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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. Did you check out the video from this past weekend? Regressed a bit from there but was still nice.
  2. Don't make me bring up the draft thread. You know I will!
  3. A little then and now Player Height w/o Shoes Height w/ Shoes Weight Wingspan Standing Reach Body Fat % Hand Length Hand Width Kevin Huerter SG-SF 6′ 6.25” 6′ 7.25” 194 6′ 7.5” 8′ 5.5” 8.60% 8.25 8.5 Huerter last year (https://soaringdownsouth.com/2019/10/04/atlanta-hawks-kevin-huerter-offseason/) Huerter added that he ended last season at 194 lbs. and that he weighed in for this preseason at 206. Said he feels stronger.” Huerter Sept 4th. He's worked on his body every year.
  4. Look at Cam's legs in this photo (the new cut on the muscles) and look at Kev's left forearm under the ball. Vein popping out. Core strength and ligament strength > bulk.
  5. That's because the downturn moves faster than your slippage. You can manually edit the sell, buy price to a few % below market value and your transaction will go through quickly. You can also on some exchanges (Gate.io), set buys/sells at certain price points. But trying to sell at current price in volatility will always wait on the rebound to sell.
  6. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present for your entertainment pleasure, the dog they considered putting down because he was too broken to learn anything or enjoy attention. 20210911_181638.mp4
  7. or Patience is everything really. If you think you've tried enough and she should be turning a corner...you're probably 3 attempts short of where you need to be. Everything in dog world is a search for food. So whoever is walking with confidence toward something must smell something you don't. Taking a confident lead (someone in front) who keeps finding things can make a dog forget they're even on a leash. Dash still hides under my desk, behind the couch a lot (way more than I'm happy with), but you open that garage door and boom, confident. Runs to the door excited because garages have cars and cars mean bye byes. Completely forgets he's hiding from a cat. The trick is new associative behaviors to get a dog past its triggers. What it loves, make putting on the leash the key to getting what it loves. If it loves car rides, leash to the car. If it loves chasing chickens in the yard, leash first, chickens next. If you have a treats closet, drawer...leash on then to the closet. Leash before good thing eventually means leash = good thing.
  8. From the Rom Com..."The Prince and Me" - "It's at the end of a man's life that he realizes how important his choices were at the beginning."
  9. Yah I ignore like 70% of the stuff people say on here for a reason. You'll fight those battles for years if you start now.
  10. Are you using a harness? Specifically one with both front and back latches? A harness with a padded chest can give a dog a sense of confidence, protection. Some dogs who were walked on a choker collar will develop a fear of not being able to breathe and associate it with the walk. A 2 dog leash can change this perception. By putting him, her on a 2 dog leash close together can shift the focus to buddy dog. So weird suggestion but putting the dog in a wagon and being taken for a pull around the neighborhood can make them relax. Basically though, the fear of outside is usually from being attacked by other dogs or frustrated owners yanking leashes, pulling hard, using a choker. If this is the case, the dog will try to pull again. Don't pull on the dog, instead change direction. Every time they get ahead and start pulling, just make your "eh" noise and change direction. Dog psychology is whoever is in front knows where the food is. If you never change direction and dog is out front, he/she believes its their responsibility to find the smells. If you keep changing direction (with a purpose), they'll assume you have a scent and follow you. With practice, they learn to just walk at a heel to learn what you're smelling. So if the dog is persistent and its just a fear of the outside, perform walks in the house "to" people with treats. Place wife, kid, neighbor, drinking buddy somewhere in the house with a few bits of cooked chicken or cheese burger. connect the leash and have the buddy call them (short distances first so doggo can smell). Walk with him with the leash so its not scary. You may have to repeat this exercise 5 or 6 times for him/her to get the hang of it and for a few different sessions on different days. For the last session, the person with the food is outside the open door. Pup has to go outside for their chicken. It should click that walks are not beating/choking time but hunt for treats time and it will take. Car rides with open windows can really help as well.
  11. So we've identified some triggers and they're going to be really hard to ignore. He doesn't like deep male voices. He really doesn't like crinkling wrappers. He doesn't like the sound of the kids at the playground. Nothing flying (no thrown balls, no tossed toys or treats. Nothing in the air is good). Wasn't fond of the bath but what dog really is. We had a good streak of improvement days going but one crinkled up bag set us back a few days and he's back in his shell.
  12. An update on the Huerter contract talks (I trust this about 50/50). This is more than you're getting now but less than you're asking for as far as information goes. The talks are very cordial. Both sides are engaged at the table but they aren't close....Not an angry not close, but still in a feeling each other out process. Word is Cam has continued to work in the offseason and it has weakened Huerter's position. Hunter's rehab has gone well and its weakened Kevin's position. But its not contentious, there is just nothing for anyone to stake their position on to hold the other's feet to the fire. The general feeling is Kevin is worth as much as $17+ million per on the open market if he has a good season. The Hawks want to keep him but at much less. That $17 million is a gamble though as injury or Cam's emergence could hurt Kev's value and neither side is willing to meet in the middle yet. There is no hurry. Don't expect a deal (or a choice to bet on himself) until right before the season starts.
