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Posts posted by thecampster

  1. Because this is Atlanta. The biggest joke of a sports city in the nation.

    Fickle fans, incompetent ownerhip, etc.

    Re-signing Josh Smith would make too much sense.

    glad I saw your tag....prompted me to go get another one.


    PPG----17.0-------17.2----- +.2

    RPG----6.3-------8.2------ +1.9

    APG-----2.5-------3.4------- +.9

    Stl-------.9-------1.5------- +.6


    FG%----47.9------.45.7----- -2.2%

    And Deng got 6 years, 70 million. To quote the 2 live stu's.. "Come on Man"

  2. Pippen was a much better player on both ends of the floor. You can compare Smith and Okafor, but stay away from Pippen.

    As far as Pippen goes, I was comparing year 4 Pippen to year 4 Josh. And stat wise it's an almost dead on comparison. And year 4 Josh is 3.5 years younger than year 4 Pippen.

  3. You missed a rather important one.


    FG%----53.4--------45.7---- -7.7

    If Smith would simply stay inside where he shoots 60% instead of outside where he shoots 30% he'd likely be paid handsomely by now. It wouldn't surprise me if the $ .10 head on top of that $100 million body is what scares GM's off.

    Scheme brother. I can't fault him for running the play as it's drawn up.

    There are 5 players on the floor in the NBA. Roughly half the plays lead to isolation and the other half are 2/3 man games. Only when the play breaks down do the other 2 players get involved. The isolation plays are typically 2 kinds, wing and post.

    In the wing, space is cleared out for typically the shooting guard or small forward to create a shot on their own by driving or the 2nd option, if the defense has drawn to the driving wing player rotate out to the point guard who either shoots from range or rotates to weak side of the defense that has been cleared by the wing. In the post, typically the power forward/center tries to isolate his defender. If left alone, he backs him in for a post move attempt. 1 wing and the weak side post are given put back duty on a miss. the other wing and point are given stop duty on a rebound and outlet pass. If the defense rotates to give help in the post, the post finds the point or wing who either make rotate or shoot choices.

    in the 2/3 man games, the ball is moved between 2-3 players with motion (see, pick and roll or triangle for examples). 2 of those players have to have handles and one has to be a post that can catch pass out of the post. In this scenario, smith had to assume one of the handles players as we have been guard deficiant for years.

    In both systems it is utilization and system that is keeping smooth from the basket on many plays. This is the price paid for being a tweener.

    This is why Claxton being a sorry excuse for a doorstop has killed us. He was signed and brought in to try to add another guard/wing option. We needed more handles and he was and I expect him to continue to be an epic fail.

    Look at the statistical difference in Josh after Bibby showed up in FG%. Feb, 48.2%, March 49.8%, April, 46.4%.

    And now before the bibby trade. Nov 37.4, Dec 44.9, Jan 47.5.

    Josh was playing within the scheme as he was being utilized by the coach due to poor player personnel decisions.

  4. And just to make another comparison to another well known small forward.

    Here is the stat line for Scottie Pippen his 4th year in the league (when he was 25/26 and had the benefit of college).


    PPG----17.8-------17.2----- -.6

    RPG----7.3-------8.2------ +.9

    APG-----6.2-------3.4------- -2.8

    Stl-------2.4-------1.5------- - .9


    I don't think anyone realizes how similar the stats are. Josh just gets blocks where pippen gets assists. but besides that they are virtual stat twins. I don't think anyone in the NBA if confronted with the opportunity to sign Scottie Pippen entering his prime today would bat an eye at signing him for 12mil per season.

  5. Before I start, it's been 4 years since I posted on this board (although i read it fairly religiously). A whatup to Dolfan and the guys. Long time no see.

    OK so the Bobcats just payed 72 million over 6 years for Okafor. Here is his stat line and how it compares to Josh (I hope this shows right).



    RPG----10.8-------8.2------ -2.6




    So except for rebounds, Josh is better, flat better all around. I don't wanna hear anyone complaining about them playing different positions....the stats are across the board better.

    And I don't want to hear anyone make the excuse that Okafor was overpaid. There is no such thing as overpaid. You are paid exactly what the market will give you and it seems the going rate for 14.3 ppg, 10.8 boards, 1.0 assists, .8 steals, 2 blocks is 12 million per season....

