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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. Not sure I'm there yet. He'd be highly marketable in another market. He'd be a ridiculous fit next to Luka in Dallas and he'd make bank on marketing opportunities there. NY would love to have him....But there's always the question of if Phoenix will comply. Ayton will make ayton money regardless of where he goes.
  2. Ayton max + 5 more players = a gigantic tax penalty. It isn't $30 million for Ayton but more like $30 million + another $70 million in penalties (no fooling).
  3. Phoenix fans will largely reject any offer in this area as they won't understand the financial aspect of it. But it is what it is. Unfortunately, OKC might be a better trade partner based on Phoenix's financial situation. The one thing we have going for us is that Ayton has some control over where he goes. Not every team can work a sign and trade for him, but there are enough teams that can for him to work something out.
  4. Not including Ayton, not including any of their cap holds, the Suns have $129,181,050 in committed contracts next year to 9 players. This is why they didn't extend Ayton last year. They will be heavily into the tax this year and won't be out of it until after Paul retires (2 years left on his deal). Any deal for Clint + players puts them at a minimum of $160 million in salary next year and probably closer to $170 million. Their best deal is Clint + 2 lower priced salaries and a pick. Unfortunately, the only low priced salary we have is JJ. PLAYER (9) POS. BASE SALARY LIKELY INCENT. UNLIKELY INCENT. TRADE BONUS CAP FIGURE CAP % CASH REMAINING (GUARANTEED) NOTES Devin Booker SG $33,833,400 - - - $33,833,400 17.95 $69,849,600 ($69,849,600) Rk Extension / Bird Chris Paul PG $28,400,000 - - - $28,400,000 15.07 $89,200,000 ($44,200,000) Free Agent / Bird Mikal Bridges SF $21,000,000 - - - $21,000,000 11.14 $90,900,000 ($90,900,000) Rk Extension / Bird Jae Crowder SF $10,183,800 - - - $10,183,800 5.40 $10,183,800 ($10,183,800) Free Agent / NT-MLE Landry Shamet PG $9,500,000 - - - $9,500,000 5.04 $42,500,000 ($19,750,000) Rk Extension / Bird Dario Saric PF $9,240,000 - - - $9,240,000 4.90 $9,240,000 ($9,240,000) Free Agent / Bird Cameron Payne PG $6,000,000 - - - $6,000,000 3.18 $12,500,000 ($8,000,000) Free Agent / Early Bird Cameron Johnson SF $5,887,899 - - - $5,887,899 3.12 $5,887,899 ($5,887,899) Drafted / Rookie Scale Torrey Craig SF $5,121,951 - - - $5,121,951 2.72 $5,121,951 ($5,121,951) Acquired via Trade
  5. Minor clarification here. The team in the tax is definitely Phoenix. That's all that has to happen to trigger that trade scenario. And yes I know there's a $100k kicker. It is not important to the discussion. No gotchas, no trying to be the smart guy in the room please.
  6. You might want to stay in your lane. A max salary for Ayton starts at $30.5 million this year (give or take based on the final numbers). "If a team’s post-trade team salary would exceed the tax level, then a traded player may be replaced in the same transaction by one or more players whose salaries together do not exceed 125% of the pre-trade salary of the traded player plus $100,000." This means the range of replacement salaries for Ayton (sign n trade) are: $24.4 million and $38.1 million. Clint's salary next year with bonuses is $19.7 (cap figure). This means any salary adding up to $4.7 million and $18.4 million (give or take a smidge based on variables) gets the job done. "Hunter" is not the only option. Players on the current Hawks roster in this boat - Bogdan Bogdanovic SG $18,000,000 - - - $18,000,000 8.72 $36,000,000 ($36,000,000) Free Agent / Space Kevin Huerter SG $14,508,929 - - - $14,508,929 7.03 $65,000,000 ($65,000,000) Rk Extension / Bird De'Andre Hunter SF $9,835,881 - - - $9,835,881 4.76 $9,835,881 ($9,835,881) Drafted / Rookie Scale Onyeka Okongwu PF $6,395,160 and yes I realize the can of worms I just opened. I apologize to all.
  7. I just watched this. Advanced basketball comprehension required.
  8. Any deal with the Suns would be Capela, +16, + 1 player for salary match. Any additional variance is based on who the player/s is/are.
  9. I am as big of a Kevin stan as this board has....but....Every move Kev makes, every approach is to the left and right of the rim. Kevin doesn't attack the rim, he attacks the layup. You won't draw fouls if you aren't going to the front of the rim, going at people's bodies. Kevin will take the next step when he starts seeking out contact at the front of the rim. That is the only way a guy his size is going to get fouls called. AHEM, Dre.....take note. This doesn't mean you don't lay the ball up on the side...it means that you continuously move to the front of the rim until forced off of it. Going front of the rim gives you the option to adjust at the last moment to lay it off left or right depending on where the contact comes. Kev aims left of right starting and by extension makes the rim a 6th defender. Even if you are driving from the left or right baseline, you still drive toward the front of the rim in able to not get forced out on the baseline. No matter the angle, starting your drive to the front of the rim gives you the angle advantage and forces the opponent to yield or foul.
