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Why isn't he playing more? He's our best defender when discussing guards, and offensively he's been on spurts where it looks as though he could score 15 ppg easily. Only negative I've seen is his propensity to turn the ball over at times, but that comes with being so young and not getting a whole lot of PT.

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This is kind of a copout, but I think my eyes are bleeding from reading all the actual DEFENSES of Lue. I mean, I can say, from a completely unresearched, unargued, holistic perspective that Lue just blows.

He just blows! That's all there is to it! He's awful!

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looking good for short spurts in a game doesn't mean much. He probably lacks the consistancy in practice to give the coaches much confidence in his ability to do it more than he does.

This sounds like something we would have said about Diaw as well...the flip side is maybe our coaches are (cannot) not getting as much out of our players as they should.

Scary thought...Ivey turns out to be as good as Tinsley without the injuries and we trade him or just lose him outright to free agency....

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once again man, all your stats come down to the fact that he doesn't turn it over. That's all he does well, and it doesnt make him a pg.

How many assists is he supposed to get in 20 minutes? he gets 8 assists last night along with 16 points but somehow that isn't a good game. Last year Lue averaged 1 assist for every 5.7 minutes, which just so happens to be the same rate your idol Kidd has for this year so far.

And in case you haven't noticed the Hawks are one of the worst teams in the league in turnovers, which lead to fast break points for the other team. They had 15 last night. Their first quarter turnovers are what led to Denver's quick start.

And I don't see you criticizing Ivey for only getting one assist all game. If you are going to harp on assists then why no mention of Ivey's 3 assists in 3 games?

Don't get me wrong I like Ivey and hope he continues to get minutes but at least be consistent.

And if you think not turning it over is all he does well let me refer you to his 50% shooting from 3 this year.

It seems like you guys are criticizing Lue just because he isn't a young player. You cant dream of how good he might be one day.

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It seems like you guys are criticizing Lue just because he isn't a young player.

have u not listened to anything we've said?

we've said what our #1 - #10 problems with lue

#1 he dribbles way too much of the shot clock off before making a move

#2 he passes only to guarded men; never creates opportunities

#3 our offense goes down and our defense suffers when he's on the court; everytime he subs in i notice the score differential and say 'here we go again' and 9 times out of 10 the differential DOES grow in favor of the opp...

#4-8 see #1

#9 see #2

#10 see #1

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9 times out of 10 the differential DOES grow in favor of the opp...

Sample size not large enough lol Two games without Lue 79.5 average. If he was as bad as you make him out to be the Hawks should have scored over 100 both games, like they did in Boston when JJ got in foul trouble.

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I am not criticizing Lue for a lack of assists. I don't rely on assists or turnovers to tell me if a PG is doing a good job. You can be a horrible PG and get assists, and you can be a PG who helps your team's offense a lot without always being the one who dishes the last pass. I watch the games and the offense as a whole runs much better with the unselfish Ivey than it does with the ball hogging Lue. I don't need to look at their assists or their turnovers to tell me how the team runs when they are in the game. Pull your head out of the stat books and watch the game. The only times I've brought up stats is when you bring up a stat, and I'm trying to counter it with another stat to show you that stats are overrated.

Lue hogs the ball WAAAAAY too much. We don't have the kind of talent that can get the ball on an isolation and work 1-on-1. The offense needs to keep the ball moving to try to find open shots. Ivey, by simply not hogging the ball a la Lue, does much more for that to happen. It is virtually impossible for our personnel to succeed with a ball hog handling the ball for 18 seconds every posession. I don't know why it's so hard to understand. It's got nothing to do with age. It's got to do with a desire for ball movement on a roster that doesn't have a TD or a Shaq type of guy to just feed the ball to and let him go to work

Why do you think the overwhelming majority of the board disagrees with you? I don't know that I've ever seen such a large portion of the board agree on anything.

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that is just retarded. An awful pg doesn't make the top 20 in assist to turnover ratio and shoot well from the field. Duh.

I didn't say Lue was awful, I said he blows!!

I may be retarded, but Lue just blows!!! Seriously dude, just stop defending him. Stop it. I'm going to have a heart attack.

And don't give me any stats. My (non)argument relies purely on the right lobe of the brain. Stats are for suckers!

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How is it ball hogging if he is taking 6 shots a game. JJ is the one that has been holding the ball too much, at least until last game. he blew it last night dribbling around and letting Buckner pick his pocket.

And if Lue was really passing to guys who are covered at the end of the clock the defenders would know the pass was coming and steal it. Duh

Funny how the offense didn't look so great when Lue didn't play."Sample size not large enough".

If you guys dog Lue after an ofer game then that's fine but if you are going to dog him after a 16 point 8 assist 1 turnover game I will argue.

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we dont praise or dog him based on one game...we are consistently dogging him on the same things we have been for months

and he passes to guys that are guarded, but that doesn't mean they aren't open for a pass...they have their back to the guy so lue just passes it to them and then the guy defends them one on one...u know this

and what does shots/game have to do with him dribbling 18 secs each possession? we didn't say he takes too many shots and is a black hole...we said he takes his sweet time to pass the ball...dribbling in place and even stretching(!) while the clock ticks down and we are behind in the game

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