    The Josh Smith negotiation should be over by now....if he'll take 12 mil per, then we are getting a deal by league standards. Okafor is the new 12mil per bar that is set.

    But incase anyone has any question at this point, let's put up the interesting stats on Josh.

    In the league he was

    2nd in blocks,

    16th in Steals,

    26th in Rebounds,

    44th in ppg,

    48th in assists .

    Remember this is a 30 team league. Top 60 is considered a top 2 performer per team in any category. And per nba.com he is the 21st highest rated fantasy player (by statistics) and the has the 35th highest efficiency per 48 minutes number in the league.

    Yes people...he is this good and put up these stats last year without having a legit point guard on the team for the first 50+ games. Attention to the ASG....sign him now, period.

  6. Can't believe this was missed. Trade Chills for a jameer nelson was offered earlier.

    Trading a player isn't giving up on him. Offering him for trade for something good (ie diaw for johnson) is providing some ideal of value for him.

    I wonder if anyone on this board would consider swapping Chills for Jason Terry. Bringing JT back. Joe Johnson is the perfect complementary guard for JT. Let the 2 switch/share the ball handling duties. Let JJ be the point and let JT do what he does. Forgetting what JT said when he left town, would you like this lineup.






    With the other parts thrown in.

    I think see 3 solid scorers on the floor and firmly believe playing Harrington next to smooth is the best option with Marvin and Salim as first options off the bench. It doesn't fit a need at Center for a backup/starter but it does work. I think we could run a lot better with this lineup. Let JJ and JT switch on the defensive end.

  7. Revisting my earlier post in relation to the John Edwards signing http://www.hawksquawk.net/forums/showflat....prev=#Post99372

    Dated August 26.

    The guy is cannon fodder, nothing else. A grocery bagger. From the list of guys I could see giving us the same or more that can be traded for or had in a low FA deal,

    Sean Kemp,

    Alvin Jones (as of last year he was in europe and contributing),

    Popeye, Bluto or Olive Oil,



    any one of the backstreet boys,


    and a list of any other guys in the league, on cartoons or in boy bands.

    It hurts to watch.

  8. I think a real good question would be who gave up more and which player is more valuable

    For JJ - 2 protected 1sts, boris Diaw and an exemption

    For Curry (since Davis will be cut and resign with the Bulls) - Thomas, Jermaine Jackson, Sweetney and a first plus 2 2nd round picks.

    Both paid similar money.

    Would you trade 2 protects firsts, diaw and an Exemption for Thomas, Sweetney, Jackson and 3 draft picks. Is Diaw and an exemption worth Thomas, Sweetney, Jackson. Are 2 protected 1sts worth an unprotected 1st and 2 2nds. I say yes in both cases.

    I like Curry but I think JJ is a better all around player. I think the draft choices are a wash and the player/players given up favor our deal. Giving up Diaw is negligible. He wasn't giving anything on a nightly basis to this team that warranted him staying. Given an option between Thomas and Diaw for the same money I'd take Thomas. So as much as the Johnson trade looked like we were giving up a lot at first, it sure seems like New York is giving up more for Curry.

    Given Davis returns to Chicago after a month of changing channels it sure looks like the Bulls have fleeced the Nicks again.

  9. Quote

    "The fact of the matter is that Smith is not better than Childress or Al... "

    Diesel I'm starting to wonder if you believe everything you say. I think a statistical analysis based on 48 minutes is in order for Josh C vs. Josh S. Childress played 29.7 minutes a game last year, Smith played 27.7. similar but not exact so we need the per 48 minute comparison. Let's see.

    Per 48 minutes.

    Josh Childress - 16.32 ppg, 9.7 rpg, 3.07 apg, 1.4545 spg, .6465 bpg.

    Josh Smith - 16.8 ppg, 10.74 rpg, 2.95 apg, 1.39 spg, 3.47 bpg.

    Smith went for .5 points, 1 rebound and 2.8 more blocks per 48 minutes.

    Childress went for .12 assists and .06 more steals per 48 minutes last year.

