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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. On Korver, I don't expect him to be a Hawk on opening day. He might be, but we have plenty of shooters and have room under the LT this year to trade up.
  2. http://nbadraft.net/players/james-andersonExcellent defense, good shooter (though only garbage time so far in the pros)doesn't like to dribble and is predictable creating on his own. Sounds like a move to SF would help him. He was listed as a G/F on SA but SG at OKSt.
  3. Very true. Its the hate mentality. Heck, we're all guilt of bias against players.
  4. This is the same thing I've been saying for weeks. This tool figures in that we were sans Horford for much of the year. As long as we remain reasonably healthy, I think 55 wins is very possible. Remember 55 wins is 27 losses and you have to find 27 times that potent scoring attack will be outdone this year. We are built for a high seed. The question remains how will we be built for the 2nd round.
  5. Because its the offseason. Just wait until someone shoots 3-13 during the season. Mass hysteria.
  6. Although this stat has merit, team defense plays a role in opposing PER. For example, shot blockers like Smith, Howard have to leave their own man often to clean up someone else's mess. Conversely, players like Johnson can funnel their man to the shot blocker. So teams with a quality shot blocker or 2 can get improved PER's. Take also into account having a very poor defensive player on your team like we did when we had Bibby. He has a greater negative effect on your shot blocker because he has to leave his opponent often. Where as a team mate like Johnson will have to work less hard when his own opponent gets less shot opportunities because the opposing PG or SF is torching your team. Deeper than that is how hard a player has to work on their own defensive end. In the case of Johnson, players work extremely hard to guard him and so work less hard on the offensive end, lowering their PER and taking them out of rebound position. Opponent PER has real merit in this case but not as a defensive metric but as an impact metric. I like what they did there but it is definitely not perfect.
  7. I can tell you I've written countless things that I've gone back and proofread and laughed at myself. I'm guessing he forgot to proofread it.
  8. An interestin option not on my list but on Mace's is Donte Greene from Sacramento. Former 1st rounder, only given bench minutes. okay stats. He is very long and still quite young. He might be an option. 6'11" SF. 226lbs.
  9. It's just an opinion but one grounded in BBIQ. As basketball fans we tend to focus primarily on guys who can score 1 on 1. The people teams market. But the people that win help you win games do the dirty work, play within their role. Considering how few touches Marvin got, I was surprised to see how high his PER was. When you couple that with how good his defense really was and the fact we aren't replacing him with anyone of a similar quality, he will be missed. At least in replacing JJ we got a guy in Williams that can create offensive havoc for the other team and a guy in Jenkins who can really space the floor. Not to mention our third guard Harris whose value will be immense to Al/Josh and Teague's development. JJ will be replaced in the sum of parts and I submit what we now have at the guard position is collectively better. No one person in that group equals JJ but as a group playing starter and backup minutes we have improved overall. Just one man's opinion. But unless we bite the bullet and play Josh at the 3, we have taken a big step backwards at the small forward.
  10. Just some food for thought.Lou Williams PER last year 20.22# of seasons JJ had a 20+ per......zero.Using the much maligned stat of PER. The Hawks have 3 players on the team who had a higher average PER than JJ the last 2 seasons. Josh, Williams, Horford.Note #2: Even with reduced usage, Harris posted a better PER than Teague last year and unlike JJ, he has posted a PER over 20 in his career.Note #3: Marvin had a 15.89 PER last year. His replacements (Korver, Morrow) both had sub 14 PER's.My prediction - We will miss Marvin more than we miss JJ.
  11. Remember we can swap them 1 for 1 right now. We only have to wait till Sept if it is a multiplayer deal.
  12. Yes and no. Much depends on where the Hawks are 30 games into the season. If it looks like they are shooting themselves into a top 4 seed, you might see either Teague or Harris paired with the Houston pick, future firsts, etc try and get someone else's cap issue at SF. For example, Chicago may throw away the season and decide to retool next year offering Deng. That type of a move would crimp out style quite a bit. I don't see next season so much about the cap holds as I see it about what happens in the next 4 months.
  13. Diesel, I still can't believe you don't understand this. It isn't even the "possible 4". Keeping Joe would have meant losing others and here is the important part "AND NOT BEING ABLE TO REPLACE THEM WITH EQUAL PIECES". D, let's pretend for a minute the Hawks kept Joe. Fast forward to 2013. You have $38 million on the roster. Jenkins, Teague, Horford, Smith. You can afford one free agent. You've lost Marvin, Smith, Paculia, Johnson. You have $20 million to spend and then you get nothing but vet minimums. Let's pretend you somehow miraculously got Bynum to sign for the max (because letting Smith walk, Howard wasn't coming). You'd have Teague, Joe, someone, Horford, Bynum. That is a good start. But Teague is up the next season and will command 5-9 million. You'll have a rookie mandatory you must shell out and you have to fill 8 slots with about 14 million. No one who wants a multi-year deal is coming. Trading Joe wasn't about getting 4 scrubs, it was choosing to keep the young, in their prime players. If you don't trade Joe, you can't do the Marvin deal because Harris added salary. You can't do the Korver deal, you don't have Morrow or Lou Williams. Its basic math Diesel. Nobody hates Joe and the ASG aren't cheap. They were living with a reality of a bad contract. You will see with NJ this year how much JJ's contract will affect them. They have no real bench. Every time one of their starters is injured, they will struggle. If Deron goes down for any length of time they will down right suck. The problem with building the team like NJ has is that each individually talented offensive player needs shots to continue to be that player. There aren't enough on a team when you build for 5 offensive talents. Each of their 5 will be on the floor for 35 minutes a night. 30 of those minutes they will be with each other. In those 30 minutes, they will see 60 possessions - an average of 12-13 points each. Joe won't average close to his 20 ppg, nor will Lopez. There aren't enough shots to go around. They will all become mortal. When the bench comes in, the team will struggle mightily. By the way, this is part of the reason Marvin's numbers were low here. He had to share the ball with Horford, Joe, Crawford, Smith. I fully expect Marvin to mystically be a 15/7 guy in Utah.
