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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. What follows is a list of every team sorted from most room to least. I've used a generic $60 million as a cap number since we don't know what it will be this coming year. A few stipulations. 1. These numbers only include guaranteed contracts. 2. Not included in available room are cap holds due to current free agents, draft picks or empty roster slots. These numbers reflect what would happen if all options are waived and if minimum slots don't matter. They are a starting point only. 3. I wasn't sure how to count amnestied players and included their salaries just like Shamsports does. 4. This also doesn't account for team/player options. It only accounts for guarantees. a. example - Marvin has a player option. He is not included. He could opt out and look for a new deal (yes I'm laughing as I type that). 5. Please understand that players being traded at the draft, amnestied or the like will change these numbers heading into free agency. 6. Please realize that a team can not sign another team's free agents and fill up all available cap space until they've dealth with their own free agents (Unless like the Hawks you have more room than you know what to do with) This should be an easy reference when discussing any future signings, etc Numbers are in Millions. Team Salaries Available Atlanta $18.4840 $41.5160 Utah $25.6970 $34.3030 Cleveland $32.5940 $27.4060 New Orleans $34.9570 $25.0430 Detroit $35.1730 $24.8270 Houston $38.0640 $21.9360 Charlotte $40.4200 $19.5800 Milwaukee $40.5820 $19.4180 Sacramento $40.7070 $19.2930 San Antonio $41.0420 $18.9580 LA Clippers $45.2850 $14.7150 Philadelphia $46.1930 $13.8070 Dallas $48.4900 $11.5100 Indiana $48.9980 $11.0020 Minnesota $52.4660 $7.5340 Phoenix $53.3690 $6.6310 Portland $60.1740 -$0.1740 Memphis $60.4680 -$0.4680 Washington $65.1910 -$5.1910 Toronto $65.8880 -$5.8880 Oklahoma City $66.1190 -$6.1190 Denver $72.6000 -$12.6000 Bostom $73.0650 -$13.0650 Chicago $73.2030 -$13.2030 Golden State $74.8850 -$14.8850 Orlando $75.3540 -$15.3540 New York $76.4050 -$16.4050 LA Lakers $78.1870 -$18.1870 Miami $85.6010 -$25.6010 Brooklyn $89.5490 -$29.5490
  2. Your radio broadcast is a paid advertisement for ticket sales. When the signal doesn't reach 3/4 of Atlanta Metro....that's a problem. Years ago before having a network of stations, the Braves were on AM750 taking advantage of the 50,000 watt blowtorch. They developed a fanbase that stretched across 10 states. They broadcast games on TBS and reached almost every state in the union. For a while nearly every game seemed like a sell out. The Hawks need to learn from this philosophy. Moving to 92.9 is a step in the right direction.
  3. Its Thursday and no decision on LD made public....that means??????
  4. I'm going to post 2 articles. And then I'm going to excerpt the one quote you need to read. http://espn.go.com/chicago/nba/story/_/id/8572696/scottie-pippen-wants-nba-head-coaching-job http://www.aolnews.com/2010/02/26/scottie-pippen-hopes-to-coach-in-nba/ I grew up in the Chicagoland area. Jordan never won a championship without this guy but without Jordan Pippen's Bulls won. He played in 208 career playoff games and won 6 NBA titles and made 7 all-star games. This is someone that understands what it takes, what winning takes. He understands practice and that winning happens before you ever step on the court. It's about the offseason, preseason and the work you do before one fan ever takes his seat. He'd be my choice.
  5. It's 13, roster minimum. Not active. All 15 counts against the cap, LT but for the purposes of roster slots/cap holds its 13. I'm 99.7324% sure.
