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Posts posted by thecampster

  1. 2 minutes ago, kg01 said:


    This is unfair.  Supes is Bobby Portis after he smacked Mirotic (was that his name?).  A lockeroom concern.  The tortilla chip offer will be viewed more favorably after he goes JR Rider on the RGm Firecrackers next year.

    That old battle, was he a cancer on a losing team or the missing piece on a championship contender? I think we need some advanced metrics discussion on chemical makeup of the chips.

  2. 11 minutes ago, hylndr11 said:

    Ok I guess I'm dumb here, but are u saying u can't trade four consecutive picks? So we would be doing every other ? 


    The rule as written says that "after the trade" you can't be left without consecutive year upcoming picks.  So for example we have our 23, Charlotte's 23. Technically we could trade both and Charlotte's is already protected top 16. Then we would have to skip 24 and trade 25's and if its 4 picks trade 27'.  that's how it would work (in a nutshell).  

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  3. 21 minutes ago, nathan2331 said:

    Gallo's contract can be renegotiated to increase the partial guarantee to at least 13.2 million in order to match Murray's salary of 18.5 million (credit to @thecampster). After June 29th the contract becomes fully guaranteed, but it still would be tradeable. That's a situation I'm sure we'll avoid though. The Spurs knowing we have a deadline have some leverage against us, and if they have other offers on the table they can squeeze us a bit.

    Pickwise I think we'll try to keep a first next year, and give them our 2024 and 2026 picks but we'll see. I'd like to think this deal is mostly done, but you never know what other negotiations they've got going on.

    Because Murray's bonuses are in the "unlikely" category, his salary for matching purposes is the base $16.5 million. 

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  4. Just now, JTB said:

    Right but only slightly more right ?…if he’s cut that’s 5 mil in his pocket but if he renegotiate it’s 7-8 mil I believe.

    not a cap person only an assumption from what I’ve been reading and trying to piece together.

    Will need to be at least 13.2 mil to match DM's salary of $16.5 mil.  He'd make an extra 8 million above the 5.

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  5. Just now, Sothron said:

    The Spurs want to tank hard. That's fine. We are about the only team in the NBA that can send them a contract in Gallo that they can waive, get our picks and tank away next season. Any player of real value like Collins would only jeopardize their tanking process.

    They have salary to burn. More than likely they keep Gallo until the trade deadline then flip him as an expiring for a longer term asset / assets/ pick.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, marco102 said:

    It does not.  You can still move Bogi and JC in another move to clear the space.

    audible sigh.  Okay so lets pretend we only use minimum level deals in your scenario to fill out the roster.  Average 2 million per min deal.  Clint, JC, Bogi out, Ayton in would mean we'd need to fill 7 slots with min deals.  That's $14 million.  Add Ayton's 30 million. Subtract JC, Clint, Bogi (61 mil). Assuming no salary came back dumping JC and Bogi...yes, technically yes you could fit in Ayton.


    Now lets get real.  The money to fit in Ayton was the waiving of Gallo money so without a salary dump of at least $15 million, it isn't possible and you can only get bare basement signings.  Translation....you're out on Ayton.

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