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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. An update to this thread, the wife enjoyed helping with my son's build so much that we built her her own. Then we built one for my son's girlfriend when she graduated college 6 months later. So now I'm the only one with a boring build.....soooo Its finally time for me to swap my parts into a big boy case. I'm going full custom loop water cooling and I'm itching to glam up the case. Images will be incoming. Color scheme is going to be purple (with maybe a smidge of silver) on a black case. Prep work has begun. Waiting on a few parts (leak tester, etc). If anyone has any Hawks' related design ideas (or is talented with air brushing) let me know. I'd love to paint the top/side of the case but I'm very married to the purple fluid color and using that same purple in any accent design
  2. One of Dash's issues was a distrust of humans. When my son was bringing him down for rehab, he broke off his leash and ran away and it took him and a group of volunteers a week to retrap him. This isn't new, he's always trying to get away. So we're at the Silver Comet for our daily walk last week and he leapt over the other dogs and out of the car before we could grab and leash him. He headed up the trail at a quick trot and looked to be running away again. He didn't looked terrified, just determined to go up the trail and get his walk on. This is where he came back to the wife with a few whistles and a call to come. Cannot tell you how much this made my day. He prefers to come back now, instead of running away. He doesn't 100% trust humans yet but he trusts her and that's gigantic progress.
  3. and without Ronald Acuña Jr is just crazy.
  4. Additionally, the league-average for Defensive Rating was 110.6, so we can apply the same principles here to say that a rating higher than this is “bad” and a rating lower than this is “good.” https://www.bruinsportsanalytics.com/post/defensive_rating
  5. I've considered it. I want to try out a few lower bowl seats to see if I wanna cough up some real money this year.
  6. They've got a contract...not 100% sure how that would work. Not 100% sure how the conditions layout for the definition of injuries, unable to play, vaccine requirements. I'll be more interested to see how the players association handles it from a collective bargaining standpoint. Do they stand by the few or protect the collective cash cow. That will be interesting. Paging @niremetal and @AHF. Legal eagle thoughts here on collective bargaining agreements?
  7. LOL dude...you're talking about taking away food, not getting on an airplane. You're talking about freedom of movement, not getting accepted to college. You're about to start making me swear. You can not keep drawing false equivalencies. Like do you not understand why they haven't made things mandatory yet and Biden put the onus on employers? Because they'll lose nearly every seat in government next go around. They know it won't fly. Holy Christmas dude....nothing you are saying would work real world. Folks would burn it to the ground. Trump got riled up and people stormed the capital last year. What do you think would happen if they actually did the crap they were warned would happen if they were elected? It would the be the most uniting thing in American history. Oh we'd put down that rebellion....oh, would we. Is Tommy the national guardsmen going to kick down the door to aunt Sharon's house? So ridiculous.
  8. LOL let you help me understand. The F'ing arrogance. Oh I get what you're saying. Believe me I get it. 95,000 people a year in the US die from alcohol. Lets ban it. 480,000 people a year die from smoking. Lets ban it. But camp, those don't kill other people...Tell that to the mom who loses her kid to a drunk driver. Tell that to the child battling birth defects caused by smoking. Stop with the emotional arguments. You don't own me. You can not take my civil liberties away. You try it and I'll die fighting. Its that simple. You ban gas for non vaxx'd people are going to rip off the gas station and burn it to the ground. You ban food you'll have a full on riot. Dude, there's a reason prohibition didn't work. People are a-holes. You are calling for revolution and a government takeover. admit it and move on.
  9. You do realize you and I aren't arguing if Vaccines are good right? Like I'm gunho, go get one. We're arguing over whether or not you should be able to force someone that doesn't want it to do so. Like we're on the same page with vaccine good. You keep making vaccine good arguments. Its like arguing with a kid who doesn't want to go to bed about how soft his pajamas are. We aren't arguing about the softness of my pajamas. We're arguing over how ridiculous it is to think you can control all the gas pumps in the country and tell gas station owners to patrol their gas station pumps to make sure the guy operating the self-serve pump is vax'd. Go to Cuba man. You'd like it there.
