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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. https://analyticsdev.refratings.com/wiki/john-goble/ https://analyticsdev.refratings.com/wiki/eric-dalen/
  2. Well Eric Dalen the Alternate is a really, really good referee if I recall but again, he's the alternate. Tre Maddox prefers a slowed down game so he tends to call more fouls. If you start running a lot, he'll call a foul just to catch up. He doesn't seem to like chaos.
  3. To be fair its Pat Benson but his assessment is almost exactly the same as mine. He even uses the same "how to wrap up a player" analogy.
  4. Its like someone at Sports Illustrated is taking cliff notes on my posts. https://www.si.com/nba/hawks/news/did-the-miami-heat-play-dirty-against-trae-young
  5. I stand corrected: https://basketballnoise.com/why-do-nba-referees-have-numbers-on-their-uniforms/ "NBA referees have a number on the back of their uniforms to make them easier to identify. The league uses the numbers for tracking calls made during the games. Fans are also able to quickly search referees by their number through a simple google search. Wikipedia lists every referee and their appointed number. It is similar to players wearing numbers for identification purposes. The only difference is players’ jerseys also have their last name, while referees do not. But why do referees need to be identified regularly? There are quite a few reasons." " " How are NBA Referee Jersey Numbers chosen? Once officials make it to the regular full-time staff in the NBA, they are assigned a number by the league without being given a choice. However, suppose a number becomes available sometime during the regular season. In that case, officials can request a number change to whatever is available. If there are multiple requests on the same number, whoever has seniority gets first dibs."
  6. What's on their uniform to identify them. That's all. Its not seniority or anything that I'm aware of.
  7. The Alternate - https://ak-static.cms.nba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2017/10/Eric-Dalen.pdf Umpire - https://ak-static.cms.nba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2017/10/Nick-Buchert.pdf Note: went to high school in Orlando, FL Referee - https://ak-static.cms.nba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2017/10/Tre-Maddox.pdf Crew Chief - https://ak-static.cms.nba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2017/10/John-Goble.pdf Note: Miami for High School, lives in Miami, Graduated Florida International.
  8. NBA Referee Assignments April 19, 2022 Referee assignments are posted at approximately 9:00am ET each game day. Game Crew Chief Referee Umpire Alternate Atlanta @ Miami John Goble (#10) Tre Maddox (#23) Nick Buchert (#3) Eric Dalen (#37) New Orleans @ Phoenix Scott Foster (#48) Tony Brothers (#25) Pat Fraher (#26) Leon Wood (#40) Minnesota @ Memphis Zach Zarba (#15) James Williams (#60) Mitchell Ervin (#27) Aaron Smith (#51) Replay Center: Bill Kennedy, Josh Tiven
  9. 0:37 @OfficialNBARefs. Miami's own John Goble is one of our referees tonight. Game 2 crew chief. yes, Goble is from Miami
  10. Notice who isn't on this list??? NBA Referee Assignments April 18, 2022 Referee assignments are posted at approximately 9:00am ET each game day. Game Crew Chief Referee Umpire Alternate Toronto @ Philadelphia James Capers (#19) Mark Lindsay (#29) JB DeRosa (#62) Ray Acosta (#54) Denver @ Golden State Kane Fitzgerald (#5) Curtis Blair (#74) Kevin Cutler (#34) Brent Barnaky (#36) Utah @ Dallas David Guthrie (#16) Courtney Kirkland (#61) Ed Malloy (#14) Scott Twardoski (#52) Replay Center: Bill Kennedy, Justin Van Duyne
  11. See I get that. It really is a matter of perspective and I do tend to think the best of people.
  12. The Mahorn thing just registered. Yah, who the F%$# does he think he is criticizing rough play. That joker made a living ruining insurance company profits.
  13. So Capela's play wasn't "dirty" but it should have been a flagrant 1. You are supposed to wrap a player up going to the basket. This usually entails arm over arm. That wasn't the case. There wasn't a play on the ball there. It was an unnatural wrap up. I agree with most of the NBA. But it was a flagrant 1. I also am not so sure the hop back was intentional on Mobley's part. He was out of control going down and I believe it was an awkward attempt to gain some balance. Unfortunate but not intentional. The Lowry play bothers me because he is making a play on a loose ball there....My problem is Lowry covers up to protect himself from contact. He knows he's diving into the way of a moving player. This is not a non-allowed play but it is a play Lowry would not make in the regular season because of the risk of injury to himself. It was a dangerous play and he knew it immediately going directly to Trae. I don't think he did this out of genuine remorse but out of fear of repercussion. Unwritten rules thing. No diving at legs no matter what.
