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Sign Harrington Long Term


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Things were much different in that year.

Al was very highly celebrated as a HSer... But the HS Market was not great. Tmac had come out the year before at #9. He had a horrid first year. Teams were no longer interested in invested a high pick in a HSer who could possibly flop.

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Teams were no longer interested in invested a high pick in a HSer who could possibly flop.

Hughes was a high schooler. Dirk was 18 also I believe and both went top 10.

Doesn't really matter though. The bottom line is that Harrington hasn't had much fun here and would be unlikely to resign, so they might as well get something for him.

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Teams were no longer interested in invested a high pick in a HSer who could possibly flop.

Hughes was a high schooler. Dirk was 18 also I believe and both went top 10.

Doesn't really matter though. The bottom line is that Harrington hasn't had much fun here and would be unlikely to resign, so they might as well get something for him.

Check your facts. Diesel is right on the money with this one. Hughes came out after a big freshman year of college.

Also, where did you get the information that Al has not had much "fun" in Atlanta? Obviously losing is not fun, and he wants some job/financial security, but outside of that I have not read anything that indicates that he does not like his roll on the team on or off the court.

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Check your facts. Diesel is right on the money with this one. Hughes came out after a big freshman year of college.

Also, where did you get the information that Al has not had much "fun" in Atlanta? Obviously losing is not fun, and he wants some job/financial security, but outside of that I have not read anything that indicates that he does not like his roll on the team on or off the court.

I thought Hughes was a high schooler, but oh well. I am pretty sure about Dirk. A guy picked at 25 couldn't have been such a big deal.

Harrington spent many years in a winning organization. There has been no talk of resigning him that I can see. Have you heard of any contract negotiations? He seems frustrated, hence his recent comments.

Has he said anything to indicate he wants to stay here?

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Teams were no longer interested in invested a high pick in a HSer who could possibly flop.

Hughes was a high schooler. Dirk was 18 also I believe and both went top 10.

Doesn't really matter though. The bottom line is that Harrington hasn't had much fun here and would be unlikely to resign, so they might as well get something for him.

Dirk was also a European, and the love affair with European players still hasn't died...

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Hughes went to the wonderful St. Louis U. You don't remember them? They had the guy named "H" !

Also about Dirk.

Europlayers have always been more likely to be drafted than HSers because of the belief that they will have more fundamentals.

Lastly.. When Dirk was drafted, everyone scratched their heads. He was drafted by Dallas who was always Euro-favorable because of Nellie.

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What makes you think Harrington will resign here? Are you willing to let him play out the season and let him walk for nothing, if he decides to go elsewhere?


First off, the only teams that can match what we can give him ($$$ and PT) are Chicago and New Orleans.

I'm not willing to overpay for AL, but I'm willing to pay him what's fair.


If he walks, we get something more than Nothing. We get Capspace. As Little as it may be, it's enough to do something with. However, I think that the prospect of him going to N.O. or Chicago is not as good for him as him being here.

I will admit, we f---- up by getting Marvin. Al saw that as being a threat (from what I have read)... However, I think that Al is miles ahead of Marvin and it will prolly stay that way.

So, I'm willing to play cards.. Especially having BK holding the cards. I've Seen BK negoitiate down guys who should have made more to virtually nothing (Hello Jax)... I've also seen him make players crack in negotiations(hello JT/Damp)...

I like the prospect of signing Al to an extension.

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Fair enough. Between Al, Marvin, and Smith I know at least one of them has to be moved. I pretty much assumed it was Al and hadn't really thought they would resign him.

One thing that might work, which BK probably wouldn't do, would be to trade Marvin for a top pick next year. That way they could draft a legit pf and a legit pg.

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I have thought about it farther and none of them have to move If JJ works out at PG...

I think if JJ/Lue or JJ/Delk Backcourt can work, I suspect will we keep it like it is... Marvin and Smoove still have a long ways to go before they approach Al's level. If Al plays like he was playing before the sprain (and during) I think he gets re-signed and if either of the three has to be moved, it might be Smoove. Mainly because Smoove has a lot of value and at the same time, his attitude is sketchy.

But in the present, I don't see anybody being moved...

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You definitely lost me there. No way JJ works as pg for two reasons. One is that he isn't a pg, even though he has better than average playmaking skills for a 2. The second is that the rule change getting rid of the hand check is beneficial to the smaller quicker players. It isn't a coincidence that Nash won the MVP last year and guys like Ford and Brevin Knight are doing very well.

While I like Lue offensively he doesn't defend well and Delk looks to shoot every time he touches it. I would like to see Salim start for awhile just to get a feel for his overall game.

Last year the Hawks had the worst D in the league and they still need significant defensive upgrades to become contenders.

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I think we have to see. I don't disagree that JJ is not a PG. However, I know that a 2 guard system can work... Look at JT and Marquis Daniels. Niether of them are real PGs either but they work...

I agree that a two guard system can work, but Dallas is a bad example. They are last in the league in assists, and they sucked last year too. They are basically a 1 on 1 team and that is what is holding them back.

JJ and Salim might work simply because Salim's scoring ability might make up for any weaknesses. JJ and Chil has no chance because Chil is too slow and has a weak perimeter game.

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I think JJ/Delk will work if we have a good scorer (Al).

If you think about it...JJ and Delk can both be scorers.. Right now, with no post scorer.. It's hard on JJ because Defenses know to just crowd him.

The good things I have seen are these.

JJ can get his shots.

Zaza can put the ball on the floor (ala Sabonis).

Chillz is developing a shot (although ugly).

I don't put that much faith in Salim simply because he is first yr... Plus, his size is a hinderance.

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IF Smoove or Marvin were anywhere near good, I would agree with you. However, this is not survivor. We don't have to kick Al off the island. I think Al is exactly what BK wants, plus he's a scorer. You don't want to trade Al away and then have JJ trying to do it all by himself. We will never get anywhere if we do that.

The problem with Smoove.

He's lazy. Some times he's in the game. Some times, he's doing nothing. He thinks that a dunk crown automatcally makes him a starter? He's going down the Harold Minor road of life. I applaud him for working on his shooting. As I watch Smoove, his shooting is nice. However, he must also work on his defense. Every pump fake gets him into the air. That's unacceptable for a pro. That's unacceptable for a college player. Pretty soon, the "young" label will wear out. He must fine tune his game more.

The problem with Marvin

He has to want it. Marvin can have skills. However, he has to have the mentality that he wants it. With Al out and JJ struggling, Marvin should have stepped up. His coach has praised him for doing well, so it's not that he's forbidden to do it. However, he has to have the mentality that if I need to, I will take over and I will put this team on my back. For those of you who say that can't be done by a first year player who only played one yr of college ball... I refer you to Carmello Anthony. Anthony put that Denver team on his back and became their team... and Anthony was only a 3rd player picked!

Right now, Al has more skill and more desire than those others. His skill level is a match for what JJ needs. The teams that we have lost to haven't been all the way bad. I mean, the Clipps are 3-0 and they beaten some strong teams.

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