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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. FYI, if looking for a really cheap place to live tax wise. Wyoming is highly subsidized by the federal government due to the large military vs civilian population. No income tax, 4% sales tax and very low property taxes since most homes are not in city limits. Plus views like this: Population density 5.8 people per square mile. Georgia: 57 people per square mile. Yup, 1 person in Wyoming per every 10 in Georgia per square mile.
  2. So PA more than compensates through higher sales tax. Income tax = targets everyone above a certain income level. Sales tax = targets everyone.
  3. Grey = 0 income tax. Below is state income tax, not including local taxes as well.
  4. Intent and context. Doc means to refer to him here as a kid as in "he's making dumb decisions because he's a kid". Its meant as a slight. I should double check that but that's what my initial search showed.
  5. Doc, could have handled this so much better. 2 days after saying "I don't know" to the question of can Simmons be a point guard on a championship team. Doc: "Hey guys, before we start, I just wanted to say I got asked a question in the heat of the moment following that loss and I really didn't think through my answer. I think the world of Ben and absolutely think he can be part of a championship team. I was emotional following the loss and really didn't think through my answer. I'm sorry for any confusion I caused. There are lots of reasons we lost to the Hawks. Ben's choice played a role but we missed "52% of the shots we took" in the course of that series. We were 67% from the free throw line as a team. We gave up "29" points a game to Trae Young. We had "82" turnovers in the series. That's why we lost that series and I want to put to bed any speculation that the series was lost by 1 player or 1 play. The 76ers lost the series and we need to do better next year. Its time to get back to work on that goal." Confusion ended....Simmons is in camp day 1.
  6. “It’s all posturing. That’s why you haven’t heard me – I don’t get involved in all that stuff. I’ll leave that up to the front office and Ben’s camp. I’m staying out of that part. But, listen, some of this stuff I laugh at and I feel bad. I think Ben’s a good kid. I want Ben to do well.” Source: Tom Moore @ Bucks County Courier-Times Tom Moore @TomMoorePhilly #Sixers story: Doc Rivers on Ben Simmons: ‘There’s nobody that’s been more supportive than me. I have a tape someone sent me of almost an hour of me over and over (praising him)’ https://t.co/AEvTyXJF9g #NBA pic.twitter.com/eyzPBpV9NM – 10:10 PM LOL, there is some really condescending BS in there. He just called a 25 year old man a kid. That's power play language. The I have a tape of me praising him thing is weird. Kind of like, "I'm not sexist, I have friends who are girls."
  7. 7 players on that team averaged 9.3 ppg or better..5 averaged double digits.
  8. Uhm, Simmons most definitely can score just not consistently outside of 10 feet. But he's a beast in transition and at the rim. Score vs shoot are 2 very different things. The guy is a defensive matchup nightmare. Agile around the basket and too big for a PG/Wing to guard. His ability to back his guy down, draw a double in the paint and kick it back out is a skill we sorely lack. Simmons demands a double in the post and purposefully slow backs his opponent down to draw them because he prefers to pass out of those situations. But if you solo cover him in the post, he is going to score and often. His ability to pass over the top out of the post up is devastating.
  9. Simmons lost $19 million (bubble thought). 4% goes to the agent. about 35% lost to federal tax. 3.07% tax in Pennsylvania. About 9% of what's left goes to SSI Medicare. Formula looks something like X*.96*.65*.96.97*.91. Depending on what Federal tax rate he's paying, he has actually lost closer to $10.9 million. Estimates on his net worth have him between $6 million and $10 million total with much of what he's bought in the last 5 years heavily mortgaged. He gets an estimated $5 million in endorsements outside of Nike. Of note here, his endorsement deal with Nike which can reach as much as $40 million total is highly incentivized. He is losing a great deal more daily by not playing than just his salary and fines. Just a very detailed look at this from a high level view. There has to be a long game here because he's not long term rich from a net worth aspect vs obligations considering his young age.
  10. I'm in the see it from both sides camp, not a picking sides camp. Objectively, if Simmons joined the Hawks, he'd be the second best player on the roster and capable of running the team if Trae went down and is fairly young. No one else on the team is a clear #2. I can look at that objectively. I'm not for or against anything. Just talking here.
