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Please Explain Childress to Me?


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Seriously, I'm not being a wiseguy, but what did the team see in Childress to draft him in the first round? He's not a ball handler, he's not a shooter but he's usually playing guard which slows down the offense. I don't follow college ball too much so what were his claims to fame? So far he's showing me less than nothing. Is it his defense?

By the way, I just thought of another point guard we got rid of and could have had besides Sura, a guy named Wilks who I believe plays for Cleveland now. 2-3 years ago he played on two 10 day contracts and I remember him beating Philly single-handedly when JT was hurt in Philly! I was very impressed by him and we could sure use him now. Does anyone else remember him?

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In college, what we saw in Childress is this:

Good BBIQ.

You need that on a young team. You need a player who is more than "athletic", but you need some players who can pick up the gameplan and do well.


The chillz that played at Stanford was not slow as molassis. We should be able to count on the speed advantage that chillz would have on most Sfs however, BK feels he is a 2???


Like it or not, of the young guys, Chillz is definitely the one that is leader amoung them from what I have seen. Chillz was a leader at Stanford who carried that team.

All-Around Game

Chillz was really liked because he did it all. Score, rebound, pass, etc.. Last yr, that's what we got. He was more Pippen like than anybody else.

People talk about Deng and Iguodala... However, at the time... I think there was some question marks about both of them. Deng as you remember was said to be too mechanical, too slow, and couldn't be as prosperous on this level. Iguodala was said to be lacking in the BBIQ department. Just a guy who finishes.

I think the one thing we should recognize is that this is merely a sophomore slump. Lots of the second years are going through them right now:

Okafor, Gordon, Jefferson, all of these guys are going through slumps of their own and nobody seems to notice them... Hell, even Josh Smith is going through an offensive slump. The only difference is that Smith remains offensively agressive while Chillz seems like he's trying to pass his way out. One question is what are they being coached??

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If we had Iggy, I think he'd be worse.

It's easy too look at guys like Iggy who are doing well on vet teams and say he'd be good here... But look at what He's doing. He's Josh Smith at the 2. Iggy would be just as bad here as chillz is here. Mainly because I don't think we have a set role for our 2 with JJ playing the 1. Iggy has had the luxury of going to a team where the role is very easy. Give the ball to Ai and get out the way and if he passes it to you, finish. That Philly team has an identity. That was easily recognizable last yr when Webber was traded to Philly. Webber was having a good season in Sac-Town... When he came to Philly all the sudden he slumps... He had to find his place in Philly's identity.. and sometimes, that's difficult if you are use to having the game come through you...

The Hawks are searching for an identity. Game by Game we search. One day it's Al. One day it's JJ. One day it's Salim. In all that change and confusion, I don't think you can count on any young player to know what's expected of him... And if he has problems with BBIQ, it's really bad...

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I feel the same way about everything you've said in this thread D. Chill is playing WAY too tentatively to be effective. He's doing the exact same thing with Al and JJ that he was doing with Al and Toine. Sitting back and watching. Seriously, LOOK at the number of shot attempts he has vs. everyone else on the team. Hard to do much of anything if you don't shoot the ball.

I predict that when Chill becomes more aggressive with the ball that this team will look MUCH better; and if we trade him to a situation where he is looked upon to score, then we will be asking ourselves why he couldn't do that when he was here.

A simple solution would be to encourage Chill to be more agressive and to go to him on a few plays in the flow of the game. Don't let him just sit out there and defer to Harrington and JJ. My guess is that he'll respond and will produce similar to what he did in the 2nd half of last year.

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and when I say leader, I mean a guy that can either lead by controling the ball and the tempo of the offense, or lead by being a dominant scorer who cannot be shut down.

We don't have either.

Iggy would look like crap on this team. Having a guy like AI on our team makes a helluva differene in your stats. If you can do the things that AI needs you to do to protect him, you will look like the golden child. Iggy can do those things. Without someone here to provide that same protection, Iggy would look no better and possibly worse, than Childress.

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He's Josh Smith at the 2. Iggy would be just as bad here as chillz is here. Mainly because I don't think we have a set role for our 2 with JJ playing the 1. Iggy has had the luxury of going to a team where the role is very easy.

That is nuts. Iggy has to guard the best perimeter player on the other team every night. That is easy? WTF.

Iggy was a tough defender from Day 1, that is why he started very early last year and played so many minutes. He has hounded guys like Pierce and Kobe into horrible shooting nights. If you think Chill could do that if he was in Philly then you are on crack.

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Has anyone noticed that our last two draft picks of SGs have become tentative under Woodson?

Diaw was traded because he was not aggresive enough on offense.

Now we seem to have the same problem with Childress.

What is going on in practice that is causing our SG to become so tentative?

Maybe its the personalities that BK likes to draft, or maybe there is something that Woodson is demanding of the gaurds that they can't produce?

Whatever the reason, I really hope Chil pulls out of this slump. I did notice that Battier is playing much better this year than in years past, so maybe Chidlress can progress like him as I think they are similar types of players.

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