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Everything posted by thecampster

  1. I'd kind of like this to go to court so we can get on the record statements. At this point we're only getting he said/she said media needle push statements.
  2. Malpractice sure, failure to perform sure. But advising improperly, no. My point is the settling might be more bad publicity than winning in court would be. There are few high stakes agents out there. Allowing this would open a flood gate of suits. Even settling would allow every client he ever had to (forgive the pun) follow suit.
  3. About time I chimed in. The player has the right to fire his agent at any time. An agent is first and foremost legal counsel for the client. People sue all the time and rely on the lawyers advice for the value of the case. But they have no recourse against the attorney if they find out later they could have received more. In the end, it is the person suing or playing that has the final decision on accepting or rejecting. IMHO his case has no merit. He may settle to save legal fees but I doubt it. Settling will open the door to this happening again. Rejecting any contract is betting on yourself. He should have hired an agent more in the know. I'm not a fan of lawyers or agents but I'm also not a fan of a grown man making a choice and then trying to blame that choice on the advice he got from someone else.
  4. I was a bit afraid of harnessing him with Hiro. Hiro has been uncharacteristically nervous/aggitated with him. They are fine in the back seat together but Dash really doesn't understand giving the alpha his space, not bumping in to him. It's really obvious he was kept away from the other dogs except for breeding. Hiro has had to snip/snarl at him a few times for breaking protocol. Rushing in at a doorway and bumping him, trying to sniff him first, etc and he's been a bit jealous of Kat's attention. But they did really well today. Only real issue today was a hillbilly family was congregated on the trail blocking the path. Dash went a good 10 feet off road to go around them and drug Hiro with him. Hiro wasn't mad but annoyed. He enjoys the attention from passersby.
  5. This video is from this morning. He is terrified to go outside when not on the leash. We've been training him to use the dog door and today he graduated to using it alone. Last video is from our walk today. On his first pack walk, he just darted side to side looking for somewhere to hide. He's bonding with Hiro and the double leash has really led to him walking with confidence. Although he still prefers to sleep under a desk away from prying eyes, he has started using a dog bed in front of the fireplace when the other 2 dogs are calm. He has finally started sharing food and water dishes and has started picking up dog toys to play with (started yesterday). He isn't playing yet but he's claiming things. He was never house trained but we are now 5 days since our last accident and we believe he will use the dog door himself going forward. There is no aggression, no anger. He is a great dog and his spirit is starting to come out. Dog Door.mp4 walk.mp4
  6. For those who didn't read it in the Ask Supes thread, I took on a special project. 2 year old German Shephard male (Dash) who was physically abused and 15 lbs underweight. He got the good old snip and had complications so the rehabilitation took longer than expected. We've had him 3 weeks and a day now. These videos were taken in the last 3 days. He's adapting well, still paces the house but is finally starting to adapt. He's learned his name and "come" in the last few weeks but because we can't work seriously with him...."come" comes and goes. Video 1 is from a few days ago. He's learning pack behavior. In this video, Hiro eats first as he's alpha. This is about him learning to fit in as a beta in the pack. Rehab progression.mp4
  7. I'll make a post in the lounge with videos.
  8. This is going to be a long 31 days. Very excited for the start of training camp. Its going to be a long month.
  9. Scary thing is his ability to dunk/lay it up equally smooth with both hands.
  10. Bam > Ball but out of curiousity. Who are the 4 centers you have ahead of Bam? (I'm counting like 8). I guess we need to define it as well since Bam is technically a F/C and that opens the list some. But yah, Ball over Bam is really hard to swallow.
  11. If you are Cleveland, how can this be your offseason? How can your attitude be (let's run it back but add a rook). Cleveland Cavaliers 2020-21 record: 22-50Pace: 98.0 (25) OffRtg: 105.2 (28) DefRtg: 113.5 (25) NetRtg: -8.3 (28) Key addition(s): Evan Mobley, Ricky RubioKey departure(s): Taurean Prince
  12. You can have it, just don't muck it up.
  13. A fish cannot swallow the ocean, just as you cannot digest all of the humor. It must run through you as the water does to the fish.
  14. Did you see him using green font? Hit like if you remember when this was the HS standard for sarcasm!
  15. It was not a rumor. Its a proposal. The guy doesn't understand Cam's upside to even propose this.
  16. Also just heard from NRASupes who says that dog don't hunt. NBEh?Supes hasn't heard anything either.
  17. Its not even a rumor. Linking of old garbage to a new name. And MBASupes says it doesn't add up either.
  18. She gets into psychology of the dog. Does a much better job of explaining it than Cesar and doesn't have any of the challenging dog, getting bit mishaps.
  19. He's incredibly sweet. Both my dogs have nipped him while annoying them and even though he's bigger, just takes it and sulks. About 12 year ago I rescued and rehabilitated these 2. The one on the left (Sam) they said was unfixable just like Dash. One on the right was from a litter separated from its mother at 4 weeks. More of a raise than a rehab. Both gone now. This was from their first off leash park training session. There are no bad dogs, just bad owners. Anyone wondering how to fix a dog they have with issues, look up Victoria Stillwell ("Its Me or the Dog" tv shows.). Probably the best dog rehab person I've ever seen. Can find her episodes on Youtube. I think they're available on demand. Cesar wishes he was Victoria Stillwell. Hey its still a pandemic. If you're looking for something to watch and want to understand your dog better, there is no better show.
  20. 2 year old German Sheppard surrendered by a breeder, abused. About 15 lbs under weight. Taught not to take treats. Show him a treat he gets scared (cheeseburger bits are an exception). Scared to go outside to relieve himself. Scared of hand signals, thrown balls toys, excited dogs. Was given alt commands so we don't know what sit, stay, leave it, come mean to him and he's resistant to any training because training means butt whoopins. Doesn't mind the vacuum cleaner, or lawn mower. So we took him in to get the big snip hoping it would relieve his fear. Surgery had complications, had to go back in for a second procedure, wearing the cone of shame, slamming into everything trying to lick his junk. Moral of the story, breeders are bad people. Adopt and spay so I can get some sleep and don't come on the board discussing people's future surgical procedures. We are day 14 of rehabilitation. Very slow goings. Milestone yesterday he was comfortable enough to free feed in the presence of other dogs, Is finally bonding with my alpha.
  21. rehabbing a new dog right now....might be grumpy. He's being difficult.
  22. Dude its nothing to be ashamed of. It worked for @sturt and you don't see him hiding.
  23. And this right here is why I read threads 2 or 3 times. Skipped over we were doing the time travel thing. Which reminds me, does Spud ever get his erectile dysfunction fixed with that surgery?
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