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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. Here we go. Last 6 games. The average stats for our top 6 players in the rotation. Player-------ppg-----FG%------RPG-----APG----SPG----BPG-----T/O AL-----------15.83--51.35------10.83----2.5------.5-------1.67-----1.33 Josh--------13.17--44.4--------7.67-----1.83----1.17-----1.67----1.67 Marvin------9.17---40.4--------6.33-----.67-------.33-----.5-------.17 Bibby-------6.17-----40.0-------2.5-------1.83----.67------0.00-----.5 Crawford--17.83--36.6--------3.17-----2.83-----.67-----0.0------2.17 JJ------------13.3----31.25------4.67-----4.33----.5--------.17------2.5 Conclusion: This list is organized by FG%. I believe stats always bear things out. This was crunch time. This is when their team needed them most. Only Al shot over 50%. Only Al grabbed 10 RPG. Playoff basketball is all about efficiency. Shoot a high percentage, Don't turnover the ball, Rebound the ball. JJ should be f'ing embarrassed. Bibby is done.
  2. OY...just OY. First of all, the official stats show 5 turnovers for Josh not 6. So there goes your credibility. Secondly, the failure of this team is what it has been. You 2 guards went a combined 11 for 32. That's 34.4%. And yet they took almost 50% of the team shots. This game would have been a blow out except we shot 30 of 31 from the free throw line. Maybe you didn't watch the same game I did. But I kept seeing 2 guards with cart blanche to drive and take off balance jumpers time and again. That is not winning playoff basketball. Lastly, Dwight Howard shot 18 free throws tonight. The refs played a monster part in this game tonight. First quarter, even ESPN announcers were calling BS on Howard running over Collins both times and it being a defensive foul both times. There is plenty of blame to go around. The Magic scored 112 points. Roll that around in your noodle for a while. How does any team score 112 points in a playoff game? Is that the work of 1 player? 4 Orlando starters scored 20 points or more. Meanwhile Mike Bibby scored 3 points in 13 minutes. Bibby couldn't guard a doughnut at an anorexia convention and it showed tonight. Your trade Josh Smith threads show you have no appreciation for a player that was probably the most valuable person on this team this year. The difference between 3rd seed and out of the playoffs was 12 games this year and Josh Smith could easily be attributed as the soul reason we won 12. Take away Josh or Jamal and this team doesn't even make the playoffs. This loss is squarely on the shoulders of Mike Woodson for not developing Teague, Acie or anyone else that could come in and guard Jameer Nelson. Young, quick point guards have killed us all year and during the playoffs. 112 points is unacceptable.
  3. Just looking at what Gerald Wallace was able to do getting Dwight in trouble. There is a difference between getting you shot blocked when you pull up at 8 feet and he jumps out and gets a piece and when you go strong to the hole and he blocks it off the backboard. Yes he'll get those but the floor gets bigger for dish, drive, kick out, rotation when you first drive to the front of the rim.
  4. To make an Omelot you have to break a few eggs. That means you need to miss a few shots and you need to get a few blocked. If the Hawks want any chance of winning game 2 they need to relentlessly drive the ball to the hole off of pick and roll ala the Utah Jazz of the 90's. Bibby and JJ at the top....Horford and Josh setting the picks...Marvin spotting up in the corner. Run pick and roll relentlessly and challenge Dwight Howard on every trip down until he gets 2 fouls. This has to be the 1st quarter plan in game 2. Pick and roll to the basket is the best way not let Dwight get his feet set for the leap. Will you miss a few shots? YEP...Will Howard block a few shots? YEP. But what I saw in the first 21 minutes of that game last night was nothing more than a mind game. Howard convinced the Hawks they couldn't drive on him. They have to or this series is over. Joe and Horf, Bibby and Josh....run at Howard every play no matter the outcome. Make the defense collapse to help him down low or you'll never get a clean look. Defensively. Same basic approach, dare them to drive to the basket. Man on the wings, 2 deep on the blocks on either side. Get right up in the guards faces and dare them to drive. Make Orlando put the ball on the floor. When they are allowed to isolate and pass, dumping it in down low...they are dangerous. Do not let the guards help on Dwight...Josh and Al need to help each other and no one else. Give him his points...do not let him pass. Let Howard break some eggs by scoring over you but by no means let him dictate by getting you in foul trouble or by drawing you in to set up the 3.