    Now consider Childress played the bulk of his minutes at the 2/3 and Smith played the bulk of his minutes at the 3/4 but the players are similar in size, it stands to reason that Childress should statistically have a size advantage over smooth against his opponents, was draftd much higher and had a year of college under his belt. I like both players and wish to keep both. But to say Childress is clearly better lunacy. Smith outplayed him in 3 of the 4 categories and was almost the same in the other 3.

    This is another example of you posting more than others and reading your own posts over and over and them becoming fact in your mind. Chillz is not better statistically than Smooth, period. If he's better in your opinion than say so but realize it's an opinion. Just like it's your opinion JJ can't play the point and not a fact that he'll end up at shooting guard. Is it possible, sure. Is it a good idea, you seem to think so. Is it a fact, NO. A resounding NO. Until the coach says, hey JJ, what'ya say you slide over to the 2 and let Salim and Lue push the rock for a while, he is slated to play the point and your assumption he is a 2 for us is an opinion and not reality.

    For fun now, using the above stats, and using typically fantasy sports points analysis (it's how those fancy nba rating services rank player efficiency on all those sites we quote) let's compare Al to the 2 afore mentioned players. We'll give 1 point per point, 1 per rebound, 2 per assist, 1 per steal, 1 per block.

    Harrington stats per 48 (he averaged 38.6 mpg) - 21.89 ppg, 8.7 rpg, 3.98 apg, 1.62 spg, .25 bpg. Smith wins 2 of 3 categories directly related to being a power forward (blocks and rebounds) pretty handily.

    Harrington gets a score of - 40.395

    Smith gets a score of - 38.2

    Childress get's a score of - 34.26

    As you can see, Harrington does beat Smith but is it really as big a differential as you expect considering Smith was a 19 year old rookie who rotted on the bench behind Walker. I believe this was a good idea but to boldly proclaim that either is better or that Smooth doesn't have the tools to dominate in the league is like something a hollywood actress would say sitting courtside at a Laker game.

    If you're going to argue this, argue it with facts please.

  10. Now let me get this straight,

    Diesel says

    "The guy that scored 34 points on Smoove in a HS game... The guy plays the same position as Smoove. He's picked #2 overall. Don't you think there's a rivalry developing? Listen to Smoove talk in the interview..."

    Then Diesel says

    "The posters here got happy about How Smoove played against Dirk.. and immediately starting saying... Smoove can be a Kenyon Martin type PF. First off, Kenyon Martin is more Physical than Smoove and secondly Kenyon Martin Sucks...


    Dirk is a perimeter PF. NOt a PF in the post... What will Smoove do with Duncan, Reef, and Al (if we trade him)... "

    So Smooth plays solid defense against perimeter pro Nowitski (a top 25 pro player) but has 34 dropped on him the previous year by a high school kid. Selecting the high school kid that put up 34 points against him is a mistake.

    Did I read that right?

    I had to get that right. Diesel you have insinuated, said, blared that drafting Marvin Williams was a mistake but admit you know he outplayed Smooth just 1 year previous. You admit Smooth can play with the best pros when as a rookie he did well playing against Dirk Nowitski. I'm speechless!!!!

  11. There's a reason I won't try that comparison.

    I will compare them based on their projected positions, not Diesel's projected positions. And this is no slight on you. I've told you before I appreciate your posts a ton and respect your opinion a whole heap. Unfortunately you can say "mark my words" and "you can write it down" but that doesn't change the fact that JJ is currently slated to play the point.

    My comparison is based on their currently projected positions.

    Had we drafted Deron, our point need would be filled. Like you, I agree he is probably the best of the point guard group. The extra money under the cap would have most probably gone for a center, not JJ. Childress is already at the 2. You scenerio of Deron/JJ doesn't work because it pushes one of the Josh's out of the starting lineup which isn't in the plans. To Compare your scenario is fictional.

    The only real comparison is Deron as the point, josh and josh at the 2/3, Al Harrington at the 4 and whatever 4 we could throw money at that would sign.

    Now here's the problem with this. Al Harrington is no longer trade bait. Without the extra Swing man in Marvin being brought along slowly, there is no way/need to trade Harrington for a need later.

