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New to the board. Question for you guys.


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When I look at Smith (right now) he is definitely not adding more on the court than Al or Chillz. While I fully expect Smoove to pass Al, I don't think he will ever be better than Chillz if both continue to learn at the same rate and we have no unforeseen accidents.

The bottom line is that Chillz has more ability. Smoove has a lot of potential, but so does Chillz. I understand that desire plays a role, but I don't see much more desire from Smoove as from Chillz. The hope is that they both will end up very good.

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I just wish there was an ignore function

This is the funniest thing I have read in a while. Lascar, you need me in your life. You don't need an ignore function and if there were one, you would never ignore Diesel. YOU LIVE to see what I will write next. If I had a magazine, you'd be a subscriber. Most of your 2000 some odd post is in response to me. Tell me pinnochio, whoose holding the strings? I'm the addiction you can't kick. I bet you sit up at night and pray to see a new Diesel post? And when I do post, you're so happy? I've made your day. You're like the secretary that gets flowers when Diesel posts! What would you do without it? So instead of trying to side with the new guy and say " Oh, this place would be so much better without his post.. I wish there was an ignore function." Just be honest. Get your pom poms... your Diesel is #1 sign.... and wave that Big Diesel finger... and start up the chant... Go Diesel.. Go Diesel!!!

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Now, I can be the guy who's positive about every thing... But we have that in Grey Mule...


I can be the guy who's negative about everything... We HAD that in the OLD Hotlanta.

However, I'm the guy who tells it like it is, who crushes sacred cows, who brings different ways to look at things because let's face it... This place would be very very boring and not worthwhile if all we had to read was that same old follow the crowd Me too BS.

We shouldn't agree on everything. I mean, I like BK, but IMO, BK has made some mistakes...

I think we should have kept Sura and Pryz... I think we should have drafted Deron and this is not the first time I have said it...

however, the me too's of the world come here with no new thoughts... no ability to think differently. That's as boring as a black suit with a striped tie.

Moreover, Diesel makes more sense than you give him credit for... Weez, since you're so eager to hear me admit wrong... Will you be saying Go Diesel Go Diesel When I'm right? Try living up to your words?

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However, I'm the guy who tells it like it is,
who crushes sacred cows
, who brings different ways to look at things because let's face it... This place would be very very boring and not worthwhile if all we had to read was that same old follow the crowd Me too BS.

Can we change the name of Hawksquawk to:


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I generally applaud you when you're right...but you hurt yourself in that you won't ever admit when you're wrong (crickets) and often times have spewed so many 'opinions and predictions' that some are bound to happen...(though you've been much better on this of late)

yes, you provide some entertainment to the board, as well as some (sporadically) shocking insight (which is why with some of of your posts...it's so apparent to the more level headed people that you're saying this for Shock value).

perhaps you're more of the Howard Stern of the board...though even he admits when wrong (and does he still even have a job?).

And in thinking on your post, I realized that to many here not of true basketball following...some of your ridiculous posts serve (in a most likely unintentional way), to make others stand up for their arguments and tertiarilly make others realize the good points of the team./league.

But why not take it to another level? you watch all these games and follow the stats...(here's wehre I'd love Dinero de Squawk...just to track you losses)...

~stimulate the board rahter than insight it. say why you don't think JJ can be a pg rahter than blindly quote stats...can he dribble with his left? what's he like whne he tries to run a break? Is he a slasher or a 3pt set up man? did he find Amare and others when moving with the ball, making for easy assists? when he turned the ball over, was it GRobstyle dribbling off his knee (not even foot) or poor 'decisions' like driving the lane with no idea what he was going to do if it didn't materalize (aka, JT, the king of this).

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There you had a perfectly good chance to ignore me... not read what I said.. But instead, you read it and pushed the reply button.... tsk tsk tsk...

Tell me pinnochio, whoose holding the strings?

Next time, don't forget your pom poms...

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how does that prove your point? It doesn't take a genius to figure out that I read all the posts on here and you spam more than anyone else. I said I would ignore you if there was an ignore function, which there isn't. Then again reading comprehension never was your forte. Neither were facts. Neither were numbers. Neither were a lot of things

You have insightful posts now and again like most posters here and decent basketball knowledge, but 90% of your posts are you spamming the same nonsense over and over and over again, refusing to face the facts, and jerking off to your own so-called greatness. There isn't a poster here that couldn't do that if they felt so inclined and wanted to waste the time. Most people get over the fact that they can get people riled up by posting idiocy around age 12.

Even your supposed put-down posts are always the same, you're like a highly unfunny broken record.


#88603 - 07/05/05 05:36 PM

Did you get the Diesel is #1 Hat I sent you to go with the pom poms and face paint?


#86107 - 06/28/05 12:27 PM

Get your Diesel Hat.

Your Big Finger from Diesel.

and Your Pom Poms...

Paint your face Blue and White

And you cheer your ass off everytime I post!

That's all you got to do for me!

I feel sad for you, because there's no way you're like this in real life otherwise you would get your @ss whooped. Which means you're a pathetic internet tough guy, acting high and mighty behind the anonymity of the web. It's sad really

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Here's one you've heard before....

Tell me pinnochio, whoose holding the strings?

as far as the record being broken and unfunny... That's a lie. I'm amused everytime I play it!

Lascar, I get to laugh everyday.. At your expense. At YOU... and my control of you.

Just like you're addicted to every word I say...

I'm addicted to making you my bitxh...

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Tell me pinnochio, whoose holding the strings?

Well, let's see. You initially responded to me in this thread and not the other way around. You have my name in your signature and not the other way around. You figure it out


I'm amused everytime I play it!

Yes I know you're amused, you're like a 5 year old who thinks he's hilarious because he keeps saying "stop hitting yourself". It's quite easy for morons to keep themselves entertained. But what do others on the board think, are they amused?


The main reason I do not post anywhere near as much anymore is because 50% of this board is dominated by you and your one thought. Its like eating the same old food everyday....


Diesel is prolly Bobcats Fan # 1 and is trying to undermine fan confidence here at the Squawk

I personally hope that we dont fail, just for diesel sake

im sure he has posts bookmarked to support any possible outcome lol

he has become the Fran Drescher of hawksquawk...repetitive, whiny, and annoying


how about 'go diesel' when he's making sense? go diesel when he's able to say he's wrong or flip flopped on a topic?

how aobut go diesel when he posts things out of earnest rather than simply trying to 'get a response' out of people...?

I guess not


I'm addicted to making you my bitxh...

Like I said, anyone can be an internet tough guy. Let's see you say that to my face on Nov 10 and see what happens. We should have a good crowd

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