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Posts posted by thecampster

  1. This should help....go to the Hawksquawk Classics and read some of the threads....like this one. http://hawksquawk.net/community/topic/355269-hawks-begun-preliminary-talks-for-carmelo-anthony/page__st__180

    A hypothetical surrounded Carmelo. At the end of the thread it was established one poster wouldn't trade Horford for Carmelo and Nene. Another stated Horf was worth Dwight or D-Rose.

    Read the classics....you'll be glad you did.

  2. @thecampster

    FYI my last comment was directed toward you, it was directed toward dolfan23. Nor did i ask for a knowledgeable essay about why my proposed moves won't happen, I know i see where you are coming from it is a WHOLE LOT of ifs. You are acting as if this is politics, its just a topic about what i would like to see happen in reference to the Hawks. Although I will give it to you, you most definitely know the CBA rules. f***.gif

    Believe me, it may sound harsh but it really isn't. This time of year a common cast of characters gets on with whomever the hot free agents are and start epic threads about signing 5 superstars and stating the ASG just needs to go into the Luxury tax to do it. Once that fire starts, there will be about 80 threads in a month that turn into rumors on other sites and it gets much more ridiculous than DWill and Dwight. And they typically hijack legit threads on purpose with their nonsense.

    When Miami was going after the big 3, there was one thread about how we should sign and trade for all 3. If I remember right, the person confused themself and had us trading the same players to both Toronto and Cleveland. A common line at the time was "This isn't NBA2010 where you can make a trade offer 15 times until the computer random generator finally accepts it. It was the reason the trade forum came into existence many years before. Wild trades like (Marvin for Shaq) were getting posted in the conversation forum pushing legit threads off the page. Similar happened with Politics during the offseason.

    Hang out a while and you'll see some amazing things posted...typically along the lines of "Do you think we could get Carmelo for the mid-level exception?"

  3. If Lebron was a f&@king basketball God, he would have shook D-12's hand after losing the ECF.

    If Lebron was a f&@king basketball God, he wouldn't have played wimp last year before and after the season.

    I'm not saying he's not good. I'm not saying that he's not one of the best ever. What I am saying is that he chokes. He knows he chokes. He went to Miami to take the pressure off of himself because he chokes... and what happened last year? Mr. Disappearing acts did his thing again. He choked. He made a Movie... It should have been called, watch us dominate and Choke at the end.

    This is what not choking looks like...



    or maybe this...


    Lebron... We're waiting!!!


  4. there's not a link needed to prove that Smoove and Howard are long time friends and have dreamed of playing together for years... Just saying that Im sure that they have talked about a team involving themselves plus at least one more big named player. A super team is a very possible scenario if we are able to land Howard.



    <-------- is probably the biggest Josh Smith fan on the board.

    FYI number 2

    <--------- is probably also the biggest Dwight fan on the board.

    Check my posts. I believe Horford and Joe are expendable. I've made numerous posts about my dream of Dwight and Josh playing together again and in my world reuniting them with childhood teammate Rondo would be perfect.

    There is a difference between a general understanding of the CBA which I'm sure you have and the knowledge about 5 or 6 posters on this board have on the subject (of which I am not one). There are a few guys here that know just about everything pertinent between them. When they say, "it ain't gonna happen under the CBA", it is not going to happen.

    Okay, not let's pretend for a moment that we find a way to unite DWill and Dwight here. Let's also assume each of them signs for 15 Million that first year. That is a reasonable assumption they would take a discount to build a team. You are at $30 million. In that scenario, you can only have $28 million in existing salary and cap holds. Josh is $13.2 million next year and he isnt' going anywhere, not if you want Dwight here. So now you have 14.8 million that can be on the roster to sign those 2. You have a draft pick who will be 1.5 to 2 million next year. We'll call it 1.7. You will have about 4 million in cap holds from unsigned veterans.So now you have 11.1 million. You have Zaza, Marvin, Teague on the roster. That's about 15 million. You now about 4 million over the cap. You haven't dealt with Hinrich's cap hold ($11.5 million until he signs elsewhere) but lets assume he's gone. You also have about 6 spots on the roster at .5 mil each for vet cap hold for another 3 million. Okay, so you are 7 million over the cap, have had to amnesty Joe and Horford to get there (which you can't do). That is your "reasonable" scenario of signing both. You can't sign another team's player and go over the cap so this is a no go.

