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How should we replace Dj.


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  • Premium Member

It's very unfortunate what happened to Dj. I hope that he can come back early and join the playoff march. However, losing him has put us in a position where we need a Sg. Here are a few suggestions from the Dieselputer.

1. Pick up Chris Carr. He's a good Shooter who faired decently this summer and would make a nice BU for Glover.

2. Trade Nazr for Wells (SNT) then make an offer to Some C like Dudley to play BU?

3. Trade Nazr for Mike Miller/Declerq.

4. Pickup Dell Curry and let him play behind Dion.

5. Look into a trade of Nazr/Email for Heywood/Russell.

What do you think?

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True, but DJ doesn't make that much loot (although it's a lot more then I'll see anytime soon) and the medical exception is for half the actual salary of the player up to the same worth of the midlevel exception.

Hawks still have the midlevel right? What do you guys think of Michael Redd? Has shown alot of good games with the bucks, would be a good starter. DG could back Redd up and when DJ gets back healthy he could back up at the 3 spot perhaps?

Just a thought..

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And DG as the 6th man offensive spark BU Sg when 1 or 2 of our big 3 offensive guys goes to the bench.

Nazr for Wells?!?!? Nazr/Email for Heywood/Russell?!?!?!?!?!?

At least the Nazr for Miller/Declerq deal was rumored minus Declerq but the above deals you mention are beyond ridiculous!


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I agree, IRA should now start at SG with Glover backing him up. We will now need his defensive presence in the starting lineup with all these scorers. Glover will be first option off the bench.

What this means is that we need another small forward to backup Big Dog. Is Crawford up to the job? I like Scott Burrell, he is tall versitile and brings good defence.

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Agreed. Newble is probably our best bet as a starter with Dion as our 'microwave' 6th man. Maybe we can apply for a medical exemption for DerMarr, I hate that this happened to the kid, but making a trade seems to be jumping the gun a bit. We'll still need help on the frontline so I don't see Naz going anywhere really, and if Ira starts maybe a 3rd string type of SF behind CC or incase he goes down or plays the 4 if Hendu goes down.

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Erik Strickland would have been nice because

he hustles/his the 3 pter and is a tough in

your face defender...but he already signed

with Indiana so I think Chris Carr is probably

our best option.He is a solid backup all together.

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At 6'5" with a Sf's game, Alain Digbeau might work out for us. So might some undrafted player, CBAer, or foreign player.

Other possibilities might be Tyrone Nesby, Felipe Lopez, Walt Williams, Voshan Leonard, or Raja Bell. All these are unrestricted FAs.

I would like Najera but he likely won't leave Dallas. Redd and Nailon are remote possibilities. All 3 players are restricted FAs.

We still have the mid level EX but are well over the cap based upon last year's statistics, over or nearing the projected luxury tax, and the cap is actually projected to be almost $2 million lower this year than last. No one other than a min or near min player will be signed.

Thus, I suspect we will fill the team's 12th roster spot with a training camp invitee or another min player.


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Chris Carr did not fare well in the summer, according to Musselman, and Dell Curry is coming off a bad year.

But, sure enough, you can expect the Hawks to look for a shooter to fill DerMarr's shoes, which are a little bigger than some people think.

But, an unfortunate offshoot of this injury is that with DerMarr out, so goes a long range shooting threat on the team, which may force Kruger to go to Dickau more than planned, in an attempt to spread the floor a little more with more shooters...especially if they can't get a reliable threat.

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I think we'll be fine assuming Crawford comes back uninjured. I hope DJ will be back by midseason plus time off the court will allow him to gain more weight. I'd start Ira for sure now but this would mean more court time for Dion, who needs it, and I even think Email fits the role of temporary DJ replacement just fine also. If we do anything I'd pick up a Willis or Haslim type player like we had thought about before.

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I know the league will only pay the Hawks half of Dermarr's salary in the medical exemption and that will not be enough to catch Redd's interest but I don't care. If we have to use our mid level exeption, we need to bring in a decent shooting guard. Look everyone people are already sad and down because Dermarr will miss the season, so signing someone like Redd will help everyone to get excited again about the season. Moreover, you know Dion will get injured again, and we should look to ship him out when DJ gets back. I don't won't Chris Carr , Alain Digbeau or Matt Maloney I wan't Michael Redd!!!

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Oh well I guess I will have to look at other candidates. Voshon Lenard can shoot but he isn't athletic, Raja Bell to me is sort of a Newble type player. He provides alot of energy of the Bench and can run the floor but is a weak 3point shooter. Ira I hope you are working on your long range jumpshot, the team will need it if they are going to make the playoffs.

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Newble should backup Big Dog. You must have forgot that CC is injured too. Even if he wasn't though, we need to get some defensive presence behind big Dog and I don't want a tired Ira trying to back up Big Dog.

If you want to play it like that, Email should start over Dion for Defensive purposes.

That's silly though. The way our team is built, we are built to OUTSCORE other teams. That being the case, Dion should be the starter if we don't get anybody else in here.

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Raja Bell.

He's an experienced BU kind of player. I would pick him up and let him compete with Dion for the Starting SG position. Ira is penciled in at SF (BU) in my mind. We need that defensive intensity behind Big Dog.

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We can't have all scorers and no defensive presence out there. With the big 3 out there and Glover off the bench we already have all the scoring we need. We don't need 4 big scorers out there. We still need a good permimeter defender out there or everything will fall on Theo's shoulders. That is why I said we should start IRA at the SG position.

As far as having a player to backup Big Dog to replace Ira, that is where Scott Burrell or Lee Nailon come in. Both would fill that role more than adequaltly. Actually Nailon would be quite a coup if we could get him. I don't think they will cost us much and I am sure we will get the medical excemption for DJ.

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UFA from Miami who can man the SG position and bring some good defence to the position. He has a nice all around game and a decent outside shot. I always liked his game going back to college and always thought he was underrated when he played for Charlotte, Seattle and NJ. He would be a nice addition with DG backing him up and that way satisfy you and leave IRA as the BU sf.

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