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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. David Guthrie - History of being seen as a diva, making the game about himself, performing in the moment. History of calling the game even regardless of home/away team. Fairly even home/away record, which is rare. Courtney Kirkland - Lives in Atlanta, Georgia and has a passion for working for homeless projects in the area. Known for a let them play attitude, does not have a tight whistle but is a well respected referee, preferring a fast paced, entertaining game. Brent Banaky - Live in Clearwater, Florida. Has a history of being a non-confrontational referee with a consistent whistle. His most controversial moment was when he chose to stand for the national anthem during and NBA authorized player/coach protest. He stated he supports the social justice cause and peaceful protest but believes in standing for the national anthem. David Guthrie (#16) Courtney Kirkland (#61) Brent Barnaky (#36) Aaron Smith (#51)
  2. Okay let me reclarify what I'm saying. There is a universe where Selena Gomez walks up to me and says "hey big boy, you wanna?" But this is not that universe and so I'm not sure I see the benefit of discussing it. I'm sure there's a universe where we offer something that makes another team take Gallo before June 29th just so they can be the one's to waive him and eat the $5 million hit next year. I'm pretty sure this isn't that universe.
  3. Before the draft though is usually a delayed deal. A deal in principal. The deal is typically finalized post moratorium. Which is why draftees end up wearing the wrong hats. Any deals involving players typically are finalized post moratorium (which typically means player arrives a day or two late for summer league). Summer league pushed back this year so no issue.
  4. To be more clear, the draft is after the guarantee date. I'm not sure I own a time machine any more.
  5. Clarifying that, lets speak in the context of NBA year and not calendar year. That phrase will confuse some. Once the finals end, there is a moratorium that once ended ends the accounting for the 2021-22 financial calendar year. From that timeframe ends (July 6) and up until his option date, is the time window you are speaking. However, the contract becomes fully guaranteed on June 29. I hope you see the issue. Because the Hawks failed to trade Gallo before the Feb deadline and included him on the post season roster, there are only 2 options now. 1. Waive him before 6/29. 2. Trade him at full contract value. Contract Notes: 2022 $5 million guaranteed, fully if not waived on or before 6/29/2022 The moratorium begins on July 1. Now let me explain what I think you are suggesting. No one traded now can be used this post season. So what I think you're suggesting is someone could theoretically trade for Gallo at some point before the 29th (for salary matching, then waive him immediately to get the salary savings next year. I'm sure its happened or been attempted and its really early o'clock on a Sunday. I'm not even sure that's okay.
  6. Full disclosure, I had a prior commitment last night. I had tickets to see Gabriel Iglesius in Birmingham. There was no wifi in the arena last night and I only got a few game updates. On my way to the car, I saw a game story that said the Hawks made the Heat work for the win. I thought we lost. Got in at 3 AM (Fluffy had a great, extended long show) so I never looked up the boxscore. Got up this morning and found out we won. Watching the game now, in the third. Waiting with childlike anticipation to see the Lowry injury.
  7. NBA officials for tonight Eric Lewis (#42) - Has a reputation as a no nonsense type of a ref and one of the best in the profession. Has a quick tech whistle and is a student of the game. Has butted heads with numerous NBA stars over technical fouls. Ben Taylor (#46) - He has a reputation for a quick whistle, respect for player spacing and for calling hand checking and rough play. Side note: in the Trae Young bumped an official running in from out of bounds play and got a technical, Ben Taylor was the official. JB DeRosa (#62) - Very young official. The home team wins 75% of the time he ref's a game. Has a reputation for missing calls, swallowing his whistle. Miami @ Atlanta Eric Lewis (#42) Ben Taylor (#46) JB DeRosa (#62) Aaron Smith (#51)
  8. On a lighter note: According to the internet, you can take any box of Krusteaz muffin mix, add 1 egg, 1 stick of butter and some vanilla to make cookies instead. Added a bit of molasses to help keep them soft. Blueberry muffin cookies incoming.
  9. This all goes back to Nate and not protecting his guys. You have to make a scene at the press conference to get sports center to break down your beef. Cite specific plays, take the fine but make it public so the league has to react. This is on Nate. I love Nate but if he has a failing, this is it.
  10. Here...if you wanna push the analytics and get it seen.
  11. When compared to the Hunter running under the basket hands up trying to get out of Jimmy's way and Jimmy makes brush contact is a foul. It isn't about is it a foul or not. If Hunter's is a foul, Vincent's is a hard foul. The real problem in the game last night was in the consistent 2 way whistle. If I had a wish, it would be for fans in the ATL to show up with signs all over the arena or to wear shirts that said, "Call the game fair!". Just all over the arena, signs and shirts.
  12. The other foul that bothered me a good bit was where Vincent ran down Trae, bumped him, Trae pushed him off with the right arm and got called for an offensive foul. The initial contact was made by the defensive player. At worst its a double foul, but that was clearly a foul on Vincent and was hard to watch. If Vincent doesn't veer into him, Trae can't push off. Its full body contact he created at an angle. The egregious stuff like Lowry's pursuit of Hunter goes without saying but those 2 Heat favored calls pretty much sealed the game.
  13. The hold on the OO lob in the second half really bothered me for some reason. Went as a Trae turnover but again, OO couldn't jump and move to the ball. He was held.
  14. How do you taste food with all of that coming out of your mouth? I get it, you hate Trae but dang man...every game.
  15. The play that led to the double tech. Butler drove baseline. Lowry grabbed Dre's arm and pulled him out of the play. There is no way they didn't see that. That needs to end.
  16. I hate this kind of basketball. Someone is getting ejected tonight.
  17. So during last year's playoffs, I met a feller who runs a nice Youtube channel focused on wagering and is a Bucks fan. I sent him the SI article and gave him a short primer asking him for his take. Would be nice to have an outsider, non Hawk fan opinion. He runs a decent channel if you want to check it out...enough said sports on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYVV7vTf04W5YXgZKMhAw3Q/videos I'll let you know what he says.
  18. LOL, I'd laugh but you've seen video of me and I ain't him.
  19. and I was just being funny saying it. Was more interested in bringing out the point that this isn't just fan whining but was noticed by a lot of people. I saw chatter about it on twitter yesterday. There were some Youtube videos as well.
  20. The quoted article which came out like an hour after my post has been changed just enough to not be called plagiarism. Compare the content of to https://www.si.com/nba/hawks/news/did-the-miami-heat-play-dirty-against-trae-young I kid of course but the similarities are too close to not point out. For example: from my response post after my original post " You are supposed to wrap a player up going to the basket. This usually entails arm over arm. That wasn't the case. There wasn't a play on the ball there. It was an unnatural wrap up. I agree with most of the NBA. But it was a flagrant 1." From the SI article: "When trying to stop a player from converting an and-one layup, you wrap them up around their body. Instead, Tyler Herro swiped downwards at Young's face. Of course, Young converted the old-fashioned three-point play anyway." Just a lot of similarities to my posts in this thread.
  21. Let me first say, I am not in favor of this but the most devastating thing is a shoulder check when a guy is trying to drive on you. Just as he leaps, instead of contesting, you just shoulder check him when he's first going up...it just rattles the whole body and you will wake up not right for days. http://www.espn.com/video/clip?id=32587991 What Morris did to Jokic here would get that reaction from anyone. Needs to be less obvious than that but you see what Jokic did after (and how Morris then covered up like a soccer player who tripped on the tall grass). I don't know why but the shoulder check is just the most devastating thing. You get that same feeling in your body like when you've been rear ended. Takes like 10 seconds to really hit you and then your legs go to jello.
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