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Posts posted by thecampster

  1. 1 minute ago, kg01 said:

    Heeey.... I don't claim to have all the answer here.  This is the part of our group presentation where I stall and wait for @thecampster to jump in and save me since I didn't do the work or come to any of the meetings ....🤓

    They aren't on the floor together all the time.  Since in my scenario, Trae/DJ start, Simmons is coming in with the first wave of subs and plays 2/3 of his time with OO or as the center himself.  The unicorn thing about Simmons is he's one of only 2 or 3 players in the NBA that given the right personnel sets can play 1-5 on both offense and defense with SG/SF on offense being the 2 places the fit is terrible.  But he isn't a solid swap with JJ or Hunter or Trae but kind of a player on the floor who floats to different positions. 

    In his career, he's been guarded by the best on ball defender whenever he's been on the floor. Take away his ability to create for others.  With DJ/Trae on the floor with him (only need 1), he can no longer be considered the primary drive threat. This means most nights, he'll have an inferior on ball defender on him.  

    Posting his highlight reel from this year and I'm asking you to count the number of times he creates offense for others without even moving. How many times while driving he passes with the dribble hand while dribbling.... Trae and Murray create offense for others by driving and making wrap around passes, no looks, drawing attention.  Simmons is different. He passes over the opposition. He gets people's hands high, taking away their lateral quickness and allowing cutters space. I would say without fear that he'd help Clint much more when Trae isn't in the game than pretty much anyone else. 

    Its his mix with OO/JJ that I'm most salivating over.  Defensively, that is one really long second unit and offensively, 3 guys who are always coming downhill at you.  JJ specifically should feast with Simmons driving. Those two's games are made for each other. They have a lot of similarity in how they move, soft touch finishes.


    The glaring hole in my logic is free throw shooting but he's not the primary ball handler here like he was in Philly and he doesn't have to close games here like in Philly.  I'm okay with it all.

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    2 minutes ago, Watchman said:

    Why would the other team have to stop Simmons' dribble?  He won't shoot it, not even a layup.  No need to even guard him.  They can then double team Trae or Murray.

    Simmons is a monster moving toward the basket.  The above is just not true.  The Hawks penetration, dribble drive was light years better than Brooklyn's this season. Simmons average 6.4 apg this year for the Nets(in just 27 minutes)...there is a reason for that.  His per 36 numbers this year are:  9.6, 8.5, 8.4, 1.9.  Its the reb/assists/steals you're looking for there.  He's 56.6% from the floor this year, mainly because he limits himself to around the basket plays.  Its not pay him or not. It's you're tied to Collins for 3 more years at $25ish million and Bogi can opt in for another year at 18 million.  You're already doling out $43 million for 2 players who have been net negative.  Simmons is an instant improvement as is more AJ on the floor instead of Bogi.  We get better defensively.

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  3. @bleachkit  Sorry quotes for you guys posting duplicates isn't working right now.


    I stand by what I said.  KD is about to plummet in value and won't finish out that deal.  I think next season might be his last good season before he falls off the cliff. Too many tic tac injuries popping up.  Meanwhile, what they gave up means they can't replenish the team...4 1st rounders....If I were Ayton, I'd want out after this playoff run.

  4. The case for Trae Young to be an all-star this year.  Remember, we're talking Eastern Conference as his competition.


    Trae is 2nd in ppg among Eastern Conference Point Guards.  1/10th of a point behind Kyrie. Its reasonable by the all star game he could be 1st here.

    Trae is tied for 4th in ppg among Eastern Conference Guards.  1/10th of a point behind Kyrie, D. Mitchell and tied with Jaylen Brown. Its reasonable by the all star game he could be 1st here.

    Trae is 2nd among all guards in the Eastern Conference in assists per game.  1/3 of an assist behind Haliburton.

    1st in the East among all guards in FTA per game.

    1st in the East among all guards in FTM per game.

    Trae has been routinely gimped in assists this year by his team shooting terrible from 3 most of the year.

    Trae has been routinely gimped in assists this year by "miss a bunny" Capela.

    Trae has been routinely gimped in points this year by "The Trae rules" officiating.

    He has seen visible improvement on the defensive end.


    The case against Trae young to be an all-star this year.

    He pisses people off on the regular.  Fans, coaches, opposing players with his theatrics, nutmegs, disrespect.

    Whines to the refs too much.

    Foul hunts.

    Shooting a poor percentage from 3.




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