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Posts posted by thecampster

  1. 50 minutes ago, Diesel said:

    Where to begin...

    I'm from a Military family and so is my wife.   Her dad was in Korea.  Saw so many horrors that he came home "Shell Shocked" is what they called it.  They had nothing for him as a veteran not at the VA during that time... He self medicated with Alcohol until he died at the age of 48.  They allowed him to be buried in the military ward of the cemetery but they didn't give him a soldier's funeral.  No Military Honors.  His wife fought 13 years for his death gratuity.  He wasn't dishonorably discharged.  In fact, at the time of his death he was retired reserved..

    My great-grandfather fought in WWI and died.  Damn near the same thing. 

    My Uncle fought in Vietnam and came back a little different.  He believe he was hit with Agent Orange.  He asked his doctor about it and his VA appointed Dr. Shrugged his shoulders. 

    Camp in the AA community, there's a love hate relationship with the military.. it has gotten tons better because My Brother serves and I am surrounded by others who serve... But  when you consider the treatment of our forefathers who served, fought  and came back to the US and found out that they were treated better overseas than here.....

    Sometimes, the best you can muster up for young men and women who are putting their life on the line is Thank you for your service.   It's not because you're relieving guilt...  It's because you are sincere and in your sincerity you hope that America Keeps her word to these young men and women.  Because she hasn't always done so. 


    My whole thing is if you appreciate me / others for their service show it.  Your story has me seething.  That should have never happened....I am sorry.  But the story is all too familiar. We pay lip service to appreciate service members but all too often discard them when they get home....line them up 2 days a year and then put them away.

    Not everyone who says the words is wrong....but far too many use it as an empty platitude. 


    I was asked about this recently and I said "you have no idea what you're thanking them for". Person gave me a chance to explain what being deployed is and it changed their whole perception of what they were saying.  

    To be deployed is to look at those you love, wife, kids, mom, dad and say, "I'll be back", knowing full well that is not under your control. Its giving up every bit of your self, every bit of your autonomy and many times (like your wife's father) for people who will put you away the second you get back. 


    I was helping a guy do interviews some time ago and after one of the interviews, he admitted he didn't want to hire the best candidate because he was former military and "those guys can snap at any time." He then uttered a few anti military tropes.  I held my breath and told him "I'm a veteran".  Guy went terrified 'white'. But that's a bunch of the bias these guys feel all the time.  We see them homeless on the streets or standing in the line at the VA for therapy.

    My deployment, my military life was easy. I sometimes feel embarrassed talking about it. I was a broadcaster. But I met so many young kids, just tools of the machine. I say the things I say for them.  It has nothing to do with me....


    I know someone right now (I won't say who) and his job was to interpret audio/written coms to provide targets for drone strikes.  Yah.....he's got a few issues to work out. He's the guy who could use more than an empty platitude.

    • Thanks 1
  2. You can ask me about this.

    The place I called home for 8 months.

    Or this...that little 6x10 , 5 foot high plywood enclosure was my sleeping quarters for 8 months.  When you thank me for my service, this is just a small part of what you're thanking me for....why its insulting for people to say it and move on....they just don't understand.

    Or this - Tent City and the outdoor showers.

    Or this - The clearing barrel....every time you leave post, come back you remove your magazine, check the barrel for a bolo in the chamber then fire into the sand in this barrel.  If your weapon fires, its an article 15 punishment.  No chambered rounds on base unless under attack.  Safety first.



    Front Gate.jpg

    My Hooch.jpg

    Tent City and Showers.jpg

    The Clearing Barrel.jpg

    • Like 3
  3. And we have stories.

    I'd rather not type it out, but ask me about the time I was sneezed on by an Oxen while escorting a Serbian journalist onto an air base.


    Ask me about my 2 week apprentice DJ.


    Ask me about the gal who used photos of stick people to talk to when doing her radio show.


    Ask me about mistaking a thunderstorm for an uprising (yes, I did this).

    Ask about my heartbreak laying my eyes on the Sava River in Sarajevo for the first time.

    Ask about my dislocated shoulder playing Frisbee Football, the kids on the side of the road yelling "give me lunchbucket" to get the M&Ms or chocolate sauce out of our MRE's.  

    Ask about the woman missing 1.67 fingers on one hand and who did it to her.

    Ask me what its like to be away from your wife and kids for 8 months.

    Ask me about not knowing my student loan repayment expired 10 years after my last service date (I went back to college 11 years later).

    If you catch me at a game, ask me about my service, people I served with.  Just don't thank me for my service and walk away feeling like you did me some grand favor.

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  4. Just now, bird_dirt said:

    Squawk isn’t a democracy or a publicly traded company. You have no vote. You aren’t required to pay anything and participation is completely voluntary. You don’t own any content you provide to the site, either. 
    The site owner and the people they leave to manage the site have complete autonomy to do with it whatever they wish. 

