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BK vs Isiah vs. Paxon


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Tyson is moving to his more natural position of Center. The Bulls are hoping Sweeney will do what Curry never could, rebound and play defense.

The Bulls hope is that with Gordon, Heinrich, Deng, & Thomas they have enough offense and that with Tyson & Sweetney cleaning the glass they will get their points on offensive putbacks.

The Bulls will stil be able to run, with the defense they play they should get plenty of opportunities, and Sweetney is already in better shape than Curry ever was.

They'll definitely miss Curry's ogffense, but I think that they're hoping Thomas offense and Sweeneys defense and rebounding will more than make up for it. We'll see.

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Tyson's natural position was never C? I watched him play a game in HS... He was a natural Sf. For 7'1, he had good handles and a nice shot. He really didn't have a post game. He was destroyed by Diop when Dominguez played Oak Hill.

I think at PF, he can follow his dream of being the next KG.. BUT to put him at C is asking for trouble, I don't think he ever developed a back to the basket game.

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Interesting article on ESPN comparing Sweetney and Curry.

Bottomline - if Curry pans out this will be a good deal for the Knicks. Young, talented big men are highly valuable commodities.

If Curry flops, this team is in a world of hurt because they will lose both their 2006 and 2007 picks (the Bulls have the right to switch picks with the Knicks in 2007) and be stuck in cap hell for the foreseeable future.

Big gamble, but without a big gamble NY can't immediately improve. That is the fundamental need underlying this trade - immediate improvement.

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