  13. Has started exploring light play with toys, mouthing behavior with Kat. Testing out play on his own.
  14. So 3+ weeks ago, Dash had to be dragged (literally) outside. There was no way to get him to go outside without putting a harness on him, connecting it to the front hook so when you pulled it sideways it uncomfortably crossed his legs and forced him to stand. Then one person would have to gently push him from the back to steer, while another would pull from the front to get him to go outside. The door had to be open before hand because opening doors eat dogs you know and he'd scatter. Once outside he'd just scatter looking for a place to hide. It was a 2 man game to get him in to the yard to relieve himself. He couldn't be trusted in the house or it would just happen there. So we began rehab by trying to engage his natural herding instincts. By nature German Shepherds are not guard dogs or police dogs, they are herding dogs (its in the name). When rehabbing a dog, its always helpful to engage their natural instincts. Dogs, by nature, work. Whether its by companionship, guard duty, herding, sport, play, all dogs have a role, natural instincts. So with Dash, rounding up herds and doing perimeter checks are natural. We started by 3 times a day taking (forcing) him outside and walking the perimeter of my big back yard a few times taking him to the edge and he naturally started marking the fence line to protect his territory. About 8 days ago, he started moving faster than us on the perimeter and stopped having to be forced outside. Still needed to be leashed up, but would get up as soon as leashed and stopped needing to be pushed along with pulled. Dash is now taking himself outside without being prompted. He will go outside with us to provide protection (guarding the herd) now by instinct (although if any strange noises happen, he'll dart inside and tell us we're on our own). So last night we came home from picking up fast food dinner (we've been training with cheeseburgers, his fave) to find Dash was not in the house. He was out in the yard, doing his own perimeter check and didn't care we'd come home. Something had wandered in under the fence and he was out checking it out. We went out back, gave a whistle and he came bounding over the hill very happy to see us. His outdoor phobia now seems to be completely cured. He still has issues to fix but it was a very, very good day. We are currently working on "play", which he is reticent to do.
  15. When rehabilitating a dog, you have good and bad days. Lots of progress made the last week. Today has been a regression day. He's pretty lethargic, laying under my desk. He's bonded more to my wife (by design) and she is a hybrid worker now. In the office today and he's confused, a bit bummed.
  16. From wikipedia so take it with a grain of salt. "Sports agents generally receive between 4 and 10% of the athlete's playing contract, and 10 to 20% of the athlete's endorsement contract, although these figures vary. NFL agents are not permitted to receive more than 3%, and NBA agents not more than 4%, of their client's playing contracts." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sports_agent So your 4% number is in line. What isn't in line is the idea the agent might get a higher percentage of max contract players like Lebron. He gets 4% regardless. What is in line with what you're saying is Lebron would command a significantly higher number of endorsements and that would make the agent pay more attention to him as opposed to Noel, because those endorsements are at a much higher commission %. Bathing the cash cow. I could buy that as an argument to why the agent would purposely snip his own commission. So say Noel had a $36 million offer Klutch whiffed at. That would be a $1.44 million dollar commission as opposed to $350k. He is mission out on $1.09 million. So if he was lining up a shoe deal for a high paid star (for say at $40 million) and ignored Noel's deal because 10% of the $40 million shoe deal is $4 million. I could somehow see that logic. It doesn't sell me 100%, but I see it. I'd need a paper trail. I still don't see anyone whiffing on an extra 1.09 million.
  17. Point 1 - This is a really interesting angle and one I'll have to consider. You make a valid point here. Point 2 - I'm calling it hearsay at this point because at this point we mostly have Noel's word vs the agent. Of course once deposed and made material it wouldn't be hearsay but Noel is in effect saying "I found out I could have gotten this and was told by (insert name here)" Until we depose "insert name" and corroborate how they came to that knowledge and its legit, we can't hold it as so. Being an attorney, you know the game of positioning and public opinion as well as anyone and until its accepted as evidence or not, its just talk at this point. I am and always have been a wait and see person. If they have evidence from a GM saying we tried to make a call to offer and they wouldn't pick up or rejected us out of hand, at this point its just hearsay. I think if anything what might come out of it is a lesson learned between agent and client. Its okay for either to drop either. If you don't like the relationship you're in, find a new relationship.
  18. All very helpful to the discussion, especially section 3.
  19. Not missing it necessarily but I'm hung up on the hard to be sympathetic part and I need more that his word on the didn't return calls, lying part. We can't just let someone's word speak to truth. There is a difference between speaking "the" truth and speaking "your" truth. At this point, its Noel's truth. There is also an onus on Noel to prove he could have earned more and that's where it gets really sticky for me. The agent gets a percentage of the contract. Using the above 3 years at 8.7 million and assuming 10% to the agent (I honestly don't know), that's an $870,000 payment to the agent over 3 years. If he could have received $36 million instead, Noel's argument is the agent purposely screwed himself out of $2.73 million more by not getting Noel the $36 million. Can you see how that's a suspect statement when presented that way? Noel is going to have to A) provide proof a real $36 million offer was on the table, B) the agent rejected it and C) Noel had no part in the rejection. That's a heavy burden (IMHO). Unless the offer was submitted in writing, its hear say. If it was submitted in writing, that would involve teams providing proof (not sure on their document retention requirements...probably 7 years) and their right to redact on the documents. If he can get that, he's in good standing but until then, we have a he said, they said (unless I'm missing something material).
  20. Which brings me to a few questions you are better suited to answer. 1.) Could they be ordered into arbitration? 2.) Would this be settled by a judge, a judicial panel or a jury? 3.) What are the levels of evidence required? (reasonable person, undeniable, etc).
  21. The problem here is a paper trail. An offer is just hearsay unless it was in writing. Discussions between client and agent are just hearsay unless there was a non incentivized witness to the conversation. On the subject of what was offered and what not/did he present it to his client. Its possible Noel said "I won't sign for less than $X.YZ" and that was interpreted to reject any offer that was not at least that. I think its really hard to believe a judge or jury is going to be sympathetic to anyone who turned down $70 million (a fact that would be repeated ad nauseum at the hearing). I think any discussion on this will always begin with that. He can as an agent say "I had this offer on the table for him and he rejected it." That's a very strong opening position to come from.
  22. I would think instances of other players with more skills getting worse deals (Cousins comes to mind) because of injuries would strengthen the idea that injuries played a part.
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