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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. OKC and Philly are talking. The deal would involve Harris for Favors (or multiplayer for filler). Philly would be sending draft compensation.
  2. The Nets are working the 6ers over right now. There seems to be a framework of a deal in place but they're arguing over picks/protections. Deal likelihood is 50/50. Word is if this deal doesn't get done by the deadline, Philly won't make a deal at all for Simmons. Because it would be a trade that doesn't include signing, there would be no penalty involving Simmons/Harden from the league. There is the small matter of Philly leaking other teams' shared intel, tampering with locker room vibes.
  3. The deal works from a salary perspective but makes absolutely no sense from a long term cap perspective or production perspective. Ingles is out and expiring. Gay makes about 6.5 to 7 million a year for the next 2 seasons (2nd year player option). If we waive Gallo at season's end we're on the hook for 5 million. If we trade him to Utah we're on the hook for 7 million and have Rudy Gay. That's the benefit???
  4. TBH, I'm sitting here quite nervous. I've heard the rumors that Boston thinks I can be had for Brad Rowland's assistant and cash considerations. I don't think I can suit up for the Green and White fan board. If it happens, I might retire.
  5. There is a frustration for sure in the matching aspect for trades for the Hawks right now. Their assets (like Hunter) they can't trade and get back adequate value at his lower salary. Players they can get value for (Bogi/Gallo etc) teams have concerns about (like Bogi's knees). Hawks really frustrated right now they can't get value for their players. They're either priced too low (lower salary good performance) and can't get back a good player at that price or priced too high given their injury histories, age, etc. Just frustration. Then there is a line of teams trying to get Collins/Huerter for peanuts.
  6. Summer free agency is a very long way away. Although trading Cap is possible in 5 months, I'm kind of focused on the next 36 hours.
  7. If you are watching right now, go back and watch that exchange with Bogi and Wright. Bogi tells him to set the pick so he can take his man left. Wright days no. Bogi gets strong and insists. Wright points to Gallo who is right next to Bogi on the other side. Bogi is mad, pulls out to go 1v1. Wright rotates, Bogi cut off, dumps to Gallo, kicks out to Wright. After being cut off, Bogi floats back to the 3 point li e irritated and Wright immediately passes back to him for 3. That was a too many chefs in the kitchen moment and exactly why 1 more in Cam didn't work. Last offensive set of the 1st quarter.
  8. Friendly reminder when talking about how these deals work long term. " The NBA has informed teams of the projected salary cap and luxury tax levels for the 2022-23 season: $121 million and $147 million, respectively, sources tell The Athletic. Both are $2 million higher than previous estimates. The new salary cap figures would be an increase of 7.6 percent compared to this season.4 days ago NBA salary cap, luxury tax higher than expected in 2022-23"
  9. For the last time, cease and desist from calling me your source!!!
  10. That's really what made teams raise an eyebrow. The goal posts kept moving.
  11. There were earlier speculative stories but there are a few out there now confirming teams have officially complained.
  12. Didn't realize. This story finally started to break last night. https://www.netsdaily.com/2022/2/7/22922187/pompey-tampering-concerns-have-arisen-with-76ers-minority-owner To put any concerns to bed, I made a point of letting @AHF know about this 5 days ago to why the discussion was shut down a few days before. Sothron and I both alluded to this 2 weeks ago (when it started simmering that I know about) and almost talked about it last week. This was the taken offline conversation. Honestly, should have let @Sothron break it and should have discussed with him first before doing so. Due to a recent thread that shall rename nameless, I've taken to engaging trusted sources early.
  13. There are a number of possible consequences for Philly. They could be barred for "x" period of time from acquiring Harden, lose draft picks or be fined. It could also cause involved parties their job. It would also give Simmons' agent cover to force a trade with league support. All of that is speculative though.