  5. thecampster


    Blocking foul on Collins in the first quarter for his 2nd foul where dwight lowered the shoulder and just ran collins over. Nuff said.
  6. Hmmm...so roughly 1 in 6.25 of his shots come in the last 3 seconds. he shoots a little less than 12 a game so about twice a game he's shooting with less than 3 seconds on the shot clock. Shot clock usage Secs. ____Att. ______eFG% Ast'd Blk'd Pts 0-10_____43%______.616 57% 5% 6.6 11-15____21% _____.478 68% 7% 2.5 16-20____20% _____.420 61% 8% 2.1 21+ _____16% _____.342 78% 6% 1.3 Crunch __36% _____.385 67% 7% 3.4 Josh shot 12.3 times a game this season. 36% of the time (4 times a game) he shot the ball with 8 seconds or less left on the shot clock. Ok, I think this is very telling. A third of your power forward's possessions are with time running out in the shot clock. During those times he's shooting 38.5% from the field. The rest of the time he's shooting about 56.5%. Translation, guards are holding the ball way too long in iso.
  7. In Iso, it's important for the Power Forward and Center to move out so there is an open lane to drive. Then "1" of them is to crash the lane on the drive/pull up. If it's not there they kick the ball back out. Often times in our offensive sets, JJ holds the ball too long and on the kick out, there isn't time left to do anthing except shoot from outside. I'd love to see a graphic of how many jumpers Josh shot during the year with 5 or less seconds on the clock.
  8. As any NBA fan knows...you just don't wake up and make the NBA finals. Even Jordan waited till his 7th season to win a title and required Pippen, Grant and maturation to get there. Tonight, I think the Hawks learned a lesson, a big lesson. It's not enough to be athletic. It's not enough to game plan. It's not enough to be better. Lebron's Cavs were better last year and got eliminated. The lesson is that winners impose their will on others. That's what most championship seasons are...one team imposing it's will upon the competition no matter who is playing. You have to bring the nasty. You have to bring the will to tell someone else to sit down and shut up. Tonight, the Hawks said "NO!!!" I am one of the biggest JJ bashers on the board but tonight he earned my respect and he did it on one play in the first quarter. While guarding Salmons one on one, he refused the switch and stuck with Salmons during a dribble/attempt to penetrate clinic. He stayed in front for a good 10 seconds and finally when he goated Salmons into the air, he got a hand on the Salmons pass into the post. JJ refused to let John Salmons get to the middle of the lane on that play. He imposed his defensive will on the play. God help the league if the Hawks have finally figured out the hardest lesson in basketball. you don't have to win by 100..you just have to win by 1. The Bucks weren't just beaten on the court tonight...they were demoralized. They were held to 69 points on their home court on what should have been elimination night. The Hawks imposed their will tonight.
  9. Cheapest tickets I found were $20 behind the west basket.
  10. Anyone know if there will be a good cheap ticket deal for this game too like in game 1. I missed out on the $10 tickets because I work nights but I could make that afternoon game.
  11. That's why he was suggesting their would have to be a sign and trade involved for one. They've got a little more than enough for 1, not enough for 2 but trade away a legit salary and they do.