  10. I can't believe you just used a Nazi era, "show your papers" argument to buy food and are perfectly fine with it. I just can't with this conversation any more man. I just can't. You just advocated publicly for mark of the beast crap ("those without the mark can neither buy nor sell"). I just have no idea how to respond to that. Do I need a DNA test as well to prove I'm the right race now? Atlas Shrugged, "By what right?"
  11. You obviously aren't listening because that's exactly what I'm imagining. You're advocating Civil War whether you realize it or not. We have people fist fighting over being asked to wear a mask at Walmart. That's a sign people are on the brink and your answer is...lets push em harder.
  12. As for the people resisting due to fear of the side effects. I did research and discovered that the Israelis discovered a great reduction in symptoms if people just followed a probiotic regimen (they used keifer). I followed the same advice pre-jab and bough 20 cent per drink Bio-Salud's from Walmart. Made a point of drinking them for 2 weeks before my first jab....wife/son did the same. No side effects. I know about 30 people who had the Pfizer shot...mild side effects for most. Eye test evidence is its completely safe. Just go get the stupid shot if you're on the fence. As for the unvaxxed, the same probiotic research showed a great lessening of symptoms for people with proper gut health. Cytokine storms are the culprit for most people with bad symptoms with Covid or reactions to the shots. Gut health is directly tied to your immune symptom and controlling cytokine storms. It is not a cure. Don't read to much into what I'm saying but its a very good thing to do for your health in general. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7431320/ See link above for some research on this topic. Conclusion below. " 7. Conclusion In this review, we presented the current advances in the administration of probiotics to alleviate and cure respiratory virus infections. There is a key point that may correlate respiratory virus diseases to each other, the emergence of imbalanced immune responses as a result of virus-host interactions. Employment of probiotics for modulating the inflammatory immune responses upon virus infection has shown promising results. Although most studies have conducted on influenza virus, elucidation of probiotics' mechanism of action is helpful to conclude the effectiveness of probiotics in other respiratory virus infections. Nowadays, we are confronting with the biggest pandemic of the contemporary era, COVID-19, with highly rapid expansion and increasing rate of mortality, which at the moment has estimated to be 10 times more than the seasonal H1N1 influenza virus infection. The newly emerged SARS-CoV-2, the agent of COVID-19, has shown to induce inflammatory responses, which is in direct correlation with the severity of symptoms and inpatient time. Based on this observation, and although there are not any available data substantiating the effectiveness of probiotics on SARS-CoV-2 infection, previously proven antiviral properties of probiotics against different respiratory viruses may suggest probiotics as a safe and available complementary medicine against COVID-19 disease." A story on the Israeli study (you can find and research the research papers yourself): https://www.timesofisrael.com/using-yogurt-molecules-israeli-lab-cures-mice-of-covid-style-inflammation/
  13. I'm serious here. Take a look at the New York City Garbage strike of 1968. That was over better pay and wages. This is what happened when garbage services broke down for a little over a week. You really take all this crap for granted. This could happen in an instant.
  14. Again...it does not good if the US is the only one doing it but lets focus on your statement there. I don't think its that high but 30-40% of the people. Okay, what do you propose that you personally are going to do. How does Swanlee plan on "forcing" 30-40% of the population to do his(or her) bidding? Really, all ears. There is roughly 1 police officer (700,000) for 400 people in the US. Now lets assume all 700,000 agree with Swanlee's new vaccine mandate (unlikely in a society of 30% non conforming but rolling with it) and lets assume 30% are against it. That's 700,000 police officers to enforce it on 135,000,000 people. Now statistics show about 1/3 of Americans own guns. So lets assume that translates to the unvaxxed (again doubtful) but that's about 43,000,000 people with guns vs 700,000 police. That's what you're advocating here. I'm talking very simple logistics here. Reality says probably 25% of those police are anti vaxxer sympathetic and now they're horribly outgunned. Lets just break society while we're at it and take 1/3 of the truck drivers off the road. Did you see what just happened in Kansas City. 5000 hospital employees, 175 willfully refused to get vax'd and took the termination. That is over 3% of hospital staff. Now that doesn't sound like much to you but with current protocols in place and hospitals busting at the seams, that's enough to cause a catastrophe and before you scream good....remember these are those same medical people you want us to trust that are hesitant. Do I agree? "NO!" but you are making this sound like your opinion is the only one that matters and everyone should just bend to your will. They get a say too and we don't lock people up for disagreeing. This is what happened in a medical field with educated people. Can you imagine if you try to force this on peoples' kids? I'll make tons of sacrifices to keep my job, but you tell me to do something I think hurts my kid and I'll fight you tooth and nail. Well that's what these people think. That's how they are. You really aren't seeing this deeply. You're just repeating what your favorite news station is parroting to you. There are consequences and words like "more extreme measures are going to be needed" are super threatening. Think before you speak. You are talking about contending with what are some of the most dangerous people in society. These are the kind of things that break societies. Tread lightly.
