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Wow, Diaw


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that's supposed to rhyme. diaw had 13 assists tonight plus 8 pts, 8 boards and 3 blocks. he's continually making the franchise look bad for trading him. oh well. but it's not like he would have locked down carmello or slowed camby in the paint in the denver game to help us win.

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Yes, in my annual scoreboard watch, I noticed how great of an all around game he had....we are looking more and more like huge losers in this trade, and we have not even sent Phoenix one draft pick. Sad. Nothing against Joe, but Diaw is playing like comeback player of the year, and we still have two draft picks to give up.

However, as to give a positive view, the team played valiantly in the loss tonight. I couldn't watch the game, but it doesn't take watching the game to know Al was lights out...3-3 from behind the arc? I wonder how much longer he will be a Hawk...

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What do you think Joe would be doing if he were still on that loaded team? Give me a break... In Diaws situation, Joe is putting up 18/4/5. In JJ's situation, Diaw is putting up 10/6/6. I don't think anyone in the Hawks org is shaking their heads about that deal.

Diaw had every opportunity to do what Joe is doing now and he didn't have the heart or the talent for it. JJ has the talent to do his thing anywhere he goes. Diaw does not have the talent to be a good player on just any team.

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Diaw numbers are amazing most of you because you thought he was a bum....Diaw has always had a good all around game..but we have had an abundance of role players in Atlanta the past few years and that is all Diaw will ever be. We need a star and to trade a role player at a position we are loaded at is not a big deal. What did you expect him to do in Phoenix...I could avg 8 assists a night in Phoenix.

Diaw is the last thing any Hawks fan should be worried about...the first 2 should be coaching and our team defense.

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When you look at that Suns team, they are stacked. I mean, Radja Bell, Jackson, Jones, all those guys can straight up Shoot. Along with Marion and Nash... no wonder Diaw's playing so well. It's like when Cleveland had Murry, Person, and Kemp... Andre' Miller couldn't help but look good.

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What do you think Joe would be doing if he were still on that loaded team? Give me a break... In Diaws situation, Joe is putting up 18/4/5. In JJ's situation, Diaw is putting up 10/6/6. I don't think anyone in the Hawks org is shaking their heads about that deal.

Diaw had every opportunity to do what Joe is doing now and he didn't have the heart or the talent for it. JJ has the talent to do his thing anywhere he goes. Diaw does not have the talent to be a good player on just any team.

I said he's making us look bad for trading him. I didn't say I wanted him back over JJ. Quit being a hypersensitive crybaby.

Also don't be afraid to admit that Diaw is having a nice season so far. He's shooting 53% from the field and averaging 6.6 assists and 6 boards, more than JJ ever has. We need a scorer like JJ, and Diaw is also turning out to be a fine player for the Suns. It doesn't have to be "either or."

Find another outlet for your needless hostility.

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Who's being hyper-sensitive? heh, whatever..

and I give Diaw props for making the most out of his limited game in Phoenix. But he's not making us look bad at all. The only people who would think that we look bad for trading him are the people who only watch games when it's the Lakers or Heat on TNT. Anyone who knows the game and follows the game, knows why Diaw is doing what he's doing and why he would never have done that here.

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How can you say he didn't have the talent or heart for it!!!

That is the dumbest statement I have ever heard.

Don't blame the player, it's the damn screwed up organization.

I've followed the Hawks ince the late 70s and I'm sick and tired of those of you who look at this franchise through rose colored glasses. I remember the glory days of Nique and today no one in the organization seems to have a clue. This is truly the laughing stock of the league, I see it on ESPN every nite, the Atlanta talk shows, the national press, and on the net.

It's just a fact that this is a pathetic organization.

We need a new President and GM. Damn I though Kasten was bad but I was ignorant thinking he didn't know what he was doing. The Kasten administration wanted to win, this one don't have a clue!!!

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Diaw had every opportunity to do what Joe is doing now and he didn't have the heart or the talent for it. JJ has the talent to do his thing anywhere he goes. Diaw does not have the talent to be a good player on just any team.

He has neither the talent nor the work ethic nor the heart to be even an AVERAGE player on a team that isn't perfectly to his liking. Instead, he had the Gaul (badoom-tssh) to refuse to do what his coach said.

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Who's being hyper-sensitive? heh, whatever..

and I give Diaw props for making the most out of his limited game in Phoenix. But he's not making us look bad at all. The only people who would think that we look bad for trading him are the people who only watch games when it's the Lakers or Heat on TNT. Anyone who knows the game and follows the game, knows why Diaw is doing what he's doing and why he would never have done that here.

when you lead with "don't be dorks" and then trash Diaw for stuffing the statsheet with the Suns, yes, that is hostility and hypersensitivity. "heh, whatever."

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Many people forgot that Diaw threatened to take his ball, his bat and go back to France because he was unhappy with what Coach was asking him to do.

I was happy when we traded him and got Joe, I have no Regrets, nor am I looking back.

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He didn't have the talent to recognize that what his coach was telling him "we need to you to score more to take pressure off your teammates" was the right thing or the heart (he cried to the media) to improve his game in order to help a bad team become better. Instead he cried his way out of Atlanta.

Don't blame the organization. That's just making excuses for a guy who didn't have the sack to do what it took to help his team.

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maybe I should have put a smiley on the end of it, so the sensitive crowd wouldn't be insulted...

and what you call trashing, I call honesty. I'm honest about what Diaw is doing and why. I didn't say he's a turd of player. That would be trashing. I'm realistic. If you want to stroke him without using any logic, that's your right.

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maybe I should have put a smiley on the end of it, so the sensitive crowd wouldn't be insulted...

and what you call trashing, I call honesty. I'm honest about what Diaw is doing and why. I didn't say he's a turd of player. That would be trashing. I'm realistic. If you want to stroke him without using any logic, that's your right.

you're an idiot. smile.gif

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I don't think anyone thinks we look bad for trading Diaw for JJ. JJ at the sg position can be a star in the league with someone who can play the point. The number one reason Diaw is having a desent year is Nash. Nash takes all of the playmaking, ball-handling, and distribution away from a guy who CAN NOT handle it. Diaw does have ball-handling abilities and court vision which gives him an advantage over overs playing Center or PF. He was a first round pick so he has some skills, but he is soft and it will be exposed when they start to play more meaningful games. Without the trade for JJ, Diaw was trade bait anyway.

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