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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. I have to listen to a lot of games on radio and replay the television broadcast later. Radio....National...I hate Holman. T.V., I love the guys.
  2. Funny thing is, I'm okay with criticism - factual criticism. The board in general tends to lean toward hyperbole and exaggeration.
  3. Troll is as troll does Dolfan.
  4. Jeff will turn 24, 1 month from today. I'm sure glad I didn't peak at 24. That is one long downward slope. Jordan had just completed his first year in the league at 24. His numbers suggest he "peaked" 4 years later. I think its a bit early to write the obituary on Jeff Teague after what would be his rookie year for most players.
  5. Mustard > Mayo ???
  6. Less Pick and Roll in th 80's....really? There was no hand check rule back then. Players were leaned on all the time. Picks were the primary way to free up a shooter. First thing you are taught in peewee basketball is to set a pick. The second thing was to call it out so your team mate didn't run flat into a big guy setting one.
  7. So...someone pee'd in your cheerios again today huh?
  8. I'm quite the opposite. I see the success of the Hawks built on Josh at the 3, Horf at the 4, true defensive / rebounding center with 2 ball handling jumpshooters. I want to play winning basketball and to me that is playing pick and roll with Al, Josh moving without the ball. Offense based on using big men to draw doubles, with 2 long range shooters to make them pay. Defense based on owning the glass, owning the lane. I see JJ on this team as expendable simply because his game is diametrically opposed to this philosphy. Give me Duhon/Rubio, Al, Josh and the true defensive presence at the 5. Josh is my favorite player in the NBA but I'm not stupid...Al is a winner.
  9. Pick and Roll with Horford opens up everything for everyone else.
  10. No, I'm using modern illegal D. Remember these are all highlights (all I could find on short notice) but in 3 of the possessions, Pierce is circling inside the lane following the ball without guarding anyone. In one, he's guarding Marvin who runs to the corner and Pierce is still in the lane with 2 other Celts while JJ has the ball at the 3 point line.
  11. The 2 most likely to trip people up and have us laughing. 1.Trade kickers are paid by the team trading the player. (changed from receiving team - imagine the hawks paying 3 million to drop a player)2. Non-taxpaying teams can receive in trade 150% plus $100,000 (when trading $0 to $9.8 million), 100% plus $5 million (when trading $9.8 million to $19.6 million), and 125% plus $100,000 (when trading more than $19.6 million). - from a flat 125% +100K for all transactions. This bit of math is going to make someone's head detach.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbkKCh9mnMYexamples at 1:55, 2:10, really obvious one at 2:24 (pierce standing in the lane, twin double teamed there. 3 celts, 2 in the lane, 1 hawk).2:39 similar. 2:43. Borderline 3:40 most are Pierce or KG.
  13. I've been kind of quiet on this subject because I don't like sounding like a whiner but has anyone else noticed that the Celts pack the lane in an obvious illegal defense fairly regularly and it isn't called?
  14. There was an assist from Teague to Dampere in the 2nd quarter last night that exemplifies exactly what I meant by "better decision within 15 feet. Damp was open there for about 2 seconds but Teague was dribbing with his head down. If he correct this, our offense would be light years improved.
  15. And that should be the sentiment of the entire board.
  16. Or Al could sit 2 extra weeks. We could find a way to get past the Celtics and Al could be much better in the 2nd round. Or Al could come back now, help us get by the Celtics but coming back could ruin our chances of going deeper.
  17. LOL Good Catch. Truth is I have to go back and correct spelling mistakes all the time. I type over 60 words a minute but missing entire words is not uncommon.
  18. Don't sell yourself short. There's always room to improve on being an A'hole.My biggest grammar and spelling pet peeves are loose being use for lose and there being used for their and they're
  19. That Dwight doesn't win every year is a travesty. 1st in defensive win shares, 1st in rebounds, 2nd in blocks, 1.5 steals a game.
  20. But again...Between 4th and 16 in every category...top5 in FG %, etc. He's a top 15 point guard right now by the numbers. It is not a stretch on my part to say if he worked on those 4 previously mentioned categories that he could be top 3. Improved outside shot, better free throws would up his personal and team scoring, better decision making within 15 feet (ie eyes up) would increase team scoring and lower team t/o improving our win% as a team. Sometimes I wonder if you even read other people's posts before responding.
  21. It is not wrong. Here: http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/stats/byposition?pos=PGTell me I'm wrong again. You seriously are hard to deal with. Filter by PG....then click any category, count down from the top till you see Teague.
  22. <--- Worlds biggest Josh Smith Homer!!!! Everyone know this. Remember who is saying this right now! We didn't lose the game when Josh went out. We didn't lose the game on the ghost foul calls, Twin going out or Al/Zaza not playing. We didn't lose the game because Marvin was tentative with his shot and shot for crap when he did. We didn't lose this when the bench came in or when the Celtics got physical. We lost this game with 8:48 to go in the first quarter. Here watch it again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRuKB2-cZ3o This is the playoffs. You take the free two points and get back on D. This isn't the regular season. Teams that win in the regular season whip up the fans with an electric dunk. Teams that win in the post season dunk it for 2. Teams that win it all score two points and point to the scoreboard. I love Josh. He is my favorite player since Mookie and Willis. But this is the playoffs Josh. If the crowd had a good time, if you made sportscenter, if go head band or not only matters in the regular season. All that matters in the playoffs is scoring more than the other guys. You want to get the crowd excited. It isn't the dunk, the head band, the flash. Go up 20-6 in the first quarter against Boston and the fans will be in a frenzy. Score the 2 first Josh. You are a pro and you cost us this game. I knew it with 8:48 to go in the first quarter.
  23. LOL you base that on what?Teague is currently among PG's10th in Scoring, 16th in assists,16th in rebounds4th in steals,Meanwhile 15 starting point guards have more turnovers than he does.2nd in blocksHis team has the 4th best record in the east without Horford and the rest of our issues. 1st full year as a starter.Yes, I am confident in saying that if he worked on the 4 things above, he could be top 3 and if not he would be a backup in 3-5 years. There is nothing controversial about that statement whatsoever. However, your opinion that he sucks doesn't make him sucking be fact.
  24. In the burbs, we call that getting spanked.
  25. What Jeff needs to work on before "the reins" are his.Jeff needs a pull up jumper of 15-18 feet. Enough to make middle defenders have to step up into him. He can't just go to the basket every time.Jeff needs better decision making between 15 feet to the basket. Far too often Jeff just goes to the rim and tries to score forgetting he should be drawing and dishing 70% of the time. His offense at the basket is a threat, not option 1. Twice last game Jeff split the D at 20 feet, got into the middle of the lane. 1 went for a basket, 1 did not. The second was a basket if he dropped it off after Garnett challenged.Jeff needs to work on his release on his deep, midrange jumper and he should be sleeping with a Ray Allen highlight video playing on tv while he dozes. Jeff's hands flare straight out, the wrist is flat, the elbow moving forward through the release. The ball is not rotating for shooters touch or arc out of his hands due to this.Jeff needs to work on his form shooting free throws. He is too quick and direct in free throw shooting. See above. Not enough arc, touch, wrist is flat, elbow is projecting forward.If Teague improves in these 4 areas, IMO he could be a top 3 point in the league. If he doesn't, he'll be a backup in 3-5 years when the speed normalizes.
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