    But @kg01 told me I had a quota????  Rethinking all my life choices.


    • Haha 4
  5. 24 minutes ago, AHF said:

    I came on due to a complaint from a board member about this thread and the general tone of things over the last couple days.  I’ve got sick people in my house and haven’t been on much this weekend and I’m not stepping into what looks to be a situation rife for drama.  However, when I come back on (1) I will provide context for the issues brought up in this thread (racist comments on one thread and attacks on the insider thread) and (2) will let people have their say on this issue and try to think about the best spot for that in light of the complaint about this being on Homecourt.

    Please everyone try to be kind and respectful towards one another in the meantime.

    I think (am hoping) its mostly tongue in cheek.  Good strategy to allow some cooling off. I think its just pushing the envelope kind of a thing.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Spud2nique said:

    With all due… ok with some respect 🫡 this is cliche bs to me. Frankly, I’d be offended (if you came up to me).

    As a veteran and with many veteran associates, there is a lot of this sentiment.

  7. 43 minutes ago, Diesel said:

    If I could trade Dereck Lively for Jalen Duren or Mark Williams, I would easily do that.   I believe that the bigs from the last class were much better than Lively and much more NBA ready.   However,  I love that we got AJG.  I believe tht Griff Money is going to be as big as Kobe if he is allowed to grow.

    People that say JJ > AJG need to have their BBIQ examined. 


    I don't think you can make that decision either way at this point.

  8. Short version in case you don't want to read the article.

    Don't use "thank you for your service" as a guilt relieving platitude or a device to get past that part of the conversation.

    Rather than "thank you for your service", ask the vet what he or she did in the service. Ask for a story from their service. Ask where they were, when they got out. Ask them what they learned from serving.

    Respect their sacrifice by educating yourself on issues and voting based on what matters to you.

    Support veteran causes (I can't stress this enough). Support the V.A, local veteran's services.

    Be mindful of what you say the other 364 days of the year.




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  9. 21 hours ago, AHF said:

    I think it is extremely unlikely a team would offer what Atlanta had already offered knowing that Atlanta would just match that.  But I concede that I can't produce any evidence that a team didn't offer a comparable package.

    What I can say with extreme confidence is that no team offered even $.01 more than Atlanta did.  So I think JC went around and got a lot of "no bids" from teams because they weren't interested in exceeding what Atlanta offered and/or believed that Atlanta would just match.  It is clear no one was willing to do a "Bogi" where they exceeded Atlanta's offer and called their bluff.

    As far as why a team wouldn't want to let a player shop themselves around after getting a generous contract offer, it is extremely common in negotiations to say "this is our last, best offer and it is off the table if you leave this room."  In the context of the NBA, that offer is made to say that if you want to go shop yourself around the league we will just match whatever offer you get so you can either take our offer or the best you can get from another team.  That is, in fact, what I think Atlanta should have done.  This isn't an uncommon tactic to rely on other teams to set the market price, although I'll grant that it is perhaps more common for a team not even to make an offer but to simply let the player shop themselves and match whatever they are offered at the end of the day.  This is exactly what the Hawks did with Jeff Teague who signed a sheet with the Bucks.  

    IMO, it is really stupid to offer something that is likely over what a RFA would get in the market and allow them to shop themselves around.  That is the worst of both worlds where you risk overpaying with your initial offer and then remove the downside to that player potentially driving the price up even higher.  At that point, you should just let them shop themselves to start and match ala Teague.

    I still marvel at the ludicrousness of adults arguing the fairness of a grown man getting paid "XX" million to play a kid's game.

    But market value.....yahdee, yahdee.

    But collusion....yahdee, yahdee.

    But he could have walked if he found a better deal....yahdee, yahdee yah.


    He's making more in 1 season than 99% of the population will make in their lifetime. I'm not going to cry crocodile tears for or against it.  You make $25 million "PER YEAR", you go try to earn that paycheck. Anyone trying to say he's lived up to $25 million a year is watching highlight videos.  If he can fetch back more in trade, you do it. If he can improve his play and live up to $25 million/per....you keep him.  But the 2nd half of the season, Jalen outplayed him at 1/7th the price.

    That's it...that's the bottom line on John.  I think the finger still affects him. It may continue to affect him.  He's lost the ability to control the ball backing people down in the post. Jalen moves better on the slash, passes better on the move, can put the ball on the floor. John has to step up or Jalen is going to take his spot.

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  10. On 5/23/2023 at 7:57 AM, JayBirdHawk said:

    I think this has been established/considered Prime/Peak years.

    Be careful, I made the statement on this board years ago to wait longer on big men to mature and got called a racist (still trying to figure that one out).  25 folks.  Really shouldn't judge any player until they hit 25. Stuff's just different after 25.

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