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How bout those Hawks


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I didnt get home from work until late in the 4th, turned the game on expecting us to losing and to my surprise we were up by 11. I obviously cant comment on the game other than it was sure nice to hear the other teams announcers talking about we play team defense like its supposed to be played. We keep playing like this and teams wont be able to take us lightly anymore.

Great win guys!!

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They're better than their record shows. I've believed it since the first couple of games and the first San Antonio game solidified it. We've got a talented team, and they are in every one of these games at some point, but will they play well for 4 quarters...that's the million dollar question.

...and once again, I have to say it. I believe we've turned a corner with the player moves this summer. We are VERY close to a winning season. Don't know about this year, but there is absolutely NO reason why we should finish like we did last year.

I've been calling for Woody's departure, but if they can keep this up...I will bow down.

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but will they play well for 4 quarters...that's the million dollar question.

The funny thing is they really didn't play the full 4 quarters. You could tell they were starting to choke in the fourth because they couldn't make their open shots. Fortunately they did a good job getting to the line.

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It was very funny listening to the Cavs announcers gripe about their team all game.

When they gave the standard line "if they let this Hawks team hang around they could be in trouble" when the Hawks were up 12 i laughed out loud.

That crap was getting on my nerves! The Cavs just flat out got out played and all those stupid anouncers could say is that it was the Cavs were playing flat. Give me a break!

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Now that was a statement game. Prove the win over the Spurs was a sign of things to come. Perhaps Woodson is finally getting to the players and the players are listening. Let keep the "Woodson need to be fired" speeches going. It appear to have motivated this team to play for him. Woodson is looking smarter because of it.

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We are VERY close to a winning season.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I'm glad we're on a two game streak, but I wouldn't say we're anywhere close to a winning season at this point. Optimism must be your middle name.

Here is the difference; Most of us have been begging for the team to get down in the trenches and play solid defense and up untill this point they hadn't tried it. Now it looks as though they finally get it. Every shot is contested, no back doors, they jump passing lanes, rebounding etc. Even against bigger teams. As long as this team continues to play defense like they have played over the last 2 games, they will be hard to beat!

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It is funny how we won tonight and no one congratulates Lue for carrying the team in the 3rd qt. I am not a huge Lue guy, however he is the whipping boy on this site whenever the team loses. It was evident tonight without him, there was a good chance the Hawks lose this game tonight.


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This is why games like New Orleans and some of the other games we have loafed through are unacceptable...this team is young but it has enough talent to be competitive each night. We are capable of giving teams rough times on defense if they just bust their tails and give effort.

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First of all homeslice...I am not some Johnny come lately. No. I have followed this team for nearly 20 years. Through every losing season, every winning season, every coach, every player...I've scrutinized this team and the NBA for years. I know good players when I see them and I know a good team.

I watched us claw to the top of the central division, only to trade our star mid season...and subsequently CRINGE at the thought of Danny Manning taking his place. I've watched us make nice trades and I've watched us piss away the draft every year.

I've watched the draft for EVERY team EVERY year and have witnessed the impact of those players for nearly two decades.

I've seen the old regime and I'm watching the new one and I know when a team has changed. Notice I did not specify a timeframe. I just said that we are very close to a winning season...which could mean anything .500 and above. Had the balls and calls fallen our way a few times, we'd be sitting close to .500 right now. It could mean the middle of next season or the season after...but certainly not 4 or 5 years from now.

We've got a 2nd round rookie shooting with ice in his viens. We've got 2 solid and highly productive vets in AL and JJ. We've got a decent sized, better than average center. No need to talk about the swing players...and we've got money. Best of all...


We are in good shape. We've turned the corner and we nded only time and fine tuning.

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