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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. They would like to have him back, but this is a courtesy to Kevin to see if he can find himself a rotation opportunity on bigger than a min deal.
  2. Bogi / Huerter are now redundant. There is very little impact in trading either. So Clint + Bogi we lose nothing, salary is equal to Rudy. Rudy is an upgrade. Best pick setting big in the game, better passer than Clint, better finisher, better defender. Your salary doesn't change if you trade both Clint/Bogi. Your lineup doesn't really change if you trade both Clint and Bogi. There is no loss there except Rudy's age.
  3. Just remember, a disappointing off season is often a sign that you didn't over pay!
  4. Not even remotely true. Until his deal is signed, his cap hold counts as salary toward their cap. Once signed, the 1st year of the deal counts toward their cap this year. His cap hold is only 1.88 million. So it is in their best interest in signing other players to process Mitchell's deal last. True they own his rights so he can sign for up to his individual max, but that max affects the available salary for any player coming in after him. So keeping him at the "hold" status until the other deal get processed gives their "cap situation" another 12 ish million to play with year one.
  5. You have got to stop pronouncing it Deandre Eyeton.......drives me crazy to listen to.
  6. That changes a few things but I won't change any projections until I get some final numbers.
  7. So here is my not popular take. I've made it before. PF is the easiest position in the NBA to find serviceable talent. They are less injury prone than wings, less variance in skillet, less negative and positive impact on winning than the other positions. A few exceptions exist at the top of the curve, but the PF skillset has become no more than a necessary evil. Skill level wise Murray and JC are very equal. Impact is a harder sell. Murray vs other combo guards > JC vs other PF (game impact). Is it 3 pick worthy? Maybe but not without another plan. Consider how when JC was out we won with Gallo. Not too many guards could step in to Murray's shoes last year and that's the rub. Value at the position, not stats or skills overall.
  8. Yes, a number of guys on this site are.
  9. Well first, someone is going to have to watch @NBASupes 24x7 and take his shoelaces. Next, I'm going to have take a break to make 2 bags of microwave popcorn, melt some butter and cheese to pour over it and pour a tall cold beverage. Last, I'll have one of the lawyers on the site sue the Spurs organization for all the wasted bandwidth and the ensuing fires to the server room You're welcome!
  10. God bless them, they got fans in 8 cities all jumping on as followers of the Hawks, Spurs, Young, Murray, on Twitter... Sell that influencer status....sell now!!!
  11. That's a hold your feet to the fire move. Consider the source "Spurstalk.com". Last ditch effort to get Atlanta to up their game.
  12. That old battle, was he a cancer on a losing team or the missing piece on a championship contender? I think we need some advanced metrics discussion on chemical makeup of the chips.
  13. The rule as written says that "after the trade" you can't be left without consecutive year upcoming picks. So for example we have our 23, Charlotte's 23. Technically we could trade both and Charlotte's is already protected top 16. Then we would have to skip 24 and trade 25's and if its 4 picks trade 27'. that's how it would work (in a nutshell).
  14. I'm about to negotiate a new salary for a promotion and I'm terrified of that very thing. I hate negotiating. Hate that feeling of asking, getting rejected and having to slide down to the offer. There is no worse feeling than an over reach in negotiating. Always fearful you blew the deal altogether. The old rule of you never accept the first offer but what if the first offer is the best offer?
  15. In my projections, I had him slotted at $7 mil per.
  16. Because Murray's bonuses are in the "unlikely" category, his salary for matching purposes is the base $16.5 million.
  17. Okay folks, and now its time to have "this" conversation. "https://cbabreakdown.com/trades No Re-Acquisitions — Once a team trades a player, it cannot reacquire that player during the same season. If the team trades a player between seasons, it cannot reacquire that player until the end of the next season. The only exceptions to these rules are if the player is waived and no other team claims the player." Okay so the very odd Gallo salary paradox. Technically if we trade Gallo today and San Antonio waives Gallo tomorrow. We can safely assume that no team is claiming Gallo because it would mean paying him $21.45 million next year. What if the whole plan is to then sign him back for a vet minimum. The interesting concept here is we are currently on the hook for Gallo for that salary. But the possibility here is Gallo likes it here. The "guarantee" is to waive Gallo for an amount close enough that if he is resigned here after waived that he won't lose any or very little salary. With the tax payer MLE available, we would have $6.392 million to pay him to come back. So if the guarantee ends up $13.2 million and we gave Gallo the 10 year vet minimum to come back ($2.72 million), the end result of the deal would be giving up 3 firsts but getting Murray, keeping Gallo and saving 3 million. Chew on that today while waiting on the shoe to drop.
  18. I think he can make more signing back in Italy though.
  19. Will need to be at least 13.2 mil to match DM's salary of $16.5 mil. He'd make an extra 8 million above the 5.
  20. Bogi and Capela for Gobert is still possible but not without the picks to go with it. More likely Bogi for a couple of filler players....TLC types. You won't have to pay to ship Bogi. Bogi can shoot and there are always a few teams needing a shooter. But Murray is the upgrade to Bogi. He's now expendable. Bogi is a 2. Huerter can play both the 2 and 3 off the bench and is a lower salary. He's not going anywhere unless its to land an upgrade.
  21. Once Murray is in stable, I fully expect BB to be traded after moratorium. They like Wright and want him back. They'll need to make that room.
  22. So here's what I think is being worked out. When Collins was the bigger salary, the salary difference didn't matter because the Hawks would be going down in salary, San Antonio would not be going above the cap. With Gallo and the guarantee only being $5 million, that's not enough to get the deal done. Now SAS would like to waive Gallo immediately after the trade. The less the better. The least that amount can be and still work for the Hawks salary wise is about $13,200,000. Meaning the guarantee amount of the Gallo contract would be up'd to approximately that amount. This is something that Gallo must sign off on since its technically a rework of his contract. So Gallo has some power here and that would require the Hawks to probably kick some cash back San Antonio's way to make up the difference. Now remember the $2 million they got on draft night??? They're most probably diddling over that and good on Gallo for getting every dime he can since he may take the now bigger paycheck to go play back in Europe this year.
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