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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. JJR and Josh on the same team is a very scary combination. Josh spends a lot of time kicking the ball out to shooters who miss an awful lot. JJ R just may buy him a friendship bracelet and Josh may average 7 assists a game.
  2. Which is why I don't trust it unless its part of a 3 way and Ellis is going elsewhere. Ellis is redundant right now with Harris/Williams/Teague and Jenkins development.
  3. Dolfan, Suns just released Luke Zeller to make room for that trade so it could become official. Zeller was one of the non-guaranteeds.
  4. Ellis stat line for the year. 39% FG%. 22.2% from 3. 3 T/O a game. These are all things we supposedly have in a problem from Josh. All but T/O are markedly worse.
  5. Paraphrasing, "Josh isn't the only asset. We're in a position to go a number of ways to make ourselves better." When pressed on if any other trade possibilities are out there. Where asked about Josh, "We've talked and his representatives. We've talked all season about where we see the franchise going and we've had a good open relationship." Other than that...nothing of value. He wouldn't commit to talking about players and got real nervous when "other players on the roster" were discussed. My guess....we'll be moving people but not Josh.
  6. Because I sleep during the day, i won't be able to monitor the situation. I will just wake up and know.
  7. Yes it is only a 2nd round pick. They currently do have 15 on the roster without the trade, but have 2 non-guaranteed contracts that fit...Zell and Diante Garrett (my bet to go). They could also have another deal in their back pocket that will need to be processed before this one. A two for one type of a deal.
  8. This is the only part of the rumors to me that have standing. When trading Josh away you have to be looking at getting back equal value, either immediately or through moves. You really don't want 3 rookies, but moving 2 of those later for someone else's cap headache to replace Smith's production is possible.
  9. This is just a sampling. Many of the same "experts" (berger, broussard, etc). Tons of "Josh definately being traded" rumors...cavs wanting Marvin, JJ to GS, Hinrich being shopped etc. Just putting this years rumors into perspective before tomorrow. http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/365779-josh-reportedly-involved-in-3-team-trade-min-atl-orl-d12-not-involved/ http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/365676-smith-for-pau-gasol/ http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/365656-hoopsworlds-steve-kyler-twitters-that-smoove-could-be-nj-bound-today/ http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/365615-cavs-still-trying-to-get-marvin/ http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/365667-ken-berger-update-says-to-only-expect-a-minor-deal-wont-dump-hinrich-for-payroll-reasons/ http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/365285-you-guys-are-freaking-killing-me-cap-information-inside/ http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/365515-building-around-horford-my-second-rant-of-the-week/ http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/365516-i-got-the-feeling-that-sund-will-make-trades/ http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/365342-would-you-gamble-on-d-howard-for-the-rest-of-this-year-even-if-he-decides-not-to-resign/ http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/365271-golden-state-expressing-interest-in-joe-johnson-trade-rumors-3412/ http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/365037-marvin-for-sessions/ (scary how close this one turned out to be....Harris instead of Sessions. http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/365841-josh-and-dwight-will-both-be-free-agents-next-year/ http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/365661-putting-the-jsmoove-speculation-to-rest/
  10. Just a side note. Josh is 35% from 3 this season. More than acceptable.
  11. Another example of Broussard covering for himself when patently just made something up. Phoenix claimed the next day that no such discussion ever took place.
  12. They've inquired about Dwight. L.A. said no they aren't trading him. They've shopped for a Center and a SF. Contrary to wild speculation, nothing with a real source behind it has surfaced where they've actually made a counter offer or inquired on their own. Most of the rumors are started by sportswriters/talk show hosts in other cities, ESPN (experts...LOL) and most predominantly Smoove's agent/surrogates who are trying to hold the Hawk's feet to the fire by drumming up interest in him in other cities. This is very common practice by agents before a player's free agent year.
  13. Let's pursue that idea. The deal would be Dwight/filler for Horford/Harris. Next season cap situation. Williams, Teague, Ivan, Scott, Johnson - 10 million Presumed starting deal for Josh 15 million Presumed starting deal for Dwight 17.4 million Cap situation 42.4 million 7 players under contract. Two draft picks in the high teens for another 4 million a year. 46.4 million 9 players under contract. Resign Korver for 5 million a season. Same for Zaza, 3 million per for Morrow. Team situation 2013/2014. Teague/pick Williams/Jenkins KorverMorrow/Scott Smith/Johnson/pick Howard/Zaza 12 players under contract, just above the cap. Use the mid-level on a quality vet to play backup point while the new rookie learns plus sign 1 vet minimums. I don't see the problem. A team centered on Teague/Smith/Howard is a defensive beast. You have 3 shooters on the floor at all time, strong post play, solid post defense and good passing. Good backup center and PF. Free throw shooting is your biggest weakness. I'll take this team all day long if Howard is healthy. You have to pay Jeff and the salaries are assumptions but trading Horford for Dwight doesn't kill you. I just wish you could keep Harris at a cap friendly number doing so.
  14. That's what I keep saying but no one is listening. Josh is already an expiring. Makes no sense to trade him for existing salary unless you really like the player (so the scrub rumors are bogus) and makes no sense to trade him for expiring contracts and picks unless you really, really like the picks (top 10 ish). And trading Josh for picks is bound to improve the team you trade him to's playoff chances making the picks more likely to suck. All makes no sense. Danny is smarter than that.
  15. Does nobody remember how hated Smith is in Milwaukee for his comments before the "fear the deer" playoff series? I highly doubt they trade for him thinking they can retain him.
  16. If Bynum is healthy would you throw big money at him to play next to Al next season?
  17. I think missed in his post because it wasn't formatted well was that he was saying Green Fab Melo 1st Josh This actually works with our roster but that deal would push Boston into the LT. A more reasonable deal in that scenario is Green Bass Melo 1st Smith Petro. That evens out the salaries enough Boston wouldn't be forced into the LT. Bass is a nice player to have and is better than Petro but is more expensive. The problem there is all 3 (Green, Bass, Melo) are committed salaries through 2015 eating up about 16 million in cap space. Green is very much a Marvin Williams type of a player and handing Boston Smith and cap flexibility while putting ourselves right back into Marvin isn't my idea of a good deal no matter how much I covet Fab Melo.
  18. Okay, I took the time to read the article and many user comments. I have to admit, ESPN did a much better job repackaging old rumors to make them sound new but their sources are "a team close to the situation" and "another team". This could be the janitor, towel boy or rumors from the beat writer. Basically they said the same thing except the team close to the situation made a guess that he'd end up a net. Not, heard he'd be a net or knows there's a deal to be a Net. No, guessed he'd be a Net. Don't get your hopes up or down fellas...there is nothing to see here.
  19. Haters hate...that's all it is. It will take less than a week for us to be a defensive shambles.
  20. Once again, trading an expiring for non-expirings pre summer is going to ruin our cap flexibility. The way to get the most for Josh is through sign-trade in the summer, not at the deadline.
  21. Go back to early Feb this time the last 2 years. Every NBA analysts was convinced Josh was headed to LA, Boston or NY. Never was close. This is all Smith's agent swirling rumors trying to hype the value of his guy.
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