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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. With Howard 2 things happen on offense. Slashers get space to operate/a running start (ie, Marvin and Smith get better). Shooters get more open looks (as low post doubles are common place). Teague, Smoove, duckbutt are the biggest recipients. Defensively, Josh/Teague/Marvin get to gamble for steals, bodying people up because there is a shotblocker besides Josh back there. The floor gets smaller. Consider this lineup just from a defensive and speed vantage point. Teague Hinrich Williams Smith Howard You have 2 shooters, 1 slasher/shooter, 1 banger/slasher and Dwight. Reserves are Pargo McGrady Radman Hedo Zaza
  2. For the 363rd time this year. If you want Dwight and want to keep Dwight, you keep Josh here.
  3. Horford was just on 680 talking with Linda Cohn and that other guy who wouldn't let me listen to Linda and remember her when she was young. Anyway, they brought up the trade rumors and that Al's name was included. Al said it was the first he'd heard about it. Said if it's true then he guesses he's going back to Florida. Was fairly matter of fact about it. Wasn't very professional how they sprung it on him.
  4. Deron Williams Career averages 17.2/9.2/3.3 Last year (Utah) 21.3/9.7/3.9 Last year (NJ) 15.0/12.8/4.6 Last night v ATL 10/3/1 with 6 turnovers. I would say that's a pretty good indicator right there.
  5. It's only one game in but looking at Rad, T-Mac, Pargo and the gang....I say let's throw a few props Ricky boy's way. He called Jamal's bluff, went with LD and so far, so good. Remember, he got these guys at the league minimum. He signed them early and often. I raise my glass to you Mr. Sund.
  6. It will be a blowout...over in 3 quarters.
  7. Organized by ppg....top 6 rotational players right now. Based on 36 MPG production. I know it's only a 2 game sample but some encouraging things. Encouraging Bolded in Green. Worrisome Bolded in Red. Player xxx PPG xxx RPG xxx APG xxx SPG xxx BPG Marvin xxx 14.03 xx 7.48 xxx 1.87 xxxx .94 xxxx .94 Joe xxxxx 14.67 xxx 5.7 xxxx 8.15 xxxx 1.63 xxx 0 AL xxxxxx 14.91 xxx 6.14 xxx 2.63 xxxx .88 xxxx 2.63 Teague xx 15.76 xxx 3.94 xxx 3.94 xxxx 1.97 xxxx 0 Zaza xxxx 18.62 xxx 16.3 xxx 1.16 xxxx 0 xxxxxxx 0 Josh xxxxx 27.6 xxxx 11.2 xxx .86 xxxx .86 xxxxxx 2.59 Only real concern for me is turnovers seem very high right now. Marvin's numbers look good. Al's are a little worrisome. Josh and Zaza's numbers look ridiculous. Looked like in the 2 games the weight loss did Josh a world of good. Zaza looks focused. Marvin looks healthy/comfortable and most important in my opinion, Joe has focused on passing the ball... I'm hoping those assist totals are not anomalies.
  8. The choice for the extended warranty had to do with the cost of replacement. The set was a $1400 set elsewher for just over $1100 at HHGregg who was closing it out. So the story isn't over but here is where we are right now. I have bought the part myself through Amazon for a paultry $71 and am installing it myself (it's a 3 minute swap). The regional manager has agreed to reimburse me for the part because it's cheaper than they buy but only as long as I'm repairing it myself and as a measure of goodwill. The executive called today while I was sleeping and my cell was downstairs. I will be calling her back tomorrow if for now other reason that to explain it to her.
  9. Because that's how I roll. I'm just doing what I promised HHGregg I would do until they solved my television problem. You see, 20 months ago I bought a 65 inch Mitsubishi TV from HHGregg. Total paid $1421. That includes the 5 year extended warranty that is supposed to cover all parts and services. HHGregg advertises such on their site. Per HHGregg, the wrong warranty was entered into the computer and their "covers everything" plan covers everything except the one part I had go out. So sorry for your inconvenience sir. Oh no, so sorry for you HHGregg. As promised, I am letting everyone I know not to buy from HHGregg until they resolve why I paid $200 extra dollars on an $1100 TV for an extended warranty they will not stand behind. I am currently waiting for an executive to call me back.
  10. Wow...our entire team can't dance. But the highlight of the video was Twin in the ugly Hannukah sweater...that was awesome.
  11. Career stats 15:41 minutes per game 6.6 point per game 2.0 assists per game 1.5 rebounds per game 1.2 turnovers per game career 34.9% 3PT shooter. 38.8% FG shooter Biggest asset...quick first step...may have lessened with age. Biggest liability...too small to defend effectively. What you should know. He shoots way too much as a shoot first point guard having only shot about 40% twice in his career. What you may not know. He is a smart (though not exciting) passer.