  6. Perspective to what you are saying here. If you have Paul, you don't need Teague. If you have Howard, Scott, Williams, Jenkins all under contract you don't need one and or the other of Smith, Horford, Korver. If you have two 1st round picks you don't necessarily need certain other players on the roster. Until you renounce Zaza, Petro, Johnson, Jones, Tolliver, etc your cap hold number is smaller. All of us on this board say all of these things with confidence when in reality Ferry has a little puzzle on his desk he's trying to piece together which includes players right down to player 13/14/15. It also fits beyond 2013/2014. So if you see the Hawks fill out the roster right up to the LT this year and get Howard/Paul etc then you can bet there is a buyer in the wings because there is no way the spirit group is planning to be in the LT in 2015/16/17 and beyond.
  7. Let me just show a more "reliable way" Howard and Paul could land here. First, renouncing Josh does create the space necessary with holds and rookie salaries to still sign both. However it doesn't fix the 5 v 4 year contract and 7.5% v 4.5% raise issues. So assume for a minute you turn the starting PF job over to Scott or draft a PF. You trade Horford and a 1st rounder to LA relieving some of their cap nightmare in a sign and trade for Howard. You resign Smith. You can now give Howard the max, Josh a fair contract and sign Paul to the max. Paul/Teague/Williams/ Korver/Jenkins Smith/Pick Scott/Johnson Howard/Filler Paul - Korver - Smith - Scott - Howard is a very nasty starting 5. Now salaries Howard and Paul at 34 million total each Korver at 5 Smith at 14 Scott 1 Your starting 5 is 54 Million - Teague is 4, Williams is 5 and the roster is rounded out with vet min/draft picks. I am not saying we should do this, I'm just saying this is how you can get both easier. Luring Howard without the 5th year or 7.5% raises probably isn't going to happen...it might but probably not. One last thing. Al Jefferson, Bynum are out there as well. just saying
  8. I only see one minor thing wrong with this as written. Assuming this is how they are signed, their contracts would most probably have salary increases built in annually. Although it fits this year it would push us into the LT in subsequent years. Also, we have 1st rounders this year that maintain a cap hold...when lining up salaries make sure you include the empty roster slots, rookie salaries in your cap/LT figures.
  9. When looking at this, do you not see how dark things get at 90 and 45 degree angles? There is a reason for this. Depth perception.
  10. You two really need to work on reading comprehension. I said "for some people". Its a depth perception thing and mental. Look someone asked why and this is an extremely common reason. People move back to change the angle. Honestly this board frustrates the hell out of me. You guys have a pathelogical bent toward arguing stuff that doesn't even matter. All he is doing is changing his angle because muscle memory for missing has set in.
  11. for some players, the backboard creates a 2d effect with the basket..moving left or right returns it to 3d
  12. This is a common thing tried by big men who struggle with free throw and its designed to assist with depth perception. The taller you are, the less of an angle to the rim there is (especially straight on). This is the reason most 3 point shooters prefer a slight angle to the basket when shooting. At this point hitting a free throw has turned mental. The change from Josh is in the last 20 games or so. My guess is someone suggested he changed the perception by moving back a few feet. A smarter suggestion would have been to tell him to move left or right of the basket 6 inches. This would create an angle and make the depth of the basket appear to the shooter's eye.
  13. so I'm on 82games.com when 2 stats jumped out at me. Josh Smith EFG% by position SF 52.6% PF 49.6% C 41.5% Also OPP PER SF - 8.9 (dif 7.2) PF - 17.3 (dif 1.1) C - 14.9 (dif 3.3) The obvious answer here is Josh performs better at the 3 but the EFG% is the interesting one. Josh goes to the basket more against smaller players. His BBIQ is obviously higher when he's at the 3. Following that argument he averages .9 more assists per 48 minutes when at the 3 as well. Should this alone not be enough to to say Josh at the 3 is the superior choice?
  14. Jenkins lost 35 lbs going into his pro day and according to reports he was a beast there. We'll see but stopping the run still matters in the NFL On a similar note Kwame Geathers went undrafted.
  15. These are inexpensive ways to lock up both corner spots for 5 years. These picks have a great deal to do with Matt Ryan's contract after the season ends.