    Now, how can it be done? Great question, glad you asked.

    Based on what you said, we're talking "after the season".

    First, in the case of a sign and trade the salaries can be moved in a similar amount and draft picks attached (I think picks can attach) but you can't sign multiples in this scenario. So in the case of Deron, you need to trade a player of = value to get Deron to save your pick. That player has to be Horford as New Jersey isn't taking JJ. So you sign and trade Horf to NJ for Deron. Then you sign and trade JJ + 2 1st round picks (2013 and 2015 only way it works) unprotected. Now, there is a catch here. You now have Zaza, JT unable to start as Deron and Howard have their spots and JT is up soon. You now must trade Zaza and JT to clear room for a player or two that fits better (namely a wing that can shoot). You also have Marvin at too much money and not a consistent enough shooter to play inside out with Dwight. Using those 3 players, you need to bring back better fitting assets at the 2 and 3 or 2 and 4 if Josh is to play the 3. With Dwight and Deron at 30+ million plus Josh you are at 43 + million. Let's assume those 3 assets bring you back a quality 2 and 3 at about 15 million total. You are now at $58 million + cap holds +your draft pick. You have 8 million to spend on 6 roster spots minimum. You will probaby bring back Green, Pargo at this point.

    You are lining up






    Draft pick, 2nd round draft pick.

    That is one whole lot of if's

  5. I guess its good to dream. Dwight is not coming to Atlanta. All these threads are silly, but since its close to trade deadline mine as well start some pie in the sky ideas. I don't know what's more believable Dwight coming to Atlanta or that our front office actually makes a significant deal. Just isn't happening. But one can dream.

    Dwight isn't coming to Atlanta without giving up Horford, probably Teague and draft picks while we take back Turk. There just isn't a way around it.

    I know good well about the cap and the CBA, this team could happen D will would have to settle for a smaller contract. Although this deal could happen regardless, but we wouldn't have much of a bench.

    The two of them would have to settle for 7.5 million each and in a market with 1/3 the self promotion potential as New York, LA. It isn't happening without trades. Maybe Dwight, Maybe D-Will but not both while keeping 2 of our top 3 players.

  6. Dwight +Turk for Horf + Marvin on paper is an upgrade of collusion investigation proportion. Everyone being healthy, that series is over in 5.

    You can't double Joe in that scenario, you can't double Josh in the post without dunks for Dwight and vice versa, you have 3 legit 3 point shooters on the floor and you can challenge from both sides of the paint. That team is a defensive nightmare for anyone.

    I love Horf but you can't compare his impact to Dwight all around.

  7. You see....this is the stupidity I'm talking about. Read this thread before posting things like this. http://hawksquawk.ne...rmation-inside/

    In your scenario, you aren't accounting for cap holds, Joe, Marvin, Teague, Zaza, draft pick's salaries. If it doesn't fit under the cap, you don't get it.

    Draft pick +cap holds+ Zaza+Marvin+Teague alone account for over $20 million in cap.

    Josh + Al account for $23 million.

    So you figure out how to get Dwight+Deron for under $15 million and I'm onboard.

    • Like 1
  8. Appreciate that Dolf. Honestly, it was something he was close to over the summer, he'd done pre high school and only gave up 3 hits the previous game but a no no is just such a touchy thing. Should have been a perfect but we'll take the no no. Not a big guy either. Just 5'7" but has great location and movement. A pitcher, not a thrower which is so rare in high school.

  9. I wish it were so....I brain farted a 4 for an 8 and then read my own number and accepted it as truth. Thanks for making me seem smarter than I am though.

    However, let's pretend for a moment you are Howard, Ray Allen, Deron Williams, etc. The Hawks amnesty Joe, trade Josh/Marvin/Teague for an embarrassing rash spring break weekend and are left with Horford as a starting point and they come to you and say...take our buckets of money and we'll build around you. We're serious and trustworthy.

    I'm sure Deron, Dwight, Ray run to you over the other 29 teams in the league. Your reputation after all is that trustworthy.

    People forget that the only reason Miami pulled off what they did is all 3 players signed for less than the max. They each will make only 17.5 next season (2.2 million less than Joe...Wade will make $17.1). They were all about 15% below max and their current cap hold for 2012/2013 is $82 million which would put them $10 million into the Luxury tax. I'm pretty sure the ASG isn't taking a $20 million dollar a year risk or getting a 15% discount from players to come here.