  12. Josh's stats for the playoffs. 13.4 ppg 10.8 rpg 3.8 apg 2.2 bpg .8 spg 1.4 to/g Shooting 51.8% 66.7% FT Not stellar scoring but not shooting that much (only 10.2 shots a game). What that means is efficiency wise we use the formula ((Assists x 2 points) + (Points))/(shots+assists+Turnovers) to get Josh's offensive efficiency. Meaning the times he is involved in the play (good or bad) divided into points he scores or assists. That translates to ((3.8x2) + 13.4)/(10.2+3.8+1.4) or 21/15.4. Meaning that Josh is currently responsible for 1.3636 points per offensive set involvement. Now lets look at Joe and Jamal. Josh - ---1.3636 JJ ------- 1.2055 (30x2+116)/(104+30+12) or 176/146 Jamal - 1.0349(12x2+65)/(64+12+10) or 89/86 just for fun, Al Al - (5x2+78)/(64+5+6) or 88/75 or 1.1733 So what we've learned here is that when Josh is involved in the play, we score 1.36 points....Crawford 1.03.... Josh is also leading the team in rebounds and blocks for the playoffs......You need to pick another target. let's start with a coach that insists on the offense running though the guards.
  13. It's called internet board turrets.
  14. Because Mark Jackson is one of the smartest point guards to have played the game in the last 20 years. Mark Jackson understands winning. That said. A proven talent developer has been Doug Collins.
  15. Let the conspiracy talk begin. I attribute the disparity in play to be equally dependent on the officiating. I'd be interested to see if there is a disparity in the number of free throws the Hawks shoot on the road as opposed to home and the number of free throws their opponents shoot. I theorize that we get less play on the front line on the road due to a change in foul calling. Not that the league would unfairly help a home team or anything...no never.
  16. Let me explain it using your logic. Josh was getting dunks, alley-oops and was able to draw defenders to himself in the post by being bigger. That set up the other players for Josh's 9 assists. Josh's ability to draw the defense to himself and require doubles in the post made life easier for the other players. 5 man game....Joe was important...no argument. BUT MVP means Most Valuable. Josh made things go defensively and offensively. All the talk pregame was "how do they stop Josh". All the talk after the game was, "they couldn't stop Josh".
  17. Sometimes I can't even begin to understand you guys. Josh played 7 minutes 15 seconds less than Joe. But in his 7 less minutes he took 12 less shots to make only 6 less points. He had 10 more rebounds, 3 more assists, 1 more steal. Joe had one more turnover and got 2 of his shots blocked. Joe had a good game. 27/6/4 is a nice stat line. He shot over 50%....wtg JJ but anyone calling Joe the MVP didn't watch the same game I did. Josh was 9-11. He only missed 2 shots, had 9 assists and only 2 turnovers. That means on possessions Josh either shot the ball, lost the ball or passed for a basket he was 18 of 22. That's only 4 bad possessions when the ball ran through Josh. Joe was 12 of 23, 6 assists with 3 turnovers. That's 18 of 32...14 bad possessions. Kudos to Josh for doing more, screwing up less in 7 less minutes. Grats to Joe for a good game offensively and 2 blocked shots and a steal But Josh is the MVP of game 2...period. Honorable mention to Al for a previously unmentioned stat.....Kurt Thomas...0 points. Josh and Marvins guys had 16 points total between them. The stat lines between marv, josh, al and their counterparts on Milwaukee was ridiculous.
  18. I'll take the defense. I love Al and his no quit but replace Al with Deke in his prime and Orlando / Cleveland would be very scared. We lose most of the time due to rebounding and interior D. Make no mistake, add a prime years Mutombo and remove any one of the Al, Josh or Marvin and this team is scary.
  19. A strong showing by the Hawks tonight (20 point win) would effectively take Milwaukee out of this. More importantly, a big win tonight would put the crowd on edge. Sure they will come out big in Milwaukee but they will be saying "uh oh...here we go" at the Hawks first run. Tonight is the key to winning on the road when the series moves to Milwaukee.
  20. First tie breaker goes to division winner. Second is head to head.
  21. Teague will overhear rendition 3 of the explanation and go, "Come on coach...don't change nothing....the sh*t works, it works"
  22. :laughing5: :laughing5: :laughing5: You just got half the board going. "What the hell did he just say" and start looking up youtube videos of a triangle+2. In 2 days you'll have Woody sitting next to Larry Drew going "LD, can you go over this fast trap on the ball thing again? I'm having trouble understanding how we do that when we're supposed to be switching man anywhere above the 3 point line". Then Woody would rub his forehead real hard and kill any replacement eyebrow growth he might have going on.
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