  12. A guy who can draw the defense? That sir is at least a start. If he doesn't start feeding JJ, Smoove and Al, they'll let him know about it.
  13. Marvin looked very good and he is definitely taller.
  14. Complete roster is a misnomer. You need 13 contracts. But as for our team, people undervalue what we have. Can you name a team that goes better at the 2/4/5 than they Hawks? JJ/Smith/Horford. There are a lot of teams in the league that would like a set of 3 like that. If a team has a group like that, they certainly don't have a 1/3 like us (Teague/Hinrich), (Williams). Most teams are stellar at 2 positions. The Celts of a few years ago, Miami today, the Lakers with Kobe/Odom/Gasol/Bynum are exceptions, not the rule. There is no such thing as a "complete" roster. But what you are looking for to be highly competitive is a starting lineup of 2 A's, a B or 2 and C's. What you don't want is C, D, E's in your starting lineup. This was the flaw of Miami/Orlando last year. Orlando was 1 A+, 1 B and 3 C's. Miami was 3 A's but a lot of D's. Great teams will beat you where you are weak. This was our flaw at the beginning of the season. Ailing Marvin and Joe and a D at point guard. When healthy, Marvin can be a solid B. Joe, Horford and Josh are all A/B level players...capable of A's, often play like B's. But point guard was our achilles heel often due to Bibby. All Teague (or Hinrich) has to do is be a C. Our rotation players, "McGrady, Stack, Hinrich (or Teague), Zaza, Twin" just have to be C's. They don't have to be the McGrady of old, Zaza on his best night every night. They just need to be healthy and spell the starting 5. Marvin needs to be what he can be, not what he has been and Joe, Josh, Al need to listen to Stack (assuming he's still here)!!! Joe, Josh, Al don't have to A's every night. But at least one of them does each night. We have a complete roster...what we need is 66 games of health, focus and commitment.
  15. AHEM!!!! Assuming he starts the whole year?
  16. Talked about in the comments on MC's newest article. Marvin is up to 245 and added muscle in the offseason. I think we might be seeing Marvin at the 4, Josh at the 3 more this season.
  17. Remembering I work for a very large software company. There is absolutely no buzz about this at all in our offices.
  18. Crawfords choices are down to New York, Sacramento and Portland. Expected to sign tomorrow.
  19. I think you have a better chance getting this done at JJ, Marvin, Teague, Zaza 2013 first for Paul, Okafor You then resign Crawford for whatever you can and lineup, Paul, Crawford, Smith, Horford, Okafor With a bench of Hinrich, McGrady, Radmonovic, Twin, fillers All 4 players for NO would play.
  20. Financially, Joe will just age with that ludicrous contract and if we can't trade back contracts, no one will sign here. His salary is going to cripple us. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that 21.5 million a season is too much for a sub 20 ppg shooting guard with diminishing skills.
  21. http://www.nba.com/hawks/video/2011/12/10/Tmactrainingcamp121011wmv-1931160 Around the 1 minute mark, McGrady says, "Well I'm a lot healthier than I was last year." If that's the case, that he wasn't 100% last year (ie the knee was still a problem but that it isn't anymore), than this is very good news and a good signing.
  22. http://www.nba.com/hawks/video/2011/12/10/Collinstrainingcamp121011wmv-1931080 Video of him on the court at about 16 second mark...he'll turn..run and you can see definition on his arms, waist, behind are much smaller....he's in much, much better shape.
  23. By the end of next season, Joe will be 32. Josh will be 27. A choice will have to be made by then or Josh walks for nothing because he will require a max - near max salary. Joe will be on the books for 21.5 mil, Horford for 12. Josh at 15-16 million at 27 is a bargain compared to an aging Joe at 32. Add Marvin and Teague's 11 million and the team would sign Josh at 16 million and already be over the cap 5 players in. Trade Joe for 3 - 6 million dollar players and you can build the team....Unless Joe is traded or the Hawks let Josh walk, we are lottery bound in 2 years.Look...don't shoot the messenger, just look at the salaries in 2013/14 and do the math. http://hoopshype.com...ies/atlanta.htmFYI, this is why I am a strong advocate of trading Joe and any collection of Hinrich, Marvin, Teague plus 2 future 1sts to bring Howard here or Paul. Unless we dump Joe's contract now....we will be in the lottery in 2 years.....
  24. Just to be clear....JJ will be gone before the end of next season. The current model doesn't support keeping JJ and keeping Josh Smith after next season. By the end of next season, Josh will be the more valuable player and JJ will be on the decline.
  25. Hinrich comes off the books next year. Hawks will be in a 5 million dollar better position. Hinrich will most likely be traded this year as an expiring 8 million. Next year both Josh and Zaza are expirings worth 18 million. Marvin has a 7.5 million player option after next year, Teague a 3+ million qualifying offer. We don't need 2nd's...we need bodies or it's back to the lottery in 2 years with Joe/Al as the core.
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