  11. Well let's thought experiment that publicly. I'm under the impression that a no compete agreement isn't enforceable in most states. 1. Can you confirm, speak on that? The closest thing to an NBA contract I can think of is a no compete clause. Comparing an NBA gig to a normal job for purposes of ADA doesn't seem practical to me since an NBA contract amounts to rights ownership. CEOs sign similar agreements but can be restricted from working for a competitor for x time. 2. Are there any conditions where that agreement could be invalidated by the CEO? (IE...company disparaged him publicly etc...)
  12. If I were Ben and money were the motivating factor, I would 100% be angling for one of the LA teams. That 19 mil he's lost would get swallowed up quick.
  13. On your statement about reasonable accommodation, I think he was shooting for a trade as the accommodation. That's on Philly for not realizing it wasn't possible to reconcile on Ben's terms. I think this is an interesting topic for the binding nature of player contracts. There's no way you could really allow for disagreement = trade me to be the norm or to void a player contract at their request. It would be a cluster hump in player movement, super team assembly. But the "how teams treat players", especially in how public their personalities (and by extension the public nature of the disagreements) are, is a topic that should be addressable in the next CBA. Player grievances from teams airing things in the media. If I was Ben, I could make a public opinion case (not legal) that the team disparaged him publicly, smeared him. I don't feel the players qualify as an extension of the team (coworkers) but the coach would be as he holds power over the player and I think people are sensitive to teams/owners smearing players. Obviously based on recent events the Hawks are sensitive to it (kudos to us).
  14. Yes but its much cheaper to live here and tbh, Philly just sucks as a place to live.
  15. Riddle me this. Ben holds out and is traded to the NY, LA, CHI, DAL, ATL, MIA, markets. Over the course of the next 10 years, how much more money will he make in endorsements, branding if in one of those markets (especially if he wins a title or 2)? His agent is probably pushing a great deal of this. Marketing opportunities are low in Philly despite its size. Check this link and look at Philly based on Metro Population. https://hoop-social.com/nba-team-market-size-rankings/ I don't think he's claiming ADA protection or they wouldn't be fining him.
  16. Trust issues are mental health issues. Its something worked on by sports psychologists all the time. Teams do team building exercises on this often. A mental health issue can be very targeted, very environment oriented.
  17. He was in town, spends time out there, didn't come to check in on Ben. Its really standard procedure as the coaching staff does due diligence in the off-season. That sounds way worse that it is. Its very similar to the monthly 1v1's I have with my leadership or your goals conversations you have with your supervisor a few times a year. These guys pretty much all work out in pods around the country and coaches, trainers check in on them from time to time. What Ben is saying is Doc came to town, was doing his rounds and checked in on others but not him.
  18. As I've gone through life at 50, those "keeping homeowners from turning into their parents" commercials have started to become eerily accurate. I don't like it....not 1 bit!!!
  19. There are days I'd only need a nudge. Actually you were spot on the first time!
  20. So he's slowly coming around to strangers. We've set up a dog treat bowl at the door to our house and our occasional visitors are instructed to treat the dogs when they come in. He's coming around to the idea that strangers are just friends you haven't met yet. But progress has slowed to a crawl for a number of reasons....mostly we've gotten down to his core personality and we there are some things that just aren't going to be undone. We even considered if he has canine autism (that's a real thing) where they are noise/movement sensitive. But he's generally happy so we're fine with where he is now. Never had dreams he was going to win a show be normal. Just wanted him rehabbed/happy.
  21. Well if I told you, it wouldn't be now would it? I used to have my photo then last years AskSupes threads got lots of outside attention and cross postings to Twitter and other social media so I went "dark".
  22. It would require inside knowledge of the situation. I think you jumped from A straight to D in that line of thinking.
  23. Oh that's a certainty. If they think they're getting pinched they'll either trade for him now and try to smooth it out or they'll move Simmons in a way to reduce their penalty. If they either trade for Harden or completely move on from it, they won't be penalized nearly as severely.
  24. As I stated 2 days ago (see below), https://sports.yahoo.com/kings-not-way-ben-simmons-095947602.html
  25. You want ball security? Get a jock strap.
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