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Posts posted by thecampster

  1. I organized this per36 chart by Rebounds to get the bigs to the top.  I've highlighted some numbers to prove my point. Remembering that Collins is on the floor with Trae as much or more than any other player catching lobs and it ups his FG%.  Jalen's numbers are in line with both Collins and OO.  That Kaminsky gets 4.3 a/36 is also impressive. With clint out so long, the minutes distribution was a travesty when most of our issues were with rebounds, interior defense.image.thumb.png.07b570fb4bf74f1c4408ed7e68122ac4.png

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  2. totals this year

    Player    Minutes       PTS  FG%  3PTFG%  Assists Stls   Rebounds  blks

    A. Holiday 682         196   41.9    42.4      62       26        59             10

    JJ               673          240   47.4    28.6      44       22     169           21

    J. Holiday  405          121   37.7    34.1     24        5      23             10

    Kaminsky   168         69      57.1   47.8      20       4       36             1


    Lets look at it as PER36 numbers.

    Player                    PTS       Reb    Assists     Stls      Blks

    Kaminsky               14.8     7.7      4.3          .9         .2

    J. Johnson              12.8     9.0      2.4          1.2      1.1

    J. Holiday               10.8      2.0     2.1          .4        .9

    A. Holiday              10.3      3.1     3.3         1.4       .5


    Jarrett Culver has a higher p36 ppg/FG%/Reb/Stl rate than Holiday....let that sink in.

    from a PER36 standpoint, JJ and OO are nearly twins. with the big issue being JJ takes 3 attempts and couldn't hit them to start the year dragging down his percent. OO doesn't stretch the floor but it bumps his FG% dramatically.


    Coaching staff has argued minutes for players all year.

    • Thanks 2
  3. One last nugget.  There may be some discontent on Nate's staff with ownership.  The push to showcase talent and take minutes from Griffin, Johnson and Kaminsky.  A few on his staff believe in Johnson and Kaminsky from a defensive presence standpoint.  All believe in Griffin.  


    The ownership message is two-sided between win now and help us get value in trades. Do not be surprised if there's a writeup on this in the media early next week or maybe held back to right after the deadline.

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  4. Hawks attempts to showcase Bogi for a trade seem to have backfired with all interest in deals where Bogi is included have cooled.  Teams don't trust his knees.


    You might as well drive past that. Something might happen but it doesn't look good.


    Attempts to showcase the Holiday brothers have also backfired with neither drawing much interest (and may have cost us a few wins).

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  5. On 1/14/2023 at 12:22 PM, Sothron said:

    Thank you to @Wretchand @sturt and @JayBirdHawk for defending me and/or reaching out to me in private. I am a week out from losing my father in law and trying to help Mrs. Sothron deal with her grief as well as my own. I don't need any extra crap. If someone on here doesn't believe I have sources despite years and I mean years of being proven right by what I say then hey, that's fine, don't believe. That's your right. Don't call me a liar in public. That's not much to ask. 

    As @Wretchso nicely said (thanks again) I am a pretty nice guy IRL. There's not much that offends me but calling me a liar is one of them. I don't get money off anything I post here. Neither does @NBASupesor @thecampsterwherever he's at now. I don't get "internet clout". I don't have a blog. I don't have a podcast. I don't have a social media following. I'm just a fat dude in his forties that has slimmed down some and loves this miserable franchise far more that it deserves to be loved. 

    If you have a problem with me please talk to me in private. There's nothing lamer than internet back and forth and it frankly makes everyone involved lesser for it. 

    still here, flying under the radar


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  6. On 1/4/2023 at 3:41 PM, benhillboy said:

    Its a cumulative value of how high above or below league average a player shoots when taking FG%, 2 point %, 3 point %, eFG and TS% (which aren’t gonna differ much), FT shooting, FT rate, and three point rate into account.  If those values are higher than 100 it’s above league average, below 100 it’s under.  For instance a 110 FT rate means the player shoots 10% more FTs than the average player.  A 72% 3 point rate would mean the player shoots 28% fewer threes than league average.  

    All that really matters is that Jokic is the standard for efficient all around shooting this season and Trae is hundreds of players down at the very bottom.  As a rule you don’t want to be the statistical antithesis of Nikola.  Just pointing out how this board has glossed over Traes horrendous, team-killing shooting, as if he doesn’t have enough issues outside of that.

    Huerter is 15th on the list.....just sayin

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  7. 6 hours ago, Spud2nique said:

    I usually like Perk but this some Monday morning QB crap. I don’t believe anyone thought Huerter was gonna stop 🛑 being a little b!tch right away or ever.

    This ain’t the problem. Nobody saw Huerter playing as well as he has in Sac. 

    This is nit picking and sidestepping the real issues. 

    Fck Huerter he’s gone now. 

    Nobody but me....



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  8. 25 games have come and gone and I raised a few eyebrows in this thread when I mentioned I had some preconceived notions (see here: 

    ).  I received private messages after saying this but managed to keep my mouth shut.

