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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. Audible sigh! There is a significant amount that goes into trades that go beyond is player A = player B. Cap and future cap play a huge part as does fit, player reputation, marketing, team need and future trades. No trade looks right on the surface but there is nuance to every trade that mere mortals can't begin to understand. Try to remember there are 2 firsts and Wright in there too as well as Philly cutting $6 million salary as well as sneaking under the LT line and saving another $9 million Tax this year + getting them out of repeat offender status.
  2. They do! They covet shooting right now and the ability to create for yourself off the dribble (when Embiid is not in).
  3. The trade and a subsequent waiver that gets picked up by another team would get Philly out of the luxury tax. A $5 million savings would save them $15 million in real money this year.
  4. for that, yes but remember that you are taxed on your salary at the end of the year. A salary dump of just $5 million pulls them back out of the tax. So a second trade for cap relief fixes that problem. So its not quite that simple.
  5. Read the article...here's the gist. He reported in October unvaccinated. Makes a trade to teams with Vaccine Mandates locally easier. Also makes playing against Toronto, in Toronto easier as its a requirement there to play. So looks like its in preparation for a return to basketball related activities.
  6. http://www.espn.com/nba/tradeMachine?tradeId=yfmy3qw7 Not gonna share the background to why I'm posting this but just throwing this out there that this works with 2 x 1sts thrown in.
  7. That's what its saying but he was in 6er's practice a few times around the start of the season so that can't be correct. This was probably his booster in anticipation of returning to basketball related activities or maybe an image reclamation press tour.
  8. So the Hawks are 4.5 games out of the top 6. I can easily count 10 games that could have gone either way if we hadn't had tons of people out in COVID protocols or a healthy Deandre/BB or the few we lost early in the season due to the over enforcement of the NBA's focus on players creating their own contact. As easily as we're 24-26 (which is about as bad as it could be for us at this point) a 10 game swing would be 34-16 and tops in the East. The whole season is a cluster but it isn't worth throwing the towel in on either. We are, if healthy, probably the most dangerous team in the East.
  9. You can't treat people as just assets but "This!". You have to see it objectively and always have a long term mindset. A deal to just deal isn't smart. Standing pat because of blind loyalty is not the way either.
  10. That's now been reported in the media as well. On the Simmons thing, its been pretty consistent we say it, it hits the media 2-5 days later. Correction: He's made his feelings known. He isn't driving the bus or crashing the Ferrari.
  11. Let me weigh in. This is not available for public consumption. Sothron and I compared notes and didn't even go into detail with each other. What we had, lined up completely without prompting. There is no imminent trade or signing that I know of, so we can stop speculating there. There is also no guarantee this will ever make the media and we probably should have conducted this business offline. Sorry if this got any anyone's panties twerked. I can't and won't speak on it further.
  12. Grand Junction, Colorado All over Nebraska, this one is at the Pony Express museum,
  13. While in Nebraska did you see the barbed wire buffalos??? Or the Chrome Buffalo in Colorado?
  14. Its not purposeful in Wyoming though. The highway system in the state is mostly federally maintained to support the Air Force Base there and the rail lines and a central point for cattle/crop drop off before hitting the Rockies. There are only 600,000 people in the entire state (bigger than Georgia but less people than Cobb County). Its biggest city has 60,000. They don't have a huge need for services there and what they do need is maintained by the feds to support the Air Force base. Unlike say Mississippi where what you're saying is fairly true. My statement had to do with lower needs for tax dollars because things taxes are normally collected for are all handled by the Feds and Big Agriculture. (Unless you count the data center Microsoft just built in Cheyenne as valuable). The state is the easiest for data lines to flow through and so was used and has a very large amount of federal lands contained there. See here for some accurate numbers not fueled by politics. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/federal-aid-by-state " The ten states with the highest total federal funding are: California ($43.61 billion) Texas ($26.90 billion) Florida ($23.77 billion) New York ($22.06 billion) Virginia ($17.68 billion) Pennsylvania ($15.58 billion) Illinois ($13.18 billion) Ohio ($12.57 billion) North Carolina ($11.31 billion) Michigan ($10.84 billion) The ten states with the lowest net federal funding per resident are: New Jersey (-$2,368) Massachusetts (-$2,343) New York (-$1,792) North Dakota (-$720) Illinois (-$364) New Hampshire (-$234) Washington (-$184) Nebraska (-$164) Colorado (-$95) California ($12) Here are the 10 states with the most federal funding per resident: Virginia ($10,301) Kentucky ($9,145) New Mexico ($8,692) West Virginia ($7,283) Alaska ($7,048) Mississippi ($6,880) Alabama ($6,694) Maryland ($6,035) Maine ($5,572) Hawaii ($5,270) "
  15. So Georgia law: the 4 categories for non-compete would be Sales staff Vital employees or company professionals Employees in management positions Employees who regularly solicit business from customers I would assume its easy to say an NBA player is a vital employee so that fits here as well.
  16. yep, yep but I think we're saying similar things here. I think I'm saying I'm not sure this is an ADA thing and you're saying he doesn't have a leg to stand on via ADA. I'm not stating ADA but I am saying this is a fixed term employment agreement. Lets move to that. So in an FTE, under what terms can the employee or employer terminate that agreement? Again this is more your arena and yes on the non-compete. I should have said non-competes don't apply to most employees. Non-enforceable was bad phrasing.
  17. See, I'm kind of on this as well. I'm not caught up in more on one side or the other but I do get why Ben is upset. I personally wouldn't have taken it this far but I get the reaction. I think any honest person looking at this has to look at both sides and want to put them both in time out. But to completely dismiss Ben's gripes I truly don't get. Just because you pay me a great salary, doesn't mean you get to dump on me when things don't go your way. I also don't dismiss management's gripe. I'm paying you, you're under contract. Get over it, lets handle this internally and lets get on the same page. I'm not on a side here except the Hawks.
  18. I'm okay with Windy. 2 hours to Denver from Cheyenne. Dry snow but lots of it. Gets witch's tit cold in the winter though...very mild summers.
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