  16. I have the feeling we are really going to regret playing against Jenkins 2-3 times a year.
  17. The numbers over the decade show us to be a 40% win percentage team with Smith out of the lineup.
  18. Let's pretend a few things for a moment. Let's pretend that instead of our starting lineup on Sunday being Teague, Harris, Korver, Smith, Horford The lineup was Teague, Korver, Smith, Horford, Howard Let's also pretend that instead of having Stevenson, Petro in the game on Sunday we had L. Williams and Zaza coming off the bench. Let's also pretend that instead of Tolliver and Jones on the roster we had 2 first round rookies Lastly, instead of Shelvin Mack and Ivan Johnson you had a 10 million dollar Free Agent. the question Do you win the game on Sunday?
  19. Not really. There is no avenue for LA to get better next year. Without Dwight and without including player options the Laker payroll is set at 70.3 million. Assuming they sign Dwight for max money this puts their payroll around 15-16 million over the LT. This limits trading opportunities, signing opportunities, etc. If Kobe is out next year or just not quite his black mamba self, the Laker roster is going to take a serious dump. If you include options without Dwight they are at 79 million. If you include cap holds they are over 124 million. Does Dwight believe that with a recovering Kobe and unmotivated Gasol the team will be better next year? Probably not. So what if he's patient you might think. What about 14/15? Steve Nash is currently the only player signed for 14/15. Almost everything the Lakers have expires next year. Although this says decent things about the ability to sign free agents, you really have to build a full team and they will run out of assets quickly.
  20. you'd be surprised how often 1 million is the difference between being able to sign just the right piece or not. Especially when teams can offer a midlevel exception you can't. Drafting smart...not high is the answer. See San Antonio.
  21. You might be mistaking my assertion of believing what they will do for what they should do. Here's the problem. As Northcyde points out, after Dwight, Paul, maybe Smith and Bynum, there is a real fall off in people we want to take our money. But we need to spend that salary and this year or our flexibility in trading for other team's players is severely limited. We have to spend that money on someone. So assuming Paul, Howard, Bynum are not Hawks next year, lets make some financial assumptions. Lets assume there is no way Stevenson is back (non-guaranteed). The Hawks will start F/A with 6 players under contract: Scott, Jenkins, Horford, Johnson, Teague, Williams and about 22.5 million spent. Assuming Josh is not back and assuming they exercise both picks at about 2 million in value each. They now have 8 roster spots filled and 24.5 million spent. They need 5 players and have 35.5 million under the cap. But there aren't many players left out there worth in excess of 10 million a year a year that we will convince to take our money. Without Dwight, Paul, Smith, Bynum and playing in the same division as Miami, convincing players we are a contender will be impossible. So we will end up overpaying for them and long term. So in order to make the team more enticing, trading away the following commodities for other team's good players is possible. We have 2 2nd round picks this year and 1 next year. We have 2 first round picks this year and 1 next year. If we trade for another team's salary headache with a short term deal, we greatly enhance our team short term while retaining our long-term flexibility. But drafting and hoping isn't a solution. We have to fill out our roster and we have to spend 85% of the cap (or roughly 51 million) by season start. We have to pay someone and we don't want to overpay long term. Its better to overpay short term.
