line I want to punch my television.
  21. Somebody needs to grab Dennis by the ears and say, "penetrate, penetrate, penetrate until they are forced to lay off of you". It isn't how much he shoots that's killing me, it is how much he is forcing the shot.
  22. http://www.sbnation.com/2016/11/20/13694382/kent-bazemore-dwight-howard-smiles-laughs-alley-oop
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