    I say get over it. Live in the now. For better or worse JJ is the point - period. Until the coaching staff says otherwise quit posting that he's the 2. Childress is the 2. Smith the 3 Harrington the 4 and most probably Pachulia the 5. Every time you post that Marvin is a mistake and JJ can't play the 1 you set yourself up to eat serious crow. There is no undoing this path. They are on it. Get on board and for better or worse cheer your fool head off every time Joe Johnson brings the ball up court for the Hawks.

  12. In reading all the crap written about our team and in response specifically to Diesel about how poor the Marvin Williams pick is, I decided to compare the state of the hawks in a fantasy basketball matchup against a last year playoff team I am familliar with. As some of you know, 2 years ago I let the Atl and moved back to Chicago. Let compare the Hawks, roster spot to roster spot with last year's number 4 seed Bulls.

    Point Guard: Joe Johnson/Tyrone Lue - Kirk Hinrich and Ben Gordon.

    Knowing little about Johnson's ability to pass, the distribution part of being a point guard would go to Hinrich. Defensively you have to believe the 6'8 Johnson will give every point he plays fits. Few will find the ability to shoot over him and few will find the ability stop him from shooting over them. I think this will be the case all year. I'd take Gordon over Lue any day but Johnson's height creates all sorts of problems defensively for these 2 points and so using the 10-0 scoring system for points I'd rate this a 6-4 win for the Hawks.

    Shooting Guard - Josh Childress/Salim - Duhon/Pargo/Scrub of the week. Don't get me wrong, Duhon and even pargo played well for the Bulls last year but I don't see either being able to sniff the jock strap of Childress of Stoudamire on the court. I watch both teams guys as often as a I can Duhon would have to call protective services of the beating he'd receive one on one with either of these players. Although he can pass better than Childress and Pargo can shoot while open, neither is as big/strong as Childress. Salim is probably the most underrated player in the draft and as Smith was our big steal at 17 last year, Salim would have been lottery material had his 4 year past reputation hadn't been blown up. This is an 8-2 win for the Hawks.

    Small Forward - Josh Smith/Marvin Williams - Luol Deng/Nocioni. Mad I love Nocioni's game. He is what Chris Crawford should have been. Deng is a sure fire steady player. That said, Defensively Josh shuts both down offensively. This is the classic Defensive struggle. Were Josh to find his offensive game, this would be a big win for us but as yet he hasn't. Williams is an unknown with crazy athletism that will get him by but in an NBA game where the talent is much more even than in college I see alot of rookie mistakes. Still he has the athleticism to feed off of his team mates. I call this matchup due to Smith a draw. 5-5.

    Power Forward - Al Harrington/Batiste - Othella Harrington/Tyson Chandler. I have no Idea here. Batiste is unknown but a potential rebounding/scoring beast or a foul machine. Take your pick. Harrington (Al) is much more reliable that Harrington (Othella). Chandler is a rebounding machine with dunk and blocks that change a game. 7-3 win for the bulls.

    Center - Pachulia/Edwards/Collier - Curry/A.Davis.

    This one takes a great deal in to account. So given that Curry is healthy and able to play, and that Pachulia is our starter. Curry is an offensive monster. Pachulia is well rounded but not Curry. As a backup, Davis is just better. More experienced, savvy, a super hard worker. The only problem the Bulls would face against the Hawks is their ability to defend. All three big men can step away from the basket to shoot. It a small advantage but one that has to be mentioned. The fact that I have to mention Collier in the mix speaks volumes to how much better the Bulls are here as a whole. This is an 8-2 win for the Bulls.

    All other players on any given NBA night are inconsequential.

    Were I, as Diesel has repeatedly suggested, to change this to replace Salim with Deron Williams or another point and replace Marvin with the best remaining big man at #31, we would be no better at PF/C and no Better at PG/SG. More importantly we wouldn't have Marvin Williams on the Bench learning to put his athleticism to good NBA use just like the Josh's did last year.

  13. I Love it when people get their facts wrong.

    Quote: "Alvin Jones has been in three or four training camps before, and he has NEVER made a 15 man squad, much less a 12 man squad."

    Per NBA.com


    Alvin Jones played in 23 games for the Philadelphia 76ers in 01-02 averaging 5.5 minutes per game. 1.1 ppg, 1.6 rpg, .1 apg and .4 blocks per game.


    John Edwards played in 25 games for the Indiana Pacers averaging 5.6 minutes per game. 1.2 ppg, .8 rpg, .1 apg and .16 blocks per game.