  22. Go big or go home...that's what I say. Some post for a newbie. I'll do my best to answer 1 at a time. 1. Clearing up Joe's contract alone wasn't what freed up the money. Joe cleared 19 million this coming season but because we were operating 12 million over the cap it only cleared about 7 million in cap space. There were other contracts set to expire that also cleared room this past year and next (Hinrich's big deal being one, Zaza's impending deal being another). However, trading Marvin's 7.5-8.5 a year 2 year deal for Harris' 1 year 9 million deal effectively is clearing about 8 million this year over what we started last year at. That with Joe, Zaza and Hinrich is what cleared about 30 million total this summer. It was both the coup in sending Johnson with sending away Marvin plus good timing with others that has put us in this position. 2. Top Tier is a funny word. No we can't sign 2 max players. The reason is that even though we have cleared up the cap space, there is still a cap hold that will exist for many of those players unless we renounce our rights. Notably, Josh Smith's cap hold next year will be over 19 million. We won't renounce him because if we do let Josh go, we won't be able to do a sign n trade which would both help the other team and return us an asset. The cap holds will keep us from doing what most think we can. Even if we renounced everyone, there will be a cap hold for every vacant roster spot and for our 2 first round rookies eating into that cap space some. Without Josh we'll get or trade for a top tier player and a mid-level player. But not 2 top tier. 3. Drafting higher isn't a good thing unless you are getting a sure thing. Higher draft picks in the teens are a crap shoot but cost a little more in salary with each slot up. That salary eats into our cap space (see answer 2). Finishing higher is better this year and in the future as rookies rarely contribute right away....especially non lottery rookies. 4. There have been a few topics on this. I'm guessing we are going to move one of them for another teams quality player but cap burden (someone like Carlos Boozer, Andrew Bogut or Andrei Bargnani). 5. Josh love/hate on this board is 50/50. I for one love the guy. Welcome to the board. 1.) Since I am new, I would just like to start out by saying what a god I think Danny Ferry is for pulling off the Joe Johnson trade. I was hoping we would do a sign and trade from the very beginning (before he was re-signed and kept) so we could get some value out of him. The fact that we signed him to a $120 million contract being that he was basically 30 at the time, and were keeping him was always insane to me. The fact that he was able to get rid of that hot potato contract before Joe Johnson really, really started deteriorating (when nobody would want him) and managed to get a ton of expiring contracts and a first round pick from one of the only two teams who probably wanted him was nothing short of amazing. And look at what it essentially meant. By clearing Joe's max contract, we freed up room to sign at least one different max player (assuming one worth it is willing to come to Atlanta)...upgrading Joe's for a better and probably younger max player...PLUS got another first round pick. 2.) Do you think there is any chance we can get two top tier players to Atlanta? Especially Dwight Howard? I just can't understand why everything I've read said he isn't interested in playing in Atlanta, his hometown and where Josh Smith currently plays. Can't understand it. What about Chris Paul? Just thinking about a team with Horford, Howard, and Chris Paul is an amazing thing to think about. Then throw in two first round picks and it's a pretty amazing thought. Unlikely, but actually possible...instead of being saddled with Joe Johnson's contract for 4 years. 3.) Would you rather be the 5 seed or draft one or two spots higher? Frankly, with all of the injuries (especially Lou Williams), I think I'd just assume draft a spot higher. We're not going to win it this year. 4.) What should we do with the two picks? Keep them or try to trade up? I have no idea what kind of value is in the draft this year. 5.) How many of you guys on this board want to keep Josh Smith? If it's possible, I would really love to. Does he take bad shots? Obviously. His FG percentage is still really good and he just does such a variety of things that few other players can match. I'd love to have Paul (and maybe he's more willing to come to Atlanta than Howard), but could you imagine a front court of Howard, Horford, and Smith?
  23. I am not for firing LD. I gave him a chance this year. But should LD be fired, it will be because of his failure to recognize what Jenkins and Scott bring to the table on the floor. What follows is a list of minutes played this year for the Hawks. Al Horford 2713 Josh Smith 2632 Jeff Teague 2570 Kyle Korver 2216 Devin Harris 1371 Zaza Pachulia 1134 DeShawn Stevenson 1120 Lou Williams 1119 Ivan Johnson 969 Anthony Tolliver 904 John Jenkins 818 Dahntay Jones 320 Mike Scott 313 Johan Petro 310 Anthony Morrow 301 That Dahntey Jones....acquired at the trading deadline has played more minutes this year than Mike Scott is a travesty. That had Anthony Morrow not been injured and traded he probably would have had more minutes than both combined is plain stupidity. That Tolliver, Johnson, Stevenson have all seen more minutes than either rookie and considering Lou Williams went down after 38 games opening playing time for Jenkins, shows that talent evaluation is severely lacking. I contend the progress Scoot and Jenkins made this year could have been acquired in the first 20 games if each would have been given 10-15 minutes per game. Especially on Stevenson back to backs.
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