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You Guys Need to Calm Down


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We seriously need to stop all the negetivity on this site. It's one game, against a very good team. Do you think the Hawks aren't upset? Of course they are! And they apparentley know something that some of you dont; They have 81 more games.

We didnt loose because of JJ, or because we dont have a PF or whatever post I was just reading, we lost because of our serious lack of conditioning. We, as we did so many times last season, ran out of gas. If we do want to be succesfull this year, we are going to need some guys off the bench to step it up and take some pressure off of our starters. Especially John Edwards, Salim Stoudamire, and Esteban Batista. I did not like what I saw from them last night.

Here are my thoughts on the players last night...

Joe Johnson:

Very impressed, he was the only player on our squad last night that I had 100% confidence in. He is the first great overall basketball player we have had in a while.

Josh Childress:

Played Hard, did all of the little things. You can tell he is trying to lead by example. Outside shooting has not improved.

Josh Smith:

Is trying do too much. Everyone said he is nothing but a dunker, and he is going to far trying to prove them wrong. His shot has really improved, but he needs to spend more time down low.

Al Harrington:

Played great on both ends of the court. You can see how hard he worked on his game over the summer. He is now an all-star caliber player in my oppinion. Decison making is much improved, but still needs work.

ZaZa Pachulia:

Is an absolute beast. He can be an inforcer down low for us. We gotta find a way to get the ball to this guy down low more often. I would love to see Woody use him and Batman on the floor at the same time more often.

Marvin Williams:

Will be special. He can do everything, I would like to see him in the starting 5 over Smoove to make our bench stronger, and help our starting 5's perimeter game.

Tyronn Lue:

Needs to take better control of this team. When he is in the game I should expect the offense to click. I didnt expect that last night.

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Conditioning? Hell JJ only played 30 minutes! Bottom line, Woodson has got to play JJ, Chilz, ZaZa and Al at LEAST 35 minutes each. I don't have a problem rotating Smoove and MWill until one of them just takes it outright but the rest of that crap needs to stop.

No one wins any damn thing with bench players. Unless he thinks our bench is as deep as the Mavs or the Heat already. And if that's the case he needs to be committed, not fired.

Damn man, like someone already said, this is not preseason. Play your starters!

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At 70 million dollars, JJ should be doing something More. That's Ray Allen type Money. When Ray was on his second contract, he came up Big every night... JJ has to do the same. For the second half, JJ was the equivalent of Mo Pete. A guy who is good but will not take over and run things.. I'm hoping for better!

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I totally agree. JJ and Al are it. They need to be taking over the game. Al did all he could last night, but I don't totally fault JJ. When you are the big money go to guy and you play 30 minutes that can take you out of your game. What was Lue doing. Every time I saw him he's driving the lane. Dude, find the shooters.

MW is going to find a lot of minutes this season.

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Conditioning? Hell JJ only played 30 minutes! Bottom line, Woodson has got to play JJ, Chilz, ZaZa and Al at LEAST 35 minutes each. I don't have a problem rotating Smoove and MWill until one of them just takes it outright but the rest of that crap needs to stop.

No one wins any damn thing with bench players. Unless he thinks our bench is as deep as the Mavs or the Heat already. And if that's the case he needs to be committed, not fired.

Damn man, like someone already said, this is not preseason. Play your starters!

And a voice comes down from heaven, singing like hosts of angels:


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I agree guys need to calm down. First of all people on this forum need to lower their expectations of this team this year. When I saw people posting 3 - 0 on this road trip, I laughed!!

This team may not when a game on this road trip (0 - 3). First of all they are all HOME OPENERS in the oponents place. Everyone will try their best to win their HOME OPENER. Look at New Orleans vs. Sacramento. Memphis hung in their pretty well with Miami. The point is teams play much harder on their HOME OPENERS.

Secondly, this is a young team without a significant inside presence (should have signed Kwame and Curry). Zsa Zsa is good, but John Edwards is a waste of money and that is pretty much it in terms of an inside presence.

I don't care what anyones says, Joe Johnson has a very NICE game!! He plays very smart and has a lot of talent!! He ran the point pretty well in my eyes. The 2nd half was a train wreck, but everyone can see he has the talent to run the point.

Al Harrington is a keeper, I hope we sign him to 5 years!! Marvin Williams in my eyes will eventually beat Josh Smith out in terms of starting. Marvin is a very smart player also. He will eventually take Josh Smith's spot!!

Chillz jump shot is atrocious. He will never reach elite status with that shot!!

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No it deffinetley is conditioning! Ask yourself how many games we lost last year in the laste 3rd-4th quarter. We are already starting this year.

But do you guys honestly expect this team to be anywhere near 500.? I don't. I would be very happy with 25-30.

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No it deffinetley is conditioning! Ask yourself how many games we lost last year in the laste 3rd-4th quarter. We are already starting this year.

But do you guys honestly expect this team to be anywhere near 500.? I don't. I would be very happy with 25-30.

15 to 18 wins is pushing it. You might need to lower

your expectations aswell.

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Let JJ create team?

Motion offense share the ball team?

Pick & Roll team with Lue?

Post Oriented offensive team with Z JJ or AL?

Screening team, multi layered screens to free jump shooters?

We did all of that offensively last night...but when we needed baskets to stop the run we could not hang or hat on anything.....

Sign of young coach....new young players and no real identity as a team yet.

This is where you look to see if Woodson will improve this team, when we start to show PURPOSE for the entire game.

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Good post. I'd rather just fire Woodson and not have to

worry about growing pains as for a head coach. Bring in

somebody that knows what he is doing.

I do see what you are saying.. It looked like JJ was

going to run the team at the start, but then AL started

to hold the ball in the post alot, and then Lue comes

in a dribbles over and over again.

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I don't think anyone here is freaking out because we lost the game. Most of us still expect 20-30 wins, but we don't expect total collapses like this. Its just one game but to me its a sign that the coach doesn't know how to teach these guys to control a game. It was too simmilar to last season.

We need Delk back. Other than JJ is is by far the best guard we have on the team. I think Chill is a good player he just needs to play closer to the basket.

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i agree. we need to stop hating on the hawks. golden state WILL NEVER, EVER, EVER again have a quarter like that. they couldnt make free throws even for a half and then in the 3rd they are making 3's and horrible junk shots in the lane and they got everrrrry call. davis and fisher are constantly touching and pushing and hacking and they are the best at getting away with it.

hawks will be quite improved..just be patient.

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