  15. Oh get over yourself. It isn't at that point yet. You are advocating for the suspension of civil rights. We don't imprison people over not getting shots. Holy snot! Are they dumb, absolutely but listen to what you're saying. Listen to what he is saying. Let's take a second and look at this. Are you advocating this be done in every country in the world? Because if you only do it in the US and you don't suspend air travel, mandate disinfecting all packages shipped overseas and other protocols, its ridiculous. If you can't secure the borders and get Mexico, Canada to do the same, its pointless. If you can't suspend personal air travel via private planes its pointless. We don't suspend civil rights because people are scared. You haven't taken one second to realize the massive undertaking you are suggesting. Lock up the deniers in the US...we are 4% of the world population. Are we going to go to every other country and lock them up too? People are f'ing starving in 1/2 the world and you want them to stay home and not work for 2 months or to take your shots or not be able to engage in commerce....freaking totalitarian craziness. It's really easy from the comfort of your living room to say "lock em up" but OMFG there are upwards of 30 million of these people in the US alone. There are probably a half billion world wide. You wanna lock them all up. Are you going door to door to do it? Hey how about firing squads? Yah that sounds like a great idea.... Take a second and think about what you're saying before you say it. Many of those "people" you are talking about work in those prisons, those hospitals, those pharmacies, those grocery stores, drive the trucks that deliver your precious toilet paper. Lock em all up...who cares as long I can sit without a mask on in my local movie theater or go get my steak at Long Horns. This conversation isn't about getting a shot or not, its about you trying to force your belief system on someone else. Its about power and control, don't pretend its not. You don't have a right to attend an NBA game, you have a privilege. You don't have a right to insist that Jonathan Isaac get vaccinated so you can watch your precious basketball. Realize that once you give out these rights to government, you aren't just giving them to the party in control. You are giving them to both. You wanna lock up those damn crazy Trumpers...no problem, just wait until they're in power and have a problem with vegans. Don't give the government a right you wouldn't want your worst enemy to have because that's how it goes. I have no idea how its devolved to this. I can't be more pro vaccine but you're making me hate pro vaccine people because its becoming religion. 90% of the people arguing this don't have a basic clue about economics, impacts of decision making or even the effect of words. Please take a second and forget your own views and hear what I'm saying. Because someone doesn't agree with your worldview, we don't lock them up. These people are not breaking a law. You get this passed into law and I'll be right there supporting you. But until its law, its a power grab and the thing of despots no matter how well intentioned, no matter what the precedent. If its not legal, its not legal or else everything else is forfeit.
  16. That's called imprisonment and sounds an awful like the Japanese interment camps of WW2 (see the loyalty pledge, mandating the pledge of allegiance, etc). Do you even hear yourself? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/09/books/review/they-called-us-enemy-george-takei.html That's only 70 years ago. Its not ancient history.
  17. I'm not a fan of his game but man am I a fan of the person. Great interview, great insight. Imagine if you could put Solo's mind/energy/attitude in the body of Kevin Knox.
  18. Man I hate keyboard warriors. If you feel that strongly, I hope you're first in line to volunteer to go force jabs on people that don't want them. Just stand outside that door and say "open up, the government says so" and lets see how far you get. Freaking internet heroes. If its not "freedom", then I invite you to come try and take it. But make sure its you. Don't stand like a coward behind some police officer you were denigrating last summer.
  19. OMFG the media did not do AJ Lawson like that. Dude sits down. They ask him what he expects to bring to the team, he gives a short answer and they're like....thank you for your time. The look on his face, "really...1 question...damn".
  20. Have a chance to listen this morning. Man Solo is a great interview. He's got to be a great vet in the locker room.
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