    Before the 2018 draft, I was one of the few posters actively campaigning for Trae Young. I wanted a heads up point guard and believed the team would people players around him to help him grow, cover for his short comings.

    In the interim, the team has consistently favored undersized players to pair with Trae, further exasperating the team's defensive woes.  They've drafted small and fast at every position, trying to run when you have a guard who doesn't run, he dissects. 

    Then, there's Trae's immaturity. There, I said it. I've given him 4 years but despite his high assist rate, he's a shoot first point guard who wastes possessions on the regular on long 3's, unnecessary 1v1's and chest puffing. Trae's father's constant social media nonsense and Trae's me first attitude has created a terrible Karma problem.  The me first stuff down the stretch has cost us 2 losses recently  (almost 3).

    I questioned when the trade happened that sooner rather than later the Hawks would regret the Huerter trade.  The improvement in the Kings and their good Karma and the shooting woes of these Hawks shows me I may be right here. The Huerter trade away was a huge step back for the team. Not in talent but in cohesion, good feels, team play.

    John Collins is palpably hurting from Trae's time on the floor and he might as well be dealt at this point. He and Trae no longer pair well and I honestly hope for him to be in a situation that appreciates and uses him.

    I love Dejaunte but I fear a trade away of Trae will sour him on the situation here.

    Griffin is great.

    Johnson is being wasted, barely getting shots, limited minutes and being forced to do things to cover for others' wants/needs.

    I've over Capela and I'm not sold on Bogi's health.  


    It is what it is. Trae is amazing, but if the Hawks do walk away from him at this point, I'm okay with it.  His impact is no longer in line with his stats. He needs to grow up and see the team game or we need to move on.  

    I take no pleasure in writing this. I've been a huge fan of his before he got here but I'm a Hawks fan first.

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  9. On 12/16/2022 at 12:14 PM, Wretch said:

    Ya'll need to stop playing with @sturt!  Many Squawkers don't realize this, but he's not a living person.  He's actually an AI generated personality that's been seeded with all of our posts over the past 2+ decades.  The more you interact with him like this, the smarter you make him...he's going to conquer the Squawk...then RealGM...then ESPN.  He'll have full control of the media, the arenas, and the NBA shortly after that.  He's going to create an expansion team in Area 51 and use quantum computing to create the ultimate super team. 

    I would know. I was there... {queue the Terminator Theme}

    KG's humor died that very day...

    Not long after that, everyone drifted away or was assimilated by the SturtAITM ...starting with @JeffS17 and @macdaddy who started this whole thing by trading posts with him on this very thread.


    • @TheNorthCydeRises chose to fight on his own.  Initially, he was effective at using a combination of logic, common sense, and irrefutable facts...but he was bribed into working for the SturtAITM who promised to sign Bruno Fernando to his superteam and start him for exactly one game.
    • @JTB and I fought bravely side by side for awhile, but we both have a penchant for long posts...so everybody just ignored us...to include the SturtAITM eventually.


    I was sent back to stop the SturtAITM from corrupting the purity of Hawks basketball's newest fan, @Expedite, who at the time of my departure was was working on the ultimate counterargument to defeat it.

    All things I've long suspected!!!

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Watchman said:

    I have seen the clip.  He appeared to be having seizures.  That happened to me a couple years ago, out of the blue, with no prior history.  Praying for you Bob.

    https://www.emedicinehealth.com/what_causes_convulsive_syncope/article_em.htm#:~:text=Syncope refers to fainting or,muscle twitching (myoclonic activity).


    Tonic syncope is when you lose consciousness due to activity.  Convulsive is when it's accompanied with the rigid muscle twitching you saw from Bob last night.  Without going into details, this is something I know about. It can be brought on by a number of things but it all relates to a depressurization of blood expected to the brain.


    I knew someone who this would happen to if they stood up too fast, had a sudden stop in activity, etc.  The heart is supposed to receive the signal to start or slow pumping of blood but reacts slowly to the activity.  Basically, you go from awake to asleep without warning and your body is still processing the movement signals without conscious direction so it jumbles them.


    It is often mistaken for a seizure or pseudo-seizure (look this one up if you're bored today).

    • Thanks 3
  11. On 11/18/2022 at 11:32 AM, AHF said:

    I have no doubt about this.  The impossible thing is assessing whether that decision was the right one since we have no idea what was on the table in a Bogi deal.  Was it "Atlanta has to give up a first to get us to take an injured Bogi" or was it "you can do Bogi instead but we only give you two 2nd round picks instead of a first" or any number of other permutations.  Some would lead people to say that dealing Bogi would have been the right move while others would almost universally lead people to confirm that TS/LF did the right thing (assuming one or the other had to be moved).  I think that is the more interesting conversation if we had the data but it is such a black box that there really isn't anything to talk about.

    There was no deal to dump Bogi's salary without either A) taking back bad salary or B) giving up compensation.  There was great concern about his knees (still is).

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