  10. Winning teams don't bend to the will of a capologist. Winning teams decide what to do based on what they have on the floor.

    We can get rid of Marvin's salary and be under the cap. That's a move worth making because Marvin doesn't add much to our play. Marvin/HInrich for Kaman works... even if we have to use the TPE from the Lakers to get Kaman.

    Still. Giving up Josh for a rental is not smart.

    Capwise, some of the numbers may work, but the product you leave on the floor is inferior.

    I think you can get more for Marvin/Hinrich. There are buyers out there for Marvin and Hinrich is an expiring...Marvin is next year if he doesn't work out. Minny for example would love Marvin....So would New Jersey.

  11. Alright well allow me to "pile on" ... though not the way you meant.

    First off let me say before Hawksfanatic does that you're using Hoopshype when you should be using Sham, although in this case the numbers for next year are the same. Next, where are you getting the $54 salary cap #? All I've been able to find is that the cap is at $58 million again this year, as it was last year. I'm not saying that is accurate, but I haven't seen anything showing $54.

    So, I'm going off of that assumption that next year will be $58 or close to it as it's been this year and last.

    The trade that I've mentioned that would get us cap room would be to send Marvin and Smith to Boston for KG. That would clear $21.3 million off of next years total that you listed of $60.9 and leave our total salary at $39.6 million. With a salary cap of $58 million that would give us $18.4 million in cap room. Now I know we'd have a cap hold for our draft picks next year, of which I am not sure how much it would be, but we could trade those picks for future picks and not have to spend anything on draft picks. That would still give us the $18.4 million to sign Howard (which I know is very unlikely, but we're just being hypothetical here right?) and we'd have the following under contract.






    That's not the strongest lineup out there but I'm sure Sund could work his magic and sign some quality veteran minimum contracts again next year to fill out that roster. Or maybe the ASG would go wild and amnesty Joe and we'd clear another $20 million off of there and be able to sign several quality players, although I know that's even less likely to happen.

    Now I could be completely wrong about my numbers and I probably am, but until someone shows me otherwise I'm going to assume that my quick Google search was close to accurate and that I'm not entirely crazy in thinking this is possible.

    I would explain why I wrote $54 million but honestly it would open me up to much mocking for being a moron based on the thread smile3.gif

    However, the logic stands because of the cap hold for the draft pick. Also...you can only spend the full space under the cap if that's the first player you sign. So if you resign your own free agents (see green, pargo, Ivan), draft picks first (typical with draft picks), you are taking from that space. No you aren't sending Smith and Marvin for essentially a KG salary dump...not even for a 50/50 chance at Dwight. You don't do that unless you are pretty sure you're gonna get him and have room for role players.

    Using that logic of trading smith/marvin for KG means you are getting back additional draft picks which increases that cap usage. It's just silliness and not happening. I mean basic understanding of the mechanics of not only the cap but the order you sign people, etc. Also, there is no way Kirk is walking at the end of the year. Either Kirk is traded now or in a sign and trade after the year. That player will push the cap hold higher (I'm betting next 3 days..for about 5 million in salary or in a package with Marvin for a top tier player (they are 16 million between them....that would buy you someone's 15 million dollar player on a bad team).

    but thinking we are going to amnesty our way to Dwight or others is just ridiculous.

    Yes, using Shamsports is way better. We have 20 million in cap holds next year beyond the 60 million salary figure on players that will be FA. http://www.shamsports.com/content/pages/data/salaries/hawks.jsp Just scroll to the bottom and then explain to me again how we get 18 million under the cap with our holds. Didn't realize Morris, Thomas, Powell and Armstrong all had cap holds next year too.

  12. Why is it that when Ivan is in the game or another PF they don't try and bring the ball up the court? Do you think that Josh is the only PF on our team who's role isn't defined in the offense?

    And since grade school basketball players are taught to give the ball up to the guards so I don't buy that Josh doesn't know his role or that it's the guards fault, at least not their fault the majority of the time when they're screaming for the ball and he's ignoring them.

    And "Poor BBIQ comes from a player not having a defined role in a system"? Seriously?? How does one even respond to that statement? I don't ever want to hear anyone refer to Josh Smith as having a low BBIQ after LD recently came out and explicitly said in his post-game interview that Josh is one of the most intelligent basketball players he's been around and that he sees things before they happen. Josh not giving the ball up or not being in the right position is a clear and conscious decision that he makes and not because he doesn't know any better.