    The point is, in almost the same amount of games, in almost exactly the same amount of minutes, edwards is .1 ppg better and .8 rpg and .2 blocks per game worse.

    so by your own logic, if Jones is a cannon fodder scrub (man I'm liking this term more and more) than Edwards is lesser fodder.

  14. You make it sound like I was flipping out.

    Just saying, is the signing even worth talking about. Couldn't anyone do this job. There's 3 types of players you sign.

    1. Star Player - Guy who comes in and is one of your top 5 scorers or 2 best rebounders on your team. He gets 30+ minutes a game and gets to do postgame interviews. IE - When we signed/traded for JJ.

    2. Roster Talent - Guy who comes in and plays servicable minutes in relief of one of the guys above. The roll Deke played for Houston last year or the role Alan Henderson Played.

    3. Cannon Fodder - This is a guy who get's the league minimum to get dunked on in Practice, substitutes in to give a breather to a vet during intersquad practice sessions, stands under the basket and retrieves balls during free throw practice, sits on the bench in his warmups and waves a towel in the last 2 minutes of a tight game, has his head blocked out by the guy in front of him during the team photo, get's waived and resiged to 10 day contracts 3 times in a season and typically ends up baggin groceries at your local Kroger or being used as a stunt double in the next Shaqfu movie. He is typically referred to by management in the press release as a project guy who hasn't gotten his opportunity yet in the league.

    Unfortunately, until proven otherwise I will have to believe that in 5 years Mr. Edwards will be asking "Paper or Plastic?"

  15. You need to remember the proposed deal for Curry would be a sign and trade. At $10 in Cap room, you trade less than $7 million away in Al Harrington. You could sign Curry for $14 million and if my math is correct, 17-14 = 3 million under the cap.

    I am by no means a cap cruncher but I believe you must also have 14 on the roster now per the CBA. The extra 3 mil goes to sign those 2 players.

  16. That's the point.

    No he isn't the second coming but he is a very good center. Better that at least 20 teams will trot out there this year. This is why the center position is at a premium.

    Couple that with he is only 22. Yes, 22 the same age that Battier came out of college. He's the equivalent of a college rookie now. If Milwaukee get's 16-20 and 6-8 out of Bogut this year they will be happy, why wouldn't we with a 22-23 year old center.

    Heck, if I could get 16-6 out of Collier I'd be happy but I can't.

    Secondly, We have to spend about 14 million more than we have spent. We have to. Someone is going to get that money.

    If you sign and trade Harrington to Chicago for Curry and Curry is signed for 15 and Harrington is currently signed for 7 million, than the difference is 8 million a season.

    If we have 26 million to spend and you sign Curry for 15 million a season via a sign and trade, we still have to find some way to spend 6 million more just to make the league minimum salary and 18 million more to hit the max.

    A max for Curry doesn't hurt us at all. It will help us not overpay for another player just to get him/her here.

  17. I posted this the other day as part of a larger post and got the number of days wrong. It was a 10 day sampling.

    In 29.8 minutes per game over his last 10 games before the heart trouble. Yes fellas, in only 29.8 minutes per game, not the 35 he'd get from us.

    19.8 points

    6.1 rebounds

    1.1 block

    2.0 TO

    3.5 fouls

    42/56 Free throws for 75%

    78/131 FG Attempts for 59.54 %

    Tell me what other center option we have that can put up 20/6 and a block a game with reasonable turnovers and fouls, shoot 60% from the floor and shoot 75% from the free throw line and in only 29.8 minutes a game.

    In my opinion, this should end the discussion.

  18. Well the point to this was that his Rebounds and Blocks were lower because his role defensively was more one on one with opposing centers leaving Chandler to clear the boards and block shots. Chandler is better at both and this leaves Curry to really change the way the opponents offense ran by taking their center out of the game.

    Theo Blocked shots and rebounded more but was not a good team defender. How bad could Curry be when the Bulls gave up the 7th least points but also had the most turnovers. This means good team concept defense.

    His defensive stats would improve if returned to this role of pivot man but I don't see that need. We will have 3 guys on the floor with him (childress, Smith, Williams) that can all block shots and rebound. He fits us quite nicely.