  14. Okay, let's see all that's wrong with this post. 1. Probably belongs in the trade forum as it isn't based on anything substantial. 2. Racially tinged. 3. Completely speculative. 4. Terribly undervalues both Smith and Teague. 5. Terrible defensive tradeoff. Forget Josh for a minute, defensively Teague is >>> Lin. 6. Doesn't address team needs. Harris > Lin. I'm sure there's more.
  15. I'm not sure how LA is doing this deal with the CBA. I might be missing a player but it looks like they're taking back 24.5 million in salary, giving up 16.5 million. They are currently sitting at 95 million on the books.
  16. You guys may be being too harsh on the Magic. Basically they get 4 1sts (Harkless is a rookie) and a 2nd. The get a center, a PF and SG. Then they get rid of Richardson's contract, Duhon's and the Dwight headache. If you break the deal down into is Harrington, Afflalo, Vucevik > Richardson, Clark, Duhon. If you believe so, then you have to decide if giving up Howard, a player who is gone anyway is worth 5 draft picks? I think they did what they could.The real head scratcher here is Denver. Iggy is overrated and Harrington/Afflalo's numbers are > Iggy. Both are signed so maybe Denver wants cap relief. Iggy can walk away next year if he can get a good contract elsewhere (like Atlanta). Denver took a real risk and gave up a draft pick to do it.
  17. FYI, McGrady is back on the market. Chicago can't afford him.
  18. My list is taken from NBA.COM. If you sort by G-F. If you sort by F you get a similar list to yours but it includes PF types.
  19. Slim pickins right now boys. current F/A 3 are former Hawks.Josh ChildressMarquis DanielsCarlos DelfinoMo EvansSasha PavlovicMickael PietrusMartell WebsterDamien WilkinsSam YoungThose are the remaining available swingman free agents. I
  20. I was reading an article about players who have the same number of championships as Lebron when I came across this little gem. I had to laugh because the "first to get a championship" is pretty funny.
  21. Before anyone else talks about someone replacing LD, The Hawks won 60% of their games last year even though the team lost Horford for 55 games, Hinrich for 18, Joe for 6, Marvin for 9, Green for 13, Zaza for 8, McGrady for 14 and the list goes on. Every contributor for the Hawks last year except for Josh and Teague missed at least 10% of the season. Just the above mentioned games =123 games missed due to injury and somehow LD managed to slip into the 4 seed. 61 games missed due to injury by your 2 allstars in a 66 game season. If LD was fired, it would be a travesty. This again goes back to me not understanding how we take a step back this year. We already played without Al all last year. No JJ/Marvin isn't much worse than no Horford but add Lou, Jenkins, Harris, Morrow. We will finish top 4 again and LD will get renewed.
  22. http://www.hoopsworld.com/nba-pm-howard-joining-friends-on-hawks/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=nba-pm-howard-joining-friends-on-hawks
  23. No it wasn't. Teague = Fast, get to the rim PG. Slow into transition...slow reactin times. Joe = Plodder. Slow in transition. Must dribble before shoot guy. Marvin = inconsistent shooter. Good defender...Good off the ball....very tentative once he gets the ball Josh = Fast, fast, fast. Fast in transition, fast in the shot clock. Finisher on D and O. Al = Fast, consistent, undersized. Okay are we a fast break team? We could have been but the point guard had tunnel vision heading to the basket. Are we a half court team? Only in the regular season. Not enough half court scoring. Are we motion....nope...ball stopped with Joe or a bad Josh shot. Are we scrappy? not anymore. What we were is a team without a valid identity. Couldn't run due to Teague's lack of vision, indecisiveness - Joe's lack of speed. Couldn't run the half court offense, the pieces didn't fit well. I submit we were worse than the sum of our parts. Teague is good but raw. Marvin was very good but a terrible fit. Joe was all wrong for our personnel, evolved system. Josh a poor fit with Joe/Teague (unless Teague starts dribbling/driving with eyes up). Horford not assertive enough. With Joe leaving...Horf can now assert. Hopefully Harris plays enough to benefit Josh and Horf in the halfcourt. We had personnel but not a good fit. Fit is more important than personnel in my opinion.
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