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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. I want this post to stay up. Can we make sure not to politicize this please? I don't want it moved to the Politics forum. Current Affairs do not have to equal Politics. I'd rather a whole lot of smart people on this forum get a chance to share what they've heard/learned than to point fingers.
  2. Interesting note on what's going on over there. Media outlets are reporting that the Ukranians are letting people out of jail who agree to fight for Ukraine, effectively commuting their sentences and arming them. Think about how weird/wild that is....enemy of the state / prisoner of the state becomes defender of the state.
  3. Putting my Cyber Security Pro hat on, most of the people you are seeing online siding with VLAD are Russian Bots routed through VPN to trick US Social Media sites into believing the traffic is originated in the US. There are always idiots who like to be counter to what the populace is saying but the majority of the people you are seeing online supporting him are hackers that are part of the GRU. The Russians are one of the biggest disinformation groups on the dark web meddling in everything. You can research this topic by looking up APT - Advanced Persistent Threat Goups on Mandiant to see the different groups working the dark web. https://www.mandiant.com/resources/apt-groups APT28Also known as: Tsar TeamSuspected attribution: Russian government Target sectors: The Caucasus, particularly Georgia, eastern European countries and militaries, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and other European security organizations and defense firms Overview: APT28 is a skilled team of developers and operators collecting intelligence on defense and geopolitical issues—intelligence that would be useful only to a government. This APT group compiles malware samples with Russian language settings during working hours (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.), consistent with the time zone of Russia’s major cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. This suggests that APT28 receives direct ongoing financial and other resources from a well-established organization, most likely the Russian government. Associated malware: CHOPSTICK, SOURFACE Attack vectors: Tools commonly used by APT28 include the SOURFACE downloader, its second-stage backdoor EVILTOSS and a modular family of implants dubbed CHOPSTICK. APT28 has employed RSA encryption to protect files and stolen information moved from the victim’s network to the controller. It has also made incremental and systematic changes to the SOURFACE downloader and its surrounding ecosystem since 2007, indicating a long-standing and dedicated development effort. There are numerous ones, but this is the most high profile.
  4. Me too! If you followed my posts post draft, I was clear I thought Jalen was our best "potential" player. In 5 years I would not be surprised if he's better than Cam, Hunter or Huerter and every bit as good as JC (or better).
  5. Not arguing the point, but Knox had 2 really good, disciplined defensive series last night and 1 refreshing follow cut to the basket. He drew a foul on the cut and it was exactly the kind of play I've been screaming we lack. Something I've wanted to see from JC, Hunter, and when he was here, Cam. Knox does a good job of not spending unnecessary energy. Anyone here who played high school ball or above knows exactly what I mean.
  6. I like that 95% of the story from the anchor was just fact spitting. Tell me facts, let me make up my own mind.
  7. This link is a great watch for those wanting a non biased history of the history behind the conflict and how Russian started living in the breakaway territories to start with. 10 minutes of your life that will be well spent in understanding this without a lot of US media bias.
  8. The foul on OO where the player tried to jump over him for a dunk was some of the biggest BS I've ever seen. Makes the shot clock shenanigans look like a tech glitch. The Lou Williams bumped 3 no call was also top level BS. We did not lose this game and the bad referring is starting to get to me again.
  9. This is what happens when I take a little me time huh.
  10. Ben will be back (ish) by the end of next week. New York is changing their rules and he will be allowed to play (Kyrie). Brooklyn is MF'ing scary and anyone who doesn't see that post trade isn't paying attention. Brooklyn gave up Harden and got back all 3 things they needed....play making, a true center and a replacement for Harris' shooting. Their issues were many tiered and the Harden trade fixed them all (chemistry, shooting, size). They are my current pick to win it all now. The defensive lengths of Simmons, KD, Drummond on the floor together hasn't been seen since the twin towers of Houston and they can now play a true inside out game offensively. Philly just amputated their chances at a ring. What Curry allowed the rest of the team to do made everyone better. Philly isn't "bad" after the trade but Brooklyn is oh so much better.
  11. I tell my wife often that sports are just soap operas for men. Soccer is a Tele Novella.
  12. AMD 5900x + Radeon 6800 + Nootropics + Mountain Dew and you too can do magic keyboard things.
  13. I'm hoping more for a message than an actor here. Average fans really don't understand what it takes for most of these athletes to be where they are. The travel ball circuit alone drives 1/2 the kids in it out after only a few years. The commitment to being a real pro is unreal. What they have to do to their bodies, every day, every night. Most people don't understand that level of commitment. For the average guy coming out of college at 19, he's been a basketball player 1st since age 7 and a son, student, friend, person 2nd.
  14. Can you imagine Ivan Johnson in this locker room? Or Tree Rollins/Kevin Willis? Vintage Charles Oakley? Player X - I'm not happy with my role! Oakley - Stiff back elbow, head butt followed by a grunt. 14 other guys - yes sir!
  15. I'm a half hour behind. It's been my M.O. all season. DVR it and forward through the commercials and halftime. I'm usually caught up by the 3rd quarter. Main reason I rarely chat during games.
  16. 1) Diesel's Trade of the Day used to get posted as genuine rumors on others sites....or are our memories as short as our patience? 2) I think the knee jerk reactions to what @Sothron reported aren't really taking into full scope the world these guys live in. They all got people. They have agents, the agents have social media staff. Most of the players have a social media guy (even if its cousin Ricky in his basement). They have family and friends. It would be fair to say that for every player, there is a bubble of at least 20 people who could come in contact with things and show them stuff on the regular. Since its typically positive, they do it freely but if something negative is there, they instinctually would show them from pure shock. and now a Lorenzen Wright ordering pizza story (RIP). I've told stories before of when delivering pizzas to Sugar Loaf Country Club many years ago (side note, pizza delivery is a great side gig to afford the toys your wife won't let you buy). One of the coolest guys I ever delivered to was Lo Wright. He had a number of family members who lived there including a handicapped relative from Bama. The night I had to bring the pizzas down to his game area he was playing cards with Bimbo Coles, Alan Henderson and others. In the house that night was no less than 20 people running around. Lo had people taking care of his day to day stuff and by the way, no matter how much he ordered, the guy never tipped less than $10, even if he only ordered a medium pizza for himself. He had way too much good in him. Lo cared what people thought about him, even the pizza guy. I'm not dialed in to player stuff as much as @Sothron but I 100% believe they care, they're dialed in. Their image is part of their earning potential. The agent has a guy and that guy's whole job is media spin. So either directly or indirectly, they're dialed in all over the net.
  17. I just have visions of Bogi rolling up on me on the street with the Euro possy. "What! What! What now son! You don't know me! Oh you talk a big game online you Twinkie snarfing double belt MF'er. Yah, I could body people up too if I weighed 350 like you. Nothing to say now. No keyboard no talk. Bust his monitor Gallo! Smash that mouse then torch his cable box. Oh what...you got a phone. You can talk ish on your phone.....Go eat a Twinkie with Charles!!!"
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