    Lot's of offense to free up the other guys and the ability to play one on one defense. Body up to any other center in the league. Something the big white stiff Collier can't do.

    This is from the world's biggest Cracker there is.

  19. How the game is played.

    There are a number of players out there we are interested in. Curry would a be a solid upgrade over anything we have. Second, the offense ran through Curry alot while he was on the floor. This tends to take a player out of position to rebound some and open up others. With rebounding machine Tyson Chandler on the floor a great deal with Curry, his crashing the boards wasn't necessary. He did other things within the offense. On defense, his main job was to man on man defend the other team's center. Primarily to lay his big body on the other guy and keep him out of the paint. This tends to move the center away from the basket.

    This and natural athletic ability is why Chandler's rebound numbers and Hinrich for that matter are so good.

    I live in just east of Chitown now fellas and will be sorry to see him leave town. As evidenced by their slide last year when he went down, he helps create good space for his team. Size will do that.

    Now on to what matters with Curry. His last 10 games he played in for the Bulls. This is a picture of what you could get.

    In 29.8 minutes per game over his last 8 games. Yes fellas, in only 29.8 minutes per game.

    19.8 points

    6.1 rebounds

    1.1 block

    2.0 TO

    3.5 fouls

    42/56 Free throws for 75%

    78/131 FG Attempts for 59.54 %

    There is a reason Gordon struggled to find his shot at the end of the year. The guy who hits just short of 60% from the field and 75% of his free throws wasn't there to draw the defense in.

    Give him 36 minutes a game like a starter should have (Skiles buried the big fella last year) and he goes for 24 points and 8 boards.

    There are a shortage of lazy guys like this in the league. I give a rat's fat can if he's lazy. I'll take 20/6 from the center spot. The guy touched the ball on almost every trip down the court and turned the ball over an average of 2 times.

    That last 10 games is a good guess at what the Hawks would be in for if they played the big guy right. However, I'm a big believer in stats per 48 minutes.

    Per 48 minutes, let's compare to the best center in a millenium from last year, Shaq (who made 30 million). These are full year stats for both from last year.

    Curry - 28.2 points, 9.4 boards, 1.62 blocks. 54% FG%, 72% FT%

    Shaq - 32.18 points, 14.6 boards, 3.29 blocks. 60% FG%, 46% FT%.

    Dalembert - 19 Points, 17.5 boards, 3.9 blocks. 52.4 FG%, 60.1 FT%.

  20. I can't even believe we are having this discussion. When you have the ability to add one of 5 best point guards in the game and he is. With 21 pts, 8 assists and 3 boards you can't argue it. How do you not get him for Delk, a player you aren't using, Collier, a player who is barely NBA quality and Harrington a good player but one who won't be here next year and who you drafted Marvin Williams to replace. 3 players you aren't going to use next year for a player with better stats than Antoine Walker had last year.

    The only valid argument I've heard is the 21 million owed him in 3 years but that's the last year of his contract. We can easily trade him as an expiring contract if the situation isn't working out.

    Doing this still allows us the cap space to sign either Curry or Gadzuric and other young filler talent. There would be money left after trying to pry away chandler and ending up with Curry to still work the market and those 2 moves would make us much more appealing to aspiring free agents. I doubt anyone has seriously looked at our lineup this way but here it would be.




    M.Williams/(vet filler)

    Curry/(vet filler) (maybe David Anderson here)

    But that possible starting lineup of Marbury/Chillz/Smith/Williams/Curry can rebound and run with anyone. They would run people out of the building nightly.

    I don't know, but that starting 5 looks awfully scary to me. The middle 3 can all go for 5 plus rebounds and more than a block a game. That's a long, big team.

  21. Interesting thought here. What if they do use the number 2 on Williams, get 19/Williams from Memphis for the laker's future 1st and Diaw and then trade 31/cash for the 22nd.

    this would allow them to get Marvin Williams, Jarrett Jack, Andrew Bynum in the draft.

    Get Jason Williams in the trade and Sign Chandler via free agency.

    Theoretically, the Hawks could lineup:

    J. Williams/Jarrett Jack


    J. Smith/

    Al Harrington/M. Williams


    and fill in the gaps with what's left on the roster. That is an exciting young core group of players.

    This is interesting.

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