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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. It has been my experience that your claims have been credible. Just let those that haven't seen you post over the years slide.
  2. We were talking in chat the other night during the game. Ferrell needs to work on his energy. There are better "talkers" the team should pursue. There has to be.
  3. Ivan has shown consistently that he can hit that 15-20 footer.
  4. Why Kyle Korver is seeing more minutes that John Jenkins or Anthony Morrow and why Anthony Tolliver is seeing lots of time while Ivan Johnson and Mike Scott are ignored has been driving me crazy.....until tonight that is.Here me out.There is no reason to believe that Korver's defense is greater than Morrow's nor that either player is better offensively than what Jenkins gives you (shoots like the other two and can put it on the floor and draw fouls going to the basket).There is no reason to believe Anthony Tolliver is better than Ivan Johnson based on nothing more than energy and rebounding (something we sorely need) and Mike Scott showed himself well in the preseason. That leaves only one possibility in my mind. With 14 players on the roster and Korver/Petro/Zaza/Harris all being attractive to acquire in trade as expirings and with the Hawks having money under the LT. They are being showcased and the rookies hidden, pure and simple. I expect Korver gone by the 1st of the year along with one of our useful players and a pick. I have ideas who but for now we'll play wait and see.
  5. It's a little different now though. With DWill there, there is no reason to put the ball in his hands now to create. He's getting shots (about 15 a game), he just isn't able to do much with them in their system.
  6. I don't miss him one bit after seeing how our team has played in the 4th quarter this year and I'm betting the fans in Brooklyn won't be happy with him either.Joe's stat line through 3 games in Brooklyn14.0 ppg, 37.8% shooting (50% on 3's...go figure), 2.7 rebounds and 2.3 assists per game and shooting 1.3 FT's a game. Brooklyn is 1-2 and their offense is averaging 92 ppg.Through 3 games, Ferry is looking like a genius.Comparing Joe's statline to Teagues 15ppg, 54.1% shooting, 3.3 reb and 6 apg in just 28 minutes. Joe isn't done but Brooklyn needs serious work...especially on defense and have no money to do it.
  7. started out 3 of 3 with an assist in the first 5 possessions
  8. Very different...very modern...worked in the Kia to keep the NBA happy. Funny to me Teague is Teague no matter what he wears but Korver looks so different in street clothes. Took me a second to realize it was him.
  9. You might want to let the season play out before making that statement.
  10. Again...our team speed is pretty ridiculous....Horford is back...our shooting will stop the "slumps".I just see it.
  11. Looks like some good seats available still. Stub hub has good seats in the 30-50 dollar range....I'm thinking about going.....anyone else making the trek?
  12. Actually this isn't a pure jumpshooting team. The preseason showed that. We have an inside and out game but also 3+ players who can penetrate and people who can draw fouls.
  13. So I listened to the Miami/Boston game on the way in to work tonight and had to check the box score when I got in to work.Miami started Chalmers/Wade/Battier/James/Bosh tonight. Their top 3 off the bench were Allen, Lewis, Haslem. Now Miami scored 120 points on 43 of 79 shooting while making 26 of 32 FT attempts. But they also let a suspect offensively Boston team shoot 52% from the field and take 28 FT attempts as well. So I started comparing positions.Chalmers vs Teague (or Harris)Wade vs Harris (or Stevenson)James vs Korver (or Stevenson)Battier vs SmithBosh vs HorfordLooking at these starting lineups, Miami has advantages clear advantages at 2 positions, the Hawks at 2 and a wash at 1 with me giving an edge to Miami just because they have Lebron. But the Hawks are much faster physically and have the potential to run, run and run some more on this team, something Miami typically does to others.Then I looked at the bench. Allen, Lewis, Haslem (Miller and Cole as well played) vs Williams, Stevenson, Zaza, Williams, Johnson, Scott, Jenkins, Morrow.The Hawks are far faster and bigger. I'm probably just on a soda high but I'm starting to think we are as good as analysts are starting to say. For the first time in years, 1 injury isn't a season ender. Where as the Heat are one Lebron injury away from being just another team.I'm going out on a limb and predicting today the Hawks will win their division.
  14. Hawks angle on this.We own Houston's 2013 first round pick (top 13 protected). If the pick is in the top 13, we get a second rounder instead. This trade just greatly up'd the Hawk's chances of that pick being in the 1st round next year. Pushed Houston closer to a 7 or 8 seed.
  15. I would suggest we probably not post this. This is a little farther than "link to tonight's game". Best to keep Hawksquawk clean or pm when specifics are requested. Public posting of download sites might put HS at risk.
  16. If tonight's game showed anything, it showed"Horford, Smith and Harris should have awesome chemistry this year. They were built to play together."I'll take chemistry and teamwork over talent most days. Those 3 really seemed to like playing together and Harris sure seemed to like having bigs that can run and finish.
  17. Josh Smith tonight in 22 minutes. 16 pts on 13 shots, 7 reb, 3 assists in a 29 point victory. If this is failing, I hope he crashes and burns.
  18. thecampster

    D James

    DJ's stats so far this preseason,40% shooting6.75 ppg7 rpg19 minutes a gameis that enough for him to get the starting SF job?
  19. thecampster


    Yes you have IVAN....Yes you have. He should so get a shattered backboard tattoo on his bicep now.
  20. You had me right up until here. 20 years ago, point guards had much more to deal with defensively. Today's pg's are free to run rampant. Flagant 1 and 2, no hands, etc. The hand check rule changed everything. http://www.quora.com/What-was-the-hand-check-rule-in-the-NBA If John Stockton or Isaiah Thomas in their prime could have operated freely without being manhandled and without fear of being clobbered if they drove to the basket, we'd be talking very differently about modern point guards. Doc Rivers or even a prime Mookie operating without the hand check. Today's point guards aren't studs as much as the rules greatly favor them offensively today.
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