  10. You're technically waiving him before the moratorium, meaning the buyout is on the next season. Now waiving him if you intend to resign him is screwing him out of $16 million dollars. IE, resigning him would be a pretty big slap in the face. I'm not really sure I've ever heard of this in the NBA with a partially guaranteed contract, but here is the rule with waiving and how "I think" it applies. "A player that is bought out cannot resign or be claimed by the team that bought him out until 1 year or after the end of the bought out contract, whichever comes first." In the NBA, released or waived means the same thing. Buyout refers to waived at a lower contract rate to allow the player to sign elsewhere, usually for the difference of the original contract. I think the confusion here is thinking its a buyout. It is not. It is a waiver so we move on to waiver rules. When you waive a player, a team that claims him off waivers pays the remainder of the contract not picked up by the team. If the player clears waivers, he can resign with any team except for the one rule for this (below). "Since the 2011 CBA, a player acquired in a trade and waived by his new team cannot re-sign with his original team until one year after the trade or July 1 after the expiration of his contract, whichever is sooner.[5]" Gallo was acquired Nov 24, 2020. This provision expired on Nov 24, 2021. However, if you were Gallo and the Hawks screwed you out of $16 million by waiving you with the intent of resigning you for the vet minimum later, wouldn't you be pissed and not resign. I really can't see that happening. Great thought experiment....not gonna happen! Its the Selena Gomez asking me if I wanna universe all over again.
  11. check that...after this year's converts, they can send the rights to 23/24 in the swap to another team. It can't be in successive upcoming drafts.
  12. This is why you see some of us saying Gobert or Davis. In those situations, it is more likely we get compensation, not send. We might have to send something to Phoenix but not those 2 players and 2 1sts. That would be too much.
  13. For those crapping on Davis, remember that he brings a facet to the game the Hawks have not had in a long time. He has a faceup game at the elbows and other mid range, some 3 point range (best from corners). His ability to stretch the floor at the 5 in all directions would be nightmarish coupled with Trae. A Davis, JC pairing allows JC to become the lob threat again as the Center is no longer required to clog the middle. Health is the only concern but Davis has the benefit that Clint doesn't of being able to play both the 4 and the 5 and shoot from outside 5 feet. Davis at the center would have drug Adebayo out of the lane.
  14. Do not be surprised if the Lakers don't come sniffing around to take Hunter, Bogi and incentivize us to take a big contract. The Lakers may have to pay a team some take Davis and a deal like Davis for CC/Hunter or Davis/Bazemore for CC/Bogi works. In both cases, LA would have to send draft compensation and/or a 3rd party could be involved (2024 pick at the earliest unless completed post draft). You could also see Hunter packaged in a deal for Gobert with CC but the compensation gets flakier there. Because Hunter is on the last year of his deal, unless the deal is extend and trade based, the trade partner risks losing him for nothing the next year. So although his lower salary and age would normally improve his value, the unknowns drop it a peg or 2.
  15. IMHO, JJ will be the second best Hawk in 4 years. However, JJ is raw. He doesn't things so effortlessly that at times you think he should be the starter at 3 positions. But he is raw. He misses reads constantly. Defensively especially, he's constantly relying on athleticism to get back into plays. He has some tunnel vision on things. 1 v 1 he is a very good defender already....but the NBA is rarely 1v1 any more. He is totally unsure what to do on screens, clumsy on switches, loses his man behind off ball, gets boxed out easily because he's used to just jumping over everyone. Don't get me wrong, he works but its the curse of just being better than everyone else you're whole life. One day you get to the NBA and every can jump, everyone is strong, everyone can shoot and you have to learn the actual game. Far too may people are one on one gods (little g) who never realize the ballet that is good basketball. JJ has the IQ to be a great player and the will but his bbiq is just years behind others and the main culprit is his athleticism has kept him from having to learn the finer points. For example, leaning in the post, shrinking in the post, shuffling in the post are all things 6'5 Charles Barkley did (don't let the stats lie, he was 6'5") to create space so he could rebound. JJ never had to learn 1. He was just taller, broader shouldered and a better leaper than everyone. He got to the NBA and things in the post got real really quick. On defense, the passes in high school aren't crisp, they float....they dwell in space and a cat like JJ can pick and run all day. He only gets a couple games in in college, gets to the NBA and G-leagues are whipping passes by his ears off ball fakes. It takes a while to catch up. He got caught in G-League early on gambling on passes that got there before he did and got beat in penetration a lot. He's catching up but he did need time to figure out what he needed to learn.
  16. LOL, I'd perpetuate this but I've doxxed myself multiple times on this site. See here: Unless one of us is foofin, This ain't me: https://www.instagram.com/crkirschner/?hl=en https://www.instagram.com/p/CVTubqot59F/
  17. No! He didn't and insinuations before about this were just jokes, not real accusations. The information we shared yesterday was part of conversations between @NBASupes, @Sothron and myself in April. See a redacted copy below. Kirschner's Article came out yesterday not long after we I posted with their approval thoughts from our conversations and source sharing. An article like he wrote would typically take 2-3 days to put together. Also why the previous article by Pat Benson was also likely not influenced by what we said (though we joked about it). These guys really do work hard and the reality is similarity in what they say and what some on this board might say is because 1) we are seeing the same things on the court and 2) we probably got our dirt from very similar sources. When asking our sources questions, we're asking very similar questions that reporters would ask based on what we're seeing and the sources are offering information based on narratives people want leaked. If you go through what the insider threads have said that have more often than not lined up with what media has said and usually come out within a day of each other, its because they've been greenlighted to release. The insiders don't have a production schedule to adhere to and sometimes scoop them.
  18. I believe he calls it "research". Plus he does give attribution "according to sources close to the organization". I mean, whose closer to the Hawks than the Squawk???
  19. I'm sure that makes you feel good to say but ask any of the multitude of lawyers on this site....we want to give people their due when quoting.
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