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Keep an eye on Kmart


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Kmart may figure into the Artest trade talks. From what Denver fans are saying, he is not fitting in with the Nuggets, and they feel his contract is bloated. I don't know how the numbers would work, but it sure sounds like Denver might try to move him.

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I was thinking the same thing. Kmart doesn't fit, he's making a lot of money and if they were trying to get out of his mammoth contract, this would be the time.


Indy prolly won't take him. I think Denver wants some trade Partners to fill out their roster.


They would prolly love to work out a 4 way with:

Indy getting Harrington.

Artest going to Sac-Town

Peja going to Denver

and us getting Kmart...

Supposedly, we have 11 million dollars under the cap??? I haven't seen it, but supposedly, that's what many of the papers are reporting. Maybe they take Delk to make it all work.

Even though Kmart brings defense. I think it's a bad trade for us.

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I'd have to think long and hard about it.

With Al, we have a guy that is an 18 PPG scorer that can grab around 7 RPG consistently. Kenyon's numbers are down this season and were down last season after moving from New Jersey. That probably has a lot to do with not playing with Jason Kidd any longer. Kidd made him look a lot better offensively.

Still, Kenyon in New Jersey was a 17 PPG scorer that grabbed about 8-9 RPG. The thing about Kenyon is that he is one of the best low post defenders in the game. He's got tremendous athleticism and is a terrific open floor player. He's a great fit for what the Hawks want to do.

The drawback is that contract. Do the Hawks want to take on another max deal on a player that really isn't worth the max?

Then, you have to consider that Josh Smith may be a younger version of Kenyon Martin right now. While he's not quite the defender that Kenyon is yet, he's a much better shot blocker and has a better jump shot already.

What you get with Kenyon Martin is a below average offensive player that is at his best in the open floor and a dominant defender in the paint. With Al, we know we have a guy who, while inconsistent, is very much an above average offensive player who is lacking on the defensive end (but not lacking as much as some want to make out.)

I don't know. That contract of Kenyon's is something that really scares me off of making a deal for him.

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I mean, I know KMart's thing is defense. However, we would lose a lot offensively. I just posted our offensive stats... And while we suck on the defensive end, I think our wins have a lot to do with continuity on the offensive end. We're the best 3 point shooting team in the land right now. Our Scoring is top ten right now. Our FG% is top ten right now. I think this is what BK was looking for us to be... We can develop a team defense that won't be great but will compliment our high powered offense. Moreover, the more we improve on ball movement and assists, the harder we will be to stop.

The question is do you want to be an immovable object or an unstoppable force. I think we're working towards the latter.

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It's possible to get KMart...

Al to Indy.

Artest to SacTown

Peja/Delk to Denver

Kmart to Atlanta

That would get the deal done.

If we forget about the financials for a moment... Could this be a winning team with Kmart?

We would have:

Zaza, Kmart, Smoove, JJ, and Lue as our starters (I guess)

We know that we take a lost offensive by giving up Al. However, we get a guy who has played PF his whole career. We also get a guy who is a weaker rebounder. I know that there's a good relationship between Kmart and Smoove... I think they have the same agent and Kmart likes Smoove.

The question is does it make the Hawks any better?

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I just wish that Smoove learned how to be a one on one defender...

But yeah, Smoove can be our Kmart.

That being the case, I will say it again. We need to make no major changes.

I was serious about Salim for Perkins though. I think that would give us enough to finish this season with.

In Perkins we get a big 6'11 280lb young C who can rebound and is learning how to position himself on defense. Plus he's athletic. I'm not saying he's great, but I think he'd be a very good project.

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and I know you know it. But defense isn't easy. It takes a lot of experience AND a lot of respect from the refs to be a good man defender. I think if smooth commits himself to becoming a good defender, he will eventually get the respect and experience it takes to become a great one.

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No need to rock the boat IMHO...figure a way to keep Al and work on the team's deficiencies when opportunity knocks. Ivey and Lue seem to be a serviceable PG combination for the limited goals of this season (improvement, entertaining product, experience for the young guys). Finding an inside pressence will be tough - but no need to jump on another project or troubled underacheiver.

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K-Mart has never played a full season. In his best year, he played 77 games but he was banged up for a lot of that season too. I think his physical style puts a great deal of stress on his body because he's not the biggest guy in the world. I'd just say no. Like someone said, I'd rather pay Al $10M a season than pay K-Mart $12M a season.

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