    Now that I agree with. Calling him a low BBIQ player is silly when you see how he quarterbacks the defense and the frustration on his face when people are not in position on sets, Joe holds it too long etc. I see him as being ahead of the curve....which means that when he doesn't give it up...it's a conscious decision. Either it is being encouraged behind the scenes or not being discouraged and he's decided he can and THAT HE WILL!!!

  13. Okay fellas. Some of you have me on the verge of violence. Anyone else with knowledge who wants to pile on in this thread, please do so.

    In many of our threads, I keep seeing people say things like (if we traded for this expiring guy then let him walk, we've cleared "X" dollars from our cap and can sign Dwight - Carmelo and Lebron's mom. The following is the Hawk's cap situation next year. Source - http://hoopshype.com/salaries/atlanta.htm

    JJ - $19,752,645

    Josh - $13,200,000

    Al - $12,000,000

    Marvin - $8,287,500

    Zaza - $5,248,750

    JT - $2,433,076

    Total - $60,921,971

    That's it. We only have 6 players signed next year. Kirk is an 8 million dollar expiring this year and a huge trading chip. He is most likely gone by the tradign deadline and by far our biggest asset.

    Okay....pretend for a moment we Amnesty JJ. We are at $41 million. Assuming a similar cap next year of $54 million, that leaves us $13 million to sign a Dwight type player. Not gonna happen. Get over it. With nearly no assets, no money...not gonna happen without sending back Marvin, Josh, Al in return and then you only have 5 on the roster. Without Amnestying our top 3 or sign and trading them, we can't sign anyone for more than an exemption. Even with Amnestying, we don't have a max level contract under the cap to sign them. Get it, Got it....Good!

    Now the LT. Assuming a Luxury tax of $72 million. With those 6 players under contract, we are $12 million from the LT. Assuming we do trade Kirk for someone else's $8 million salary dump, we'll have about $68 million spent with 7 players under contract. We'll have 4 million to spend. We'll have a first round pick at that will cost about $1.5 million meaning 4 vet minimums for 5 year or less vets or we hit the LT. This is how it will play out, minus a few basic things. So we aren't "amnestying" Joe. Our only recourse is a trade of Joe, Al or Josh for multiple smaller pieces and or finding a buyer for Marvin for pieces. Now notice I said, "PIECES" plural. With our current situation having $45 million tied up in 3 players, almost $20 million in one, our other assets need to bring back lower priced role players. '

    Summary - The cap will keep us from just signing people outright even if we amnesty.....The LT will keep us from signing anything more than vet minimums if we don't trade down with our assets.

  14. Again, I wonder if people understand contracts. And I wonder how in the world people still think Joe has any positive trade value.

    I'm not sure they understood what you meant here at all...I do and I agree.

    Let me give it a shot. Pretend tomorrow that you could renegotiate Joe's contract based on performance. He's a 10-12 million dollar a year player based on performance the last 2 seasons. You now have 6 million + under the Luxury tax and a health Joe still producing 18-4-4. Could that 6 million net you enough of a player to push us over the hump into the top 3 in the east and have a chance at the top seed? Of course it would. I think if people would remove the names from players (all players) and look at their impact on both ends of the floor, they would see that we are really a Dampier for a 7 million dollar Center/PF away. Rebounding kills us. People here complain about Marvins salary of 8 million and don't realize that 8 million is about how much Joe is underperforming. Marvin is performing at a about a 5 million dollar level, Joe 10. If you got 8.5 and 18.5 million value from both, we'd be top seed in the East. Contracts and production.....period.

    Compare Horf/Josh. We whine about their shortcomings keeping them from being 18 million dollar players but in reality we are getting about 14 million in value from each at 12 and 13 million. They make up that value. Zaza if very valuable against his contract as is Teague. If you can move Joe and parts for Monte and parts...it is a better value. Don't look at the player names, look at their production on both ends of the floor, expected shelf life, future trade value. This is a no brainer.

  15. Trading Joe for Monta is a lost for us if we want to win a title. They would give us tweener heaven with a bunch of low bbiq players. We would need a big PG who could defend SG. Someone with Billups size. To get rid of Joe's contract, it's not a bad thing. It clearly is an upgrade for GS as a team. Curry and Joe is a superior fit to Ellis and Curry.

    Larry Drew disagrees with you by the way about your incessant low BBIQ comments


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