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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. Horrible hands. I think you have him confused with CC. Bad hands I'll buy. Not ready hands, yah. But horrible hands goes to bunny shot Clint.
  2. Right there. BRUNO 2/3 down the lane, 1 step out, perfect position to smother that. That was not Bruno a few years ago. Someone broke it down for him.
  3. You and I buttes heads on him a few times and for me it was always his reaction time and starting position. He spent more time defensively being drawn to the free throw line and get passed behind. Tonight he's playing step out step in 1/2 way down the free throw line on both ends and cutting off his opponents angles. He's big. This gives him a huge advantage in shot challenges.
  4. If Bruno played front of the rim aggressive like this in his first stop here, we would have never moved him.
  5. Still here, still read the nonsense nightly and still laugh at 75% of the takes. Just less talking, more.healing.
  6. OMFG when Jalen is allowed to push the ball up court, his whole approach changes and he becomes a menace.
  7. You mean Wesley Matthew's right? Meth Bogi has had some quality moments.
  8. I have a pocket list of people I'd trade away and for to improve this team that would make people do a double take on the defensive end and I really think that's what the trade deadline will all be about. Getting bigger, longer, better laterally.
  9. I'd really love some advanced metrics or film study around how out of position Bey is on most trips down the court. That guy is pretty beast mode offensively but is one of the worst team defenders I've ever seen. I'd love that breakdown.
  10. On that drive, JJ used the simultaneous hop dribble and did not get called for a travel this time. That's new, that's different and a good sign.
  11. Quote: "There is no reason not to believe that if given starter minutes he can't average 15/8/3 and 35% from 3." JJ stats today: 15.3/8.1/2.7 and 41.5% from 3. John Collins this season: 13.7/7.8/.8 and 37.3% from 3. Collins last season for us: 13.1/6.5/1.2 and 29% from 3. I think the debate is over. JJ probably finishes the season closer to 18/9/3.
  12. I counted 5 times he passed to someone who missed a wide open look. He easily could/should have had 5 more assists.
  13. JJ is not the hero you all wanted, but he was the hero you needed!!!
  14. So let me give some insight on something that does happen (though less often than you think). Teams assemble video packages on players who they think get the shaft with the whistle. You pretty much reserve it for top 3 scorers and the evidence has to be overwhelming. Referees do not like the oversight. You kind of need 7-10 games of evidence and at least 5 crews. You need to show a pattern of evidence. This isn't about complaining about not getting individual calls, it's about respect. A typical team would submit audit tapes 3-5 times a year. I would not be surprised if Jalen is our next submission. This stuff is never in the media and is a private process for referee improvement. The reality is refs need to cover teams 10-15 times to learn what new starters bring, yhe type of plays they're typically involved in, their moves, etc. Until then, they miss calls all the time For example, the blocking call on Jalen earlier should have been a charge, but refs call those blocking all the time because 85% of bigs can't get set as easy as a guard. They're making an assumption call. Once shown proof the player can the assumption changes. It isn't fair but until you ref. Game at this speed, normies cant possibly understand.
  15. I wrote about that today. He's still getting rookie treatment. If I was Quinn, I'd passively aggressively start mentioning it in interviews.
  16. He's not my son, but that's my BOI!
  17. The Jalen of the last 2 games was the Jalen at College Park and at Duke (when healthy). Its not really lightbulb. Its coach trust, teammate trust when you aren't the primary ball handler and just finding your place. For a player like Jalen, he's been the man his whole high school/college/developmental league career. Becoming a 2nd/3rd option is a very new role for him. Its just adjustment but for anyone that watched him at College Park or looked at ability vs output when he was on the floor, you knew this was coming. So a big usually doesn't get solid joints until 23+. At that age his shooting, handles usually improve. Jalen is 21. By 23, many parts of his game will improve naturally due to body maturity alone. He'll probably put on 10-15 lbs of natural body weight by that time and will box out better, finish through contact better. I see those signs right now. 25/26 season, he has the potential to be our best player. An argument can be made he's already most impactful. He could possibly be a 60%/40%/80% guy in 2 years and will demand a double every time he touches the ball. If Trae is still here, they'll be an impossible 2-some to contain.
  18. So one serious summit to cap for him and then skies the limit. He's still getting rookie treatment by the refs with the whistle. He's blown for 2 fouls a night that the Lebrons of the world would never get. Gets an occasional travel on a simultaneous first step (which is technically not a travel but gets called a lot on mid-tier and below players). If/When JJ starts getting star treatment with the refs, He'll be a 20/10 guy every night and will drop 30/15/7 on someone of note. Its the main thing holding back his aggression. He can't go 1v1 to the basket right now and guarantee he'll get a foul call. At the beginning of last game, he had 2 post up/drives where he drew contact, didn't get the basket or the foul. Siakam would have got that call, Butler would have got that call. I submit at some point this season or by next, he'll start getting those calls and become a 20/10 guy.
  19. Imagine if we had traded Collins last year and Jalen would have started for a year, developing this chemistry.
  20. Wow those 2 just made that lob look easy.
  21. Homemade stuff is my favorite part of Christmas. I used to love making popcorn and cranberry garland.
  22. Back home, on the mend, wasn't gonna miss Jalen's return. Let's go!!!
  23. About 10 lbs of muscle and shooting consistency. I like the kid.
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