  14. I have been sitting on some stuff for a while that deals with the whole behind the scenes info in Philly. I'm going to give some basic info now as I'm cleared to do so and this should start hitting media any time now. I'm hoping it adds some clarity to this. Others on the board were made aware of this well over a week ago but I'm going to go into a little more detail here (what I can). There were formal complaints leveled against Philly (I will not and can not go into the teams) and their dealings as it came to the Simmons and Harden situation. 1. Issue 1 - Teams were not sure if Philly was dealing with them in good faith (this is common and by itself not a smoking gun). There were several deals that teams thought were mostly done that were pulled off the table. As has been widely speculated here on the Squawk, the Cam deal was about acquiring an asset to include in a deal with Philly. Philly pulling out of a deal that left the Hawks having made a decision they may not have made otherwise (things like this is what the good faith thing is). 2. Issue 2 - Teams are okay to share he said/she said info with competing teams in a trade. What they aren't allowed to do is share written, video, official communications. No recording calls, etc. Teams have reason to believe Philly shared official communications, specifically with Brooklyn for leverage to get permission to talk with Harden (see below). 3. Issue 3 - Teams believe that Philly did tamper with James Harden and have talked to him through 3rd parties. Their dealings with Brooklyn in the last week was to get approval to speak with Harden directly to provide cover into a league investigation and they gave Brooklyn similar approval with Simmons. Because no handshake, wink wink deals were made and Harden hasn't changed teams, continues to play, there hasn't been a penalty but there is an investigation into this going on behind the scenes. 4. Issue 4 - Philly has been leaking other teams' info and Ben Simmons info into the media which is highly unethical. This caused problems in other team's locker rooms when potential trades were run in the media without the players knowing they were being discussed, etc. This has also affected other teams' player values. The standing ethical rule is you talk about your players, not other teams' players. Leaking them to the media off the record is an ethical conundrum. The question is did Philly do so to game the trade market in their favor. Okay so given that information, here are the answers to your 4 questions. 1. There were more than 10 packages (provided safe estimates) on Philly's table to consider a deal to move Simmons. teams were interested. There were a few from the Hawks most of which eventually made it to the media. The Gallo/Bogi deal I leaked a month+ ago and it was the first real deal Philly was considering. It moved to Philly wanting to include Cam/JC instead when they heard Cam was unhappy here and then led to Philly pulling their offer when they did their due diligence on Cam and adding Harris. This riled the Hawks since Cam was Philly's idea in the first place. I can't answer the is Philly really considering question because per 2 different people...Philly doesn't know and nothing Philly has done in the process can be trusted (see above). Philly hasn't engaged in good faith and so no one close to the organization knows what Philly is actually thinking. 2. Pretty much everyone talking with us (erroneously) believes they can pick between Bogi and Huerter (either now or after the Poison Pill drops). To a man, almost every team prefers Huerter. He is a better team player, poorer 1v1 offensive player but plays much better man defense and at least equal if not better team defense. His body is much healthier. 3. By favored I mean, if Philly can't do a deal with Brooklyn (their preference not Brooklyns'), the JC centered deal is the most likely but not even 50% likely as they'd need to move Harris in a separate deal too. Don't read too much into the "preferred" moniker. 4. Its not that simple. For the purpose of calculating the cap in a trade this year, Bogi is $8 million more than Huerter but for Hawk team salary is $14 million more. Moving Bogi is much better for our cap situation this year (no tax). Moving Huerter is much better for any trade partner's salary this year. Every team wants Huerter due to the lower salary both this year and in the future + better health/youth. Is it enough for the other team...sure but a deal where you substitute Huerter for Bogi is a $14 million change in our cap situation post trade compared to sending out Bogi. Don't oversimplify question 4. It isn't simple, its very complicated cap wise for fit/value. It isn't as simple as sub in Huerter done deal. You make that swap, it could cost you $20 million in real dollars this year alone and cost you trade flexibility in the future. Teams love K'von and you need to sell very high on him if you are selling. Please don't ask for further details on the Simmons/Harden situation than I've provided. The media should clarify some of this going forward. There is more but I'm keeping it simple to provide context to the trade minefield that is now Ben Simmons.
  15. Morning update - Take all of this with a grain of salt. Teams are calling on Huerter but Hawks are countering with BB. The BB/Marcus Smart rumors with Boston have legs but Boston is currently asking for more draft compensation than Atlanta is willing to give. This could turn into something more. Boston overvalues Smart but there is interest there for the defense he brings. Word is Smart rubs teammates in Boston the wrong way at times and that's part of what is driving this. Recent revival in the Ben Simmons talks with the teams recycling the various frameworks they've worked on. Philly still has some interest in Gallo/Bogi as part of the deal but we would have to heavily mix in draft compensation. The most heavily favored deal here is JC/Bogi but like every team, Philly has tried to see what it would take to swap Bogi and Huerter. Robin Lopez will probably be changing addresses in the new few days as will Thomas Satoransky (personal wish list I have for winning type players with great hair). One interesting nugget I heard (and don't put too much stock in it) is that Knox could be dealt for Culver in Memphis. The salaries line up and both could fit better with the new team.
  16. Interest in Kevin Huerter around the league has picked back up again heading into the deadline regardless of the poison pill. In this case, its a help not a hinderance. There is a possibility it is Kevin and not Bogi that is packaged with JC or Gallo to bring back a legit star. The teams feel Kevin is more talented than he is able to show in Atlanta and contending teams like the stabilizing effect he brings. Expect to hear Kevin's name in a lot of chatter the next few days. Dieng is getting a bit of interest but not a ton we can take back. Knox has gotten a bit of interest in a 1 for 1 deal (allowed) but nothing too strong just yet. We're pushing to include Wright in deals, teams are not pushing us. Teams have called about the availability of our rooks.
  17. I swear Dallas plays so much better as a team when Luka is out.
  18. Without complaining too much about the refs, I really hate Toronto's style of defense and how much contact they get away with. Reminds me too much of streetball. Siakam is allowed to initiate contact on offense and I don't understand the difference.
  19. McGee is crafty. Crafty bigs give OO problems. Guys who are just just big and face up shooters, OO dominates. Its part of his evolution. OO goes for the second move a lot. Its okay, he's young. That's something you can teach. His instincts are something you can't.
  20. Cel @Sothron @thecampster Celtics rumor....oh wait it is February.
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