  14. I'm less concerned about officiating verse dirty plays. There were no less than 5 slap plays in that game that made contact with the face (3 on Trae). Lowry's dive into Trae's legs should be getting league review today. There is a review process for things like this. Teams can send plays they deem as dirty or with intent to harm to the league for review. I'm not sure the level of gamesmanship the Hawks want to employ but I would have to bet the Lowry play had to be sent to the league and will get talked about at some point before the game tomorrow. The league likes to keep this stuff in house unless there is a penalty. That it hasn't been discussed publicly tells me that its been sent with game film for review. Let me explain how this works. There is a group on every team that reviews game film for advice on officiating and that can complain about specific incidents in games. This isn't to change calls but can result in fines, suspensions and penalties. It is rare. The problem here is the NBA avoids any negative press and they perceive player suspensions and fines as very negative press. Consider that Grayson Allen received a 1 game suspension this year for his hard foul against the Bulls' Alex Caruso (breaking his wrist). This was one in a series of complaints levied against Allen and took a broken bone to elicit a penalty. Additionally, the NBA discourages teams from complaining about these things publicly and can even take action against team personnel (coaches, GMs, etc) for publicly commenting on an investigation...even after the fact. This is one of the nuances of basketball most fans do not understand and one of the biggest complaints insiders of the game have against the game and how the NBA conducts business. Certain officials have reputation for a quick whistle and a quick hook. Other officials are known for allowing everything up until the grey area of aggravated assault. The very officiating crew assigned to a game/series can have a greater impact on the outcome of a game than player injuries. Players and coaches are very savvy to this nuance and will even play it to there advantage. They will complain about rough play before a game, especially if they know the officials are known for a quick whistle and hook. But they rarely complain before the officiating crew is announced or if the crew is destined to repeat games in the series. The league has a vested interest in both the best teams and the highest profile stars advancing in the playoffs and will make public statements when necessary to protect those players. The league cannot directly influence the officials before a game but subtle statements (like press releases, public statements in support of clean play and / or dirty players) happen on the regular. We'll get a feeling on what gamesmanship the Hawks played privately if by tomorrow morning the league makes any statement or leaks through the media they've looked at plays/officiating. I for one am very concerned. When I saw the Lowry dive specifically (but also the other slaps, the neck grab, etc), I was wondering if the players knew it was open season on Trae Young. You could make the argument it was in response to the Capela non-flagrant call in the Cavs series but I doubt it. I think the NBA has a vested interest in this series going 7 and allowed Miami to play beyond physical in game 1. I don't think they wanted the Trae hype to begin early and couldn't afford an early Miami exit again. Did we miss shots....oh heavens yes. Do I think we win the game if its called fair? I'm not so sure we don't. I want to look at some plays here through the lens of the flow of the game. The Butler grab on Trae should have been a technical but no tech on Trae. During the play, it can easily be argued Trae was trying to set up to take an offensive foul (he does try to square and stop) but is way late. It can also be argued he is trying to stop Butler from passing ahead (he swipes and and dislodges the ball after contact). The grab around Trae's neck is what the NBA deems a hostile act. If Solomon Hill had done the same to Chris Paul, it would have been an ejection. See below the NBA definition of a hostile act. See the underlined "“Two or more players are engaged in a fight or a hostile physical interaction that is not part of normal basketball play and that does not immediately resolve by itself or with the intervention of game officials or players, or a player is ejected from the game for committing a hostile act against another player, for example, when a player intentionally or recklessly harms or attempts to harm another player with a punch, elbow, kick or blow to the head.” In this play, Butler through force grabs Trae by the back of the neck. This meets the criteria of intentional and a blow to the head. Butler had to be physically separate from Trae by the officials and teammates. This is easily defined as a hostile act and should have been met with an ejection. This happened with 6:33 left in the 1st quarter. Moving on to the multiple blows to Trae's face. The Lowry elbow to the neck. This was a foul (at least). Its borderline a flagrant 1. Reviewing it, the question is did he intend to make that contact in that way. If such, its a flagrant 1. This happened with 3:06 left in the 1st quarter. The Herro slap was not a play on the ball. There was wind up and follow through. This should have at least been a flagrant 1 and should have been reviewed. Depending on vantage point and review, this could have been considered a flagrant 2 if it was deemed it met the criteria of a hostile act. This happened with 38 seconds left in the 1st quarter. The Lowry slap to the face. IMHO this was incidental contact and another foul had been called. So no impact. The Lowry dive at his legs. Lowry is going for the ball. Its a dangerous play but it is a basketball play. A previous foul had been called on the play and this wouldn't have been a foul on this play. My bigger concern here is the amount of arm holding, jersey tugging, around the back slapping and hip checking that went on. Good defense is about disrupting timing. There's a play just a few minutes into the game where Trae goes to feed the post to OO. OO can't leap to get the ball because his arm is locked up on the play so he tries to bat it back out and hits it to Miami. The play should have been a foul on Lowry for holding OO on the log in. Instead its a turnover. Those plays are just as dangerous as the smacks to the head as being jerked down, held from making natural leaps, etc, are when torn muscles happen. There were 2 steals from Miami in the game where they poked the ball out and a slap around....problem is they caught all hand/wrist. Anyone whose played basketball will tell you, those plays kill you. You jam fingers, jam wrists and tear hand ligaments because you can't see/feel the impact coming and react unnaturally. These are all dangerous plays and many not getting called. I'm more worried about that than bad officiating in general. I'm hoping game one was a just a league message game to the Hawks and not indicative of what will be allowed. FYI, I'd be saying the same thing if we were playing that way and endangering them. Check my old posts....I've said similar against Ivan, Zaza and Solo. Rough is one thing, but keep is clean.
  15. John needs to seal on that post.
  16. Need to pass around Mike's secret stuff at half time.
  17. The playoffs are more physical but I'm uncomfortable with the amount of physical being allowed.
  18. Cooper in street clothes looking good on the bench.
  19. Ball pressure spends a ton of energy. Miami needs to be getting more out of pressure.
  20. As soon as one player makes a few shots, defense loosens for everyone else. One more by Gallo and this will open up.
  21. Miami getting some benefits. Butler play would have been an ejection against a lesser player in the regular season. Herro play should have been a flagrant. Lowry play should have been a foul. That won't happen all game.
  22. Miami should be up 20, but a ton of failed opportunities in transition. Good omen for us.
  23. Announcers just said, "and the Cleveland fans start to head fie the exits". My wife mumbles under her breath, "Sissies!"
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