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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. But if we start seeing stories on this, trade proposals in the digitals papers about it, we'll know this is legit chatter.
  2. Short update: Hunter Trade chatter has started up in the background around Hunter. Nets, Philly, Charlotte, Clips, Portland around teams mentioned with interest. I haven't looked at what the trades would be. This is early in the chatter. Low chance anything gets done before camp but interesting there's been conversations again.
  3. I think Griffin will be. He fell off end of the year and Hunter finished with the better % which is why I mentioned it. Those are the reasons that will be cited when 1 player or another wins the role.
  4. The camp battle 4 people, 2 spots. Why Johnson over Bey at the 4: Johnson makes his opponent work. He moves without the ball (and with). He makes the defense work as he's always a threat to pass. Good hands and makes rebounding look easy. Why Bey over Johnson at the 4: Bey shoots a better percentage from 3. Bey hustles. Not normal hustle, the guy never gives up on a play. You reward that. He's next level hustle. Why Bey over Griffin/Hunter at the 3: see above, hustle. Best rebounder at 3 and best hair. Bey makes defenders work harder. Why Hunter over Griffin/Bey at the 3: Best 3 point shooter. Best 1v1 defender, more versatile defender. The contract. Decent drive and score game 1v1. Why Griffin over Hunter/Bey at the 3: Best potential 3 point shooter. Best team defender. Highest bbiq. Best handles. Camp battle will be fun. We will see if DH has been working privately or not.
  5. They do that in a game, center taking ball from right of elbow to left free throw line, into paint and hook and guards are gonna steal that all day. You're just begging for a 2 guard to double that.
  6. Yes? Not really sure. Its never been mentioned to me. My assumption is yes but since neither has secured a starters position (yet), its not in their best interest to extend yet.
  7. You can believe it. This is all related to the DH stuff I posted end of season with him and Quin trying to coach him up. Everyone has been given orders for what to work on. Many of the guys have been using team supplied private coaching to work on areas of their game to better fit them into the new system.
  8. Yep and gone are the days of trying to feature someone to up their trade value. Lost possessions due to the front office wanting people featured has had a line in the sand drawn.
  9. Waiving VIT creates space under the 2nd LT line. Renouncing Trent Forrest would clear up another 1.8 million (stay with me here). The space created in trading both would leave us a near 24 million under the super apron. Almost exactly the amount available in the JC trade exception. I don't think they'd use it here but I do think they'd potentially use it at the trade deadline if we are competing.
  10. The dried kiwi. All of the dogs like it. I have no idea if any is good for them so I just break off a tiny bit but they all love it.
  11. LOL. Consider yourself lucky. Dash is 95 lbs now, is on a digging holes kick and has taken to begging me for bites of dried kiwi.
  12. I didn't mean to revive that with my statement on the Siakam stuff was meant as a fall back / leverage plan. The KAT stuff died a few weeks after the draft with a plan to revisit in Sept. I only know so much and so if I were to guess if we make a major move before camp begins, I'd say the chances are less than 30%, probably closer to 15-20%. Most every move Atlanta could make relies on acquiring an overpriced player without giving up Trae or Murray (1 of which now can't be traded for a while). I thought I was clear weeks ago but nothing is hot now as all parties are at an impasse and that only improves in Sept. The only exception to that was Dallas tried to revive Clint talks by involving a 3rd party but Atlanta hasn't bitten on that and Dallas just signed an emergency center. Tells me that's dead now too.
  13. Alright! Time for a giant distraction for all squawkers. Next time you want to flame a poster here over their Hawks' fandom, remember that you aren't Japanese and we don't have Hiyama Saya
  14. People on this board have asked why we say "we can't talk about that yet" or "I'm allowed to say". This nonsense with Siakam is a perfect example of why teams hate leaks. Think of all the names linked to the Siakam deal and all of the make nice the teams are having to do with the players involved. No one wants to play in Canada. If you were Clint, Hunter, Griffin, etc....how would you feel right now knowing your team was planning on moving you to Canada without your consent? and I blame the Hawks here. The whole Siakam thing was a fall back plan/leverage plan in the KAT negotiations. They should have been tighter in all of it.
  15. People could save themselves a lot bruises on the tips of their typing fingers if they'd read here: Dallas submitted multiple offers to the Hawks who didn't move on either (should have heard something by this past weekend). We didn't, so assuming Dallas part of all this nonsense with Capela is dead too. The Pascal stuff was dead 2 weeks+ ago.
  16. The trade doesn't fit the CBA. Over $7 million variance in the salaries....If people are going to claim fake trades, could they at least try it in a trade machine first? Is that too much to ask?
  17. I was just remarking to my wife that mid-season I was complaining about how under achieving we were and how hard of a time I was watching. I missed quite a few games. It's making this offseason feel incredibly long now.
  18. Some of that working we were talking about.
  19. The overpay would most likely go to the 3rd team, not us, to get them to accept the salary we wouldn't want.
  20. Small update: The social media stuff / Grant Shirley leak with Clint Capela is because Dallas has pivoted to trying to find a 3rd team to facilitate a deal with Atlanta. Dallas willing to slightly overpay. Nothing imminent as of yesterday. This leads me to believe, the Siakam stuff is dead. Dallas trying to avoid this dragging on till Atlanta has more options in September.
  21. I'll update whenever I have something solid. You guys can ask, but I always bring something when I know something. I don't have anything to share at this time.
  22. There's a long history of players playing in these summer events and coming back in better shape, shooting at a high percentage, having one of their best years. Here's to hoping.
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